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Lost and Almost Forgotten

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  • #16
    Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

    Sorry bout the long wait and short chapter, the next one should be better. I guess you could call this a teaser~

    Chapter Seven: How to Eat Fried Tarus

    Most people think that the Professors of Windurst are simply retired ministers mages who were awarded a title and a manor house for what they did in their prime. All they seem to do is hang around Windurst Walls and show off the name hung over the door of their manor. However, the truth couldn’t be more different. A Professor of Windurst is hired by the Star Sibyl herself, and they are payed regularly by the Federation. They are being payed to continue magical research, and how much they are payed depends on how much they research and periodically discover.

    Shantotto was one of those Professors, and as of late she does two things during the day: harass those who cross her path, and experiment with new types of spells. She has made many discoveries in the past, such as a spell that can actually recover mana, and an enfeebling spell for paladins (apparently she pitied them for being such “horrible mage-warrior crossovers”).

    With all of her past and current discoveries, her pay has increased substantially. Given the fact that she has no living relatives or family, this pay simply goes to some sort of high security safe she developed. She mostly spends her money on supplies for her experiments and (periodically) new clothing. She simply had no other way to spend it all, and she did not want to refuse to be payed.

    However, when Chykisasa was around she actually felt that money was going to use. She bought clothing, books, and new foods for her many a time. Chykisasa was almost overwhelmed by the gifts, but soon understood that she was only trying to not be wasteful (however, given all the food she bought a few times that was questionable).

    So, it should be no surprise that the first thing Chykisasa got settled into her manor again that she went shopping. Chykisasa told her she wasn’t quite ready to go out in daylight yet, so Shantotto quickly went out to Windurst to get more food and new clothing. However, this was not before she tried to convince Chykisasa to come with her.

    “Come on, Chyki, why don’t you come along? I don’t see anything that could go wrong. Most everyone thinks you are dead, so don’t worry your pretty head,” she said, trying to goad her into coming out of her shell once more. Chykisasa merely shook her head, and wrote on a piece of paper. Shantotto sighed and leaned over the table to see, resting her elbows in the wood.

    “That’s the point, when they find out I’m not dead I’ll get five times as much attention as before.”

    Shantotto groaned, “They’re going to find out someday, and you cannot prevent it in any way,”

    “I know, I know, just not yet.”

    Shantotto sighed again and picked herself up off the table. “I suppose you can wait a little while more. How do you not get bored?” she asked, giving her a queer eye. Chykisasa simply smiled and shrugged. Shantotto walked over and hugged Chykisasa with one arm, “I need more food and such now that you’ve returned. I’m going shopping, while I’m gone don’t destroy half of Windurst!” she said. And with that, she grabbed a fairly large basket (compared to the rest of her body) from behind the table and headed to the door. Chykisasa smiled, and saluted her in Windurstian fashion.

    Shantotto went to Windurst Waters to buy some food and ingredients from Timbre Timbers and the Cultarian’s guild, and then proceeded to walk down to Port Windurst to see what the equipment shop had. She felt a few odd stares from other people around her, but ignored them, as usual. She was used to getting some attention whenever she walked around Windurst, and enjoyed every moment of it.

    As Shantotto past the Orastery, Ajido-Marujido spotted her from the top of the stairs that lead to the deck of the academy. He was just about to call out to her when he heard a horrible explosion from behind him.

    “What the...?” he asked himself, turning around on heel. The first thing he saw was a very pale student, who’s eyes were the size of melons, holding his hands over his mouth. Ajido looked over to see what he was gaping at, and saw a Tarutaru girl, who was now pitch black from head to toe, too stunned to even open her eyes.

    “Uchi-Buychi!” Ajido yelled, as he stormed over to the student. Uchi had dark brown hair, but even darker brown eyes. He was wearing the clothing adventurers know as the tactician magician’s cloak, however, it wqas standard issue at the Orastery. “Just what do you call that?” he yelled, furiously pointing at the blackened student. Uchi was too scared to speak, afraid that this time he would get expelled for sure. “Well!” Ajido asked again, becoming even more angry.

    Uchi took his hands off his face long enough to utter, “A mistake.”

    “A mistake. Thataru is all you can call it! If that spell would have been anymore powerful you could have killed Tariri! Just what would it have been then, hmm?” Ajido fumed, making sure his point got across. Uchi simply shook his head and approached the blackened girl.

    “I-I...em...uh...” Uchi-Buychi stuttered, as he looked his hands, twiddling his fingers. But before he could get any farther the girl slapped him across the face. Uchi staggered backwards and covered his face, and eventually toppled to the ground.

    All Tariri could say was “Hmph!” and with that she ran to the door that lead back into the Orastery. Ajido-Marujido approached Uchi, and looked at him for a moment. He was still clutching his face, and looked up at the minister. Ajido sighed, rolled his eyes, and held out his hand. Uchi looked at it in confusion for a moment, but took it and was swiftly pulled upwards.

    “Look, I know this is your first year,” Ajido said quietly, but bluntly, said to the boy. “And that you are nervous, but you are going to have to focus, or you’re going to have to repeat this year. Understood?”

    “Y-yessir,” Uchi-Buychi said with a nod.

    “And there will be no crying either, it will get you nothing here. If you can’t hack it, then I suggestaru you leave.” Ajido added, even more quietly than before. “Come back tomorrow and try it again. You’re dismissed for the day. Go on!” he said, pointing to the stairs. Uchi nodded, and walked on.

    When Uchi-Buychi got to the bottom of the stairs, he stopped abruptly. In fact, something had stopped him. It was Shantotto, who had heard the whole thing from the bottom of the staircase.

    “Professor Shantotto? Whataru...are you doing here?” he asked, trying to erase all traces of his sorrow.

    “I overheard your problem, young man. And if you would follow me, I have a plan,” she said mysteriously, as she grabbed the front of his cloak and walked away, pulling him along with her.

    “Whoa! Whaty is it! Why do you needy me!” he asked, trying to loosen her grip on him. Shantotto sighed and let go of the boy.

    “I know someone who needs a friend, and I know you have some tests scores to mend!” she exclaimed, however quietly enough not to attract attention to herself. “If you want both problems to be solved, come quickly to Windurst Walls!” she continued as she turned around and began to walk away.

    “Hey! What are you talking aboutaru? Who is it, and why do you need me in particularly?” he tried to ask as he ran to catch up with her.

    Shantotto wheeled around and gave him a stern glare. “Don’t ask questions, I haven’t all day! Are you coming, or will you stay? It looks like Ajido doesn’t want a loser-in-training like you here, so what will it be, my dear?”

    Uchi sighed, “I’ll go, but you have to tell me justy who is this ‘someone who needs a friend’? And how can they helpy me with my lessons?”

    “Ohoho! If that’s all you want then you don’t have to worry. Follow me, and I will tell you the story!”

    Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
    Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
    Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

    My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

    Susan>> Babies are just like people.
    Susan>> Just smaller.
    [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
    [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
    Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
    [GM]Dave>> ...
    [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


    • #17
      Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

      A bit longer than the previous, chapter. I hope this can compensate for the long wait (eek! I've been writing Shantotto too much o.x). Gotta split it into 2 posts again (just 3,000 characters over too ><)

      Chapter Eight: A Secret Bond Formed
      Uchi-Buychi followed Shantotto to her manor and listened to her quick rendition of Chykisasa’s story, which she had somehow managed to perfectly rhyme. However, she clandestinely left out her name, in order to build up suspense, in case he already knew something about Chykisasa. She simply referred to her as “the girl” or “a girl.” She also only told him what happened to her at Castle Oztroja, and decided to wait to tell him about Heavens Tower. By the time they got to then entrance of her manor, Uchi couldn’t stand it anymore.

      “But whataru does this girl have to do with me!” he nearly yelled to Shantotto as she reached out her arm and knocked on her own door, in some sort of pattern of knocks.

      “Ohoho! Hold on for just a moment, you will see. You might not believe who this girl happens to be...”

      Uchi opened his mouth to respond, but he was cut short by the opening of the door. He gazed into the most beautiful face he had ever seen–with bright ocean green eyes, with orange-red locks hanging down, contrasting them. She looked at him as well, with her mouth slightly open, not sure of what to even think. He continued to look at her, and kept doing so until Shantotto shoved him through the door.

      “Hey!” he yelled as he regained his balance. Shantotto quickly glanced around outside just before closing her door. She then turned around and looked at the two, who were once again gazing at each other.

      “Well, are you going to tell each other your names, or continue to play staring games!” she barked, trying to break the ice.

      “Eh, righty! M-my name is Uchi-Buychi...and whataru yours?” Uchi awkwardly stammered, trying his best not to embarrass himself. Chykisasa put her hand up to her face and silently giggled, and then walked over to the table. Uchi watched her walk away in confusion. “Does she not like me that much?” he asked himself. “It wasn’taru that bad...was it?”

      He watched her begin to write on some paper, and walked over to the table. “Whaty are you doing?” he impulsively asked, as he watched her write a couple of sentences, but did not read them out of courtesy. “Aren’t you going to telly me your name?” At that moment, Chykisasa leaned up and held the paper out to him. “You wanty me to read it?” he asked, taking hold of the paper. Chykisasa smiled nervously and nodded.

      “I am Chykisasa, I cannot speak, so I have to write instead. It is very nice to meet you, can you please show me how to spell your name?”

      “You can’taru speak?” he asked, as he turned to Shantotto, who had been standing in the middle of the room watching with great interest.

      “Yes, she was born without the ability to speak. However she can cast magic as better than you, thanks to me!”

      Uchi turned to Chykisasa. “Whoa! Waity! You can use magic! But, how?” he asked vigorously. Chykisasa grabbed for the pen, however it was Shantotto who told him the other half of Chykisasa’s story, however, inconspicuously leaving out the part with Ajido-Marujido. While she was talking to him, Chykisasa was writing a few questions of her own. When Shantotto finished, she walked over and handed the paper to her, which she read silently to herself:

      “I thought you were going shopping for clothing and food, the last thing I expected was a boy! Why did you bring him here?”

      “Ohohoho! I suppose I have some explaining to do. I have a plan for the two of you,” she announced, gesturing for Uchi to come closer to them. “Uchi here has some test scores to mend, and you, Chyki, need a friend. My scheme is to have you tutor you in magic and it’s ways,” she said, as she gestured to the two accordingly. “Well, what do you say!” she said, looking at them, but resting her eyes on Chykisasa. “I’m sure this can be highly social too, given how he looked at you!”

      Chykisasa slightly jumped at that last statement, and blushed as she looked at Uchi-Buychi. He was also blushing, realizing that he might have come on a bit too obvious. Chykisasa tried to hide her embarrassment as she walked back over to the table and began to write on the paper. Uchi followed her, and by the time he got to the table she was done writing. He read it aloud from where it sat on the table:

      “I guess I can try, it will be something to do anyway. As long as Uchi-Buichi is willing to try. That is how you spell your name, right?”

      “Actually, it’s ‘b-u-y-c-h-i,’” He answered quite frankly. “B-but it was a greaty try!” he reassured her, trying to cover up his rudeness. Chykisasa silently giggled and began writing again, and Shantotto whistled to get the boy’s attention. He walked over and asked, “What is it, ma’am?”

      “Listen carefully: all that Chyki shows you must be kept a secret. You have to act like you never even met. She isn’t quite ready to let the world see her powers, so do not speak a word of what happens these next few hours!” She sternly informed the boy, as she pointed a finger directly between his eyes. Uchi even thought he felt some magic emit from her finger, but couldn’t be sure.

      “Y-yes ma’am,” he stuttered, still afraid of the force he was feeling from that finger. He hushed his voice, “ do you know how much she can even teachy me? The way you describied that magic, it’s way differenty from the magic I use!”

      Shantotto became more stern, even angry. “Ohohoho! I watched how you used magic in that test, boy. Your problems are not in words, but in your focus and poise! My Chyki will show you the way, and tomorrow you will pass with an ‘A’!” she proudly stated. Chykisasa then turned around and walked over them, handing Uchi the paper when she got to him.

      “First, let’s get started with seeing how you cast magic now. I think Shantotto has an orb somewhere around here. Just cast a few spells as you normally would.” he read. Shantotto quickly strolled to the other side of the room, where she stored quite a few crates ful of magic related materials. The area was dimly lit, so she partially dissapeared while she made her way through the items, searching for the orb.

      “A-ha!” she soon exclaimed, as she proudly held a large, glassy, black orb just above her head. “Now you will be able to demonstrate your inexperience for Chykisasa,” she wryly stated as she walked back over to her table. She put the orb on a stand that held it about a foot off of the table.

      “Focus...” Uchi thought to himself as he positioned his hands and feet to cast. He then quietly chanted ancient words which had been encrypted in his mind by the spell scroll. In a few seconds, a large water bubble burst forth around the orb, however it quickly lost shape and splashed all over the table and onto the floor. The orb glowed a faint blue, however, it quickly faded away.

      The room was silent for a few moments, as Uchi-Buychi gazed at the mess, trying to figure out what to do about it.

      “I see what’s wrong, I just hope Shantotto doesn’t kill him before I can tell him how to fix it...” Chykisasa thought as she looked over at Shantotto.

      Shantotto was standing a good eight feet away from the table, and was trying to suppress a fit of giggle she felt coming on. She greatly valued the table, but this was just too good!

      “Ohohohohoho!” she cried, as Uchi and Chykisasa looked over at her. “I never knew one could mess up water, but this is between you and her! But I will not interfere, it will be Chykisasa who prevents you from repeating this year!” she exclaimed, as she walked to the other side of the room. There she grabbed a book, and she sat herself on a chair and acted like she was reading.

