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Lost and Almost Forgotten

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  • #91
    Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

    hmmm.... *rocks back and forth* well lilani if you are interested in my story... like i said i am currently making one for my LS on my game and one of my friends is suggesting to make a webpage for it, so if it ever goes through ill tell you where it is and you can read it if you want
    Hestraxen >> Hey Ejo, what'cha doin?
    Ejospike >> playin with animals...
    Hestraxen >> ??? oh, you're leveling BST?
    Ejospike >> um... no, not really
    Hestraxen >> What are you doing then...?
    Ejospike >> *zips up pants* nothing now


    • #92
      Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

      Okay, Ejo, that'd be great :D But tonight I gotta finish my chapter and tomorrow I'm going out of town, so I'll try and find time very soon ^^ Now, onto what I needed to say:

      Yes, yes, I know it's been 25 days and I have yet to finish chapter 22. Spring break has come and gone, and I simply procrastinated and procrastinated...I simply didn't want to type the concluding chapter of this story. :-( I'll be done in the coming days, and will add and another chapter as an epilogue afterwards. I'm sure you've already taken a few guesses the end, and may be disapointed in a clue I gave in the last chapter. Sorry, again, about this cruel joke, making you think that I had a new chapter out but really filling it with excuses and teasers. I simply had to make sure you all knew I was still alive.

      ...But fear not! I hate ideal endings just as much as you do. Don't go assuming anything about the ending of this story! It may seem predictable at this point, but I've got one more twist I'd like to throw in...

      For now, I've got three little snippits to keep you guessing (if you don't like previews, feel free to not read them).


      Shantotto briefly explained what they had done at Heavens Tower along the way to Sarutabaruta, and Uchi-Buychi was overjoyed. “Stupendous, Chykisasa! Now thataru we have the Star Sibyl on our side, there’s no way anything-wanything can go wrong…!”

      Uchi stopped short and hushed his voice as he realized he had spoken rather loudly in a very public place. Shantotto gave him a stern look, “Keep it down, you stupid boy! Wait till we’re out of earshot, then you can leap and shout for joy.”


      Before the either of the Tarutaru could answer, the Mithra swiftly hit the Hume on the head with the rounded end of her katana. “Yukrias, you dolt! That’s Prrrofessor Shantotto! Previous leader of tha War Warlocks and as crrrazy as the’ come!”


      “Yes, things seem to be happening almost too quickly, but I won’t complain. At least this burden is just about lifted, and I can finally live a life in peace. I would like to go back to Windurst and have a good rest. I haven’t had leisure time in a while, thanks to my guardian, and honestly I’m wiped. Uchi-Buychi, do you think your parents would mind if I came over for dinner? I would like to give them an update on what’s going on."

      And by the way, I've deeply missed the reviews I used to get. Three chapters and I've gotten none (on Feel free to criticize and point out my mistakes...or give me praise like a puppy that just learned how to go on the newspaper :-D (given that I deserve it after making another teaser chapter...)


      So, that's what I put on two days ago. I plan on getting this chapter finished sometime tonight. If you're wondering why it's taking so long, it's the excuse up there, and the fact that it's already 300 words longer than History in the Making! (6,666 words at the moment, I'm hoping that's not some sort of omen o_o).

      Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
      Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
      Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

      My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

      Susan>> Babies are just like people.
      Susan>> Just smaller.
      [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
      [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
      Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
      [GM]Dave>> ...
      [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


      • #93
        Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

        ok... *pets lilani on the head* good puppy... wait... THIS IS GONNA BE THE LAST CHAPTER?!?!?!?!?!?!? *cries*
        Hestraxen >> Hey Ejo, what'cha doin?
        Ejospike >> playin with animals...
        Hestraxen >> ??? oh, you're leveling BST?
        Ejospike >> um... no, not really
        Hestraxen >> What are you doing then...?
        Ejospike >> *zips up pants* nothing now


        • #94
          Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

          Here you go! Guess what? It's not the last chapter! It certainly concludes one of the most important conflicts of the story, but I'm not done yet. This baby is a whopping 9,000 words long (2-3 times longer than the average chapter) so I hope it merits a few reviews I am planning one more formal chapter after this, and then an epilogue. I will tie up loose ends and explain things that have yet to be explained. If you want to see something concluded or brought up and are afraid I'll forget it, feel free to list it in a reply or PM me~ Please note that I have also changed the chapter name

          Well, I won't hold you up anymore. Get to it! This one's a long read.

          Chapter Twenty-Two: The Power of Love

          With the Star Sibyl’s approval heightening her enthusiasm, Chykisasa wasted no time in getting down to Shantotto to share the news. Shantotto had been staring at the entrance to Heavens Tower in thought, while the guards were shivering in hesitation. She was staring at the vortex of a front door not only pondering on the Sibyl’s decision, but also to simply see how the guards would react. When Chykisasa finally came back, the guards breathed again, and Shantotto was satisfied with her results.

          Chykisasa hurried over to Shantotto to await the yes or no question, however Shantotto ushered her over to the side so that they wouldn’t be heard by someone who didn’t need to know what was going on. “Well, Chyki, what all was said? Can we continue or do we need to go home instead?” she asked in a near whisper.

          Chykisasa smiled and nodded her head enthusiastically. Shantotto laughed, however in a more hushed tone than usual. “Ohohoho, perfect! Now we can continue exactly as planned. But first we’ll fetch your boyfriend, before you even begin to demand!” She paused for a moment. “Hey…wasn’t that boy supposed to show up earlier? He certainly is not the most punctual creature ever…”

          As if having taken a cue in a theatrical performance, Chykisasa spotted Uchi-Buychi sprinting up the bridge towards Heavens Tower. The guards in the area gave him strange looks, however the last thing he appeared to be was a threat. Chykisasa couldn’t help but giggle as he halted in front of her bent over and completely out of breath. “S…sorry-worry…I…f-forgot…supposed to…getaru up…early…” was all the poor boy could manage to say to the ground.

          Chykisasa giggled as she patted his shoulder. Uchi lifted up his head to look at her smiling face. “It’s okay,” she mouthed. Uchi nodded in thanks.

          Shantotto rolled her eyes and looked up at the sun. “Come on, come on, we’re losing daylight here! Take this basket, boy, and lend me your ear,” she said, holding the large picnic basket out for Uchi to carry.

          Shantotto briefly explained what they had done at Heavens Tower along the way to Sarutabaruta, and Uchi-Buychi was overjoyed. “Stupendous, Chykisasa! Now thataru we have the Star Sibyl on our side, there’s no way anything-wanything can go wrong…!”

