Just as a heads up, this is my first FFXI fanfic. No it is not a rendition of the Windurst missions, no it is not cliched, and no it does not revolve around an adventurer. This story ends just before the first Windurst missions, to give you an idea of the time frame. I don't know how long it will take me to finish and how long the chapters will be, but I think you can expect them to be about as long as this one, maybe a bit shorter.
You kinda have to know the nature of the ministers and Windurst and such to fully understand what is going on, also. But I did try and explain the gist of it for you non-Windurstians out there.
And feel free to reply, I will also be putting this up on fanfiction.net when my retarded 3 day waiting period is up.
Happy reading~
Chapter One: The Dungeon, the Sybil, and the Mute
Deep, deep beneath the main floors of Castle Oztroja, the main headquarters of the Yagudo, was a system of dungeons. Small, musty, and gloomy they were, or so most figured at least. The only ones who knew otherwise were the occupants themselves, however, none who had ever been kept in those dungeons had ever left with their lives. Even with this knowledge, the Yagudo were careful and meticulous compared to the other beastmen. They had a second set of dungeons, much more secret and secluded. They had these dungeons to keep very special prisoners, ones who might have others looking for them.
This is also where, towards the end of the Great War, they kept their slaves. The slaves, mostly Tarutaru, were kept in these dungeons so that if Windurst managed to enter the Castle they would most likely not find the slaves before they starved to death. The Yagudo knew the slaves knew a lot of their secrets, and were going to make sure that they never got out.
However, as of late, the Yagudo had made a deal with Windurst. It was basically a non-aggression pact, Windurst would not attack Giddeus or Oztroja and they would not attack Windurst. The Windurstians also gave the Yagudo of Giddeus offerings of their favorite kinds of cherries as a part of the deal, to give them some incentive to follow through with the deal and reassurance that they would uphold their end of the bargain as well. The Windurstians went along with this idea, not wanting a repeat of what happened 20 years ago in the Great War. They acted like they loved the arrangement, all to not risk another war; for the wounds they received during that horrible war have still not healed.
A young Tarutaru girl, not older than 16, was being held in those secret dungeons of Oztroja. She sat in that horrible dungeon curled up in a corner, meditating, trying to help her most recent wounds heal faster. However, even deep in meditation, she was still very conscious of her surroundings. She had to, she was never warned ahead of time when the Yagudo would want to take her out and force her to do meaningless tasks for their own amusement. The Yagudo also knew she never made a sound, and promised her that if she were to make a vocal noise refusing to do the work they would let her go. They simply knew that she would never make a sound, and taunted her so.
However, this day was to be different....
"No, no, no!"
The minister of the Orastery, Ajido-Marujido, scolded the student as he cringed.
"W-what is it Minister?" the young Tarutaru asked, wondering what he had done wrong this time. He did the spell just as he was instructed, and carried it out just as the others around him had.
"Can you notaru see it yourself, or have you blinded yourself this time? You barely hit that target, in fact, I'd say you weren'taru aiming for it at all!" The minister ranted on. "It takes focus, you need to make sure you hit that target exactly in order to not hit anyone elsy-welse! Try it again," Ajido-Marujido ordered the mage to be. The young man sighed and turned to the target once more, focusing on the center of the orb parallel to him on the other side of the room. If he were to hit the core of the orb with the spell, the orb would glow red.
He cast the spell, and surely enough the orb glowed a bright crimson. Ajido nodded in approval and left the room, just far enough away to not hear the students sigh in relief.
Ajido-Marujido went to his main study, the room in the Orastery specifically designated for the minister. He glanced at his delivery box, not expecting anything to be in the holes, but spied a small sheet of paper. He centered the spectacles on his nose and approached the box. It was a letter, and was sealed with the seal of the Star Sybil. He ripped open the envelope quickly and read the short letter within:
The Star Sybil of Windurst requests the presence of all five Ministers in Heaven's Tower by 16:00 this day of Watersday. The matter is both very urgent and is of strange circumstances. Please report no later than the time given.