      Uchi turned to Chykisasa, “Well...didy you see what I did wrong?” he asked, unable to think of a better way to word it. Chykisasa nodded, and wrote on the paper that she had written on before. With the table all wet, she didn’t have anything else to write on, so she knelt to the ground and wrote her response. Uchi twiddled around his fingers as he watched her. He tried to divert his eyes to not disrespect her, but he simply couldn’t help himself. When she was done writing, she handed it to him. He read it silently, seeing no reason for Shantotto to have to hear it as well:

      “Your hands were in the wrong position, they were closer to the position you hold them for a higher tier spell. That was the first tier of the Water spell, but your hands were positioned closer for the second tier. The spell tried to compensate for this (at this point, there was a word that looked like ‘mistake,’ but it was scribbled over) by spreading the water out. Other than that you preformed that one well.”

      Uchi-Buychi looked back up at Chykisasa, who was blushing at him. He slightly snorted at this, which quickly got her attention, and made her impulsively turn her face away for a moment.

      He tried to change the subject, “T-thanky you, I didn’t notice my hands were in the wrong you want me to try againy?” he asked. Chykisasa blushed a bit redder and nodded.

      As Uchi carefully positioned his hands, Shantotto was giggling quietly to herself from behind her book on the other side of the room. “So this is what happens when two kids are in love. Maybe later I can get them to hug...” she muttered to herself, just quietly enough not to be heard by the other two. “But both are far to shy for their own good, I hope their feelings are not misunderstood!”

      At this moment, she saw Uchi-Buychi cast his spell over her table again, however this time it worked perfectly, and the orb glowed a bright red. Chykisasa’s observation was right, and Shantotto simply smiled with pride as she lowered her eyes back down to the pages of her book.

      “It worked! Thank you so muchy, Chykisasa! Now I have a chance at thataru testy-west tomorrow!” he exclaimed, as he inadvertently took hold of her hands and shook them with glee. When he looked at her face and saw her blushing ember red, he blushed as well and slowly let go of them. Chykisasa then knelt down and wrote on the paper again. Uchi tried to force his blush to go away, but he couldn’t, especially while he was still inadvertently staring at her. When she got back up and handed him the paper, her blush had slightly subsided, but she was still very embarrassed. Uchi again read it to himself:

      “That was wonderful, a great improvement! I’m sure you’ll be able to pass that test now. But I want to be sure, so cast Banish on the orb please.”

      “Alrighty,” he said, as he put his hands and feet into what he knew as the position for a first tier dia spell. As he charged up the spell for the few short seconds it took, something went wrong when he cast it, and the form of the spell first exploded with energy, but it was gone in a flash, leaving only the orb glowing a very faint blue as before. He turned to Chykisasa, who was already writing on the paper. He scratched the back of his head for a moment, but was soon handed the paper:

      “In spells using divine magic, you have to focus differently than with black magic. Black magic creates one, large burst of energy, but divine magic spreads the energy evenly over a slightly longer period of time. All you have to do is focus your mana more consistently and a bit longer and you should succeed.”

      Uchi handed the paper back to her, and scratched his head again, “I’m a bity embarrassed to say...but I never knew that. I was sort of shovied into the Orastery withoutaru much previous training, my parents were just too persistantaru...” he let his voice trail off, knowing he accidently shared more information than he wanted. Chykisasa smiled and wrote on the paper. Uchi read what she wrote as she wrote it over her shoulder:

      Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
      Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
      Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

      My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

      Susan>> Babies are just like people.
      Susan>> Just smaller.
      [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
      [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
      Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
      [GM]Dave>> ...
      [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


      • #18
        Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

        “It’s alright, you’ve made it to the mid-term exams, so I don’t see any reason for you not to go further.”

        Uchi-Buychi simply stood there, reading the words over again to make sure he had gotten it right. “She believes in me...she really thinks I can do itaru!” he cried to himself.

        Chykisasa noticed his daze, so grabbed his shoulder and shook him a bit. Uchi jumped and began to blush yet again. “Eh, right! The spell...” he mumbled as he got into position again, preparing his mind for what Chykisasa had informed him of. He positioned his hands and feet, began to chant the spell, and focused his mana to be slightly less powerful, and he forced it to stretch out over all the time it took him to chant. The ornate lights and sounds that were notorious of the banish spell filled the area around the orb, and when the spell subsided, the orb was glowing a bright red once more.

        “It worked!” Uchi shouted as he made a fist and cheered himself on. Chykisasa silently laughed to herself, and Shantotto was trying to prevent her own giggles from springing forth, as she stood up and put her book face down on the chair to preserve her page. Uchi turned to Chykisasa, avoiding his first impulse to take her hand again. “I didn’taru realize my errors were so minor...but they sure had a biggy effect on the outcome! I don’t know how to thanky you!”

        “You could come to visit Chykisasa again, without company her life is quite mundane, ohohohohoho!” Shantotto cackled as she approached the two, unable to hold it in anymore. Uchi and Chykisasa looked at each other, thoroughly embarrassed of how they had been acting, and particularly feeling.

        Uchi-Buychi broke the silence, “I-I suppose I couldy...I don’t see my parents r-refusing anything after I passing that testy,” he replied nervously, looking at Chykisasa. She then smiled and nodded, and put the piece of paper over her left arm as she wrote on it with the right. Uchi was impressed by this balancing act, but was handed the paper in a matter of seconds:

        “How about tomorrow at 19:00?” he read aloud.

        “Sounds goody to me!” he replied, however he winced at the nervous squeak his voice made. Chykisasa giggled again and took the paper back, again writing on her arm. Uchi watched her write, and noticed her unnaturally fast handwriting. “I guess when you can’taru speak you have to become skilled at something elsey...” he thought, just as he was being handed the page:

        “I’ll see you then, and I hope you do very good on the test. You are a very good black mage, all you need is to be told what to do and you can do it! Good luck.”

        Uchi-Buychi blushed again, “Th-thank you, Chykisasa, I’ll see you tomorrow!” he squeaked as he walked towards the door. However, Shantotto stepped right in front of him, hutting him off.

        “If anyone is to ask who helped you cast good, tell them you were just holding back and you always could!” she said, again being very stern towards him. She was going to say more, however she was cut off by Uchi-Buychi.

        “Alrighty I get it! She doesn’taru want anyone to know her secret-wecret!” he yelled at Shantotto. She was slightly taken aback from his nerve, but couldn’t help but laugh.

        “Ohohohohoho! You may know how to cast magic alright, but you do not know how to pick a fight! Now go on and do us proud, and make sure you come back just as you vowed!” Shantotto laughed as she went to open the door. Uchi-Buychi turned around to Chykisasa, and waved goodbye to her.

        “I promise I’ll comey tomorrow. It was very nicey meeting you, Chykisasa.”

        She smiled to this, and nodded in agreement, beginning to blush once more. Uchi smiled in spite of himself, and walked out the door. Chykisasa watched him walk until the door closed. “Oh it comes...” she told herself, as she saw Shantotto’s expression.

        “Ohohohohoho!” she exploded, no longer able to hold it in. “It looks like someone has fallen in love!” she cried, as she walked back over to Chykisasa. “And all it took was a little shove!” Chykisasa blushed even redder, grabbed her paper, and walked over to the table. It was now dry, Shantotto had stained it with a special fluid that made spilled messes shrink, eventually disappearing. Shantotto followed her up the small ramp, giggling the entire way. She continued to giggle to herself as she waited for Chykisasa to finish writing. When she was done, she handed the paper to Shantotto, who read it to herself:

        “Yeah yeah, laugh it up. I’m not in love, he’s very nice and obviously doesn’t have such a good life. You planned this, didn’t you? This had nothing to do with his grades, did it?”

        “Ohohoho! Well I cannot say his grades were the main part of my endeavor, he did need much help with his magic, however. I figured I could simply solve the two problems at the same time. The timing of both were simply prime!” she explained as she handed the paper back to her. "Honestly dear, you should have seen how many times you two blushed! How can you manage to change colors so much!"

        Chykisasa rolled her eyes at this response, wrote for a moment while Shantotto continued to laugh at her own joke, and handed the paper to her:

        “Say what you want, but I still think you were trying to do your best to embarrass me. I guess I should say thank you, but that was really uncalled for. The next time you decide to bring home a friend, could you at least warn me in advance? I could at least prepare myself that way.”

        “The best things in life come when you least suspect, always be ready and hope for the best! Ohohohoho!”


        So...much...typing... *twitch*

        Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
        Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
        Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

        My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

        Susan>> Babies are just like people.
        Susan>> Just smaller.
        [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
        [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
        Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
        [GM]Dave>> ...
        [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


        • #19
          Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

          VERY NICE!
          I wish I saw this thread sooner. I don't know how I could have missed it for so long... anyway, great work. I start stories like this all the time, and everyone tells me there great, but after the third paragraph or so they flop...

          Anyway, they're really cool, and I think I have never read a better fanfic. For your first time it is awsome... I especially love the part about shantotto. And the titles you come up with are priceless...

          I'll be waiting for more!

          EDIT: I even changed my avatar and usertitle in honor of "How to eat fried Tarutaru"!
          Last edited by Neomage; 08-10-2006, 08:23 PM.
          Originally posted by Ellipses
          Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
          Originally posted by MCLV
          A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
          More Sig:


          • #20
            Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

            Thanks onion *^^* I feel so loved now ; ; I'll be sure to post it up on here more quickly! With chapter eight I acciently waited a day to post it here, the first place I posted it was and I forgot about the thread here <,>

            And that avatar is great :D

            Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
            Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
            Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

            My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

            Susan>> Babies are just like people.
            Susan>> Just smaller.
            [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
            [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
            Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
            [GM]Dave>> ...
            [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


            • #21
              Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

              =D Glad you like it. You don't have to rush yourself to get it done, I'm just letting you knwo I really appreciate the work you put into it ^.^
              Originally posted by Ellipses
              Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
              Originally posted by MCLV
              A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
              More Sig:


              • #22
                Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                I am so sorry I didn't get this out sooner. I had it typed out...but I never could find the time to get it onto here T_T I will try harder with the next chapter, I know you guys check back in a lot.

                Chapter Nine: The Disaster that Almost Was

                Uchi-Buychi showed up at his house about the time he normally did, considering he had been dismissed early from the Orastery before his detour with Shantotto. He told his parents a version of his test that he had imagined from the distance between Shantotto’s manor to his house. He told them that he didn’t pass the test, however he only made a few minor mistakes, and he had spent the rest of the time working out the kinks in his casting. They were not pleased with him in the least, and thoroughly warned him to pass the test. They did not tell him what would happen if he did not–not that he wanted to know. All he knew was that he was sure to ace the test, given his emotions didn’t get in the way.

                It took Uchi a while to fall asleep, however, when he did his dreams were haunted by Chykisasa’s words, and visions of the exam. He couldn’t tell if the dream was telling him if he was going to succeed or fail, all he could see was different parts of the test, some performed well, and others not so well. When he awoke in the morning his body felt rested, however his mind was far from recovered. He was silent through his short breakfast, as his parents once again warned him to pass. When he was done eating he rolled his eyes, muttered a goodbye, and walked out the door.

                As Uchi walked to the Orastery, he became more nervous with each step. He went through what Chykisasa had shown him again and again in his mind, and was even tempted to practice on some of the things around him. He avoided doing such a thing and kept on walking.

                As he went through a small path where no houses could be seen, Uchi-Buychi felt a tap on his shoulder. He quickly turned around, but saw nothing. Confused, he turned back around to continue walking, but just as he did he quickly jumped and shouted.

                In front of him was Chykisasa’s head, no body to be seen. After he yelled, her arm appeared, and she put her hand over his mouth as she shook her head. His eyes boggled for a moment in search for the rest of her, but he gave up and took her hand off of his mouth.

                “Whaty are you doing here! And where is the resty-west of you?” he sternly whispered, trying to avoid attracting any attention from those who might be nearby. Chykisasa put her arm down and it dissapeared again, as if it went behind something concealing it. Uchi watched her face, as she looked all about, as if she was trying to find something in an imaginary pocket she couldn’t see. After a moment, her arm appeared again, with a small piece of paper in hand. Uchi took the paper, and read it to himself:

                “Last night, after you left, Shantotto insisted that I come to watch you take the exam. This is the cloak she told you about that conceals every part of you, down to your magical presence. I don’t know how she knew where you lived, though, all she would tell me was ‘mage’s intuition.’ I wish you the best of luck, and please don’t be nervous on my behalf. Just remember all I told you and you’ll do great.”

                “,” Uchi managed, not sure how to react to the unfamiliar feeling of support. “Of coursey you can come! Thanks again!” he whispered, a little louder than he expected. He almost leaned up to hug her, but was too embarrassed at that point.

                Chykisasa smiled and nodded, and then put the veil back over her head. Uchi took this as a signal to continue on, and walked to the Orastery, trying to keep his head as high as possible.

                Uchi entered the Orastery as he normally did, trying to erase all signs of embarrassment and nervousness from his face. Chykisasa silently trailed behind him, trying not to run into anything, but at the same time following close enough to make it through the doors with him. They then walked up to the deck, where Ajido-Marujido was waiting. Uchi immediately walked straight to the place where he had been the previous day, and he stared into the center of the dark orb with a newfound determination. No one else was around; Ajido wanted to make sure that no other students would be in the way in case Uchi made another mistake.

                Uchi looked over to Ajido-Marujido. “Are you ready?” he asked. Uchi swallowed, and nodded. “Alrightaru, begin.” Uchi looked back at the orb, put his hands into position, and focused just as Chykisasa had told him. Chykisasa put her hand up to her lip, praying to the stars that Uchi would remember what she had told him.

                “Focus...focus! You can do it, you justaru have to focus on it and never doubt...”

                The exam consisted of three stages, each focusing on spells of different types: three recovery spells, six protective spells, and eight offensive spells (one of each element). The student chooses the spells, however, the instructor may ask to see a certain spell if they see fit.

                Uchi-Buychi chose to cast cure, regen, and poisona for his recovery spells. He preferred to cast white magic spells, so he did not have a problem casting these. Chykisasa smiled, and silently cheered for Uchi, trying not to move too much. After a moment she looked around herself again, making sure that no one was near her. If anyone were to run into her, or feel her in any way, it would all be over.