          Uchi stopped short and hushed his voice as he realized he had spoken rather loudly in a very public place. Shantotto gave him a stern look, “Keep it down, you stupid boy! Wait till we’re out of earshot, then you can leap and shout for joy.”

          Chykisasa rolled her eyes and Uchi-Buychi muttered something under his breath, too low for either of the others to hear.

          When they finally made it out of the city gates, Uchi went back to his congratulations, “As I was saying before, Chykisasa this is greataru! We have nearly a week to get this rightaru, and you’re almost-walmost to words!”

          Shantotto rolled her eyes this time, but decided to keep the comment inside.


          Uchi-Buychi and Chykisasa exchanged questions, nods, and gestures to pass the time as they traveled to their usual training area. They had become quite in tune with each other, and conversations had become much easier. Chykisasa couldn’t ask specific questions, of course, but she could mouth observations and ideas. Uchi-Buychi could translate her ideas and emotions with ease, and had become very good at asking casual yes and no questions, or telling stories and jokes that called for easily expressed reactions.

          Just as they approached the rock formation, Shantotto’s face formed into a scowl. Chykisasa gave her a questioning look, and Uchi-Buychi hesitated for fear that he had crossed a line. “I’ll need one moment, if you would please. It seems our area has attracted a few fleas…” she muttered as she ran ahead and behind the rocks.

          The other two were puzzled, and Uchi looked at Chykisasa. “Should we follow?” Chykisasa hesitated before nodding.

          Chykisasa and Uchi-Buychi took off to follow Shantotto behind the enormous boulders. They found that a party of four adventurers were gathered, weapons out and breathing heavily, as if they had just finished a difficult battle. There were a male and a female Tarutaru, a male Hume, and a Mithra. The female Tarutaru was wielding a wand, while the male had a sword which could have been a dagger to any other race. The Hume had an enormous great sword gripped with both hands, and the Mithra had a katana pointed downward in her closed fist.

          “What in Vana’diel gives you the gall to come here at this hour?! I’ll have you know today this place is ours!” Shantotto bellowed to the young men and women. “So run away, scram, flee! Whatever it is you losers do! Get lost before I melt you down and throw you in a stew!”

          The Hume sheathed his sword and leaned down toward the Tarutaru next to him, not taking his eyes off Shantotto. “Hey Yiko-Yolko, Jamimi—you know who that hag is?”

          Before the Tarutaru could answer, the Mithra swiftly hit the Hume on the head with the rounded end of her katana. “Yukrias, you dolt! That’s Prrrofessor Shantotto! Previous leader of tha War Warlocks and as crrrazy as the’ come!”

          “Ow! Jhaka, what’s gotten into you? You mean you’re afraid of some grumpy old midget?”

          “Did you hear me? I told you brats to get lost! I tell you, I am not the mage you want to cross!” Shantotto yelled, becoming more impatient by the second. Yukrias began to yell back at Shantotto, however he was stopped by the incessant begging of the Tarutaru to his right.

          “Is there a problem here, madam?” a musical voice called from behind the four bickering adventurers. Everyone else in the vicinity turned and squinted to see a well-dressed figure walking into view. It was an Elvaan. He was wearing ornate brown and violet clothing with a hat shaped like a mushroom to match. The hat had custom cut holes for his long ears, which were also richly adorned with multiple sets of earrings. Chykisasa was the first to notice he had a harp in his hand, and many other instruments hanging on individual straps at his side. “H-he’s a Bard!” she thought.

          Chykisasa yearned greatly to meet the obviously experienced Bard, however Shantotto showed no awareness or interest in his job or level. She pointed accusingly, “You! Am I correct to say that you are the leader of this rabble? If so, this is that last time I’ll tell you to and your friends to skedaddle!”

          The Bard wasn’t intimidated at all. In fact, he looked disinterested—almost to a point of boredom. “I’m afraid we were here first, madam. I think you’ll find that there are plenty of other places—”

          “Ah, go stuff it up your nose, long ears! I’ve got you outmatched by years! My trainees and I have been using this area now for a good while. This place is ours, but challenge me if you think it worthwhile!” Shantotto taunted, not even allowing the Elvaan a chance to speak.

          Chykisasa didn’t want to see it go any further, so she ran to Shantotto shaking her head. Shantotto asked her what was wrong, and she mouthed the word “Bard!” incessantly. Shantotto looked up and finally took notice of the Elvaan’s instruments and expensive clothing. “What would be your name, Bard? This young lady here has an interest in your kind, and she happens to be my charge.”

          The Elvaan crossed his arms. “Can she not speak for herself, or have you scared her into muteness?” His musical voice resonated so nicely off the rocks around them, Chykisasa found herself waiting for him to continue as if he had started to sing a song. The meaning of what he said never completely sank into her mind.

          Shantotto’s eyes narrowed, but Chykisasa did not waver. “I speak for her because she cannot speak for herself. She was born mute, so I suggest you watch your tongue, you overgrown elf!”

          The Elvaan’s eyebrows shot up, and he laughed so hard he held his sides in mirth. “Ha! You mean to tell me a little mute Tarutaru wishes to become a Bard?! Ahaha! I’m afraid she might be confused, perhaps means to be a mime instead!” he cried between the bursts of uncontrollable laughter. The other adventurers behind him chuckled as well, feeling very secure behind their high leveled guardian.

          Shantotto stepped forward, seething, and began to mutter a spell. Chykisasa grabbed her arm and interrupted the casting. Shantotto backed down, muttering random profanities and racial jeers under her breath. Uchi-Buychi felt completely helpless. He wanted to cut in—to say something that would put the arrogant Bard in his place—but he couldn’t think of anything original or cutting. All he could do was stand there and watch Chykisasa take the ridicule.

          Chykisasa calmly turned toward the bard and let out a shrill whistle to get his attention. “Oh what now?” he asked, as his voice shook from the exhausting laughter. “Are you going to put on a show for us, little mime? Or a dance number perhaps?”

          Chykisasa clenched her fists and closed her eyes. She used her anger towards the Elvaan to fuel her Soul Voice. In mere seconds, violet musical notes were dancing in patterns around her body, and she felt a strong wholeness in her lungs and throat—like a void had been filled. It felt exhilarating, and she was not the least bit afraid. The words of the old ballad came to her so easily:

          “O! The childish things that one can hear,

          And oh so easily to adhere.

          I tell you now, it’s all a lie!

          The impossible, it is time to defy.

          Just as the adventure starts to fault,

          As sunshine wavers, the adventurer halt.

          If all words warn of a path awry,

          The impossible, it is time to defy.