–Semih Lafinah, head of the Sybil Guard of Windurst
Ajido cocked an eyebrow as he glanced over the letter once more, and then glanced up at the clock. It was 15:36. He turned around, set the letter on his already cluttered desk, and strolled out of the room.
As Ajido turned in Windurst Waters to make his way to Windurst Walls he spied Tosuka-Porika, minister of the Opistery. Although they were acquaintances, and shared equal diplomatic power, they were not the best of friends. He simply looked by Tosuka and gazed at the Great Star Tree, up where the chambers of the Star Sybil were, and wondered what the "matter" could possibly be. It was only once in a blue moon that the Star Sybil would request the attention of all five ministers of Windurst, after all.
The five ministers of Windurst were gathered in the top floor of Heaven's Tower, awaiting the Star Sybil do emerge from her chambers to brief them on this mysterious "matter" that had arisen. Tosuka-Porika of the Opistery, Sedal-Godjal of the Aurastery, Rukukusu of the Rhinostery, Apururu of the Manustery, and of course Ajido-Marujido of the Orastery. They stood just before a large glowing and floating rock that was the shape of a plate, that served as a bridge over the star spring and to the Sybil's chambers themselves. The ministers had been waiting for twenty minutes, and were beginning to feel impatient, though they did all they could not to disrespect the Star Sybil.
Then, they saw the door of the vestal chambers crack open, and then slowly open further. Then emerged the Semih Lafinah, the Mithra who was head of the Sybil's guards. She turned to the ministers and signaled them to come to her. They did so, and then she gestured her hand to the open door and nodded. She wanted them to enter the Sybil's vestal chambers. They nodded back and did so.
They went up the stairs, and about faced to see the Star Sybil herself, who as of late, had not shown her face in public for a long while. She was staring at a makeshift bed that had been placed in the room, and turned to face the ministers.
"Come, look at this," she said, with just a hint of worry in her voice. The ministers did so.
In the bed was a small, half-starved Tarutaru girl, who by her appearance, was nearly dead. She was pale, thin, and was covered in bruises and scars. Her hair was a pale orange, but was matted and looked as if it had not ever been cared for. Her breathing was struggled, but eerily silent.
"This young lady was found in Tahrongi Canyon, just outside of Meriphitaud Mountains. She was found by an adventurer unconscious. According to what he said, he did not expect her to make it to Windurst," she explained, as she gently touched the girl's hair. "That is not all. The reason I called all of you forth, was because of this." The Sybil took her hand and gestured to some gauze that was wrapped around the top of the girl's right arm. She then took hold of it and slowly unwrapped it, to reveal what was hidden underneath. The ministers nearly gasped at what they saw.
It was the religious mark of the Yagudo, and it was branded on her right arm. Not only that, but there were slits in her skin outlining it; a tradition of the bird-like people that represented ownership.
"That," she stated, "is why I called you here. This girl was a slave of the Yagudo, and they clearly told us that they had none in their possession. And, under our peace agreement, they were to have none." A worried look flashed across her face. "The stars have shown me nothing like this, and no matter how many times I try, I cannot see peace between our kind and theirs," she elaborated on.
Ajido-Marujido decided to take a chance. "Perhaps...ourselves and the Yagudo...were simply notaru meant to cooperate with each other," he stated, almost wincing at what he'd just said. No one had ever openly questioned the idea of peace before, especially in front of four ministers and the Star Sybil. The other ministers looked at him, wide-eyed and not sure of what would happen next. The Sybil looked back at the girl and remained silent for a moment.
"She has been severely abused; her back shows signs of whipping and there are countless bruises and scars all over her body," she whispered, trying to change the subject.
She turned back towards the ministers. "I...have chosen not to take immediate action on this. We will wait for her to wake up and find out what happened. Perhaps...it was just a misunderstanding. However, I did want to inform you of this, in case we do have to take action...." she said.
There was then a sound of shuffling behind the Sybil. She turned and looked a the girl. She was stirring, and feeling around herself. Her eyes slowly opened, and she slightly jumped at the sight of the Star Sybil. She arose as quickly as her body would allow, and looked over at the ministers. She was flabbergasted at where she was, glancing around at her surroundings. She then looked at her upper right arm, and her eyes widened at the mark that was there. She immediately covered it up, as if she did not want them to know it was there.
