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Of Elves and Orcs

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  • Of Elves and Orcs

    There is a soft breeze blowing through West Ronafure, as if voices from the not so distant past are whispering to passers-by of days of honor and glory setting like the red sun over the Elvaan people. While riding on my chocobo, I am put into an almost trance-like state of peace by the rhythm of the legs running along the ground. My relaxation is broken by a voice carrying on the wind , a cry for help out to the west. Steering the chocobo to the west, my eyes see in the distance a lone warrior battling two orcs. The battle is not faring well for the warrior; she looks battered and bloody, while the orcs have a wild, exited look of bloodlust in their eyes as they sense the thrill of a death stroke near.

    Leaping from my chocobo, I concentrate and send some healing energies over to the female warrior. Immediately, a howl of fury comes forth from the first orc and he turns to me, swinging his spear in a murderous rage. I deftly step aside and the orc’s swing goes wide, while I sing a song of lamentation and pain. As the songs ends, hundreds of little cuts appear all over the orcs body and something new passes over the beastman’s face: fear. The orc suddenly arches back and lets forth a huge, guttural howl of anger, and he and his companion seem to gather more bloodlust from this.

    I concentrate again and the female warrior is again relieved of some wounds. Both the orcs turn to me now, a mixture of fear and hatred burning in their eyes.I smile at them, and remove from my belt a bright red horn. The orcs fall upon me, trying to interrupt my song as I begin to play a chilling melody. Suddenly, both orcs’ eyes roll back in their heads and they fall into a deep slumber, their weapons crashing to the ground.

    Turning to the warrior, I instruct her to rest. She looks upon me with gratitude and nods softly, collapsing to the ground in exhaustion. I reach over my shoulder and pull out a thick staff made of oak. Looking down at the two slumbering orcs, I pull back and with one swift blow, send the first orc to Altana. As I prepare to finish off the second orc, the female warrior stands and tells me to stop.

    “I must finish my trails, I must prove myself worthy enough to join my brethren in Valkrum Dunes .” I look at this Elvaan female warrior with respect, and come to a quick salute, my legs snapping together and my arm coming across my chest. She nods to me, and then walks over and kicks the remaining orc squarely in the jaw. The orc wakes up, and rolls over, surprisingly agile. The Warrior stands ready, her axe twirling in her right hand, her shield held tightly in her left. The Orc takes a stabbing swing at her while she raises her shield to meet the blow. The sound of steel crashing against steel fills the air.

    My companion feints to her left, and then suddenly twirls to the right while bringing her axe around towards the orc’s head. Too late, the orc attempts to turn and takes the full blow directly on the side of his head.With a triumphant cheer, she stand over the body of her vanquished foe. I wish her well, and continue on my way, my heart lifted by the display of Elvaan courage and pride. Perhaps some day, I shall write a ballad about the fair,red haired warrior.

  • #2
    Re: Of Elves and Orcs

    Interesting read, Don Quixote.


    • #3
      Re: Of Elves and Orcs

      Gracias, senor or senora Mog ^^ Glad you liked it


      • #4
        Re: Of Elves and Orcs

        Ever considered joining Esper Dreams? We're a roleplaying LS, and you write like you'd make a good roleplayer.
        -- Sarah
        Mozyr, Mithra, Siren Server
        75 RDM/(37) WHM/BLM
        75 DRK/(37) WAR/THF
        San d'Oria: Rank 10, RoZ: Done, CoP: Done, ToAU: Done
        Assault: Corporal