          The words rang through the valley as clear and true as spring raindrops. Chykisasa’s angelic voice hit the adventurers with such force that they doubled back, in awe and fear. The Elvaan Bard was utterly flabbergasted, his laughing completely silenced. He did not know what to thing—he was just told the red haired girl was mute, so why was she singing with a voice so fair? As the light that haloed Chykisasa’s figure faded, and the verse of the ancient song ended, he did not know whether to applaud the song or wait for an angel of Altana to appear.

          Uchi-Buychi could only stare, open-jawed, in bewildered astonishment. As the echo of her words continued to resonate through the crevasses of the rocks, he felt a pang of guilt for his desperate love for a girl with a voice that could announce the entrance of some awesome divine being.

          Shantotto had impulsively put herself into a position of defense—a stance she did not utilize often. She had seen the spectacle in the perspective of its power and sheer force. Her highly sensitive and well conditioned eyes and senses were so quickly bombarded with the sounds and miniature-explosions of each syllable; she was taken by complete surprise and was forced by her mothering inhibitions to defend, rather than to attack. However, throughout the entire verse, her mind was completely aware that there was absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

          Chykisasa was, by far, the most ecstatic living creature in the entire region. “I sang! I sang! My feelings my emotions…my objective…my joy…expressed orally-worally! It is possible! It happened! Motharu, Fatharu, oh if only you were here…!” She tried to shout the words, however no more sound was coming from her mouth. The ability had worn off. She jumped in the air, embraced herself for no one else was near, and spun around again and again.

          It took several minutes for silence to completely set in and come to everyone’s attention. By then the adventurers and Bard had come back to their senses, and joined Uchi-Buychi and Shantotto in staring at Chykisasa, who was by then silently on the ground, laughing, crying, and staring at the sky in pure rapture. The only sound she emitted came from the labored heaving of sobs in her lungs.

          All but Chykisasa became uneasy from the silence, and wanted to make progress on who had claim on the land. However, none wanted to interrupt the silence. The previous sound was so heavenly; nobody wanted to break the glassy silence with any other inadequate sound.

          The first to gather the words and pride to speak was the Elvaan Bard. Even with his inborn pride, as he spoke, he felt his voice was not worthy of being heard, and barely spoke loud enough for Shantotto to hear. “What…did you say that…child’s name was?”

          Shantotto did not take her eyes from Chykisasa as she softly replied, “Chykisasa is her name. And what might be yours?” She did not even bother putting together a rhyme.


          Valsetiel looked back at his friends for a moment, and then slowly made his way over to the place Chykisasa was laying. He stooped over her like an eagle towers over a field mouse. Chykisasa opened her eyes and was almost startled by the enormous figure gazing into her eyes, through the streaming tears.

          It took several seconds for Chykisasa’s mind to register that Valsetiel wanted to formally introduce himself. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to regain some composure. She then picked herself up, teetering some as she straightened her back, and held her hand upwards. Valsetiel’s mouth curved into a small smile as he knelt down to her level to shake hands. Almost all of Chykisasa’s lower arm was lost in his right hand.

          “I am honored to meet you, Chykisasa,” Valsetiel said as he squeezed her tiny hand once more before letting go. Chykisasa mouthed an agreement, however Valsetiel was not sure of her exact words. He smiled nonetheless.

          Valsetiel stood up and turned around to his party, “Everyone, we’re leaving. There are plenty of other places with mobs you can handle, so let’s go find one.”

          “What?” Yukrias shouted back. “We were here first, Valsetiel! They can go find someplace else!”

          “I said we’re leaving,” Yukrias adamantly restated. “If you don’t like it, you can train without me.”

          Valsetiel turned back to Chykisasa and Shantotto. He bowed, “Farewell, ladies. I am truly sorry for the trouble we’ve caused you. Take care.”

          Chykisasa returned his bow, thoroughly flattered by Valsetiel’s manners. Shantotto, on the other hand, was not impressed in the least. “Just what had transgressed to make you change your mind? Before Chyki sang, you did not try at all to be generous or kind,” she asked, suspiciously eyeing the Elvaan.

          Valsetiel’s eyes narrowed. He hesitated before approaching Shantotto and Chykisasa. He was not very far from them, and the contrast between their heights was all too apparent. Even though she knew she could blast the Elvaan into oblivion without even blinking, Shantotto was intimidated by his shadow.

          “I was horridly disrespectful to you both. I have heard rumors in the past that Professor Shantotto and a charge have been training in this place for awhile. I thought that my friends and I had more rights to this area, for I thought we had more power. Clearly,” he said, turning to Chykisasa, “I was wrong. We have been outmatched, and the place is all yours.”

          With that, Valsetiel about faced for a final time, and walked away as if all of his pride were still intact. As he walked passed his friends, they could only gape at his complete turnaround in demeanor.

          The other adventurers expected Valsetiel to turn around to them at any moment and say he was only joking, or to suddenly change his mind again and demand their right to the land. But he did not. Valsetiel kept on walking, and Jamimi turned to Yiko-Yolko. “Shall we?”

          Yiko-Yolko shrugged, “I guess we have no choicey. I didn’taru like these mobies much anyways.”

          “Yah, those goblin mages were too trrricky fer my tastes,” Jhaka agreed. The three adventurers began walking off in the direction Valsetiel was headed. They left Yukrias standing there, still flabbergasted by Valsetiel’s change of heart.

          “H-hey! You guys are just gonna leave? Just like that?!” he shouted.

          Their response came with no words, simply a quickening of their pace. Yukrias sighed heavily and turned, red faced, to the three Tarutaru who were still impatiently waiting for him to leave. “T-this isn’t over!” was all he could manage before sprinting after his friends.

          Chykisasa looked at Shantotto, and Shantotto looked at Chykisasa. Uchi-Buychi had caught up with them by then, and could only glance between the two. He licked his lips. “Well…thataru was…interesting,” he said, breaking the momentary silence. “Now what?”

          Shantotto smiled, “Oho, well I really don’t know. It seems Chyki’s mastered words, so as far as I can tell, we can just pick up our things and go! What do you say, Chykisasa?”

          Uchi-Buychi took the question as a cue. He had carried the basket all the way there, and had forgotten and yet forgot that it was still in his possession. He quickly whipped out paper and a pen for Chykisasa.

          Chykisasa took the items and thought a few moments before writing. Shantotto and Uchi-Buychi used the moments of free time to take a look at the area around them and see what the other adventurers had done.

          They had made much more of a mess then anything Chykisasa could have done. There were multiple blood stains scattered about the place, and a few random carcasses that never faded away into mana. Shantotto wrinkled her nose in disgust.

