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The Vana'Diel Tragedy.

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  • #76
    Chapter Eleven: Tears Shed Twelve Years Ago

    Some of the citizens watched from their windows what just had happened. The wooden docks had been wiped clean, along with Renza, gone. Ekokoko, the mayor of Mhaura came storming out of her office. She was a small Tarutaru girl, slightly aged, with brilliant red hair. She wore a decorated coat of forest green dyed cloth with white stripes and gold chain zipper, over a pair of plain slops. Her gentle, cute face scared and distorted. “What the helly was that?!" she looked on at the sea. She almost collapsed. “The docks-wocks! What happened to them!" She screamed and panicked. Mhaura’s economic lifeline had been destroyed mercilessly.

    Half of the citizens of the small Windurstian town screamed and ran on to the streets. Running for the short wooden gate that lead out of the port town, they wasted no time to express the way they felt. The other half of the townspeople simply stayed inside their houses. Even a few children watched. Two great warriors were about to fight, both ignoring the entire ruckus.

    “Never bring a sword to a gun fight" Jody closed one eye, finger about to pull the trigger. Aument sank into position. Jody fired, giving birth to a loud boom; Aument used the flat side of his sword as a shield. The ear-splitting sound of metal being clashed together echoed in Mhaura. Aument flinched and Jody’s bullet bounced off the sword. Aument wasted no time to charge forward, ready to cut the Ranger down. Jody quickly loaded his gun, but Aument shoved him to the ground. His green cap hit the dirt and his black tussles exposed. Jody shot Aument, unblocked; the bullet ripped the upper side of his left forearm, grazing it. Aument cried and grabbed his left arm, hovering over Jody’s body.

    “You bastard!" Aument swung a punch, but Jody caught it and pushed Aument back. Jody hopped to his feet and quickly loaded his gun. With a poor aim, he fired the bullet. Aument offhandedly swung the bullet in half. Jody loaded his gun again and fired, but just like before, Aument was ready though. Frustration began to build on the mind of the Ranger. Aument, didn’t bother to chase after Jody, retained his defensive stance.

    “How are you doing this?" Jody bit his lip and loaded his rifle again.

    “Heh… Even just before the Crystal War, San d’Oria never trusted Bastok. They were too power-hungry. We developed swordsmanship for blocking bullets. In fact, I created it" Aument explained, keeping his stance up.

    “So naturally, you’ve perfected it. I see" Jody nodded his head and dropped his rifle to the ground. Aument smiled. Jody pulled out his pistol, killing Aument’s grin.

    “A weaker weapon won’t help you, kid" Aument shook his head, dejectedly. Jody reached deep into his pocket and pulled out five bullets. He loaded the pistol and aimed. He clutched the other four bullets hard in his left palm. He held the metallic pistol’s leather-covered handle with precision. Aument awaited the next attack, not expecting a volley of bullets.

    “You’ll like this" Jody smiled. Jody fired a loud explosion of a bullet at Aument. Before Aument swiped it away, Jody loaded and fired two more shots. Aument blocked a bullet, just noticing two others were shot. The two bullets entered as two more were fired. The fourth bullet entered his right wrist and the fifth scratched his left abdomen. The chain of loud explosions shook Mhaura. Aument dropped to his knees. Pieces of metal in his right wrist, upper left shoulder, right thigh. He gave a loud cry and examined his wrist.
    Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 06:01 PM.


    • #77
      “You… didn’t hit… the artery. You idiot" Aument said and laughed, his voice choking with pain.

      “Idiot? I beg to differ" Jody loaded his pistol and readied a killing shot. “I am sure there is someone in Paradise waiting for you. Have a nice trip" Jody fired the bullet. Aument, using his left hand, created shield out of his sword from the shot. Not wasting time, he dropped the sword and bit into his wrist, like a wolf to its prey. This horrified Jody. Aument gave a smothered cry of pain. Blood exploded from his wrist, along with a metallic object. He pulled out a roll of bandages from his back pocket and quickly wrapped the wound. “Are you crazy?!" Jody shouted, too surprised to load his gun.

