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School Does Get Boring... >.>

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  • School Does Get Boring... >.>

    I was bored... _._ But there's a reason I stopped with Cooking Craft... ^w^; Ehehe, I think this is why I took up Alchemy! (^0^)/ A pile of gore and puss spewing monstrosities! >w< By the way... I'm aware it's crap, but what else was there to do? It was either help a bunch of other freshmans that had no clue how to do trigonometry and they most likely wouldn't listen but copy off me, or draw and be lazy! -w-


    There once was fish,

    Whom made a perfect dish

    To a giant fish.

    The giant fish was caught,

    By a Mithra which sought

    To fill her hunger.

    The Mithra was slayed,

    By a monster whom would raid

    The land.

    What have we learned?

  • #2
    Re: School Does Get Boring... &gt;.&gt;

    It's great for a doodle! Keep it up ^^
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
    Rockman - Fairy

    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
    Currently Playing:
    FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


    • #3
      Re: School Does Get Boring... &gt;.&gt;

      Looks the the side of my notebook after my descrete math class and my Music lit class..... So borning.
      Which FF Character Are You?

      These two dont go together (Naive and wise)....Oh well.
      Take The Quiz Yourself!


      • #4
        Re: School Does Get Boring... &gt;.&gt;

        yeah, my notes are always full of random least yours are productive! And way better than I could do (I do well to draw a decent smiley
        66/55 mph? No problem! Heck, while I'm at it...let's throw in a couple of parking tickets too!!! (Gotta love campus police!)


        • #5
          Re: School Does Get Boring... &gt;.&gt;

          I was gonna kill myself with my pencil but decide to waste my time by messin' around! ^w^ 'Sides... My pencil wouldn't go deep enough... ;>w>


          There once was fish,

          Whom made a perfect dish

          To a giant fish.

          The giant fish was caught,

          By a Mithra which sought

          To fill her hunger.

          The Mithra was slayed,

          By a monster whom would raid

          The land.

          What have we learned?


          • #6
            Re: School Does Get Boring... &gt;.&gt;

            Better than my doodles >.>


            • #7
              Re: School Does Get Boring... &gt;.&gt;

              The funny part is I did this when my arm was bruised, karate > school > scribbling > pain and disatisfaction! >w< Hehe, my arm still hurts! @.@


              There once was fish,

              Whom made a perfect dish

              To a giant fish.

              The giant fish was caught,

              By a Mithra which sought

              To fill her hunger.

              The Mithra was slayed,

              By a monster whom would raid

              The land.

              What have we learned?