          Chykisasa finally handed Shantotto the paper: “I’m not so sure if I’ve mastered it as much as you think. I’d like to try it once more, just to be sure that wasn’t a one time fluke. If we get the same results we can go home and chat, or take a walk.

          In the meantime, I’d like to see Uchi practice a few spells. The new semester starts soon, so perhaps you’d like a warm up?

          Uchi-Buychi’s heart sank when the thought of having to practice in front of Shantotto. He was inclined to refuse, but he knew very well that some warm-ups before the new semester would do him and his reputation good. He gave in. “Fine, I supposey we could kill some time by killing some mob-wobs.”

          Shantotto laughed, “Ohohoho! Five seconds around adventurers and his speech has already gone askew. Don’t go talking like those glorified vagabonds, boy—it’s simply not good for you!”

          It wasn’t long at all until Shantotto was running down the valley with a single crawler trailing at her heels. She knew Uchi-Buychi would panic if she gave him too much of a challenge right off the bat, and so decided to give him a break.

          Uchi narrowed his eyes at the slimy beast and began to chant the spell. Chykisasa smiled with satisfaction as she saw him assume the proper position. The beams of light flawlessly sprouted from the ground around him, and after only a few seconds had passed, he spread his arms out and spoke the final casting word of the spell. The crawler was stopped dead in its tracks—in all literal sense. Icicles instantaneously ejected out of its body and pierced everything in their way, killing it on contact.

          Uchi-Buychi bowed for the one-Taru applause he received from Chykisasa. Shantotto crossed her arms. “Hm. It wasn’t too bad, I guess. Today it seems just everybody is making progress.”

          Uchi-Buychi went through countless more monsters, thoroughly entertaining Chykisasa with his accomplishments and Shantotto with his blunders. Two and a half hours passed right before their eyes, and Chykisasa jumped up in excitement for being able to use Soul Voice again. Uchi-Buychi and Shantotto stayed a fair distance away from her again, however it was much closer than they were before.

          Chykisasa stood and controlled her thoughts as strictly as her breathing. She was trying to wean herself away from the extended warm-ups and preparations and into on-the-fly use, just like Combat Bards. In less than a minute, she ended her exercises and summoned forth the energy of her Soul Voice. It worked and her body began to emit rapidly—so rapidly that she had to quickly react to cut off the energy before she let too much loose at once. She then opened her mouth to see if her plan would work:

          “I, Chykisasa, hereby orally accept the right refuse any and all orders from the Yagudo, and hereby make the contract which I signed in my own blood, along with all of its conditions, now and forever void.”

          Chykisasa clamped her jaw shut and braced herself. A waterfall of energy was begging her to submit, and let all of it go in a burst of uncontrollable mana—but she refused. All of her body quaked as she worked to re-regulate the flow of mana in her body. She moved her thoughts away from her loath of the Yagudo and focused only on the time she had spent with Uchi-Buychi and his family. The warm thoughts calmed her voice, and brought her raging energies to a stable and tranquil ebb that steadily pulsed through her veins.

          Shantotto did not smile, smirk, shout, laugh, or scoff at what she had seen. When Chykisasa turned around to see the reactions of the other two, Shantotto solemnly nodded in approval. She kept her specific thoughts in her head, not even bothering to put together rhymes. “What a cruel and vile thing to bring upon this girl. If the Yagudo were here, it would all be over now! What idiotic formalities—they must come all the way out here to confirm and believe the plea of a child! If only Windurst had the stability and gumption to confront them and show them to the world as the heartless and ruthless creatures they are!”

          Uchi-Buychi was nearly brought to tears from what he had heard, and could barely whisper a cheer. With all the times he had told her the situation with the Yagudo was under control, he never fully came to terms with how binding that contract was, and how much in control they really had in their relationship with Windurst. The statement made it clear to him that there were truly sinister and selfish intentions behind their one-sided treaty, and that the issues it brought up were a time bomb waiting to go off.

          Before he had anymore time to think on the subject, Chykisasa was standing in front of him and trying to get his attention. “Ah? Oh! C-Chykisasa! Thataru…was perfect! It wasn’t overpoweruing or anything like thataru! I think you’ve got all controlly-woll of it now.”

          Chykisasa hugged Uchi-Buychi for his support. She then turned to Chykisasa, and gave her a questioning look. “Don’t look at me, we’re in this place because of you,” she said. “We can stay and train longer, or leave if you believe you are ready to make your debut. Honestly, I never expected things to happen so fast…you didn’t think you’d be ready not too long in the past!”

          (to be continued once I get the other two posts formatted)

          Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
          Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
          Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

          My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

          Susan>> Babies are just like people.
          Susan>> Just smaller.
          [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
          [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
          Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
          [GM]Dave>> ...
          [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


          • #95
            Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

            Uchi-Buychi was already holding out paper for Chykisasa to write on, and she quickly started off on her response. He and Shantotto patiently awaited Chykisasa’s response, and when she finally finished, she handed it off to Shantotto once more:

            “Yes, things seem to be happening almost too quickly, but I won’t complain. At least this burden is just about lifted, and I can finally live a life in peace. I would like to go back to Windurst and have a good rest. I haven’t had leisure time in a while, thanks to my guardian, and honestly I’m wiped. Uchi-Buychi, do you think your parents would mind if I came over for dinner? I would like to give them an update on what’s going on.”

            Going back to Windurst for a good rest was something that Shantotto and Uchi-Buychi could agree on. They quickly gathered their things and headed back in the direction of the gate to Windurst Waters. On the way in all of them, including Chykisasa, casually looked left and right for the adventurers who had turned tail not too long ago, but could not find any evidence of their presence in the area.

            The regulars of Windurst were surprised to see them return so early, but of course did not approach any of them. They went to Shantotto’s house to kill the rest of the afternoon before dinner at Uchi-Buychi’s.

            When they got there, Chykisasa went behind her shade to change into some more comfortable clothing. Shantotto did some casual reading, and Uchi-Buychi picked a book off the shelf to do the same thing. Twenty minutes passed, and Uchi became genuinely worried.

            “Chykisasa? You okay?” he asked, lightly tapping the shade with his fist. There was no response. Uchi slowly moved his head around the edge of the shade, getting just one eye in range of seeing Chykisasa. She was flopped on her bed in some casual wear, fast asleep right on top of her sheets. Uchi-Buychi both smiled and blushed as he silently pulled himself away to let her sleep.

            He walked back over to his chair and sat down. “She’s asleepie,” he whispered to Shantotto.

            “And did she herself tell you this?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

            “I…well…oh! You’re a despicable-wickable person!” he spat back, overcome by embarrassment.

            “Ohoho, I will always be despicable as long as a lover for my Chyki exists,” she giggled, sipping her tea and keeping her eyes on her newspaper.