      Aument ignored him, and pulled out a small knife. It had an ivory handle and a copper blade. He stabbed into his shoulder, and cut out the bullet. Aument kept his mouth shut as it begged to scream. He did the same for this thigh. He bandaged himself up quickly. “You are just a kid. Just like Renza was. He doesn’t understand, even now, what I’ve been through. I know how to survive in any situation. Also…" Aument got to his feet, not slowed, “I know how to ignore the pain to the point, I can never be handicapped".

      “You got to be kidding me" Jody hastily loaded his pistol as Aument charged in. His sword was fast. Jody didn’t know how it happened, but felt a blade cut into him. Jody’s reflexes turned a lethal attack into a deep wound, barely dodging death. Jody collapsed to his knees as he jumped away. He got up again, grabbing his side and ran. Aument was only feet behind him. Another attempt, but this one only skimmed the back of Jody’s Jerkin, causing a wide rupture. The pain of the previous wound was starting to make Jody lose control of his lower extremities. A panic over came him and he stopped, adrenaline running in his chest.

      “You’ll like this!" Aument mocked the Ranger, swinging the blunt side of his sword. The blood-red blade smacked Jody’s ribs hard. It forced the Hume to fly in the air, landing in the dirt. Jody could have sworn he heard some bones crack. Aument gave a cruel laugh as the attack punished his foe. Jody cried loudly in pain. Blood spat out of the slash wound from before. It had opened up wider.

      Sitting himself up, shaking in pain, he readied his gun. ‘I have to use it…’ Jody looked deep into Aument’s cold eyes, of who was about to strike again. The nose of his pistol began to glow. It captured Aument’s attention.

      “What the-?" Aument said before the shot was fired. It was fast. Aument couldn’t block it. Aument examined his body a second later. Not a wound. “Uh…You missed" he laughed. He tried to move his feet. It failed. Aument eyes widened and he gazed his feet. He kept on tugging them forward futilely. “What is this?!" Aument wouldn’t stop struggling.

      Jody weakly got up and answered: “Shadow Bind". The name gave no recollection to Aument. “I guess you don’t know every trick in the book. You’ve never fought a Mithra I take it. Well this is a bow trick, but I’ve changed it around a little" Jody loaded his pistol. Aument looked back to his shadow, under the moon, and the bullet was nicely placed at the center of it, reflecting the lime colored light.

      “Interesting… but what good does it do? You know you can’t hit me with those bullets, not even if you really try" Aument spoke. Jody tried to block out the ideas. He shot a loud bullet, but it was quickly blocked. He did it again, and again, blocked two more times. He grew frustrated. He reached into his pocket, and then his expression suddenly became distraught. He had run out of bullets. He looked around as fast as he could. He spotted the rifle; it was a few feet behind Aument. He ran around the Elvaan, but the spell wore off. Just as he was about to grasp the gun, he felt a strong hold pull him back and threw him to the ground.

      “Die!" Aument slashed down at the pinned down Jody. The Ranger grabbed his axe and blocked the attack. The clash of weapons was close to the neck. Letting up for only a second, would give Aument enough leverage to chop off his head. The great sword and axe inched closer and closer to his neck. Jody tried his best to push it back, but Aument was so much stronger. Jody had used up all his resources and the possibility of death grew faster and faster. The slash wound gave him so much pain. Panic began to take over Jody’s mind.

      It all seemed lost, until a beastly black figure tackled Aument off Jody. The blunt tip of the great sword smacked Jody in the face, knocking him out cold on the dirt. A black-hided tiger with a white underbelly had attacked Aument. Aument punched it away and got himself off the ground. “Tiger?!".

      “Tigers are better for taking out bigger opponents. If you were, lets say, a Tarutaru. I would have gladly used a Mandragora" Siat-Diat taunted and stepped out of the shadows, dropping an open bottle and its cork.

      “Looks like another crony to take care of… a Beastmaster too, should be annoying, but you are going die tonight" Aument dusted himself off. The tiger gave a ferocious growl aimed at the Elvaan. Aument was ready to execute the beast.
      Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 06:08 PM.