"Calm down, child. You are in Heavens Tower, and I am the Star Sybil. These are the ministers of Windurst, Tosuka-Porika, Apururu, Sedal-Godjal, Ajido-Marujido, and Rukususu." she told the girl, as she laid a hand on her arm.
The girl's lips moved, although sound did not come out. She seemed to say "Heavens Tower..." although no one in the room could be certain. "What is your name?" the Sybil asked, as she looked into the girl's surprised–and slightly afraid–eyes.
The girl shook her head and pointed to her mouth, which was partially open already.
"You cannot speak?" the Sybil asked, now showing a face of concern again. The girl nodded. The ministers were all showing different expressions on their faces, ranging from shock, to concern, to curiosity, and to sheer confusion.
"I see," the Sybil said, and then she reached out to the girl's hand that was covering the mark on her right arm. The girl lurched backwards on the bed, and nearly fell off of the back. Her head thumped the wall next to her and her mouth opened, appearing to shout. Again, no sound came out. Apururu approached her from the back of the bed.
"Please, calm down dearie-wearie, we mean you no harm!" she kindly said, as she comfortingly reached out to touch her shoulder. The girl forced herself away from Apururu, violently shaking her head left and right at the minister.
"Zere is no reazon to be afraid, my dear, we only wish to ‘elp you recover," Rukususu told the girl in her strange accent. The teary-eyed girl simply looked at Rukususu and shook her head again.
"What is wrong, child, why are you shaking your head?" the Sybil asked again. It was then that Semih Lafinah made herself known. She had been watching the scene from the other side of the room.
"Ma'am, would you like me to get some paper and a pen for the girl to write with? Perhaps she can communicate with us through paper rather than words," she suggested, as she approached the area of the bed.
"Would you be willing to write your story down on paper for us?" the Sybil asked the frightened girl. The girl thought about it for a moment, and then nodded slowly.
Yes, I am very sadistic. I am leaving you at a cliffhanger
Thank you for reading, I'll update whenever I can.
You kinda have to know the nature of the ministers and Windurst and such to fully understand what is going on, also. But I did try and explain the gist of it for you non-Windurstians out there.
And feel free to reply, I will also be putting this up on fanfiction.net when my retarded 3 day waiting period is up.
Happy reading~
Chapter One: The Dungeon, the Sybil, and the Mute
Deep, deep beneath the main floors of Castle Oztroja, the main headquarters of the Yagudo, was a system of dungeons. Small, musty, and gloomy they were, or so most figured at least. The only ones who knew otherwise were the occupants themselves, however, none who had ever been kept in those dungeons had ever left with their lives. Even with this knowledge, the Yagudo were careful and meticulous compared to the other beastmen. They had a second set of dungeons, much more secret and secluded. They had these dungeons to keep very special prisoners, ones who might have others looking for them.
This is also where, towards the end of the Great War, they kept their slaves. The slaves, mostly Tarutaru, were kept in these dungeons so that if Windurst managed to enter the Castle they would most likely not find the slaves before they starved to death. The Yagudo knew the slaves knew a lot of their secrets, and were going to make sure that they never got out.
However, as of late, the Yagudo had made a deal with Windurst. It was basically a non-aggression pact, Windurst would not attack Giddeus or Oztroja and they would not attack Windurst. The Windurstians also gave the Yagudo of Giddeus offerings of their favorite kinds of cherries as a part of the deal, to give them some incentive to follow through with the deal and reassurance that they would uphold their end of the bargain as well. The Windurstians went along with this idea, not wanting a repeat of what happened 20 years ago in the Great War. They acted like they loved the arrangement, all to not risk another war; for the wounds they received during that horrible war have still not healed.