            It took Uchi-Buychi a while to regain focus on his book. He spent several minutes trying to figure out how Shantotto could make two sentences rhyme even after his intervention, and why she even did it in the first place! In the end, he settled on the idea that she did it simply to annoy those who would question it. Like himself.

            Chykisasa slept until late that afternoon, which surprised Shantotto and Uchi-Buychi. It seemed that Soul Voice was a much more draining ability than they thought. Shantotto and Uchi read for a while, and ended up chatting on random subjects. Shantotto ended up doing most of the talking, of course, telling embarrassing stories about things she’s seen at the Orastery and even a bit of gossip about Minister Ajido-Marujido.

            “Oho, yes—I’ve heard he’s been doing some out-of-bounds research in secret. I hope he’s got sense enough to not do something he’ll regret. I brought him up to be a tough, mean spell-slinging mage! It would truly be tragic if he got himself stuck in a cage…”

            Uchi-Buychi was startled by Shantotto’s openness and concern on the subject. He didn’t know why she was telling him all of this, but hoped it was a sign that he had her approval.

            The sound of Chykisasa’s screen scraping the floor abruptly ended the conversation. She walked into view stretching and yawning. She lazily looked up at the clock to check the time, and was startled that it was only an hour until dinner time. She ran forward to begin writing on the paper, but Uchi-Buychi interrupted her. “No, no! Its alrightaru, you needed a good nap. We’ve still got plenty of time until dinner-winner, and my parents said it was okay for you to come overu.”

            Chykisasa smiled with relief and mouthed a thanks.

            An hour later, Chykisasa was dressed and ready to go with Uchi-Buychi to his home for dinner. As they walked out the door, Shantotto had to hold her breath to restrain herself from inviting herself to the dinner. She chose to hold that honor for a later date.


            “Chykisasa! What a nice surprisie!” Kesisi said at the door, giving Chykisasa a greeting hug. “I thought you might be coming again sometime, so I made you an extra seatie, sweetie!”

            Chykisasa took the returned the greeting as warmly as it had been given with another hug. It was a welcome change from the callous, sarcastic, and periodically caring remarks she endured from Shantotto.

            This dinner went as smoothly as the last. Uchi-Buychi explained what had happened at Heavens Tower, and then quickly went on to what all he had seen in Sarutabaruta. Chykisasa found out that Uchi-Buychi had told Luko-Micho and Kesisi he wouldn’t tell them what all he had seen in Sarutabaruta until some “progress” was made—whatever that could have meant. However, their family bond had been significantly tightened in recent weeks, so they decided to let him work it out on his own. They were thoroughly impressed that he followed through with his promise, and were very proud of Chykisasa for her progress.

            “Finally, we’ll gain a bitaru of ground on the Yagudo,” Luko-Micho muttered on a more serious note. “More people-wepole than you think disapprove of the treaty with them, Chykisasa. It’s justaru that nobody wants to say it to set something off—and the Yagudo know itaru! It’s like we’re trapped in our own peacey…”

            Chykisasa stopped eating and focused all of her attention on writing. The others continued eating until she was done, and handed the paper straight to Luko-Micho.

            “I think I know exactly-wactly how that feels. The contract I signed could be voided so easily, and yet I was trappied within my own disability. I truly wish we could find peace with the Yagudo, and yetaru all they want to do is push us around.”

            Luko-Micho paused before answering, “Hmph…even aftaru all they did to you, you still want to forgive them. If only-wonly everyone had a heart like yours, Chykisasa.”

            Chykisasa’s face formed an expression of offense. Luko-Micho quickly returned the paper to her, and she went straight to writing her response. The silence at the table was uncomfortable, as no one knew why Chykisasa was suddenly upset. It seemed like ten minutes had passed until she finally handed the paper back to Luko.

            “It’s not myselfie that I want the peace for. Personally, I wish we could trouncey-wounce the Yagudo and their long line of corrupted leaders once and for all. However, such an actaru would do Windurst no good. I can clearly see now thataru the Great War has severely-wearily damaged the country. We are by no meanies beyond repair, however the wounds are still simply-wimply too fresh. I want peace only for the security of Windurst.”

            “I’m…sorry I said it, Chykisasa. I didn’taru mean to…” Luko began, but Chykisasa cut him off by mouthing that it was alright.

            The meal remained silent for the next few minutes, but soon enough the conversations and stories restarted as if nothing offensive had ever been said. After dinner, the four played board games late into the evening. At 21:30, Chykisasa decided it was time to return to Shantotto’s.

            “It was wonderful seeing you againy, Chykisasa!” Kesisi said, embracing Chykisasa now in farewell. “Don’t be shy aboutaru asking to come, you are always welcome in our housie!”

            Luko-Micho shook her hand, “Yes, feel free to stop by any time you wantaru. Our door is always open for a visit!”

            Uchi-Buychi escorted Chykisasa home, and gave her a good night kiss just before leaving. “Only four days till the next semester-wester starts. You can come by anytime tomorrow you like if you gettaru bored, I’d love seeing you again. I know I had a greataru time today! Good night!” Chykisasa wished him a good night as well, and they parted ways.


            To Chykisasa, the rest of the week passed too quickly. She wanted to stay in the limbo she had been jettisoned into forever—in the glory of being close to confronting the greatest evil of her life, and yet surrounded by wonderful company. She did not want to accept the inevitable truths to come: the possibility of triggering a battle with the Yagudo, and the public of Windurst knowing her darkest secrets. After the truth was out, whatever reporter ended up writing the story on the confrontation with the Yagudo would want to do a follow-up story. Then, the press would do everything they could to drag out her story—to milk it for whatever it was worth.

            It was that very same media-spiral that she fell in when she was younger, and hated so. For with reporters came bias, and comments such as “I would, personally, rather be shot than to be in such a position” and “What a piteous child—how might have she turned out if she had words?” and “How cruel fate can be—the girl is so beautiful, and yet so severely impaired, her life has been forever ruined.”

            “I am notaru hopeless! I am notaru devoid of words! I am notaru forever ruined!” Chykisasa would bellow in her mind, mouthing the words in a desperate attempt to make them audible. “There are so many more words inside me—with so much more meaning-weaning than theirs could ever have! They don’taru know anything! If they had any iota of how this feels and works, they would die of guilt before ever being so callous again!”

            Typically, at that moment Shantotto would come to see what was the matter. Chykisasa would be crying, and it would be up to Shantotto to be her crying shoulder. Shantotto knew she had no words to comfort Chykisasa, and knew it best not to try. She did not understand the problem, and could only offer a warm embrace and a tissue—no matter how out of character it was, and how much she felt it would wound her pride. Chykisasa could not have asked for more.