                Ajido-Marujido was not impressed by Uchi’s performance yet, in the previous exam he completed the same spells with the same perfection. He did, however, notice his outward confidence, something that was completely absent the previous day.

                The spells Uchi chose for the protective stage were protectra, shellra, barfira, barwatera, barstonra, and barthundera. He felt satisfied for how he did in the previous stage, so he prepared for this one with even more determination. He began to cast protectra, Chykisasa sensed the spell and recognized the chant. She quickly realized she was in range, began to run. Uchi sensed something was wrong, and quickly realized what he was doing. He then opened his mouth wide, and did his best to fake a sneeze. However, he was too late. The spell launched, and a protective barrier formed around himself, the orb, Ajido-Marujido, and Chykisasa.

                Ajido-Marujido quickly looked over at the fourth barrier that had formed, and Chykisasa froze in motion. She knew what had happened, but was too afraid to do anything about it, other than to brace herself. Uchi-Buychi’s confidence rush crashed, as he tried to hide his horror.

                Ajido walked over to the space, staring at it with intense curiosity. He had seen no bugs or birds fly away, and even so, the barrier was far too big to have been cast on such a creature. He quickly remembered what had happened with Chykisasa, and wondered if she was, for some reason or another, there. “But why would she be here...” he wondered, as he continued to examine the space. Chykisasa gathered the mind presence to back away from the space, very slowly, so that she had absolutely no chance of being sensed. Ajido reached out to the spot, but felt nothing. He sighed. “Well, go on then,” he told Uchi, a bit frustrated.

                Uchi-Buychi was wondering if Chykisasa had run off, and if Ajido-Marujido would take off points for what looked like a misfire. All he could do was hope that neither had come to pass. He repositioned himself and prepared to cast the next spell.

                Chykisasa had soundlessly made her way all the way to the staircase before Uchi cast his spell, far out of range from it. Her heart was pounding faster than she could ever remember. She persisted to pray for Uchi, and that her almost-discovery didn’t phase his confidence.

                Nonetheless, Uchi managed to finish off his protective spells with no other interruptions. His casting was a bit slow, but speed didn’t count for too much at that level. The orb glowed a very pale red or orange after a couple of spells, but Uchi did not let it phase him, and performed the rest flawlessly.

                However, he wasn’t out of the woods yet. White-support magic had never really been a problem for him, it was offensive spells that he had the most trouble with. It was almost as if he pitied the target–afraid that he might hurt it. Black mages were to not care of such things; eliminating threats was their sole purpose, especially if they wished to become a Combat Caster of the Windurstian military.

                He positioned his hands into the way Chykisasa showed him, and began his chanting. Ajido-Marujido saw his hands were in the right place, and wondered why he suddenly realized his error overnight. After a moment, the spell launched. A bright orange fireball engulfed the dark orb, and looked like it was going to be completely obliterated. It was not, however, and as the ash and soot cleared away, the orb was visible again. It was glowing a bright red.

                Uchi-Buychi did everything in his power to prevent himself from jumping up and cheering, and Chykisasa did everything she could to not run over and hug him. Once she realized what she wanted to do she blushed in spite of herself, realizing that–no matter how much she hated to admit it–Shantotto was right.

                Uchi smirked, “She was righty, I can do this!” he shouted in his mind as he remembered which spell was next. After a few seconds of charge, he executed the spell, and a great water ball engulfed the orb, just as the fireball had. And, just as his previous spell, it was perfectly aimed. His spirits rose more and more with every spell, and perfectly made it through the main six elements. All that were left were banish and bio.

                Bio was technically an enfeebling spell, and they weren’t taught until the second semester. However, students needed to show the ability to cast spells of every element with precision, so it was the dark magic spell for that exam.

                Ajido-Marujido watched Uchi-Buychi cast the spells, and became a bit more surprised after each one. He became curious as to how he had suddenly mastered offensive spells, and even went so far as to wonder if that stray protectra spell had anything to do with it.

                “Or perhaps Shantotto...rumor has itaru that she’s been tutoring some mages with spell casting...” he mused as Uchi finished up the last spell. He then put his hands into position to cast banish. “I guess I’ll find out now.”

                Uchi-Buychi charged up the banish spell, and remembered Chykisasa’s advice. “Hold the spell longer...control the mana...” he thought to himself as he unconsciously chanted the spell. He then lifted his hand into the air, and focused his energy just as he did the previous evening.

                Ornate white lights danced around the dark orb, and a very crisp sound was emitted by the spell. Uchi let the energy out in a controlled manner, and held it so for a few short seconds. When the spell was done, Uchi smiled with glee at the glowing red orb, and Ajido-Marujido nodded in satisfaction.

                “One spell to go. Get on with itaru, I haven’t got all day!” the Minister barked, snapping Uchi out of his moment of joy.

                “Right,” Uchi mumbled as he prepared himself for one last spell. After all of the previous spells he was getting tired, but he now believed that he had enough mana left in him to cast a simple bio spell. He positioned his hands, and began one final charge. Just as he was about to execute the spell, he realized that his mana was lower than he thought.

                He sent off the spell, and fell backwards. Uchi had spent so much energy in trying to cast the spell, that he didn’t have any left to brace himself against the kickback all spells give off when cast. He fell straight to the ground, out of breath, and watched the orb with anticipation. Chykisasa watched Uchi with concern, making sure he didn’t pass out. At that point, all that mattered to her was his safety. The exam meant nothing.

                Dark-greenish sploshes of darkness appeared out of the air around the orb, and eventually swallowed it altogether. All three of them gazed at the orb very intently, and watched the ooze clear. Once it was gone, a bright red orb was revealed.

                If Chykisasa weren’t unable to speak, her cry for joy would have been heard all the way in Selbina. “I knew you could do itaru, Uchi!” was all she could tell herself, unable to find better words.

                Uchi-Buychi sighed with relief, mostly glad he would be able to rest afterwards. As he worked on getting himself off the ground, Ajido-Marujido approached him. He stood up and looked at the Minister.

                “A great improvement, I must say...” he started. “Just how did you manage to discover-wover your mistakes so quickly?” he asked, as he crossed his arms.

                Uchi thought for a moment, trying to figure out a believable scenario that just might fool a Minister. “I...practiced in front of a mirror last night, sir. I saw what was going wrong, so I fixied it!” he stated, trying to sound as calm as possible. Lying was something he was simply not accustomed to, and was afraid he would surely be figured out.

                Ajido-Marujido was not fooled for a moment, he knew the boy was lying just from the small pause it took him to respond; nonetheless how unbelievable the lie was in the first place. He looked sternly at Uchi, making him wince a little, and decided to go along with it. “It must be something big, if he’s willing to lie about it straight to me...” he thought.

                “I’m sure you did,” he began, watching Uchi’s eyes widen. “Well, you’d better get going. The next semester starts nextaru week; you should be very acquainted with that mirror-wirror of yours by then,” he scoffed, trying not to laugh, as he walked back into the Orastery.

                Uchi-Buychi stood on the deck for a few minutes, staring out at the Bastore sea, taking in his success. Chykisasa walked right beside him and watched as well. She reached out and touched him on the shoulder. He was surprised, but he didn’t jump. He knew who it was.

                “Thank you,” he whispered, just loud enough for Chykisasa to hear. She smiled, and patted him lightly on the shoulder. Uchi never asked what she wanted to say, he already knew.

                Uchi asked Chykisasa to follow him home again, so they could talk at that hidden place once more. When they got there, she looked all around, and took the cloth off of her head. She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

                “I don’taru know how I could have done it without you...” he started, talking to his feet. “I...wasy wondering...if we could meet like this again. But for a bitsy longer, you know?” Chykisasa smiled, and nodded. He looked up at her. “How about here, tomorrow? I know a more hidden placey, and I’m sure I could make up something to tell my parentarus.”

                She nodded again, reached out, and hugged him. Uchi stood there for a moment, Chykisasa hanging off of him, confused and embarrassed in spite of himself. He somehow managed to hug her back. They just stood there for a moment, both trying to figure out if it would be rude to be the first one to break off. At the same time they got tired, and let go. Chykisasa blushed red, quickly turned around and bit her lip. Uchi scratched the back of his head, staring at the sky.

                “Eheh...ahem,” he coughed, “S-see you then...” he managed to whisper. Chykisasa turned back around and nodded to him, still slightly blushing. And with that, she put the veil back on, and began to make her way back to Windurst Walls.

                “What am I going to telly Shantotto...” Chykisasa kept asking herself as she walked. “She’ll want to know every-wevery detail!”

                Uchi-Buychi got to his house, and told his parents that he passed the test with flying colors. They were very happy for him, and told him of how they succeeded in the exams as well. Then they went onto how magic was inbred in his family, of how his ancestors were defenders of Windurst’s great founder Tukuku...and suddenly, Uchi realized why he liked the Orastery better than home.

                After all the students had left the Orastery, Ajido-Marujido was once again pacing the floor of his study trying to figure out what could have caused that protectra spell to form another bubble over nothing.

                “No regular misfire could have done thataru...especially when it hit the other targets perfectly!” he muttered to himself. “And why did he lie about how he had improved...?”

                He knew they had to be connected somehow, but he didn’t have enough information. He decided to sit down and think about it a bit more rationally. He sat in the chair in front of his desk, closed his eyes. “Mistargeted spell...” he thought aloud. It took him a few moments of thought, but then it hit him. “Of course...the same thing happenetarued to Chykisasa! If Shantotto really tutored him in his magic, then she would have also known he was retaking the exam!” He was a bit proud of himself for figuring out the riddle. He sank back into his chair. “But...why would she have cared so much? Something is awry here...” he said to himself, as he stood up to leave the Orastery for the night.

                Ajido did, at one point, wonder if Shantotto’s tutored mages were really any of his business; however, he couldn’t help but feel that there was a lot more to that story. Although, the main reason he was pursuing it was because of pure curiosity....

                After he thought about it for a while, he figured it would be a way of making sure Chykisasa wasn’t getting herself into any trouble. It was a viable excuse. It might not have been very believable, but it couldn’t be denied. It worked for him.

                Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                Susan>> Just smaller.
                [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                [GM]Dave>> ...
                [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                • #23
                  Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                  Nice, nice, likeit!
                  Originally posted by Ellipses
                  Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                  Originally posted by MCLV
                  A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                  More Sig:


                  • #24
                    Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                    I feel like just plain spoiling you people, so I'm putting out a really long chapter! I think by far this is the most elaborate chapter I've made. I started almost as soon as I put the last one out, and who knows how long I've been typing since then. It jumps around from scene to scene a lot, so I've tried to split it up for you. I'm afraid the title reveals a lot, even though it it one word, but I wanted to be simple Happy reading!

                    Another two-poster, I'll have the other half up in a second.

                    Disclaimer: Thank you Square Enix for giving me these great places and people to write!

                    Chapter Ten: Scoop!


                    Lady Shantotto’s outrageous cackle filled her manor as she laughed at Chykisasa’s latest accomplishment with Uchi-Buychi. As soon as Shantotto had read the part about seeing Uchi again, she couldn’t contain her joy. She also couldn’t resist teasing her silly about it.“My little Chyki has a date, ohohoho! This is just too great!” she continued laughing. “This is the one that was doubtful of love that is pure, but now look–she’s not so sure!”

                    As Shantotto got her other miscellaneous “I told you so”s in Chykisasa was writing her response, biting her bottom lip in regret for telling her in the first place. Shantotto read it aloud in spite of herself:

                    “I never said it was a date, we are just talking again! He wants to show me other places around Windurst, nothing romantic about it.”

                    “Ohohohoho! Say whatever you like, I still say passion is about to strike!” Chykisasa laughed, making sure her face showed as much sarcasm as possible. She then rolled her eyes at Shantotto, and walked over to the bed that she had taken out of storage. “Going to bed? That’s too bad, I hope I did not make you sad,” Shantotto called, eyeing Chykisasa suspiciously.

                    Chykisasa turned to her and clearly mouthed, “Oh, I’m sure.” Shantotto giggled again, still unable to contain her joy.

                    “Well, good night! I hope your dreams of love are nice and bright! Ohohoho!”

                    The next morning, Chykisasa rose far before Shantotto...the sun for that matter. Her pre-date jitters overpowered her sleep, and kept her wide awake. She started to read a few books to try and make her tired again, but after about half an hour she realized it wasn’t going to work. She made up some tea from a kettle on an enchanted fire on the table, and sat on her bed writing in her diary about how Shantotto was throwing her head first into love. She also wrote about how much she hated to admit Shantotto was right was right. She really did like Uchi-Buychi, and he seemed to like her back. Shantotto simply had a more...immoderate approach to the situation.

                    “She’s just trying too hard to help, I know I’m basically like her child, but even parents shouldn’t delve this deeply into their child’s life. I know she means well, but this is just–“

                    “Someone’s out of bed I see, and they’ve been into my special tea!”

                    Chykisasa jumped and quickly slammed her diary shut, having complete disregard for the wet ink on the pages. She quickly turned her head and looked at a fully dressed and groomed Shantotto. “How does she do it!” she asked herself as she impulsively closed the lock on the diary, trying to cover up her surprise.

                    “Ohoho! Trying to hide something in there? Anything about your little love affair?” Shantotto eyed the book, tempted to open it while Chykisasa was gone and see what she had written. Chykisasa grabbed the book, forcing her gaze elsewhere, and took it over to the table, where paper and ink sat ready. She grabbed the quill and began to write, clutching the book against her chest with her left hand. Shantotto smiled and followed her over, reading the response to herself as it was written:

                    “Well good morning to you too! What I write in this is none of your buisness, and I am trusting you not to make it yours or anyone else’s. The tea was just sitting in the basket in bags, I didn’t know I was required to ask if I needed to drink.”

                    “What a beautiful spelling mistake, you’ve been up for a while, I take?” Shantotto inquired, knowing that Chykisasa never misspelled anything under normal circumstances. Chykisasa sighed and wrote again:

                    “About an hour, dare I ask how long you’ve been sneaking about?”