      • #78
        The moon gave the water a brilliant green shade of light. The ocean was dark and now resting. Mhaura watched over it. The fires had been extinguished. A piece of wood, from the ruined docks, drifted. A body, a passed out Hume in a bloody, ripped up Gi grasped the piece of wood with all his possible might. He aimlessly washed onto the rocky wall opposite of Mhaura.

        The icy chill of Qufim had returned. The dry, cold forsaken land where the Behemoths walked, Qufim had thirty-six explorers from Jeuno and San d’Oria walking into their possible doom. In two groups, one being lead by Aument and Renza, half of them being the West Lions. The men had entered into a tunnel, via an icy mouth. Behind them was the dead wasteland of freezing temperatures. Once inside the icy, blue tinted walls, the cold air started to lessen. Straight ahead in sight were two campfires. Around the fires were Ducal Guards in white breastplate armor of various races. One Hume, slightly older, was the only one standing. His hair was wavy blond and he had a thin mustache and blue eyes.

        “Finally! We’ve reached the camp" Aument smiled. The blood on his armor had dried and turn light brown, still almost invisible on his black leather armor. Renza whistled loudly, capturing their attention. The Hume walked to them.

        “Captain, how are they?" Renza looked past him.

        “The cold seems to be getting to them, but overall good and ready to fight" the captain nodded.

        “Okay, we set off now" Renza commanded.

        “Now?" the captain a bit surprised.

        “Yes, now" Renza said, then turned to Aument. “Your troops ready?"

        “Of course" Aument smiled, “I am sure they will out perform any Ducal Guard".

        “Lets hope so" Renza started to walk to the camp. The rest of the arriving soldiers followed in the same way. Aument grabbed the back of Fredant’s neck softly and warmly.

        “You ready for battle, so-… soldier?" Aument, still with a smile on his face looked into the young Elvaan’s eyes.

        “Yes I am, sir!" Fredant acted like he had no relation with Aument. The two Elvaans stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. The cold had made their faces red and hands chilly. Aument let go of his stepson and walked to the camp.

        Within a few minutes they continued down the halls of the cave. The hostile freezing air was no longer a danger, but they began to spot giant, dog-like footprints. The quarry wasn’t far. A Ducal Guard crouched down to the ground, fingers examining the dirt and thin layer of ancient snow. “The Behemoths are near" he called back to the rest of the group, just behind him.

        “Okay! This will be a hard fight! Get ready!" Renza rallied the troops.

        Aument’s eyes darted around the soldiers. ‘Too many Ducal Guards… these soldiers have not fought a real battle since the attacks on Jeuno twenty years ago. Some not even old enough to fight then’ Aument rubbed his chin. He placed his body close to Fredant’s, almost like a shield. “You watch my back, and nothing will ever happen to you" Aument turned his head back and smiled.

        “Of course, Captain Aument" Fredant tried not to smile, but failed. Fredant tugged back his sleeves and put on some mittens. As he did, he exposed a tattoo, the emblem of the West Lions on his left arm. He quickly remembered the pain of having the image installed. He pulled the sleeve over it and rested his right hand on his crossbow attached to his waist.

        “Renza! I see it! The Behemoth!" the soldier who examined the ground earlier cried. He had pulled out his bow.

        “Fire upon it!" Renza pulled out his claws, ready to charge. “Captain Montgomery! Make sure the monster is always on you" he gave one command to the aged, but experienced fighter. He received a nod in return. The archer fired an arrow, cutting into the skin of the Behemoth. The beast, purple skinned and black hided, just like the King Behemoth it lived under. Its clear eyes and crooked horns only added a fearful effect. He gave a thunderous roar that echoed into the halls. It spotted the group of Ducal Guards and Royal Knights. For a second it growled, and then rushed to them. Montgomery began to cast a white magic spell, quickly finishing it. A flashing, blinding light burned into the Behemoth’s eyes. He pulled out his sword and readied his white plated shield, just as the rest of them did. He screamed a war cry and they engaged the beast. Aument did the same, and the Royal Knights followed. The beast was disoriented enough to miss the first attack on Montgomery, but soon enough repealed the hex.