            And so, the fateful day finally came. It was Lightningday, and the day dawned appropriately overcast. Chykisasa awoke without any idea of what was to come. However, as she lay in bed gathering her wits, it dawned on her. Immediately, she felt as if a pike had been thrust into her gut and left overnight to fester.

            Shantotto was silent all throughout Chykisasa’s daily preparations—hesitating even to bid her a good morning. She couldn’t even imagine how sick Chykisasa must be feeling, however, she did receive some hints as she observed Chykisasa practice Soul Voice a few other times to stay in touch with the feeling. She noticed that as Chykisasa looked more satisfied with her success, she also looked more worried. Chykisasa knew that as she became nearer to mastering the use of her own voice, she became nearer to having to use it in front of the Yagudo, and the weight of anticipation only became heavier with time.

            Chykisasa dressed in her finest robes, which she pressed just the day before. Shantotto dressed in her everyday clothes, for she was not to make an appearance at the meeting. She also wanted to preserve as much normalcy as possible, in case worse came to worse. Shantotto served a bountiful meal of fresh fruit, toast, juice, and hot omelets for breakfast. Chykisasa didn’t have much of an appetite, but ate anyway to appease Shantotto’s own internal worries.

            When everything was set, and the time to meet the Star Sibyl was nigh, Shantotto went to open the door for Chykisasa. Typically she would escort Chykisasa all the way to Heavens Tower, but she knew it would be harder to sincerely tell her good bye and good luck with so many others around. “Chykisasa, no matter the outcome, I will be on your side and be waiting here. I know you can do this—no matter what they tell you, I am positive you can persevere. Good luck.”

            Chykisasa smiled genuinely and embraced Shantotto. Shantotto hugged her back—without intervention from her appearance or pride. When they let go, Chykisasa nodded, and Shantotto opened the door. Chykisasa walked out of it without hesitation, and with her eyes gazing onward.


            The Star Sibyl surprised Chykisasa by waiting for her on the first floor. The guards were honestly surprised as well—the Star Sibyl had remained relatively reclusive since the end of the Great War. She only paid social visits to the first floor two or three other times in those twenty long years. Public outings were also extremely rare events that only occurred during major public events and announcements.

            All of the Sibyl’s entourage, including Semih Lafihna, was on the first floor. They were already equipped and ready to leave, awaiting only for Chykisasa’s arrival. One of the lesser guards had a small, portable stationary set with a fountain pen already attached to its side.

            The Star Sibyl excused herself from a conversation with a middle-aged Tarutaru near the Star Spring, and went to greet Chykisasa. “Good morning, Chykisasa,” she began, managing a weak but reassuring smile. Chykisasa returned the greeting with a low bow. “Are you sure you are ready to confront the Yagudo?” the Sibyl then asked, carefully weighing each word to make sure Chykisasa understood their significance. Chykisasa looked into the Star Sibyl’s eyes and nodded.

            Then, the middle-aged Tarutaru the Sibyl had been speaking with approached Chykisasa and shook her hand, “Hello-wello, Chykisasa. I’m Irwi-Korwi; I’ll be reporting on your meeting with the Yagudo.” Chykisasa nodded and mouthed him thanks. “Don’t worry aboutaru doing anything slowly so I can record it—my pen is enchanted-wanted to keep me caught up.”

            Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
            Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
            Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

            My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

            Susan>> Babies are just like people.
            Susan>> Just smaller.
            [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
            [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
            Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
            [GM]Dave>> ...
            [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


            • #96
              Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

              The procession to Starfall Hillock was certainly an unusual one. The Sibyl Guards surrounded the Star Sibyl and Chykisasa on all sides, with Semih Lafihna in the lead. All people on the roads—Windurstians and travelers alike—moved over and stopped to stare at the very rare sight. Chykisasa was tempted to glance around and see who the people around her were, and what their expressions were.

              However when she glanced at the Star Sibyl, she noticed that her eyes were locked straight ahead, never wavering to the right or left. Chykisasa quickly placed her eyes in the same confident fashion. She kept them there for the rest of the trip, hoping that nobody would see through her thin façade of nerve.

              The guards at the outpost in Sarutabaruta were on high alert when the Star Sibyl’s procession arrived. The Yagudo had shown up a whole hour early, with many armed guards on duty. The Windurstian guards had been given specific orders to not attack or show hostility to the Yagudo, unless they threw the first punch and were indisputably attempting to harm them.

              Needless to say, they were immensely relieved to see the Semih Lafihna on the horizon. As the procession met the foot of the enormous hill, the Yagudo came clearly into view. Chykisasa’s fists clenched as her eyes examined the mask of her jailor. He looked exactly the same as she remembered, walking staff and all. A chill went down her spine, and she was suddenly aware of how ghastly the weather was.

              Chykisasa walked up the hill like she was being chased in a nightmare. She was running herself breathless, and yet her feet felt like they were trying to grip the air. All the while, she was making no progress away from her fate and toward her goal. Her lungs were ready to burst, and yet she was still so far from her final destination.

              However, in reality, Chykisasa was barely breathing at all. The Star Sibyl was even concerned that she would pass out. The trek up the hill was very strenuous, and all were losing their breath. It seemed to take days to get to meet the Yagudo at the top, not only because of the steepness of the hill, but the anticipation of the meeting.

              When Semih Lafihna was about ten yards away from the Yagudo, she stopped the procession, bringing Chykisasa to her senses. By tradition, both parties were to disarm and leave their weapons ten yards away from the rendezvous point. The Sibyl’s group watched the Yagudo disarm and give them to other lower ranked carriers, who placed them ten yards to the side—however still in viewing range of both parties.

              The Star Sibyl’s procession then walked the rest of the way up to the very top of Starfall Hillock. Semih diverged to the right side of the Sibyl, putting her and Chykisasa up front. The reporter was on the far left of Chykisasa with his notepad and pen poised for action. Chykisasa noticed there was already some scrawl on the paper, but she wasn’t sure what it might have been.

              The Yagudo King began with the first greeting. “Kaaah…Lady Star Sibyl, Chykisasa, it is nice to see you two today,” he said, bowing slightly to each of them as he said their names. Chykisasa flinched when she heard her name spoken in that all too familiar accent.

              The Star Sibyl bowed to the King as well, and Chykisasa followed. “Yes, I am glad we could meet in peace once more, High Priest,” she stated, with intentional emphasis in her meaning. “I think you already know why we are here, and because you are our guest, you may begin with your statement.”