                    Shantotto smirked, “Well, I might have been awake for a while before, maybe less, maybe a little more...” she let her voice trail off mysteriously, leaving Chykisasa curious. “Nonetheless you should get dressed, and try to put on your best! I don’t want to see my Chyki in rags, that would make a first date a drag!”
                    Chykisasa looked at Shantotto angrily (in a friendly way, of course) and wrote some more:

                    “I told you it’s not a first date, I’m just going to see him again! Believe what you like, whatever it is it’s not true.”

                    “And you can say whatever you please, but you will see that it is love you will soon seize! All it requires is a little time, and when yours comes you will be sublime!” Shantotto retorted, putting a caring hand on her shoulder. Chykisasa felt reassured by Shantotto, realizing that she was on her side, and wasn’t just trying to embarrass her.

                    Chykisasa got dressed, and thought about how she was going to communicate with Uchi inconspicuously. She and Shantotto put their heads together and made cut up some small cards, and made sure there was plenty of ink in the fountain pen. Everything was ready, the only thing they needed to do was wait.

                    The last thing Uchi-Buychi felt was ready. He paced his room throughout the morning, trying to figure out what to say to Chykisasa. He knew where he wanted to go, but what to say to a girl he liked was far out of his league.

                    “Oh, now I wish I were the mutarued one! This is did I do it before...?” he asked himself, chewing his nails as he walked up and down his room. “Should I just act like myselfey? How am I supposed to do thataru, I don’t even know what I’m like...” he continued to muse.

                    After a few moments of contemplating himself, Uchi heard his parents shuffling downstairs, getting breakfast ready. “And whataru am I to tell them...why would I go out in the evening about the timey the Orastery dismisses...oh!” he then sat down on a chair behind him, and flung his hands up to his face and put them on top of his head, slightly pulling on his hair. “Love is just far to complicatarued!” he whispered to himself, as he let his head drop to his legs.

                    His ears perked up slightly, as he realized what word he had just used. “ really in love?” he asked himself, lifting his head back up. Just as he began to think about it, he heard his mother calling him down to breakfast.

                    The Star Sibyl of Windurst slept until the noon hours. She had done a lot of searching through the future the previous evening, and had accidently overspent her powers. There were so many questions she had about the future that she couldn’t help but using most of her energy to try and seek answers.

                    She prayed much of the future of Windurst, which she was beginning to feel wasn’t as secure as most were thinking. She saw fighting between the Yagudo and adventurers, and for a moment she thought she saw a few Cardians. She wondered if they were the Ace Cardians, long thought to have been destroyed or lost, for their leader was dead. Without someone’s instructions to follow, a Cardian cannot function. She tried to find out more, but was unable to find a clear answer.

                    She then decided to check in on Chykisasa. Semih Lafihna had told the guards around Windurst to keep a sharp eye out for her, but none of them had seen her. Them and the Sibyl figured that she was still in hiding, however the Sibyl had her doubts. When she inquired the stars about this, they revealed to her a relationship between her and another Tarutaru. She did not know him, but she could sense the strong tie between the two. The stars then abruptly stopped, a sign that she was delving too deeply.

                    There was one thing the stars could not reveal to the Sibyl, no matter the conditions, and that was anything that she was seeking to find out for her own sake. If the information were not to benefit anyone but herself, the stars would not show her. This was how the people of Windurst trusted the Sibyl, they knew she could not use her energy for anything but the benefit of her people, and trusted her with all of their lives.

                    The Star Sibyl spent the rest of her energy trying to find out why the Yagudo and adventurers were fighting so much, however, she refused to accept the answer the stars revealed to her. She did not want to accept that the Yagudo were the ones attacking the adventurers, she simply knew there had to be another reason. In doing this, she continued to use up her energy until she could barely stand up, and realized that she needed to rest for the time being.

                    Hiwon-Biwon was a young, gutsy reporter with a dream. His goal as a journalist was to interview the most well-known Windurstian next to the Star Sibyl herself: Doctor Shantotto. Well, she might have been considered well known, however, not much was known about her. Most everyone knew of her life once she became a Minister, but there were very few who knew much of her past and how she became...well...Shantotto!

                    He was not the first to dream of interviewing the mysteriously eccentric woman, many a journalist before him had tried to get her story–on a regular basis, in fact. And on a regular basis they failed, until they finally gave up altogether. All of them had been cursed in one way or another by her, and afterward refused to go anywhere near that manor. It had been quite a few years since the last reporter tried to interview the Lady, and since then all the people of the Tarutaru Times refused to even mention her name. It was an inevitable failure, which they knew they were destined to from the start.

                    Hiwon-Biwon was nearly fired on the spot for telling his superiors that he was going to try to interview her again. Naiko-Paneiko, the Tarutaru in charge of the paper, did his best to try and get Hiwon to not do it. But Hiwon was persistent, and insisted he would and could do it. Naiko was tempted to ask how, but decided to let him learn from experience, and approved the story.

                    Hiwon-Biwon’s secret was a new type of journalism that had never been considered before–and for good reason. He would secretly follow the Doctor and find out her secrets. He would also pay close attention to rumors, which in Windurst spread like wildfire. He would try and discover any about her, and then follow her and study her, trying to confirm or disprove the rumors. He called it investigative reporting, and decided to begin that very evening, when he was positive that she would be at her residence.

                    Ajido-Marujido paced about the Orastery, observing his students, as the Minister normally did. It was part of the job, after all. However, his mind wasn’t on making sure the students were casting their spells right. He was thinking about how to approach Shantotto about Chykisasa. He would have to explain in a way that wouldn’t make it seem like he was investigating out of pure curiosity, and he knew from experience that Shantotto was not an easy person to fool.

                    In about the middle of the afternoon, he thought he had found a way to go about it. He spent the rest of the day monitoring his students, and telling them when they were doing wrong, just as he normally would. The students in that day were in their third years of training, and their exams were to be the next day. Ajido had many mistakes to point out, given how nervous they were. However, he still had his mind set on his confrontation with Shantotto, and he was very anxious about what he would discover. When all the students were finally gone, he took care of some frivolous paperwork that he had neglected to do earlier in the day, and left. But when he left he did not walk in the direction of his house, but in the direction of Windurst Walls.

                    Chykisasa left Shantotto’s manor at the exact time the Orastery’s students were dismissed. Both she and Shantotto figured Uchi meant to meet her at that same time, however, she did not want to be too early, just in case he were to be late.

                    As she walked through the tunnel that lead to Windurst Waters, she felt her heartbeat rise. It had been beating a bit faster than normal since she left Shantotto’s, however, it was rising more and more by the second. Her stack of cards and fountain pen were in a small messenger bag, which she had strapped over her neck. As she walked with the cloak draped over her head like a ghost, she felt as if it were being tightened on her, and she began to have trouble breathing. She stopped to rest for a moment on one of the bridges that lead to the lower part of the Windurst Waters, where the Rhinostery was located, as well as the residences of most of the Tarutaru of Windurst–including Uchi-Buychi and his parents.

                    “Come on...get itaru together! He likes you already, there’s no need to get nervous-wervous!” she told herself, as she started off again. “If you cany mentor him, you can casually talk to him!”

                    Uchi-Buychi spent the entire trying to plan his excuse for going away for a few hours in the evening. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t think of a single legitimate reason for doing so. For every scenario he thought of, he managed to come up with a counter response that his parents would be able to shoot him down with. Around noon, he realized that there was no way he would be able to get out by mere verbal trickery. He began to get a headache from thinking about the matter for so long, but when he noticed his pain, he figured it out. He would use his “horrible migraine” as an excuse to go to bed very early, and then sneak out and come back whenever he wished.

                    “It’s perfect!” he thought to himself, and just as he began to congratulate himself for coming up with such a foolproof plan, his mother began to call him down for lunch.

                    He went down the stairs very slowly, and did his best to act like he was in pain without overdoing it. When his parents finally inquired about what was wrong, he morosely told them what was wrong. His mother made him some herbal tea that was supposed to help with headaches, however, nothing seemed to work for the boy. After an afternoon of failed cures and pain aids, his parents finally told him to go to bed early in the evening. He acted like he didn’t want to, and at first refused, however he “gave in” after dinner. He went up to his room, and subtly warned his parents not to bother him while he slept.

                    When he got up to his room, he dimmed his lamps and squished around his sheets and pillows, making it look as if he were really in bed. He stood for a moment and admired his clever work, and then swiftly and quietly tiptoed over to his window. He was on the upper floor of his house, however, there was a tree that was growing right at the edge of the house. It’s branches wrapped around the corner of the house, and a very large one had grown just outside of Uchi-Buychi’s window.

                    Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                    Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                    Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                    My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                    Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                    Susan>> Just smaller.
                    [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                    [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                    Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                    [GM]Dave>> ...
                    [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                    • #25
                      Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                      He opened the window, and looked down to the ground. It was only four feet, maybe five, but that was a long way for a Tarutaru to fall. He gulped, and reached out for the branch that just inches from his windowsill, choosing not to prolong the anticipation. Once he got a good grip on it with both hands, he hoisted himself up onto the sill, and then stepped onto the branch. He very slowly turned around, and averted his eyes to the window, avoiding looking down at all costs. Once he was facing the window, he pulled it down halfway. He then reached down and tried to pull off a twig from the branch, in order to stop the window from closing all the way and locking him out. The twig was stronger than he thought, and he recklessly pulled at it harder, and the twig swiftly came loose.

                      When the twig gave way, Uchi teetered backwards on the branch, and would have shouted if his teeth weren’t already clamped down on his bottom lip. In a desperate attempt to regain balance, he forced himself forward and grabbed onto the window frame.

                      When he did this, a few of his fingers were resting on the lower part of the window which he was trying to keep open. This quickly began to give, and he impulsively fumbled for his twig. It slipped between his fingers, and would have been lost altogether if he hadn’t have thrust his hand back at it, gripping it much tighter than before.

                      By the time all of this was over, the window was nearly shut. He swiftly jammed the stick into the inch of space between the window and windowsill, and pulled it back just far enough for it not to be sticking into his room. He sighed with relief, and leaned on the edge of the windowsill to rest from his sudden scare. Once he regained his wits, he mustered up the strength to look at the tree and find a way down. There was about three feet of space between him and the trunk of the tree. He knew if he could get to the trunk, he would be able to easily make it to the ground from there. The problem was that very three feet of limb, which had no other branches near it for him to grab onto for stability.

                      At that moment, Uchi-Buychi thought of Chykisasa, and how much she had believed in him during his training and the exam. “If I can turn around a failing grade in a day, surely I can crawly-wall across a branch!” he told himself as he lowered his whole body down onto the branch, until his nose was pressing against the bark. He looked forward, took a deep breath, and moved his right hand forward.

                      Once he had reached his hand as far as it would go, he wrapped his fingers around the bark, and gripped it hard. He then did the same with his left hand. Once he realized he was perfectly stable, he felt more confident and pulled himself forward with his arms, as he pushed himself forward with his legs. He made about five inches worth of progress, and gleefully pushed on further, until he was a foot away from the trunk.

                      At that point, the branch was nearly a foot wide itself. So, Uchi used his arms to push himself up, and he shifted his weight to his feet. He slowly continued to push up, until he was able to stand all the way up. “Whoa, I didy it! Who-oh!” he whispered to himself, as his left foot suddenly started to slip down the branch.
                      Uchi leapt forward with all his might and slammed into the trunk of the tree, which he desperately wrapped his arms around in order to regain balance. “I did it alright...” he said in his mind as he looked below him and lowered his feet to the branches below him, which lead straight to the ground like two ladders side by side.

                      Ajido-Marujido arrived at Shantotto’s door in Windurst Walls, and studied the intricately carved doorframe for a moment, as he quickly went over his conversation starter in his head.

                      Hiwon Biwon had been at Shantotto’s house for a while before the minister arrived, setting up his location right next to a ground-level window at the back of Shantotto’s manor. The interior of the building was dug into the ground, considering it was built on a hill, so the window was really somewhere near the ceiling from the inside. There were two other ones just like it on both sides of the house, but the location of those made him feel too exposed, so he moved around to the back. It gave him a perfect view of the inside of the house, and there was about a two inch space that wasn’t covered by the decorative curtain on the inside of the window, so he was also able to look into the window.

                      He knew he wouldn’t be able to hear anything, however, he didn’t really see a point in being able to hear what went on, because no one else was in the house. But with the arrival of the minister, his story was swiftly changed.

                      Ajido-Marujido put his hand up, and quietly tapped his knuckles on the door. Ironically, Shantotto had been reading the Tarutaru times at the time of the knock. She was reclined in a chair, with her feet crossed and perched up on her table. When she heard the sounds, her head perked up, and she folded the paper in half. “Someone is here, I am intrigued! I wonder who it could be...” she asked herself as she tossed the paper aside onto her table, and took her feet down.
                      Hiwon-Biwon had heard the tapping on the door around the front of the house, and he straightened up to try and hear more. Just as he did, he saw Shantotto stand up out the corner of his eye, and by the time he got his eyes around far enough to see she was already at her front door. It wasn’t long before he heard the door open, and her voice boom out of it.

                      “Ohohoho! Ajido-Marujido, what a surprise!” Shantotto exclaimed, as she watched Ajido slightly flinch from the sudden sound of her voice. “Here to stir up trouble, I surmise?” she asked, as she narrowed her eyes and perked an eyebrow up.

                      Hiwon-Biwon saw her voice as an advantage, and inched the window open with every word she said. Once he got it just far enough to be able to hear things from the inside, he grabbed his notepad and wrote the minister’s name down with his own fountain pen–standard issue for reporters. It took him a moment to realize how important the information he could get from eavesdropping on a minister, and became very excited.

                      Ajido-Marujido impulsively glanced around himself, trying to see if anyone’s attention had averted to them because of her booming voice. “Actually, I’m here to ask aboutaru Chykisasa. I know you’re harboring her, and I have a few questions as to where she’s been the past few days,” the minister said, hushing his voice.

