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Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

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  • Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

    Ok, so a couple friends and I decided that we could combine our collective expertise and create on hell of a radio show revolving around Final Fantasy XI. What we came up with is 'Limit Break Radio'. Today marks a grand occasion, we have finished and posted our very first show.

    All the information you need about the show can be found at

    For a direct link to the MP3 click here

    We hope everyone enjoys the show. More will come, we plan on doing shows about once every week. Please sign up on the forums, email us, or you could even be a guest on the show. But to make the show better means we have to know what you (the audience) wants and the only way to know for sure is for you to tell us.


  • #2
    Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

    Im not going to waste my time downloading a 71 megabite file of random crap. Maybe post a demo to gain listeners attention to download the full thing....


    • #3
      Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

      actually, if you check out our website there are plenty of links to podcast directories that have flash based players that don;t store the file of your hard drive and downloads very fast. We also have a .m3u file that allows you to listen to the MP3 as it downloads.

      For a flash based version of the show click here
      For a direct link to our .m3u file click here

      hope that helps. Thanks for the idea of a demo reel. I'll put one together after we do a few more shows.


      • #4
        Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

        I'm an instant fan. Finally, there's a high quality FFXI podcast out there. Pet Food Alpha's improving but the hosts are not completely knowledgeable about the game yet. Keep it up!
        FFXIclopedia page


        • #5
          Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

          Wow, thanks!! thats so awesome! the guys who do PFA are really awesome we've talked a few times. anyway, enjoy the show!


          • #6
            Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

            Listening to it now!

            Haha who is the guy with the mousey voice and has a top level of 20?!

            I stopped 20 minutes through. Everyone is just talking about idiots they've seen in Dunes... Everyone has seen these situations.
            Last edited by Nimrod4154; 08-21-2006, 11:42 AM.
            FF Tribute - Chocobo Mix

            of the Diabolos server. Current residence:San d'Oria
            40 MNK 22 WAR 15 BLM 13 WHM


            • #7
              Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

              Thanks for all your feedback so far everyone. ^_^ It's really appriciated.

              Nim, to comment on your post. You have to realize that we want to and are trying to appeal to not just the high level fanbase of FFXI, but all levels. This includes Dunes parties.

              Now, it's not just Dunes stories we tell either, however, we're looking for a good combination of both entertainment and information. So, every second of the show might not be just for one type of player. We ask you keep things like this in mind, as you listen with an open mind.

              This is just the begining of what all of us are hoping will become something bigger. But we can't move past sqaure one without the help of other players like yourself. So, as before your comments are very, very much appriciated.

              Thank you all.


              • #8
                Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

                Listening to it now aswell.

                Seems all good to me so far, and quite entertaining. Some of it is quite annoying, eg the guy agreeing all the time, and kinda going off on one >.>; but thats just me.

                Good work guys, i will be checking the next show ^^

                Not One Of My Proudest Moments >.>


                • #9
                  Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

                  Talk radio? Maybe when I'm bored and feel like nerding it up. *bookmarks page*


                  • #10
                    Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

                    i was hearing this wile playing ffXi seeking for a party and wow is just so great!!! im a fan!
                    keep it up


                    • #11
                      Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

                      I loved the show! Let me guest host! You need a Taru on the show! =)
                      Last edited by Spazz; 08-21-2006, 06:06 PM.



                      • #12
                        Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

                        Originally posted by dirtyclown
                        Talk radio? Maybe when I'm bored and feel like nerding it up. *bookmarks page*
                        Cuz posting on an MMORPG forum isn't nerding it up enough...

                        Good job Aniero ^^


                        • #13
                          Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                          Cuz posting on an MMORPG forum isn't nerding it up enough...
                          Not for me it isn't. If you knew how much money I've wasted on PnP games, you'd probably agree that posting on an interweb forum dedicated to FFXI is far from nerding it up. GOING TO THE MOON, BRB.


                          • #14
                            Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast


                            First of all, i agree with everything you guys said and also i feel this is a good way for people to learn their jobs to be honest, waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than trying to reach out to news through forums or whatever, this is awesome.

                            Nice presence guys, you sound very professional, great job. Needless to say im a fan

                            Double Post Edited:
                            o and i hadnt heard of the "shit agro! just kidding" convert macro for red mage, im making that right now :E
                            Last edited by Balfree; 08-22-2006, 05:01 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                            • #15
                              Re: Limit Break Radio - A brand new FFXI podcast

                              OMG i love it!!!
                              Real thfs do it from behind lmfao nice catch phrase.
                              Need more, more shows!