        “Something is wrong…" Renza looked around, not fighting the Behemoth.

        Their weapons did little more than cut the beast. Its hide was incredibly tough, like a wall of brick outlined in thick layers of sand paper. Montgomery blocked a shot from its horns by pushing forward his shield. The horns were pushed down, but the shield pierced. The horn cut a small wound across the Paladin’s chest. Montgomery cast a Cure spell, before the Behemoth could attack again. His wound sealed up and the blood spilled from it disappeared. The Behemoth’s head bashed into Montgomery, but the shield was able to keep him on his feet. Three other Ducal Guards and two Royal Knight were casting Cure spells on Montgomery constantly. The Behemoth did a lot of damage in short time, but the healing kept Montgomery from falling. One Ducal Guard was a Black Mage, and cast spells of fire and stone at the beast. Fredant, along with five other archers, pumped arrows and bolts into the beast. Each projectile either missed or stuck into the beast’s body with a stabbing sound. Aument was doing the most damage to the beast, able to slash the skin rather easily.

        Aument stabbed deep into the Behemoth’s ribs. The crowded beast let out a roar of pain and frustration. It threw it front legs into the air and came smashing down. Montgomery braced for impact, but was knocked away. The stomp by the Behemoth sent a powerful force, throwing the thin snow into the air. The damaging attack floored all the melee soldiers and left the mages staggering. Montgomery was hit the hardest. He body was thrown across the rocky floor, being badly cut. As the group lay, stunned for a moment, Montgomery thought his spine was broken, but was able to get up. Aument hoped up and quickly gave loud commands. He stopped the monster from attacking while everyone was down, shoving his blade its knee, then blocking off its mouth. “Heal all the melee!" he shouted. Then he saw it. Another Behemoth was charging through the tunnels, right at them. “Oh damn!" Aument was ready to stall it, but a figure appeared in front of the monster: Renza.
        Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 06:10 PM.


        • #79
          The Hume’s in Ducal armor head was aimed down, almost as if he was unaware of the coming Behemoth. “Trust me… hurry up and kill this one first!" he commanded quickly. Aument nodded and all the troops turned their attention to the badly wounded Behemoth. Renza began to focus. Aument kept one eye on the Ducal Guard captain. Renza dropped his claws to the ground, bouncing on the frozen rocky ground. With his left hand, he ripped away the armor on his right arm, breaking the breastplate. A strange, purple aura began to drift around his arm. A shining violet light, followed by sparks of sharp yellow, red, and blue volts. He began to shake. The loud, powerful Behemoth was only yards away from him. He looked up and pulled his arm back ready to strike. He thrust forward with all his might. The howls of a wolf echoed in the halls, none belonging to any Behemoth.

          Renza suddenly jolted up, falling off the piece of wood. He panicky fluttered in the cold water. He came back to his senses within a few seconds. Aument and the King Behemoth’s spell, it all came back to him. He took a big breath and looked for Mhaura. As soon as he spotted it, not too far away, he began to swim as hard as he could towards the town.

          Siat-Diat pulled out another jar with a cork top. He quickly popped it open. A strange, colored haze spilled out and formed into a black hide tiger.

          “Grr! This is your fourth pet… I am sick of this" Aument said and arranged the Behemoth Dethroner and charged at the Tarutaru. The tiger roared and charged, but a with a quick movement, Aument slapped it hard with the blunt side of his sword, sending the beast flying. Siat-Diat, shocked, pulled out his axe. Siat-Diat parried a slash but Aument slashed hard down on the Tarutaru’s side with the second attack. The Tarutaru cried as he felt the blow cut along his back. He gave an attack swing but Aument parried it and hit him hard with the end of his handle. The Tarutaru soared back, crashing into an Mhaura tavern wall. He coughed out blood holding his mouth in pain. Before Aument could finish him off, the tiger ripped its claws into the Elvaan’s back. He screamed in pain and spun around. His sword sliced into the tiger. He pulled his great sword up, ripping the beast in half, blood spraying everywhere. As the pieces of the tiger fall to the ground, its body and blood became vapor and faded.