                      Hiwon-Biwon had heard Ajido’s words through the crack in the window, even though he had only whispered. He stuck the top of his pen between his lips in thought when he heard Chykisasa’s name, trying to figure out where he had heard it before. He couldn’t remember, but he knew he had heard it somewhere, and wrote down the name anyway, knowing it would be very important.

                      Shantotto became even more interested in the minister’s being-there, and stood back and gestured for him to enter her manor without a word. He had expected she would, and did so without saying a word either. Hiwon’s attention was then perfectly focused on hearing their conversation, and getting as many notes as possible. “This scoop is unreal, I’ll make the front page for surey!” he shouted in his mind, as he readied his pen.

                      Shantotto glanced about the area around her house as she closed the door. She didn’t see anyone, but she still felt as if someone was near. Once she closed the doors, she wheeled around, and looked Ajido-Marujido square in the eye.
                      “And just what of Chykisasa do you want to ask, that is so important that you come right after class?” she asked.

                      Ajido-Marujido was confused by the response, wondering why she hadn’t told Chykisasa to come out of hiding. After a few seconds of thought, it hit him. “You mean, she isn’taru here?”

                      Shantotto sighed, she hadn’t anticipated that he would figure it out so fast. She walked up to her table, and reached out to a kettle that was sitting on top of a potholder. “Would you like a cup of tea? It’s quite good, I’m sure you’d agree,” she asked, trying to buy some time in order to figure out her response.

                      “She isn’t here! And you’re avoiding the subjectaru!” he sternly stated as he went up the ramp and approached the table. “Where has she taken off to now, or is that some sort of secret-wecret that even ministers cannot know?”

                      Shantotto was made angry from the combination of his arrogance and nerve, but did her best not to show it. “And just how is that yours to know?” she asked as she poured some tea into a cup, which had a tea bag already in it with the string sticking off the edge of the lip. “You may be a minister, but that does not mean all information I have I will to you bestow,” she said in a as a-matter-of-fact way. She put the cup on a small plate and offered it out to Ajido.

                      “No thanks,” he said flatly. “The Star Sibyl has asked the ministers to look after her, and I see where she is and has been crucial in doing so.”

                      "Ohohohohohoho!" Shantotto exclaimed, nearly dropping the plate in doing so. His statement was so fake that she couldn’t help but laugh; she could see that even he didn’t believe his own words. “My, my, how noble you’ve become! Well I can assure you, there is no trouble that she has to succumbed,” she proudly stated, as she herself took a sip of the tea.

                      Hiwon-Biwon was taking notes like wildfire, trying to remember as much as possible, and wrote down the details. There was so much that he didn’t know about the conversation that he couldn’t tell what was important and what wasn’t, so he decided to keep a tab on all of it, and sort it out later.

                      Ajido-Marujido crossed his arms, getting dreadfully curious and a bit angry. “Yes, because no one gets into trouble when dealing with you.”

                      Shantotto put the teacup down on the table–it was still too weak. “Oho, you hurt my feelings, you cold-hearted thing! Now I will never tell you of little Chyki’s fling!”

                      As soon as they came out of her mouth, Shantotto realized her poor choice in words. Hiwon-Biwon wrote “FLING” in large letters in the middle of the page on his notebook, and circled it a few times. “Jackpot!” he thought.

                      One of Ajido’s eyebrows popped up. “‘Fling?’ Tell me, whataru do you mean by ‘fling?’ It’s an awfully strange word to use, if this is information I shouldn’t know about.” he asked, knowing he had attained the upper hand.

                      Shantotto kept her cool, or as much as she would at any other time. “I told you I would never say, so if you have nothing else to ask I suggest you go that a-way,” she said as she pointed to the door.

                      Ajido-Marujido stood his ground. “You’re avoiding the subject again. I would love to stand here and argue with you all nightaru, but I’m sure the Star Sibyl would love to hear about this secret as well,” he threatened. He figured–and hoped–that if he brought higher authority into it she would give up.

                      “Oho, so now you are going to interrogate me with intimidation! I believe that would be a form of incrimination. You get into enough trouble without the involvement of me, so I will help you as soon as I have a bit more of this tea,” she randomly stated as she looked over to the teacup, whose contents were then the perfect shade of grey. She took out the tea bag and put it on the edge of the plate. She then picked up the cup and began to walk off with it. Ajido followed her, wondering what to what she was up to, and why this was such a big secret.

                      Shantotto walked over to a rather disorganized pile of books and papers near a shelf covered in instruments, and shuffled through them with her left hand, as she sipped the tea with her right. Ajido-Marujido’s eyes wandered towards the back wall, and saw a flurry of movement in the window. Hiwon-Biwon had began to move away as soon as he saw the minister’s eyes move towards the wall, but wasn’t fast enough. Ajido squinted at the window, trying to pick out any anomalies in the darkness. Hiwon’s heart began to beat faster, praying he would not point it out to Shantotto.

                      However, Ajido-Marujido’s train of thought was wrecked when Shantotto gave out a triumphant cry. He turned around and saw her holding out two pages. “These will show you what you want to know, it all started two days ago.”

                      The papers she handed him were what Chykisasa had written when Uchi had visited. They contained everything–including Uchi-Buychi’s name. Shantotto knew she would have to explain everything, but she figured it would be easier than beating around the bush for who knew how long, and losing the trust of a minister. All she would have to do was not tell Chykisasa and make sure Ajido understood to never confront either of them about it.

                      As soon as Ajido-Marujido read Uchi’s name, he stopped reading. It was all he needed to know. By no means was it what he expected, but it made more and more sense as he thought about it more. “So, you eavesdroptarued heard how his exam went and tutored Uchi-Buychi, and at the same time introduced him to Chykisasa. I should have figured as much,” he said, putting a hand on his forehead, ashamed he didn’t think of it before.

                      Shantotto had been sipping on her tea, and snorted in mid slurp when she heard his explanation. She pulled the cup away from her mouth and swallowed the tea in her mouth to avoid choking. “Ohohoho! I’m afraid you’ve got the situation in reverse, it was not me who taught him, but her!” she exclaimed.

                      “She showed him whataru he what was doing wrong!” Ajido-Marujido exclaimed, once again angry at himself for not thinking of it before. “Just how much does she know about magic?”

                      “Just enough, I suppose,” Shantotto mysteriously retorted as she took another sip of her tea. She was getting to the bottom of the cup, but was going to build as much suspense as she could. “You might not even believe how much she knows. She will show the world what a mage truly can be, and I will help her by getting her a degree!”

                      “I guess that makes sense...not much of what you say surprises me anymore. But I still have a question: Chykisasa went to Uchi-Buychi’s make up exam, didn’taru she? If all she did was give him some advice, just why was she there?”

                      “Oho, yes, that little affair! Well, maybe there was one other reason for her being there. But it is something of a nature that you would not identify, with you it simply seems to be in short supply!” she laughed as she sipped a little more of her tea.

                      “And whataru is that supposed to mean!” Ajido asked. He felt stupid and angry for being so thoroughly insulted by Shantotto, but it wouldn’t have been the first time.

                      “Love, love my dear! Those two are in love up to their ears! But to come out and say it they are far to shy, so for now they simply imply. They are getting closer to it, however. Tonight they had a secret get-together. She left about an hour before you came, but before she promised me that her love to him she would proclaim!”

                      “So, you’re playing teacher and matchmaker. I’m sure you’re very proud of yourself,” Ajido-Marujido stated, trying to recover from that last insult. He then turned around and began to walk towards the door. “I suppose thataru is it then. I would thank you for your cooperation, but that seems to be in short supply around here as well,” he scoffed.

                      “You? Thank me? Ohohohohoho! That would never happen, I can guarantee!” she laughed as she walked passed him and went to open the door for him.

                      Hiwon-Biwon could barely believe what he had heard, and did his best to get it all down. His writing had was shaking violently, and it was hard for him to keep hold of his fountain pen. He also did his best not to make too much noise–his legs were falling asleep.

                      But none of that mattered to Hiwon, he knew that with that story his career. At one point he wondered if his superiors would refuse to let him run the story, considering what it was and what his means of getting it were. But he knew their reporter’s intuition would intervene in the end–there was no way they would pass up and opportunity to print an in-depth story about Shantotto.

                      He also wondered why this “Chikisasa” as he spelled it was being “harbored”–by Shantotto of all people! He had a lot of research to do, and would most likely miss his next deadline, but he wanted to make it a front-page story anyway.

                      Yes, I'm evil. No more Uchi-Buychi and Chykisasa flirting until next chapter!
                      Last edited by Lilani; 09-04-2006, 07:01 AM.

                      Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                      Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                      Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                      My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                      Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                      Susan>> Just smaller.
                      [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                      [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                      Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                      [GM]Dave>> ...
                      [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                      • #26
                        Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                        I've had a bunch of silly projects to do in school lately, so I've only been able to use my word processor for research papers and the like :-( But here you are, yet another suspense builder!

                        Chapter Eleven: The Birth of Risky Reporting

                        Hiwon-Biwon got ready to leave Shantotto’s manor at the same time Ajido-Marujido left, to make sure he could get away fast enough before he or Shantotto decided to investigate his presence. Ajido was tempted to do so, but knew Shantotto would never let him live down the moment of cautiousness, and simply made his way to his own manor in Windurst Waters.

                        Shantotto had thought she had felt another presence near her house while Ajido was around, but ignored it in order to remain focused on her conversation with the minister. Once he was out of range, she focused to see if anything was still detectable. However, Hiwon-Biwon was out of range too, so she felt nothing. She simply shrugged it off and began reading her newspaper again.

                        Hiwon went to his house and quickly spread his notes out on his desk. The first thing he decided to do was figure out just who this “Chikisasa” was. He went through years and years of editions of the Tarutaru Times, which were being collected by his family since the paper began. He knew that it was in one of those papers that he remembered seeing the name before. For two hours he scanned the papers for the name, but with no avail. Finally, he had gone back eight years, and was beginning to have his doubts. He came across an article on the second page of the paper. The headline: Mute Tarutaru and Family Meet A Tragic Fate. He skimmed the article, and found it: Chykisasa.

                        It was then that he remembered, he was young and still in school when it all happened, but he still remembered the little carrot-topped spectacle who had to go into hiding to avoid attention from the other Windurstians.

                        But, if she died eight years ago, why would she be living with Shantotto? In fact, why would anyone be living with Shantotto? When did she become involved with the whole affair? And why?

                        There were so many unanswered questions; half of the story was missing. Hiwon-Biwon’s hopes sank–there was no way he could make a story with so many gaps and impossibilities. He was afraid his superiors would tell him to go on the record, and interview Shantotto and Chykisasa herself. He knew that would never work, she would (literally) kill him if he came forward and told her he had eavesdropped on her conversation, and had planned to publish it in the newspaper without her consent.

                        He paced about his floor, trying to feel his way around the story, and searching for another angle he could use. After a long time of pondering, he found his new angle, and even a headline to go with it: The Mute Girl Returns: Hidden, Not Dead.

                        He sorted the notes out out, and then used a different sheet of paper to elaborate on his shorthand more, and added in a few details of his own. He wrote and wrote through the evening, and had nearly gotten his final draft of the story done. However, he had lost all track of time, and looked at the clock at 20 minutes until midnight. He had become so enveloped in his fantasies of instant riches that he had forgotten to be tired, and went to his bed–disheartened that he had to sleep.


                        Uchi-Buychi’s elaborate tree plan had worked, and he inconspicuously made his way to the spot where him and Chykisasa previously met. Chykisasa was nervous about the whole ordeal, but built up enough confidence to go. When she took the sheet off her head, they stared at the ground awkwardly for a moment, trying to figure out what to do.

                        Uchi-Buychi decided to start. “ you have any paper withy you?” he whispered, just loud enough for Chykisasa to hear him. She bounced out of her momentary daze and nodded, and reached into her sack, grabbing a note card off of the large stack. Uchi took it and read it to himself, as the moonlight was just bright enough for him to see the words:

                        “It’s nice to see you again, Uchi-Buychi. I’ve got plenty of these cards to talk, and a few fire crystals too if you need some light to read them. Where is it you want to show me, and how did you get out without your parents knowing?”

                        “It’s nice to see you too, I’m glady you came,” he smiled, again keeping his voice very low. Don’t worry, I didn’taru tell them a thing, I acted like I was sicky and went to bed early. Then I snuck out and came herey!” he whispered. “The first placey I want to show you is here in Windurst Waters, if you would follow me.” Chykisasa was already writing a response on another card, and Uchi patiently waited for her as he placed the other card in one of the pockets in his tunica.

                        “Thank you for doing that, if they ever find out that it was a lie I will take full responsibility.”

                        “Aww, I highly doubty they’ll find out aboutaru this, we’ll figure it outy when the time comes. Untily then, let’s just not worry aboutaru it,” Uchi said reassuringly. As he spoke he heard his own accent, and kicked himself in his mind. Whenever he was under a lot of pressure, especially emotional pressure, it got the best of his speech. He made a mental note to control it, and motioned for her to follow him.


                        When Ajido-Marujido arrived at his house, he chose to go straight to bed. The anticipation he had felt through the day had taken its toll, and Shantotto’s explanation had let him down even more.

                        He was still very surprised at Chykisasa’s knowledge in magic, considering her lack of formal training, that Uchi-Buychi had over her. He also couldn’t believe that Shantotto had done so much for someone other than herself, and how much she cared for Chykisasa and her well-being. He realized just how close that they were, and how hard it must have it when they thought that they were dead. He even felt sorry for the two for a moment, but tried to get his mind off of it as he tried to fall asleep.

                        “So, they’re in ‘love’ eh...somehow I can’taru believe that Shantotto had nothing to do with their liking each other...” he mumbled to himself. “Even so, it won’taru bode well if and when Uchi-Buychi’s parents find outaru...”


                        Uchi-Buychi took Chykisasa to the edge of one of the wooded areas in Windurst Waters, across one of the bridges. The only others who saw Uchi were some guards, but Chykisasa revealed herself when they asked who he was, and gave them cards describing the situation. They smiled, and nearly giggled, and let them proceed.

