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-= The Adventures of my (or your) NPC. =-

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  • -= The Adventures of my (or your) NPC. =-

    Being that there is too much going on at alla.. decided to see if there are other RPers here who like a good story. =D

    @ Mods - If this is the wrong forum for it, sorry.. wasnt sure where else to post some fun. =)


    Hello all and in the words of Monty Pithon.
    "And now for something completely different"

    In efforts to try to draw out some happiness and cheer, wanted to post about my story of my lil NPC Adventuring buddy. =) Also to maybe hear about yours! If you are willing to share their story! =D

    We all know how your NPC story starts with the mirror and all. But what about its passion? Its likes or dislikes?

    My NPC's name is Vinja-Kanja
    He is a male TaruTaru who likes to keep his lil taru feet on the ground. That and he worries if you ride chocobos.. if you will retain their smell.

    Vinja 1 Pic

    Vinja 2 Pic

    Vinja is my little buddy who I love to adventure (solo) with quite often, I make sure he never dies. This little Taru may look innocent, but little does eveyone know. He can get the latest gossip and political information out there.

    Vinja is very loyal to Windurst and its well being. Normally he will be found in his favorite place away from home. In the Gardens of Jueno, where all the ambassadors and local politicians meet, latest Vanadiel gossip as well as hand around local aristrocrats with deep pockets. After all.. a Taru should never have to walk around poor.
    After all.. where else can you get the latest dirt on Sandoria or Bastok?

    I try to meet up with him daily to take him out on another adventure. Although hes only level 32, He has a big heart, as well as a GREAT Kitana!

    Always takes care of doing the most damage to the monsters since I am just a simple WHM. So as a attacker, he will go through thick and far to make sure we survive the day. We had some tough times when you get 3 monsters all aggroing on your at the same time, but we survived and moved on showing them who is "Bossy-wossy!"

    Last night my adventure begins.. I am in Al Zhabi and I let that silly Taru talk me into being a test subject again and to warp me to Jueno so I can meet up with Vinja for todays battle.
    Boy.. isnt the view nice up here..? Remind me to go back to Al Zhabi and "Thank Him" sigh... teach him to spend time in the Opistary some more...

    Start Day Pic

    Finally I meet up with Vinja in the Gardens, exchange standard greetings and we decide to move it to B.Downs to go off on another xp grinding day in search for more treasure. =)

    So off we go, killing Goblins, Panthers, and sometimes.. when we are getting tired, go after a sapling.

    Vinja has quite a grace with his GKT for a Taru. ^_^v Im proud to have him work his magic on those nasty monsters who cross our path!

    Fight 1 Pic

    Fight 2 Pic

    After a long and hardaru day, nothing is more satifying then seeing your little NPC level up after a long hard day of work. =)
    I was so proud last night around 2am when he leveled himself up to 32! GJ Vinja!

    Level up! Pic

    As the closed out, it was time for him to go back to Windurst to sleepy-weepy. He told me his secret that no one else knows.
    Late at night, when the sun goes down, he likes to change into his other job and armor and go around "playing" with level 1 characters. Telling me its fun to watch how they try so hard in their sparring matches! Well, I asked him if he could show me in his armor and he was happy to comply before running off to goto bed.

    Vinja Dream Pic

    Anyways, before I saw him off to the Mog house, he told me of a new quest to do the next day. (Today) He told me he was asked to investigate the emptiness that is around. Well I said lets go then when we get together again! He was a little happy Taru! Knowing that in the Promies gives little NPCs a nice XP bonus and reward if their partners are willing to escort them and take good care of them to make sure they dont die on the adventures ahead!

    So tonight, when I get home, I know what I will be doing. =) Taking Vinja out to his 1st Promy adventure! We are going to Holla! Where we will take on Weepers and so. Then afterwards, head back down to fimiliar zones in the B.Downs afterwards. Vinja hopes he can get another level up tonight to make him 33. Never know, With the way he goes after monsters... he may just get that wish tonight. =D


    This post is just a fun little diversion from normal things going on, I LOVE playing with my NPC and leveling him up, making sure we dont die. Sure he isnt high up yet.. but Im working on him daily since I got him. =) So hopefully tonight turns out to be a good run for us too. =) Collect some Animas while we are out there too, Always good to have. =)

    Anyways, whats your NPCs background? Have any pictures? Help bring some cheer and joy to the forums and remember. Happy Friday! ^_^v (Least Vinja hopes it will be if the 1st promy run and B.downs proves of value hehe)

    Double Post Edited:
    Posting part 2 so it wasnt as long in 1 thread.


    The adventure continued on last night as I promised Vinja.