          “Damn it!" Siat-Diat was worried. He charged at Aument, his axe cutting the Elvaan’s arm lightly. Aument, furious, grasped Siat-Diat’s small neck and threw him back into the wall. The Beastmaster was knocked out, sliding down the wall. Aument picked up his great sword, preparing a coup de grace. He noticed something off the corner of his eye. Renza was now walking on the dirt. He was drenched in water, dripping and soaked.

          “You… you… are still alive?" Aument questioned with eyes of a deep rancor. Renza flapped his hair back and adjusted it.

          “Yes, I am" he answered with satisfaction.

          Jody was slowly coming back to a state of consciousness. His head ached terribly. He gave a loud moan and rubbed his temples, slowly opening his eyes. His vision was blurry and dark. He slowly was able to see well again, spotting Renza. ‘He’s alive!’ he thought.

          “Damn it… I thought you died already. Fine!" Aument charged at Renza. He sword gave a simple slash into the air, which Renza dodged quickly. He gave a quick punch to Aument’s ribs. It was powerful shot, shaking Aument’s ribs. Pain rushed through out Aument’s body. Renza then gave a shattering kick to Aument’s face. The Elvaan and his sword dropped to the ground. He was stunned. The last two attacks were so strong. ‘Renza is finally showing me his full potential’ he got up.

          “Please, stay down…" Renza asked.

          “I think that is not a possibility" Aument shook his head in disagreement and got up.

          “I am not playing around anymore. Please stay down Aument!" Renza demanded again.

          “Hehe… you are going to have to knock me down, and keep me down" Aument picked up his great sword from the dusty ground.

          “If I must…" Renza very seriously said, “I’ll kill you". He didn’t mean those words.

          “How exactly did you live through that?" Aument changed the subject.

          “That doesn’t really matt-“ Renza tried to finish.

          “It was that attack wasn’t it? The one…" Aument smiled, Jody listening intensely, “That killed a Behemoth in one blow".

          Jody’s eyes widen. ‘Killed a Behemoth in one blow?!’ Jody was very shocked. ‘I knew Renza was strong… but that’s…’ Jody finished out-loud, in a low voice, “Impossible".

          “Are you going to use it on me? It would probably keep me down. I don’t even know the effect it would have on a humanoid. Would be interesting. Even more interesting, thinking of a way to counter it… come on Renza" Aument smiled.

          “You are crazy, you know that?" Renza sighed.

          “Are you scared? Is that your trump card? Why do you hold back so much? I would love if you answered these questions, but knowing you, you won’t even say anything" Aument frowned.

          “I don’t want to kill people, period" Renza tried to tell a boorish Aument.

          In the city of Jeuno, a city high above the seas in a tower formation. On the ports, a teenage boy with messy dirty blond hair sat on the edge of the bridge district. His body was muscular for his age. The floors were of white tiles and just above his head was a line of rope preventing people from falling off. He was just a push away from falling a hundred feet into the endless water. The busy auction house was loud, draining from his concentration. He remembered the days of Jeuno as a small port town, almost unknown, him and his two best friends fishing just for the fun of it. Then they came, and changed it into a huge metropolis.

          He watched the bloody sun set, reflecting on the salty waters. His right arm had bright red burns all over it and, it pained him with every movement he made. Even with this pain, with his feet hanging out in the open air, he had a smile on his face. Behind him was an old man, with bushy eyebrows and an old face. He wore a commoner’s sea blue jacket opened over white shirt and sea blue pants with a pair of worn-out olive shoes. His hair was black but was turning gray, even on his eyebrows. He must have been forty-something. “Wow, Renza, you’re up early…" the man said rubbing his blue eyes, “Wait a second… did you sleep at all? Don’t tell me you’ve been using the technique I taught you all night". Renza turned his head and smiled. He saw all the burns on Renza’s arm. “Oh my, you can’t keep on using that attack over and over, or you’ll burn you arm up! Well too late for that... You get some sleep, boy. I’ll just-“ he cut himself off when Renza picked himself up, ducking under the rope. Renza shoved his sleeves down as he saw his friend walking down the street.