                        There were some rocks that stuck out of the water near the bridges of Windurst Waters, and huge tree limbs that stuck out near them, so it was relatively easy to get across and into the woods. Once they got behind a few layers of trees, Chykisasa let down her cape and pulled out two fire crystals, which each let out the glow and warmth that was about the equivalent of a candle. They sat down on tree limbs across from each other, and Chykisasa put the crystals on the ground between them, like a small campfire.

                        “This placey would be good for night visitarus like this. I know some other placies we can go to in the daytime, but I’ll show you them later. So...what do you want to talk aboutaru?” he asked, attempting to force his accent under control. He blushed in spite of himself, and Chykisasa wrote for a few moments while he composed himself:

                        “I’m not you have any questions? Like about how I got here? Or did Shantotto already tell you about it?”

                        Uchi leaned back, beginning to feel more comfortable. “Well, she told me the main gistaru of the story, but I was sort of wondering...just whataru did the Yagudo make you do?”

                        Chykisasa wasn’t surprised by the question, and almost began to write her response, but Uchi cut her off. “Oooh, I shouldn’taru of asked that, I’m sorry-worry! It isn’taru my business, I’m so sorry!” he hissed to himself, putting his hand on his forehead. Chykisasa began to laugh and motioned her arms, telling him to stop. Uchi was confused as he watched her silently giggle to herself as she wrote:

                        “No, no, it’s alright. I was expecting some sort of question like that, I wanted to get used to telling my story. Like you said, eventually everyone will have to find out, so I wanted to start now. Sort of strange, huh.”

                        “Oh no, it’s notaru strange at all!” Uchi quickly reassured her, and she smiled wider. “I understand what you mean, just telly me whataruever you want, I’m listening.”

                        And so, Chykisasa began to fill out cards describing her daily routine and what the Yagudo made her do, and she would hand him the cards as she filled them up. Every few cards, she would ask Uchi-Buychi if he wanted her to stop, but he insisted that she went on. She recounted more of her story, becoming a bit teary in a few places.

                        Uchi-Buychi cut in, “If it’s is making you sad, you don’taru have to tell me, I don’t want you to say something-wumthing on my accounty.” Chykisasa shook her head, and went on, explaining in her next card that she was alright with it.

                        The stories went on for a long time, as she described how she counted the days and would use her eating utensils to make minute markings on the back of her cell to mark the day. She even had a system to mark out the elemental day. She was inspired to do it from a fictional work she read while with Shantotto. Uchi-Buychi became fascinated with it, not just because of what she did, but in how young she had to have been to have read such a mature book.

                        Uchi commented on the subject, and she responded with, “Shantotto never gave me books to read, she let me pick out whatever I saw interesting. She also never regulated what I read, knowing that if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t read it. I loved the freedom, but now I look back and I almost think that it was irresponsible of her to do so. I guess she wanted to give me a freedom I wouldn’t have with my parents, and to try to see what kind of person I was through the books I read.”

                        Uchi-Buychi was astounded at how mature she was. She wasn’t like any other girls he had met, who did only the minimal amount of work and tried to get as much play in as possible. Because they were so “gifted” in magic they flouted their class work, but didn’t fail because they aced the exams. They rejected him because he wasn’t so gifted, and had to spend most of his free time studying.

                        But Chykisasa was different. She knew that everyone wasn’t gifted in magic, and she knew that it took time to truly master spells. And she didn’t let her pride get the best of her. Uchi-Buychi felt a comfort while he was around her–a comfort that he had never felt before around any other girl.

                        Chykisasa was equally amazed, but at Uchi-Buychi’s curiosity. She had been afraid all day that he would be uncomfortable being around her, given how much had happened to her. However, it was just the opposite. Uchi was understanding, and wanted what was best for her. She had many male friends when she was younger, but most of them followed her around just to get attention from other adults. In fact, everyone around her didn’t care about how she felt, apart from Shantotto. They never cared about what would make her happy, they just cared for what would make them happy–and acted like they cared about her problem. But no one really understood her.

                        Uchi-Buychi was different because he cared, with all his being. He was the first person to care for her in a deep and non-parental way. He understood that she wanted to vent and practice, and respected her for who she was.

                        As time passed, their card-based conversations drifted on to other subjects. Uchi-Buychi told Chykisasa of his hard times at the Orastery, and Chykisasa told Uchi-Buychi of her problems in learning a magic no one had ever practiced before. All blushing ceased, and they simply talked on and on, about whatever they could think of. Both of them refused to keep track of time, in an effort to somehow prevent the night from ending. They understood each other so well, their conversation was simply magnetic, and they couldn’t resist it’s pull. At one point, Chykisasa ran out of fresh cards, and she simply turned the old ones over and used the other sides of them, cramming as much in as she could.

                        They managed to converse until dawn. Neither of them were tired, they were far too engrossed in their conversation to let their bodies tire. However, when the first light of day was breaking on the farthest horizon, they knew they had to part.

                        Chykisasa gathered up her crystals and cards, stood up, and looked at Uchi-Buychi. Their eyes were locked for a moment, but they soon came to.

                        “It was wonderful talking withy you Chykisasa, I can’taru believe we went on until dawn! I’m glad I foundy-wound someone who...well...understands me so well!” Uchi-Buychi said, as he stepped forward and clasped his hands over hers. Chykisasa nodded in agreement.

                        Seeing no need for words, she leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Uchi-Buychi was frozen as she pulled away, and Chykisasa blushed and looked away in embarrassment. Uchi opened his mouth to speak, but decided that words weren’t necessary either. He pulled her right arm up slightly, leaned over, and kissed her lightly on the top of her hand.

                        They beamed at each other for a little while longer, and soon nodded to each other, and–with heavy hearts and whirling minds–parted.


                        Shantotto stayed up a good portion of the night waiting for Chykisasa, but gave up around midnight. She was highly curious as to what they could be doing for so long, and just how far they took it in one night. She was so excited that she even had to use a sip of a special potion to fall asleep. She did, however, wake up when Chykisasa walked in, but she acted like she was asleep until Chykisasa had gone to sleep herself.

                        Once she knew Chykisasa was asleep, Shantotto quietly exited her bed. And walked behind an enchanted screen. She stood behind it for just a second, and walked out the other side fully dressed. She never used magic to groom her hair, however. That was always done by hand, in order to ensure perfection.

                        However, she skipped that part for the time being. Shantotto silently walked to the door, where Chykisasa had haphazardly dropped her sack when she came in. Shantotto suppressed her giggles as best she could as she took out the cards that she had used to talk to Uchi-Buychi with. Without any sounds whatsoever, she began to pick them up and read their contents.

                        Unbeknownst to Shantotto, Chykisasa wasn’t asleep at all. She knew all to well the mage’s tricks, and knew that reading her cards would be the first thing she’d do when she got in. Just as Shantotto had begun to read to contents on some of the cards, Chykisasa wheeled around on her bed and–with a smirk on her face–looked the other straight in the eye.

                        Shantotto was very surprised at Chykisasa’s alertness, but it wasn’t something that she hadn’t slightly anticipated. She had trained her well.

                        “Well, well, someone is wide awake! Something big happened, I take?” Shantotto smirked back, raising one eyebrow at the girl inquisitively.

                        Chykisasa rolled her eyes and exited her bed. She walked over to the table and began to write her response. Shantotto giggled in spite of herself and grabbed a few of the cards as she approached the table as well. When she got there, Chykisasa was just about finished with her response:

                        “I know exactly what you’re thinking, and first I have to say no. All we did was talk. He wanted to know how it was at Oztroja, so I told him.”

                        “Ohohohoho! Assuming that I believe what you say, did you tell him of your love or further delay?” Shantotto quickly inquired, wanting her to hurry up and spit out what happened. Chykisasa began writing very, very slow, spending several seconds on a single letter–in order to make her as miserable as possible. Shantotto sighed and nudged her, making her laugh and write faster. She was far too impatient to wait for her to finish, so Shantotto just read over Chykisasa’s shoulder as she wrote:

                        “Out of all the things we talked about, that wasn’t one of one of them. However, I think by the end of the night the feeling was mutual.”

                        “Oho! I know something else happened, I can see it in your eyes! Tell me what is under this guise!” Shantotto said, nudging Chykisasa again. Chykisasa sighed and turned away from Shantotto, putting her arms in an elaborate thinking position, leaning back and looking straight up at the ceiling. In no way was she joking–telling someone like Shantotto about a kiss could cause a reaction that could start a hurricane. But, in the end she figured it would be better to get it over with, rather than drag it on and never hear the end of it. And so she turned back around and wrote two words on the paper:

                        “We kissed”

                        Just as expected, Shantotto exploded with laughter and embraced Chykisasa in with a death grip. “Ohohohohohohoho! Oh I never thought this day would come! See what a wonderful woman you’ve become?! Ohohohohoho!”

                        While Shantotto was hugging her, Chykisasa felt something drip onto her shoulder, and returned the embrace.


                        Hiwon-Biwon bursted through the door of the Tarutaru Times building in Windurst Waters, clutching onto a book with a huge stack of papers on top of it. All the other Tarutaru who were in the building that early in the morning watched him in curiosity run straight to the back, and burst into the office of Naiko-Paneiko.

                        “Naiko-Paneiko, sir! I have here a scoopy that shall never be forgotten!” he cried as he ran past the four other editors in the room and slammed his papers on top of other things on Naiko’s desk.

                        Naiko-Paneiko looked at the papers in shock for a moment, but quickly composed himself and looked at the boy angrily. “Hiwon-Biwon! Whataru’s the meaning of this?! Can’taru you see you’ve interrupted an important meeting?!” he shouted.

                        Hiwon’s overjoyed excitement turned his fear into nerve, “Sir! I’ve gotten-wotten the scoop of the century on Shantotto, just as I saidy I would!” he yelled. Naiko-Paneiko was only further infuriated, but the other editors were intrigued.

                        “Naiko, letaru us hear the boy out, maybe-wabey he’s got the front page story we’ve been looking for,” one of them said, hoping to prevent the meeting from turning sour.

                        Naiko-Paneiko sighed, and began to rub his temples with is forefingers. “Alrightaru Hiwon, let’s hear it,” he said, sensing the regret that was coming.

                        “Shantotto has been harboring a girl,” he said, slightly hushing his voice in order to not be heard by anyone outside of the closed door of the office, “But notaru just any girl–the mute girl! Chykisasa!”He then picked up his final draft of the story and held it out to Naiko-Paneiko.

                        Before anyone else in the room could react, Naiko threw his head backward in his chair and began laughing. He laughed so hard at the boy that he closed his eyes and clutched his gut in mirth. The other editors tried to control themselves, but couldn’t help themselves and began to chuckle as well.

                        That made it Hiwon-Biwon’s turn to be furious, “Butaru I’m serious! Ajido-Marujido was even there!”

                        As soon as he said the Minister’s name, everyone in the room stopped laughing. They simply looked at each other, wide-eyed and not sure of what to do. It was one thing to spy on a professor, but ministers were entirely different matter–especially one as acrid as Ajido-Marujido.

                        Hiwon-Biwon didn’t know if the silence was a good thing or bad thing for his side of the argument. After a few more moments of look-exchanging and comments with facial expressions, Naiko-Paneiko cut in, “Alright, I’ll bite, whataru is the full story here?” he asked, hushing his voice and leaning into his desk further. The other editors leaned in as well.

                        Hiwon told his end of the story to the editors of the paper in as much details as he could. As he finished, he could see in their eyes that they weren’t thoroughly impressed with his explanation. In fact, a couple of them looked frightened. Naiko was the first to comment on it.

                        “There...are a lot of open-ended questions leftaru in there, Hiwon-Biwon,” he started, watching the boy’s expression dim. “But...” Hiwon’s expression lifted, “We need a front page story-wory in less than an hour, in order to get tomorrow’s paper outaru in time. I can’taru believe I’m saying this...but you get the spot.”

                        Hiwon-Biwon squealed with joy, making Naiko flinch and the other editors cover their ears, “Oh thanky you sir! You won’taru regret it! This will be rememberued for decades to come!” he cried, grabbing Naiko-Paneiko’s hand and shaking it violently.

                        One of the editors snorted, “If anyone is alivey by then, Shantotto is going to fry all of us when this comes outaru.”

                        “Thataru may be so, but it was bound to get out eventually,” Naiko sighed, as he stood up from his chair. “We were bound to try risky reporting sometimey in our lives. Whataru is a better time then now?”

                        “B-but whataru of Ajido-Marujido?!” one of the younger female editors squeaked. “If the ministers and even the Star Sibyl are involvied, we could be arrestarued!”

                        “I didn’taru put his namey in the article, I made it as if he wasn’taru even there!” Hiwon proudly stated.

                        Naiko was tired of dwelling on the subject. “It’s either a sketchy-wetchy article or a big, fat, blank front page. The choice is yours,” he said, looking at the other editors. They all looked worried, but no one spoke up. “Itaru is settled then. We give the story to the proofreaders and printers; and pray nonstop ‘til tomorrow-worrow,” he concluded, grabbing Hiwon-Biwon’s article off the table.


                        Haha...cliffhanger for you :-P

                        Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                        Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                        Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                        My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                        Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                        Susan>> Just smaller.
                        [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                        [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                        Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                        [GM]Dave>> ...
                        [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                        • #27
                          Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                          Youare teh evils.
                          Originally posted by Ellipses
                          Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                          Originally posted by MCLV
                          A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                          More Sig:


                          • #28
                            Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                            Well, here it is! I didn't avoid typing this chapter. In fact, I took every opportunity to work on it that I could find. It's just I couldn't find many opportunities

                            And, I've discovered a flaw in my own logic. If Chykisasa is 16, and she was gone for eight years, that means she would have been eight when she left. Not nine, as I said before.