A young Tarutaru girl, not older than 16, was being held in those secret dungeons of Oztroja. She sat in that horrible dungeon curled up in a corner, meditating, trying to help her most recent wounds heal faster. However, even deep in meditation, she was still very conscious of her surroundings. She had to, she was never warned ahead of time when the Yagudo would want to take her out and force her to do meaningless tasks for their own amusement. The Yagudo also knew she never made a sound, and promised her that if she were to make a vocal noise refusing to do the work they would let her go. They simply knew that she would never make a sound, and taunted her so.
However, this day was to be different....
"No, no, no!"
The minister of the Orastery, Ajido-Marujido, scolded the student as he cringed.
"W-what is it Minister?" the young Tarutaru asked, wondering what he had done wrong this time. He did the spell just as he was instructed, and carried it out just as the others around him had.
"Can you notaru see it yourself, or have you blinded yourself this time? You barely hit that target, in fact, I'd say you weren'taru aiming for it at all!" The minister ranted on. "It takes focus, you need to make sure you hit that target exactly in order to not hit anyone elsy-welse! Try it again," Ajido-Marujido ordered the mage to be. The young man sighed and turned to the target once more, focusing on the center of the orb parallel to him on the other side of the room. If he were to hit the core of the orb with the spell, the orb would glow red.
He cast the spell, and surely enough the orb glowed a bright crimson. Ajido nodded in approval and left the room, just far enough away to not hear the students sigh in relief.
Ajido-Marujido went to his main study, the room in the Orastery specifically designated for the minister. He glanced at his delivery box, not expecting anything to be in the holes, but spied a small sheet of paper. He centered the spectacles on his nose and approached the box. It was a letter, and was sealed with the seal of the Star Sybil. He ripped open the envelope quickly and read the short letter within:
The Star Sybil of Windurst requests the presence of all five Ministers in Heaven's Tower by 16:00 this day of Watersday. The matter is both very urgent and is of strange circumstances. Please report no later than the time given.
–Semih Lafinah, head of the Sybil Guard of Windurst
Ajido cocked an eyebrow as he glanced over the letter once more, and then glanced up at the clock. It was 15:36. He turned around, set the letter on his already cluttered desk, and strolled out of the room.
As Ajido turned in Windurst Waters to make his way to Windurst Walls he spied Tosuka-Porika, minister of the Opistery. Although they were acquaintances, and shared equal diplomatic power, they were not the best of friends. He simply looked by Tosuka and gazed at the Great Star Tree, up where the chambers of the Star Sybil were, and wondered what the "matter" could possibly be. It was only once in a blue moon that the Star Sybil would request the attention of all five ministers of Windurst, after all.
The five ministers of Windurst were gathered in the top floor of Heaven's Tower, awaiting the Star Sybil do emerge from her chambers to brief them on this mysterious "matter" that had arisen. Tosuka-Porika of the Opistery, Sedal-Godjal of the Aurastery, Rukukusu of the Rhinostery, Apururu of the Manustery, and of course Ajido-Marujido of the Orastery. They stood just before a large glowing and floating rock that was the shape of a plate, that served as a bridge over the star spring and to the Sybil's chambers themselves. The ministers had been waiting for twenty minutes, and were beginning to feel impatient, though they did all they could not to disrespect the Star Sybil.
Then, they saw the door of the vestal chambers crack open, and then slowly open further. Then emerged the Semih Lafinah, the Mithra who was head of the Sybil's guards. She turned to the ministers and signaled them to come to her. They did so, and then she gestured her hand to the open door and nodded. She wanted them to enter the Sybil's vestal chambers. They nodded back and did so.
They went up the stairs, and about faced to see the Star Sybil herself, who as of late, had not shown her face in public for a long while. She was staring at a makeshift bed that had been placed in the room, and turned to face the ministers.
"Come, look at this," she said, with just a hint of worry in her voice. The ministers did so.
In the bed was a small, half-starved Tarutaru girl, who by her appearance, was nearly dead. She was pale, thin, and was covered in bruises and scars. Her hair was a pale orange, but was matted and looked as if it had not ever been cared for. Her breathing was struggled, but eerily silent.
