I was bored... _._ But there's a reason I stopped with Cooking Craft... ^w^; Ehehe, I think this is why I took up Alchemy! (^0^)/ A pile of gore and puss spewing monstrosities! >w< By the way... I'm aware it's crap, but what else was there to do? It was either help a bunch of other freshmans that had no clue how to do trigonometry and they most likely wouldn't listen but copy off me, or draw and be lazy! -w-
I was bored... _._ But there's a reason I stopped with Cooking Craft... ^w^; Ehehe, I think this is why I took up Alchemy! (^0^)/ A pile of gore and puss spewing monstrosities! >w< By the way... I'm aware it's crap, but what else was there to do? It was either help a bunch of other freshmans that had no clue how to do trigonometry and they most likely wouldn't listen but copy off me, or draw and be lazy! -w-