                            Another two post chapter, if it's not up while you're reading this then wait a few minutes and try again. Silly copy/paste method erased my spaces between the paragraphs

                            Chapter Twelve: So Ends the First Battle

                            Both Chykisasa and Uchi-Buychi spent the day after their rendevous sleeping. Chykisasa was actually drugged by Shantotto, in order to help her have a longer and more recuperative sleep. When she awoke in the afternoon, Chykisasa talked with Shantotto some, and then went to clean her instruments which she had stored for her. They were very clean on the outside, but there was some dust gathered on the inside. Uchi-Buychi acted like he was still sick, and spent the entire day in bed. His parents were very worried, because the next semester of school started in only a few days.

                            To keep from having to visit a doctor, Uchi insisted that he was getting better, but was simply tired from all he went through the previous day. His parents were suspicious, but decided to let him rest, as a reward for turning his grades around so quickly.

                            Ajido-Marujido awoke with a start. A loud bang had sounded from the front door of his manor. It was easy to hear from his bedroom, considering there were only two rooms in the house in the first place. Not to mention the lack of interior doors.

                            He knew what it was, but was still not used to the sudden interruption every morning. It was the daily newspaper, which was being delivered by a fairly new system devised by the Tarutaru Times. All of the subscribers of the newspaper, which were just about all of the people of Windurst, were given a very special linkpearl to put in their house. The newspapers would have a special spell cast on them, and they would be transported outside the front door of the houses containing linkpearls. The original idea was to have them go straight to the linkspearl, however, they didn't want it to destroy anything on the interior of the house, in case the pearl was misplaced or lost.

                            However, due to the linkpearl being inside the house, the papers had a tendency to fly toward the pearl as they landed, making them slam violently into the door. No one had complained, though–it was much more reliable than deliverers who were constantly forgetting their houses, or routes altogether.

                            Ajido chose not to go back to sleep, and got out of bed to retrieve the paper. When he got it, he was still to drowsy to read it, and he set it on his table. He then went over to the counter of his small kitchen, and got a small black pot of water. He took the pot over to a fire, which was just about to go out, and hooked it over the logs. He grumbled at the small pieces of faintly glowing coal as he grabbed a stoke to move them around with. As he moved them, they did spark about, but only began to go out more from the cold ash that was choking them.

                            Ajido sighed again, but then had an idea. He grabbed a couple of logs from the side and tossed them into the fire. He also pulled the pot out of the fireplace. He then stood back and cast fire on the logs. Surely enough, a fireball erupted within the hearth, and made the entire house shake. When the explosion had subsided a wonderful fire was crackling. He smirked and replaced the pot of water.

                            At that point, he was feeling much more awake, and decided to skim the newspaper for something interesting. He sat down heavily in the single chair at his table, and pulled the paper over to him.

                            He saw the enormous headline at the top of the paper, but it took him a few seconds to realize what it was. He felt a pang of surprise in his stomach as he read it again, and then quickly read over the article:

                            "Eight years ago, the first mute Tarutaru to ever exist was murdered along with her parents in the Meriphataud Mountains. The girl's name was Chykisasa, and her parents were Rinito-Kinito and Yuchuchu–traveling bards. The loss was truly tragic, and mysterious circumstances surrounded their deaths. Among these included were the absence of any sign of Chykisasa herself.

                            However, through a thorough investigation and a verbal confirmation, it has been found out that Chykisasa is not dead at all. She has been staying with none other than Lady Shantotto as of late. For how long and why is currently not known, but it is sure that she has been walking among us for quite some time now. The source revealed that Shantotto has been tutoring Chykisasa in magic, and Chykisasa in turn has tutored a student of the Orastery, whose name will remain undisclosed.

                            Shantotto even affectionately referred to Chykisasa as "little Chyki," showing that her and the girl have grown quite close.

                            In order to not scare her again, we of the Tarutaru Times ask all Windurstians to respect both of their privacies and not chase Chykisasa or Shantotto all across Windurst asking questions. As this is a breaking story, not much detail is known as to where Chykisasa has been, and we will do our best to publish the facts as they come in.

                            –Written by Hiwon-Biwon

                            "Why those cowardice little..." was all he could mutter to himself as he gripped the paper harder with rage. He knew Shantotto would never agree to an interview, and he knew that that Hiwon-Biwon had to have spied on her at some time. "That boy has no idea whattaru he is getting into," he said to himself, as he went back to his room to get dressed.

                            Uchi-Buychi slept for about three hours after dawn, before his mother came into his room to wake him up. He was disheartened that he wasn't able to sleep longer, but enjoyed his time with Chykisasa much more.

                            "Wakey-wakey, Uchi-Buychi! Are you feeling bettaru today, honey?" she asked, stroking his hair.

                            "Much better, thankies," he replied, not even having to act like he was tired. "Whataru is for breakfast? He asked.

                            "Selbina butter and milk pancakes," she replied, standing up off the edge of his bed. "Hurry-wurry or it's going to get cold!" she called sweetly as she walked out of his room, closing the door. Uchi-Buychi sat up and stretched his arms above his head, trying to recollect the dream that he had that night. He knew it was something important, and that he had intended to remember, but it somehow completely escaped his mind in the brief moment that he wasn't thinking about it.

                            "Oh well, breakfast timey!" he said, cheering himself up. Uchi got out of bed and pulled off his night shirt, and went over to his dresser to pull on a fresh one. He then did the same with his night pants, and then took them and his shirt to his door. He tossed them into a hamper, and left his room.

                            Uchi scurried down the first flight of stairs that were just a few feet away from his door, and made a ninety degree turn to the right as he went down the last flight.

                            He then followed the scent of the pancakes to the dining area of his house.
                            "Uchi, come lookie at this!" his father called, though his eyes never left the newspaper he was reading.

                            Uchi did so, and walked behind his father, in order to see the paper better. "Whataru is...." Uchi-Buychi never finished his sentence. He was stunned when he saw the headline, and left his mouth agape.

                            "Strange, isn'taru it? That mute girl has come back from the deady, and she's living with Shantotto. Shantotto! Of all people!" his father chuckled.

                            Uchi-Buychi's mind raced. He knew that if he told them right then, he would get in enormous trouble for sneaking out and lying in order to do so. Then again, he also knew that if he covered it up and was caught later–which was sure to happen eventually–they would be even more angry. So he simply stood there for a few moments, trying to figure out how to react. "Uchi-Buychi?" "You okay?" his parents asked, but he remained focused on his thoughts.

                            He finally realized that at that point in time, confronting his parents wasn't his most important priority. He needed to get to Chykisasa and Shantotto, and inform them before someone else did.

                            "Can I see thataru?" he asked, gesturing his hand to the paper. His father gave him a strange look, but did so. "Thank you," he said, folding up the paper.

                            And then, Uchi-Buychi ran. He bolted out of the kitchen and over to his front door, before his parents could even bat their eyes in protest. Uchi stopped at the front door to slip on his shoes, and when he did this his parents ran after him. "Uchi Buychi!? Whattaru is the meaning of this!?" his father yelled, mostly in confusion. But before they were even halfway to him, he was out the door.

                            "I'll be back later, I'll explainy everything then!" he called back, sprinting off in the direction of Windurst Walls.

                            Because it was just a short time after sunrise, only a select handful of travelers and merchants were walking about Windurst. Even the taverns weren't open yet. Those who saw Uchi-Buychi running payed no mind to him, figuring that he was another adventurer who was about to miss the airship. However, those who did know who he was or at least know he was a local watched him run by, and even called out to him in vain.

                            As Uchi-Buychi went through the tent-covered tunnel that lead to the eastern part of Windurst Woods, he stopped dead in his tracks. There, in front of him, was Ajido-Marujido. "Whattaru am I to do!? I simply can'taru run by a minister without being noticed!" he asked in his mind, as he watched Ajido turn around.

                            Ajido-Marujido simply looked at the flustered boy for a moment, trying to identify the figure under the mess of uncombed brown hair. "Outaru so early, Uchi-Buychi?" he asked, automatically knowing where he was headed.

                            "M-Minister! Good morning!" he replied, attempting to fake calm cheerfulness.
                            "I know where you're headed, I saw the article too," Ajido said reaching into his cloak, and revealing the his own newspaper which he had hidden.

                            Uchi-Buychi was utterly confused, and simply turned his head at the minister, "But waitaru, if you are going to see...then you know!?" he nearly shouted, flabbergasted, becoming even more confused.

                            "Know whattaru?" Ajido asked, seeing a perfect opportunity to toy with him.

                            "Eh-er...n-nothing!" Uchi stammered, trying to recover from his momentary loss of presence of mind. "I...meanty that y-you know aboutaru the mute girl...pretty strange, huh?" he asked, just before biting down on his lower lip.

                            "Oh of course I know!" Ajido replied, nearly laughing out loud. "Shantotto told me everything the night before lastaru, including the part about you being tutored by her. Practicing casting in front of a mirror-wirror...whattaru a ridiculous excuse!"

                            Uchi-Buychi blushed slightly in spite of himself. "Sorry..." was all he could manage to say. He was angry at himself for being thoroughly embarrassed in front of his teacher...again.

                            "Sorry for what? It's not like I actually believed you, so itsn'taru technically a lie," Ajido said, once again pitying Uchi. "But that doesn'taru matter at this point, let's get to Shantotto's before she tries to kill, maim, or otherwise harm anyone."

                            When the two got to Shantotto's front door, they immediately noticed the folded up newspaper on her doorstep. She hadn't read it yet.

                            "Well, this is bound to be an interesting conversation," Ajido-Marujido muttered, as he knocked on Shantotto's door.

                            At the time that Ajido knocked on her door, Lady Shantotto had been reading up on her notes from when she made the special scrolls for Chykisasa. That day, she planned to get Chykisasa back into her magic training routine. She did have some of the actual scrolls in storage, however she wanted to re-learn how they worked–in order to answer any questions Chykisasa might ask.

                            Chykisasa herself was lying on her back on top of her bed, reading a book she was holding in mid-air. She was also reversed, with her feet propped up on the headboard. Her bed was behind a screen, so that visitors wouldn't see it and be curious as to why Shantotto suddenly owned two beds. It was a very simple trick, and even more cheap, but it worked. The book was about basics of magic and casting, which she was reading in order to be prepared to cast again.

                            Shantotto groaned when the door knocked, and quickly hid her notes in a book on magical theory in front of her and closed it. Chykisasa silently groaned as well, and reached behind her head to pull out the cloak it was resting on. Once she got it draped over herself, she tapped the of she shade twice. Shantotto then stood and walked for the door.

                            Shantotto had a rhyme ready when she opened the door, however the last thing she had expected was both Ajido-Marujido and Uchi-Buychi. She opened her mouth slightly, and simply stared at the two of them for a moment.

                            "We need to talk, before anyone elsey gets the chance," Ajido said, wanting to get inside before anyone else decided to pay a visit as well.

                            Shantotto stepped back in her doorway, ushering the two in. "Will you please step inside before we talk? Lately I've felt as if I'm being watched like a hawk," she said, looking at Ajido-Marujido suspiciously.

                            After they were in she closed the door, and she called out to Chykisasa, "Come out Chyki, it's alright. I think you'll find the guests a true delight." Chykisasa popped her head out from under the cloak in confusion, and slowly exited the bed. "Well, one of the two anyway," she interjected with a slight giggle. Chykisasa saw Uchi-Buychi before she saw Ajido-Marujido, so she ran to him first before she even realized the other was in the room. However, when she saw how concerned and disarrayed Uchi was, she looked at Ajido and then at Shantotto in confusion.
                            Shantotto continued, "So what can I do for you two troublemakers today?"

                            Ajido-Marujido took out and opened his newspaper, revealing the front page. However, he did not show it to Shantotto, but to Chykisasa. "It seems you're frontaru page news again, someone discovered your situation–or at least part of itaru."

                            Chykisasa's mouth fell open, and her eyes widened in horror. She snatched the paper and darted her eyes across the front.

                            At the same moment Chykisasa reacted, Shantotto shouted, "What!?" she snatched Uchi-Buychi's paper from his hands as well. She quickly skimmed the article, and both Uchi and Ajido watched blue sparks begin to radiate across her arms. The professor then threw down the paper in outrage, and pointed her arm at it, making the energy which was uncontrollably building inside of her spring forth, burning the newspaper to a tiny, smoldering crisp.

                            She wheeled around to face Uchi-Buychi, who was already shivering from her display of pure rage. "You! You Betrayed me! There is no other way this could possibly be!" she bellowed, making the foundation of the house quake.
                            Uchi was frozen in fear, and Chykisasa had seen enough. She had no time to write a response, so she simply ran in front of Uchi and shook her head at Shantotto, arms spread wide in a plea for her to stop.
                            Last edited by Lilani; 09-27-2006, 01:29 PM.

                            Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                            Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                            Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                            My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                            Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                            Susan>> Just smaller.
                            [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                            [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                            Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                            [GM]Dave>> ...
                            [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                            • #29
                              Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                              "Shantotto that is enough!" Ajido shouted, stepping forward, for he had seen enough as well. "Uchi-Buychi didn'taru say anything, that Hiwon-Biwon must have spied on you somehow."

                              "Spying, oho, a likely story!" she spat, looking right passed Chykisasa and into the eyes of a quivering Uchi. Her arms began to spark up again, this time with red lightning, "And about suffering you won't have to worry. I will make sure the strike is fast; you'll be dead before you land on your–"

                              Shantotto was cut off by Ajido-Marujido, who lifted his right arm and pointed the bottom part of his palm at her, letting his hand and wrist begin to radiate a yellowish lightning. "I said stop," he warned.

                              Chykisasa was the only person in the room who knew that, from time to time, Shantotto had problems controlling her powers. It was only when she was feeling one certain emotion very strongly, and it was usually rage. Ajido had a hunch about the problem, but never bothered to investigate. So Chykisasa stood there, shaking her head at Shantotto, pleading for her to stop before something else happened that they would regret.

