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Joe's Art

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  • Joe's Art

    I guess I'll throw my FFXI related art into the mix, even though there really isn't that much of it. I haven't done any new artwork in a long time, but I'm been thinking about getting back into in if i can get my lazy butt in gear.

    This is my first peice of FFXI related artwork ever which is funny because I didn't mean it to be. I was visiting my family and my brother asked my how I do my drawings, so I sat down and started to do a really quick scketch to givehim an idea, and by the time I was finnished I relised I'd come up with one of the more common female elvaan faces. So I was rather plesantly surprised.

    This was on request from one of my freind on my rolepay linkshell. I gave here the original as a gift. It's just a chibi version of her character. (Sorry but I won't be taking requests from strangers)

    I tryed to color it latter, but unfortunately it came out all pixely. But besides the pixely effect I like how it came out.


    Beyond that I've done a number of sigs for linkshell freinds (sorry once again no requests)

    The sig for my current character.

    Here's the the first sig I made for my old character.

    And one I remade later on, An interesting note is that I have always used the gear my character currently wears in all my sigs

    Did this one for my wife's character Emilynn

    This one is for the same friend i did the above drawing for

    For a friend that is no longer with us, at least not this character and not in my linkshell, but she still a cool person ^^

    And finnally the banner I created for my Linkshells forums. The actuall link can be found in my sig

  • #2
    Re: Joe's Art

    So many colours.... @w@ Sorry, bright colours always get me dizzy and whacked out... -w-; But besides that, purdy! ^w^


    There once was fish,

    Whom made a perfect dish

    To a giant fish.

    The giant fish was caught,

    By a Mithra which sought

    To fill her hunger.

    The Mithra was slayed,

    By a monster whom would raid

    The land.

    What have we learned?


    • #3
      Re: Joe's Art



      • #4
        Re: Joe's Art

        ^^Good work
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: Joe's Art

          Blah. Crystalline. >_>... Say hello to Aerin for me.