    Was quite fun and rewarding too for him.

    When I went to meet up with him in Windurst before we would Teleport-Holla to the Promy, he mentioned something about how his "friend" wants food... I think he was just trying to not seem like a imposing Taru... Didnt take long to get the meal ready.


    After that, Rallied up with Taruun, the person I am always linked with, after all.. a good WHM needs a WAR backup. =D (And she does a GREAT job at that too! Also is on these forums as well.) And off to Teleport-Holla we went!

    Once inside the shattered telepoint, I called out to Vinja to see what it is we are to do. He was quite happy to see we actually came to help him out! He told me to look out for anything unusual and that he was ready for the fight ahead and to bring it on! Boy. He is always willing to crush anything that comes in the way when he smells a good adventure! He even challenged me to a race to see who could kill the most! Lol =D

    Promy 1

    Promy 2

    So off we go, killing one Weeper after another, after all, we had a time limit. However with a great WAR Tarutaru with a Great Ax, and Vinja who follows the way of a NIN with his Great Kitana, there was nothing to fear out here. For a little Taru, I still say he wields that GKT quite well.

    Promy 3

    Promy 4

    Promy 5

    Soon Vinja was worked up! He was ready for more and more. One Weeper decided to act up.. Both Taruun and Vinja, whew.. lesson 1 kids, never mess with a Tarutaru when they are at their limit breaks! It isnt pretty how fast and deadly they can move! The Weeper found this out the hard way. =p

    Promy 6

    Promy 7

    So as the Promy run ran towards its end, We found the ??? Vinja was looking for and he thanked us for all the hard work and said its time to go back to Jueno for awhile. Vinja worked up a hunger and was happy with his XP haul as well as finishing the quest. =) Gained himself 1500 XP in that small 45 min run. As you can see in the log, even his criticals makes monsters run in fear.

    Promy 8

    Promy 9

    So after Warping us out. Taruun and I went our own ways, I went to Al Zhabi and she went to Jueno to covert her recolition to a anima. (After all, those are important you know and its a great task to easily farm with your NPC!) After enjoying the sunsand abit of Al Zhabi, I figured it was time to go back to check on Vinja to see if he ate and was read to finish out the day with a small run in B.Downs to get some more XP and just general collecting Tiger hides and so.

    I ran over to Shihu again... hoping he learned something new by now.. Maybe like CASTING WARP CORRECTLY?! Lol. Guess thats asking too much.. and off to Qufim I went.. Remind me to drag him back to Windy to study in the Opistary.. please.... love Tarus to death.. just wish they would study and not slackaru off!

    Oops.. (With Emote in picture!)

    Well finally I ran into Jueno and went to the Gardens where I found Vinja chatting away with Maat and the Nomad moogle, getting latest gossip and exchanging their normal muscle flexing. He thanked me again and gave me his Tactics pearl to call on him anytime I wanted to go out for a fight, he said he wanted to be sure he was there to collect all the spoils and workup a new hunger as well as practice new moves.

    Promy 10

    After that, I told him lets goto B.Downs, after all it was 2 am EST, I thought a lil late night killing should be fun. =D Off we went, fight after fight, nothing eventful, however from being a fresh level 32, he did tell me at the end of the day, that he was halfway to his next level already! Yeaaa! ^_^v After we got done with our fight, walked him back to Jueno and he said to hold on. When he came back, he said that since the B.Downs is under beastman control, he found some new red pants to wear. =D Looks nice too!

    Well that was all for last night! Wondering whats in store tonight when I go out. =D

    Well hoping this inspires some of you to play or even GET your NPC to play with. =D I know I think Ill make a section on my site for various LS members NPC including the adventures of mine. After all, everyone likes a good RPG story. Kills time and could be worth a laugh. =D

    Anyways, just wanted to post that last night went well.. sadly... only collected one anima more.. sigh.. =/ Was hoping for more so Taruun and I can finish Promy - dem and mea.

    Anyways hope you enjoyed the read. =) If you have a story, post it. =)
    Last edited by Mystaria; 05-06-2006, 04:44 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

    Mysticales / Mystaria
    ~Battlez-avec la Mystique?~

  • #2
    Re: -= The Adventures of my (or your) NPC. =-

    this will more then likely be moved to off topic soon

    thats the place for off topic threads


    • #3
      Re: -= The Adventures of my (or your) NPC. =-


      But I'm moving it to the Fan Works section.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #4
        Re: -= The Adventures of my (or your) NPC. =-

        K didnt know.. since its a FFXI related topic too.. so who knows. =/

        Mysticales / Mystaria
        ~Battlez-avec la Mystique?~