                              Shantotto's concentration began to break, and the lightning flashed uncontrollably about her as the energy peaked. Ajido let his attack charge more, but didn't release it, fearing that a shock would destabilize her even more. Uchi-Buychi and Chykisasa simply stared in awe at the array of pure power, amazed at what experienced mages could do without even casting spells.

                              Shantotto finally forced her rage to subside, regained control over the energy, and ordered it to die down. When her lightning was gone, Ajido made his subside as well. The four of them stood in silence, not wanting to set anyone off again.

                              Chykisasa felt it was safe, and walked over to Shantotto's table to begin to write. Uchi-Buychi followed her, mostly trying to put distance between himself and Shantotto.

                              "Oh! Why can there not be secrets anymore!? Now one cannot even be protected by a locked door!" Shantotto fumed, still consciously regulating the energy within her. "Those stupid reporters simply must know everything! The lengths they go to are simply astonishing!"

                              Ajido-Marujido was still facing her, "You'll get your chance at revenge, this isn'taru anywhere near over. The Star Sibyl will take action, this has gone too far."

                              Shantotto crossed her arms and turned to the minister, smirking, "For once you're right, this is only the beginning. That reporter has started a battle he won't be winning."

                              Ajido opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by Uchi-Buychi, who was holding a piece of paper, "Chykisasa says:

                              Shantotto, get a hold of yourselfy, the Star Sibyl won'taru let this by without some sort of action. The most we should do for now is confront that Hiwon-Biwon and find out how he got the information, and how much does actually knowy. I think he knows a bit more than he putaru in the article."

                              Both Uchi-Buychi and Ajido-Marujido were surprised that Chykisasa had the nerve to speak to Shantotto in that way. Many of even higher power than her feared to speak too ill of her to her face. But there stood Chykisasa, a 16 year old girl who had just directly spoken back to the professor...more or less.

                              Shantotto looked up at Chykisasa, eyes still inflamed with rage. Chykisasa returned her glare with full force. However, Shantotto could not look at her prized pupil and partially adopted daughter with such misdirected anger, and gave in. "Oh fine, we'll do it your way," she sighed, "But we are going to confront that dastardly newspaper today. I will not stand back and let them print such an important secret. Oho, I'll give them a telling they'll not soon forget!" And with that, she began striding to the door, the others following–whether or not they wanted to see what she would do next.

                              Shantotto walked briskly to the Tarutaru Times headquarters in Windurst Waters, with Ajido-Marujido, Uchi-Buychi, and Chykisasa struggling to keep up with her pace. A few more were out and about in Windurst at that time. One, maybe two, of those who saw her blazing by had read the article, and went to brace themselves for whatever was to come to pass.

                              As she approached the door of the building, Shantotto felt her energy building again, but diverted it to coming up with what to say to either Naiko-Paneiko or Hiwon-Biwon. It didn't matter who she came across first, whoever it was, they would know it–quickly.

                              Shantotto put her arms up and threw the doors of the Tarutaru Times open as hard as she could, making them slam into the wall with an enormous BANG. Everyone in the building stopped what they were doing. Those who were in the entrance area looked up to see a Shantotto that was about ready to burst. The entire building, and most of Windurst Waters, was dead silent.

                              Shantotto swiftly scanned the room from the doorway with both her eyes and her magic abilities, but could not see or sense Hiwon-Biwon in the room. She had seen him once before, and she remembers everyone she comes across well.

                              Once she thought she had thoroughly frightened the other employees with her presence, she strode to the back room. Contrary to her previous action, she calmly and delicately opened the door, seeing Naiko-Paneiko behind his desk, and sensing Hiwon-Biwon. Both stared at the doorway in terrified anticipation as she slowly opened it, entered, and closed it behind her. All those who were anywhere near the door silently cleared away, and everyone in the establishment slightly lowered their heads, somehow thinking it would protect them.

                              A few seconds after Shantotto entered Naiko-Paneiko's office, the other three appeared in the doorway–which no one had bothered to shut. The writers, editors, and printers looked up in astonishment, as they gazed at the red-headed girl who was thought to have died eight years prior to then. Chykisasa rolled her eyes, not wanting to accept her exposure at the time, and walked towards the back door, tediously slipping by the items which cluttered the path–mostly knocked down by Shantotto's wake. No person was in her way, however, they cleared away far from her path, and turned their heads to watch her walk by.

                              Both Ajido-Marujido and Uchi-Buychi had seen first hand why Chykisasa had been so desperate to hide from public eye. It was never really what they said, but rather what they didn't say that hurt her so, considering hardly anyone bothered to talk to her. She was highly in tune to body language, and that was why it bothered her so. There was quite a bit of whispering from different corners of the room as well, which also hit her straight in the heart.

                              If Chykisasa had been born deaf rather than mute, she still would have clearly heard Shantotto's ravings from the Editor in Chief's office. Energy sparks discharged all over her body as she demanded an explanation from both the Naiko-Paneiko and Hiwon-Biwon himself. Chykisasa saw no need to open the door, and simply eavesdropped from her present place for the time being. Ajido and Uchi did the same, however Ajido kept his guard up in case Shantotto went out of control again.

                              Mixed amid his stutters, squeals, and natural Tarutaru accent was Hiwon-Biwon's story, as he told it in full truth to Shantotto, and begged for his life almost more than he breathed. His shell of confidence had been shattered, and he realized the true magnitude of what he had done.

                              All three of the eavesdroppers heard Hiwon's story, and of the three, Ajido-Marujido was the only one feeling guilt. He felt bad that his need to have answers caused and would soon cause so much trouble. Typically he enjoyed making waves and stirring up controversy, however, this was different. At this point, he felt he had done enough, and simply wanted to leave.

                              After Shantotto heard the story, she turned around and demanded that Naiko-Paneiko tell her why he chose to run the article, and just where he got the idea that she wouldn't catch wind of it. He insisted that she knew she would be angry, but also insisted that the Windurstians needed to know about Chykisasa's return. He said that they would appreciate her more, and not bother her as much as they had in the past.

                              Outside the door, Chykisasa felt a nerve tingle uncontrollably. It was her craving to respond, which–on a regular basis–she was forced to ignore, for lack of ability or physical motive to go through the labor of writing it down. However, this feeling was far too strong, and she compulsively opened the door. Naiko stopped his rant, and simply stared at the girl with his mouth open, and Hiwon did the same. Shantotto's energy, again, slightly subsided from Chykisasa's presence. However, it was still discharging at a steady pace over her body.

                              Once he realized what he was doing, Naiko-Paneiko composed himself, "W-well well, speak of the devil-wevil! Chykisasa it is an honor to m-meetie you!" he nervously said. "Whataru can I do for you today...?" he asked, faking a smile.

                              "Do for HER!? What you can do for her is turn back time and have never printed that article, SIR!" Shantotto yelled, her voice beginning to crack from so much shouting.

                              Ajido-Marujido stepped passed Uchi-Buychi and closed the door behind Chykisasa. Uchi inadvertently made a face at him, and Ajido knew what he was thinking. "It's not like you can'taru hear them from here. I'm leaving, and I suggest you do the same. This is their fight, and if you stick around it'll be yours, too," he said–just above a whisper–as he walked to the exit. "He's not going to leave," The minister reminded himself as he left.

                              Uchi spaced out in thought for a moment, watching the minister leave, "I wonder why the sudden-wudden change of heart..." he thought, as he moved closer to the door in order to hear a bit better.

                              Chykisasa felt fear pierce her body as she saw violet sparks discharging all over Shantotto's body. Nonetheless, she swallowed her fear and walked over to her, carefully placing her left on Shantotto's right shoulder. Shantotto was still enraged, however her concern for Chykisasa prevailed over her anger, and the sparks subsided. First the only stopped where Chykisasa's hand was, however they soon stopped over her entire body. Both Hiwon-Biwon and Naiko-Paneiko were stunned by her influence over Shantotto's actions, and they payed no mind when she walked over to Naiko's desk, grabbed some blank paper, a quill, and ink, and began to write.

                              As Chykisasa wrote, Hiwon-Biwon felt a swell of guilt wash up on his body, soaking his soul. "I...I'm s-sorry!" he squeaked, trying to be quiet and not to set Shantotto off. Shantotto turned to him and give him a stern look–but for Chykisasa's sake–held her tongue. Naiko also sent a silent message to Hiwon with his eyes to keep his mouth shut, and to patiently wait for her to finish. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Chykisasa finished and turned it around to Naiko. He began to read it to himself, but Shantotto cleared her throat very loudly, signaling him to read it aloud:

                              "T-telling the people-weapole of Windurst aboutaru my being here will NOT make them appreciate me more. It will only make things a hundred times worsey, I'll be the most interesting exhibitaru on Quon! Not only will I be mutaru, but I'll be an undead as well! Hiwon-Biwon, you had no righty to spy on Shantotto, whatsoever. My identity is being protected by the S-Star Sibyl...!?" Naiko Paneiko's eyes widened as he heard himself say the words. His mind raced at what was in store for his career, and his reputation overall.

                              After a few seconds of panicked thought, he snapped to and cleared his throat "A-And has been for a while now. Do notaru even consider asking me for your f-forgiveness, because it doesn'taru change what will come to pass. Myself, Shantotto, and all the higher p-power-wowers of the Federation will have to explain everything! This goes far beyond simple-wimple reporting, you've gone in too deepie."

                              Naiko-Paneiko slowly slumped back in his chair, dumbfounded at how a simple gamble could spell the end of his newspaper. Not to mention at what criminal charges could be brought against himself. Hiwon-Biwon was thinking of the charges that could be brought against himself as well, reminding himself of how young he was to be going to jail.

                              Shantotto couldn't hold her scolding in any longer, "Now you see why this is such a big deal! You've put Windurst in an enormous ordeal! And it's all because you had to have a scoop, you just had to be different from the group! Well now see here, how many problems you've begun! And now none of it can be undone!"

                              Shantotto opened her mouth and inhaled sharply to go on, but she saw Chykisasa shaking her head in the corner of her eye. She looked at the girl, smiled wearily, and sighed, "But I suppose this is your battle, Chykisasa. From this point on, I'll let you lay down the law." Chykisasa nodded grimly in thanks.

                              Hiwon-Biwon opened his mouth to respond, however Naiko-Paneiko purposely cut him off, "Well...Chykisasa, I do deeeeply-weeply apologize for this." His eyes glanced over to Hiwon-Biwon, "I will say on the behalfy of Hiwon-Biwon, he should have done a lot more research. It was an unnecessary-wary risk, and should never-ever have been pursuied," he nobly stated, emphasizing the words to make his point very clear to Hiwon, whose head hung in shame.

                              Chykisasa narrowed her eyes, pursed her lips, and held out her hand. Naiko gave the paper back to her, and she began to write. Hiwon-Biwon opened his dry mouth, and attempted to speak, "I-I just...I d-d-didn'taru...oh, plea–" was all he could manage before Naiko was shaking his head at him. Hiwon heaved a heavy sigh, and shook his head at himself, trying to think of any way to change his past. Chykisasa glanced up for a moment to watch Naiko shake his head, and she wrote a bit more. It wasn't much longer before she handed the paper to Naiko:

                              "Excuses don'taru change the past–however, blaming you won'taru change it either. Both myself and Shantotto will do what we can to make the Star Sibyl's action as minor as possible-wossible, but we can't make any promisies." Shantotto snorted, making Naiko-Paneiko pause for a moment before continuing, "And let Hiwon-Biwon speak for himself, as long as he is able-wable. Just because you're the Editor in Chief it doesn't give you the righty to censor your subordinates' arguments."

                              Chykisasa struck one of Naiko's nerves with that last sentence. "Actually, I believe being Editor in Chief does give me the righty to censor whataru I want," he frankly stated, shedding his kind disposition.

                              Naiko, in turn, struck one of Shantotto's nerves, "Oho, maybe you should work on censoring yourself, before you start taking care of the whelps."

                              "I also believey that you passed the argument over to Chykisasa. So if you don'taru mind, I'd like to discuss this withy her."

                              "You've got a lot of nerve for one so small! Let's see how you talk when you're halfway through the wall!"

                              The two went back and forth with their witty remarks and insults, until Shantotto finally started to flare up again, and Naiko-Paneiko was standing up and shouting. Hiwon-Biwon stepped back from them a bit, avoiding any sort of attention. Chykisasa was angry that she couldn't get her word in, even though the very subject of the argument was centered on her.

                              When she finally realized that the argument would not cease unless something happened to avert their attention, she put her right forefinger and thumb into the edges of her lips, and blew. A shrill whistle stopped everything in the room, and even a few things in the other room as well. Shantotto stopped in mid-rhyme, and all three looked up at Chykisasa.

                              She then calmly picked up the pen and began to write. Naiko tried to say something to her, but she simply held up her left hand in his face with her forefinger extended, while still writing with her right. They remained silent until she was done, afraid to have their ears pierced by her whistle again. She handed the paper to Naiko:

                              "I don't want petty-wetty arguments and pointless insults, all I wantaru is a formal apology by Hiwon-Biwon and the Tarutaru Times. You need to tell Windurst thataru the information you got was obtained in a dishonest manner-wanner, and that no one should come demanding an explanation until we're ready to givey one. I'm notaru saying this because I'm in a position where I can demandy it, I'm doing it because Windurst isn'taru ready to know."

                              Naiko-Paneiko sighed. He knew that Chykisasa was right about everything–arguing with Shantotto was futile, and that if the Star Sibyl was involved it was something of great importance and secrecy. "That, we can do," he mumbled. He looked at Hiwon-Biwon, "Rightaru?"

                              Hiwon had been nervously fumbling with his fingers at the time. He looked up at Naiko and nodded, simply thankful that the battle was over.

                              However the battle was over, the war was only beginning....
                              Last edited by Lilani; 09-27-2006, 05:33 PM.

                              Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                              Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                              Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                              My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                              Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                              Susan>> Just smaller.
                              [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                              [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                              Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                              [GM]Dave>> ...
                              [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                              • #30
                                Re: Lost and Almost Forgotten

                                i must say... you are very, very, very brillent O_O