              “Kah—no! I can see young Chykisasa looks very upset about being near us,” he confidently squawked, gazing through his mask and straight through Chykisasa, whose eyes impulsively darted to the ground. “I would like you to begin, to relieve the child of whatever she wants to get off of her chest. And, I do not want things to become too…caw…complicated, later on.” The King’s implications made all of the Sibyl guards stiffen, and Semih eyed the old bird crossly. The King seemed aware of the reaction, but was enjoying it more than he was intimidated.

              The Star Sibyl would have preferred that the King started so that no matter how they reacted to Chykisasa’s Soul Voice, she would still know their intentions. She chose not to begin arguments so soon, and nodded to the King. “As you wish,” she muttered, more to herself than the King. She then stepped closer to the King, and gestured her hand to signal Chykisasa to do the same. “Chykisasa has told me all of the conditions she remembers about the contract she signed, in her blood,” she began. The King’s expression did not change, and the Sibyl went on, “She told me that the only way the contract could be voided, releasing her from all unwilling ties from you, was a verbal refusal. In these past weeks, Chykisasa has explored the ways of the Bard, and has come across a way to make this possible.”

              All movement from the Yagudo’s side of the hill ceased. The King’s grip on his walking staff even seemed to loosen, the ends of his beak parted, and whatever could be seen of his eyes widened. The highly decorated guard on the right side of the King looked as if he wanted to retort, however he restrained himself. “Kaw…I see…” the King began, trying to break up the silence. “Then by all means…share.”

              The Star Sibyl turned to Chykisasa, whispering, “When you’re ready, Chykisasa.” Chykisasa swallowed hard, and nodded.

              Chykisasa clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and searched her body and mind for the one, constant, powerful emotion she had been utilizing since the first discovered the ability. For she had still not completely mastered the ability, and still had to spend a few moments focusing her thoughts. It was very simple on her practice runs, however now it was more complicated with fear, adrenaline, and dread twisting her stomach into knots.

              Two minutes passed, and the King was beginning to wonder just what he was waiting for. He looked up as if he wanted to speak, however both Semih Lafihna and the Star Sibyl gave him looks that made him discard the idea.

              It wasn’t long before Chykisasa finally gave up on fear and hatred to come across a strong, passionate emotion she had never utilized before—or even thought to do so. She knew that the fear and hatred were too scattered and uncontrollable at the moment, and so she switched her view over to the new focus, and was able to quickly extract and store the power she needed.

              Suddenly, Chykisasa parted her hands and held them out, palms towards the heavens. She leaned her head back and opened her mouth, letting the flood of familiar violet musical notes surround her body and empower her voice. She inhaled to speak, but accidentally emitted a strong, piercing note. Chykisasa had inadvertently extracted too much power from the emotion, and had a small excess to get rid of before she could have full control. It was fairly normal to her, so she was relatively unperturbed by the intense sound.

              However, the guards on all sides of the hills did not react so calmly. The Yagudo guards sprang to action, tumbling over each other as they made a desperate sprint to their weapons. The Sibyl Guards wordlessly reacted to their action by dashing towards their weapons as well, leaving the Star Sibyl and Chykisasa unaccompanied.

              The Sibyl Guards made it to their weapons before the Yagudo could, for they were on a downhill run. In a flash, Semih Lafihna had an arrow crooked on her bow and pointed at the guard closest to the weapons pile. “Stop there or I shoot!” she shouted above Chykisasa’s note, making the all of the guards stop where they were and hesitantly return to an upright stance.

              At that exact moment, Chykisasa regained control of her Soul Voice and spoke in the most angelic voice anyone in the area had ever heard. “I, Chykisasa, hereby orally accept the right refuse any and all orders from the Yagudo, and hereby make the contract which I signed in my own blood, along with all of its conditions, now and forever void.”

              Just as the first time she had recited those words, Chykisasa immediately clamped her jaw shut to cut off the power and stifle all sound it longed to create. But just as her lips met, an immense flash of light clouded everyone’s vision and nearly sent them all tumbling downhill.

              Each and every one of them regained their sight at different times, but all soon realized the same thing. The Yagudo guards looked at the place where their stockpile of weapons had been, and only saw an empty patch of grass. Semih Lafihna was still pulling back the string of her bow, but there was no longer an arrow in her fingers. She compulsively reached back into her quiver to retrieve another, but she only ended up patting on an empty sack.

              The Star Sibyl uncovered her ears, which she had covered out of pure fear. She had heard the same sound—that very same shrill, horrifying note—twenty years ago when the great beast Fenrir made an appearance before her at Full Moon Fountain. It was the very sound that echoed through Full Moon Fountain just before he came into full view, and that sound had terrified the Sibyl as much as the presence of the enormous, glowing wolf.

              The Yagudo High Priest could only stare in wonder and fear at the child which he had controlled for eight years. Now, the child wielded the powers of fear and control even better than he, and that more than any of what she said frightened him the most.

              As everyone regained their wits, no one could not figure out who should react first. For a few moments, their gazes shifted from their enemies, and then to Chykisasa, to their leaders, and then back to Chykisasa again.

              The Yagudo King was still unaware that his guard’s weapons were gone, and chose that retaliation was his only option. “Kah, men! Retrieve your weapons and defend yourselves!”

              The head Yagudo guard looked at Semih Lafihna once more before answering, to make sure she was unarmed, “Gah-Great Priest! All of our weapons are g-gone!”

              The quick-witted King turned around to examine the empty patch of grass himself, and took it as an advantage. “Kah! I knew it! That wretched child means to take revenge, on us! Gah—this is why we wanted to keep her away—she is so silent it’s devious, she’s a danger to all around her! That girl is too unstable, this must end now!”

              The King put his right hand on top of his walking staff, and with a quick twist, pulled it clean off. The simple cap clearly became a hilt, and the bottom a sheath. The King threw down the long sheath and wielded the hilt in both hands before he realized what was wrong. The blade of the weapon was missing—the only evidence left of it being a small hole where it would have met with the hilt. The Priest became so furious that he threw down the useless stick in disgust, now at a total loss for words.

              Everything becomes very clear to the Star Sibyl in that moment. She clears her throat to gain the attention of those around her, including Chykisasa, who had now fully recovered from using the ability. “If you are done retaliating, High Priest, I would like to explain what has just happened,” she calmly said, approaching the Priest again until she was only a yard away from him. “Chykisasa did not act out of vengeance, hatred, or fear. She fueled her words with love—a love so powerful, that all tools of pain and hatred in her presence were eliminated. I think this clearly illustrates to us both that Chykisasa means no harm to anyone here. Now she has voided the contract, and unless you have anything to add, our business here is done.”