"This young lady was found in Tahrongi Canyon, just outside of Meriphitaud Mountains. She was found by an adventurer unconscious. According to what he said, he did not expect her to make it to Windurst," she explained, as she gently touched the girl's hair. "That is not all. The reason I called all of you forth, was because of this." The Sybil took her hand and gestured to some gauze that was wrapped around the top of the girl's right arm. She then took hold of it and slowly unwrapped it, to reveal what was hidden underneath. The ministers nearly gasped at what they saw.
It was the religious mark of the Yagudo, and it was branded on her right arm. Not only that, but there were slits in her skin outlining it; a tradition of the bird-like people that represented ownership.
"That," she stated, "is why I called you here. This girl was a slave of the Yagudo, and they clearly told us that they had none in their possession. And, under our peace agreement, they were to have none." A worried look flashed across her face. "The stars have shown me nothing like this, and no matter how many times I try, I cannot see peace between our kind and theirs," she elaborated on.
Ajido-Marujido decided to take a chance. "Perhaps...ourselves and the Yagudo...were simply notaru meant to cooperate with each other," he stated, almost wincing at what he'd just said. No one had ever openly questioned the idea of peace before, especially in front of four ministers and the Star Sybil. The other ministers looked at him, wide-eyed and not sure of what would happen next. The Sybil looked back at the girl and remained silent for a moment.
"She has been severely abused; her back shows signs of whipping and there are countless bruises and scars all over her body," she whispered, trying to change the subject.
She turned back towards the ministers. "I...have chosen not to take immediate action on this. We will wait for her to wake up and find out what happened. Perhaps...it was just a misunderstanding. However, I did want to inform you of this, in case we do have to take action...." she said.
There was then a sound of shuffling behind the Sybil. She turned and looked a the girl. She was stirring, and feeling around herself. Her eyes slowly opened, and she slightly jumped at the sight of the Star Sybil. She arose as quickly as her body would allow, and looked over at the ministers. She was flabbergasted at where she was, glancing around at her surroundings. She then looked at her upper right arm, and her eyes widened at the mark that was there. She immediately covered it up, as if she did not want them to know it was there.
"Calm down, child. You are in Heavens Tower, and I am the Star Sybil. These are the ministers of Windurst, Tosuka-Porika, Apururu, Sedal-Godjal, Ajido-Marujido, and Rukususu." she told the girl, as she laid a hand on her arm.
The girl's lips moved, although sound did not come out. She seemed to say "Heavens Tower..." although no one in the room could be certain. "What is your name?" the Sybil asked, as she looked into the girl's surprised–and slightly afraid–eyes.
The girl shook her head and pointed to her mouth, which was partially open already.
"You cannot speak?" the Sybil asked, now showing a face of concern again. The girl nodded. The ministers were all showing different expressions on their faces, ranging from shock, to concern, to curiosity, and to sheer confusion.
"I see," the Sybil said, and then she reached out to the girl's hand that was covering the mark on her right arm. The girl lurched backwards on the bed, and nearly fell off of the back. Her head thumped the wall next to her and her mouth opened, appearing to shout. Again, no sound came out. Apururu approached her from the back of the bed.
"Please, calm down dearie-wearie, we mean you no harm!" she kindly said, as she comfortingly reached out to touch her shoulder. The girl forced herself away from Apururu, violently shaking her head left and right at the minister.
"Zere is no reazon to be afraid, my dear, we only wish to ‘elp you recover," Rukususu told the girl in her strange accent. The teary-eyed girl simply looked at Rukususu and shook her head again.
"What is wrong, child, why are you shaking your head?" the Sybil asked again. It was then that Semih Lafinah made herself known. She had been watching the scene from the other side of the room.
"Ma'am, would you like me to get some paper and a pen for the girl to write with? Perhaps she can communicate with us through paper rather than words," she suggested, as she approached the area of the bed.
"Would you be willing to write your story down on paper for us?" the Sybil asked the frightened girl. The girl thought about it for a moment, and then nodded slowly.
Yes, I am very sadistic. I am leaving you at a cliffhanger

Thank you for reading, I'll update whenever I can.