              The King knew he had been defeated, but did not want to concede. “But…gah…the child is an insult to all Tarutaru! Her feebleness has tainted my people’s view of yours, and many are want to destroy our treaty! Her release cawsed even more of an uproar and many have spoken words of rebellion. I only wanted to take her back for the security of both of our countries, Lady Star Sibyl, kah…” he let his voice fade in disappointment.

              “So, that is what all this is about. The pride of your power and control over us,” the Star Sibyl said, shaking her head in disapproval.

              “Caw! No not over you, madam—”

              “Stop, I have heard enough. It is clear that your eyes are clouded by fear, at the moment. You are speaking of the life of a Tarutaru—one of my people. She is not a dangerous weapon, or some forbidden magic. She is a living, breathing creature, just the same as you and I.

              The people of Windurst mean no harm to the Yagudo, and we will avoid using warfare as a way of negotiation by all means possible. However, we will stand up and defend anyone you unnecessarily harm. This child has shown an unbelievable amount of tolerance and maturity for what you have done to her, and the least you can do is acknowledge and respect her simple wish of freedom. I ask you now, o Priest, will you or will you not void her contract and set her free?”

              The Yagudo King’s harsh expression wavered as the Star Sibyl’s words dug deep into his heart. He may have been lustful for power, however he still had some sense of care and warmth left in him, locked away deep within the layers of his heart. He turned and looked into the deep, tired, and fearful eyes of Chykisasa which were staring back at him.

              “Kah…what wrong I have wrought here,” he began, only in a whisper. He then reached signaled his scribe, who had been hiding out of view behind the hill the entire time, to come forward. The scribe bowed forward and kept his hands outstretched and level with the Priest, holding out a rolled up piece of parchment. “Chykisasa,” he announced, very loudly so that all in the area of the hill could hear, “I accept your plea concerning this contract, and hereby destroy it, relieving you of all your duties and releasing you from the control of the Yagudo race.”

              He then unfurled the parchment to reveal the godforsaken text which had bound Chykisasa for so long, and held it up for all to see. Chykisasa flinched backwards as her eyes burned with the memory of her blood being scraped across the tan and wrinkled paper, with her own hand.

              The King tightened his grip on the top of the paper, and with a grunt of effort, forced the paper to catch fire under his fist. He dropped it, and all watched as the flames consumed all of the words, sentences, paragraphs, clauses—leading into Chykisasa’s signature. The last part that burned was Chykisasa’s name, which seemed to have been trying to repel the fire.

              Chykisasa exhaled very slowly, and muscle in her body relaxed. She then inhaled and turned her head towards the heavens, to have a word with her parents. “Motharu…fatharu…the day has finally come! I am free, and you have been avenged. You don’taru have to worry anymore—now, I can finally live, and will live every day to honor-wonor you.”

              When she opened her eyes, Chykisasa realized that everything was brighter than it was when she first arrived. The clouds above Starfall Hillock had parted, and a fresh sunbeam was illuminating the area.


              The conclusion of the meeting was rather abrupt and informal. Neither of the parties had anything else left to say, and desired to put it all behind them. The Priest said goodbye, and the Star Sibyl and Semih Lafihna said their goodbyes and well wishes. Before his procession started off, Chykisasa approached the High Priest. She walked within twelve inches of his clawed feet, stared straight upwards at him, and offered her hand. The King smiled under his ornate mask. He knelt down to her level, took her hand, and looked into Chykisasa’s eyes as he earnestly shook her hand.

              It was only then that Chykisasa believed the King meant all that he had said, and that he would never make the same mistake again as long as he was in power.

              Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
              Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
              Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

              My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

              Susan>> Babies are just like people.
              Susan>> Just smaller.
              [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
              [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
              Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
              [GM]Dave>> ...
              [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


              • #97
                Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                This is freaking incredible. I just discovered this today, and I've spent almost all night reading it on I can not wait to see more.

                On a side note, this somewhat inspires me to write my own. I've had ideas, but never put them down to paper. I think it's time that I should.
                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                ~I has a blog~~
                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                • #98
                  Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                  Thank you Aksannyi! ^^ I'm very glad you enjoy it.

                  And like I said to Ejospike: If you wanna write you're own, just grab a word processor and get at it! You might need to plan ahead and write somethings down before you make them final, but it's really a fun process overall. If you do make your own, just PM me the link to wherever you put it and I'll become a fan

                  Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                  Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                  Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                  My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                  Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                  Susan>> Just smaller.
                  [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                  [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                  Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                  [GM]Dave>> ...
                  [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                  • #99
                    Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                    This is a master piece. Great Job
                    Last edited by kglover1969; 04-10-2007, 09:33 AM.


                    • Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                      i have yet to read the chapter, just checking to see if you made another... i will print it off and read it during school tomarrow because i have many many tests and many many breaks. If you want lilani, i can send you my story through an e-mail or something because my friend hasnt started with his site for my story.
                      Hestraxen >> Hey Ejo, what'cha doin?
                      Ejospike >> playin with animals...
                      Hestraxen >> ??? oh, you're leveling BST?
                      Ejospike >> um... no, not really
                      Hestraxen >> What are you doing then...?
                      Ejospike >> *zips up pants* nothing now


                      • Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten


                        Very Nice =D
                        Originally posted by Ellipses
                        Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                        Originally posted by MCLV
                        A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                        More Sig:


                        • Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                          Woah, Neo, Lay off the Crazy Taxi.


                          • Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                            Umm... Crazy Taxi? Whats that?
                            Originally posted by Ellipses
                            Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                            Originally posted by MCLV
                            A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                            More Sig:


                            • Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                              yay, my ls likes my story so i might post it up here. If i do ill say that you inspired me lilani, because you really did ^^ thanks a lot
                              Hestraxen >> Hey Ejo, what'cha doin?
                              Ejospike >> playin with animals...
                              Hestraxen >> ??? oh, you're leveling BST?
                              Ejospike >> um... no, not really
                              Hestraxen >> What are you doing then...?
                              Ejospike >> *zips up pants* nothing now


                              • Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                                Onionsoldier: Lol is all I can say, man And don't worry, I didn't get Feba's reference either... o.o

                                Ejospike: I would love to read your story :D If you're willing to go through the effort, I say go for it! Just remember that on these forums, you'll have to add in all of the italics and such in BB code (or whatever it's called). And there's a 25,000 character limit per post

                                And I will PM you my email address if you decide not to post it here after all (I just now found your other post )

                                EDIT: By the way, I'm hoping to get the next chapter out sometime after this weekend. School projects and problems have caused me to fall behind...again >_<

                                Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                                Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                                Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                                My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                                Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                                Susan>> Just smaller.
                                [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                                [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                                Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                                [GM]Dave>> ...
                                [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.