          “Please don’t tell him you’ve taught me this… he would be very jealous" Renza asked, with an innocent voice.

          “Yah, yah! Just get some sleep" he ordered the boy. Renza ran up the street, with lampposts and people rushing through. He past his friend, a Hume with black hair and body strong like his. They waved at each other.

          “I am going to sleep, I pulled an all-nighter" Renza looked sluggishly for a moment, hanging his hands down. His friend’s father, who looked rather similar, had the highest rank into the newly formed Ducal Guards: the head captain.

          “Renza… my father told me, the Beastmen has declared war upon the five nations of Vana’diel" he said slowly. His voice was serious and straightforward.

          Renza dropped his sleepy act instantly. “What? You can’t be serious!" Renza uttered loudly, surprised.

          “I am afraid so…" the boy with black hair looked up to the now darkening sky. Renza snapped out of the flashback with the words of Aument’s threat and promise.
          Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 06:12 PM.


          • #80
            “Okay, have it your way. I’ll come at you everyday of your life. Trying my best to kill you each time, sure to succeed" Aument swung his sword up and raced to Renza.

            “And I’ll be waiting, on each of those days!" Renza punched forward. His jab connected on Aument’s face, but his sword still sliced into left shoulder, over the previous wound. Both the fighters staggered. Renza hurled a strong kick into the Elvaan’s upper right shoulder. Aument jumped left, but still was hit. He smacked Renza in the face with the edge of his handle. Renza gave two kicks to Aument’s chest. Aument followed it by slashing into Renza’s knees, just hitting them. Renza shoved his elbow into Aument’s ribs. Aument swung a right punch into Renza’s face. Blood spat for each punch and cut. Both of them roared and cried for each attack given and taken. Jody watched the fight, amazed.

            Both of them retreated a few feet and clashed. Aument was able to block Renza’s strikes with sword. Before he could attack, Renza grasped his wrist, with a great wound, and twist it. Aument bit his lip hard, pulling Renza forward and giving him a strong knee thrust to the chest. Renza had the wind knocked out of him. Aument grabbed Renza by his hair and slammed him to the ground, in a hard, violent motion. Renza spat out blood as his head bounced. He grabbed his sword with left hand and tried his best to stab down at him. Renza held the blade itself back with his right palm and fingers was being cut. His left arm was unable to help much. He began channeling chi energy through out his body. The wounds on his body stopped hurting and his left arm was healed. It left a warm glow and feel. With the newly recovering arm, he grabbed Aument blade and pushed it back. The handle bashed his upper chest, causing him to retreat, holding his chest.

            “Damn!" Aument complained as Renza got to his feet. The Monk preformed an unblocked roundhouse kick to the Elvaan’s face. Aument ate the blow entirely, but coughed out a large amount of blood. He almost connected a jab, but Aument hit him with the blunt side of the red Behemoth Dethroner. Renza flew into the dirt. Aument, with everything he had, face bleeding, stabbed down to Renza. With blades inches from Renza’s face, Aument felt sudden resistance. A cracking sound was heard, and a blue orb of magic aura appeared. Aument had pierced the glass aura, but could not get his sword past it. “What the?!" he cried, shoving more into it. Renza was also confused. He turned his head to the entryway of the VERMIN headquarters. Mercutio had just cast a white magic spell. Aument followed Renza’s eyes, turning to Mercutio.

            “Oh Goddess! Another crony?!" Aument looked furious. Jody jumped up, but his head was hit by an intense ache. He stumbled back to a sitting position, holding his temples. Aument pulled out his sword and the aura disappeared. Aument turned his attention to Mercutio.

            “Mercutio, run!" Renza ordered.

            “Mercutio? Haha! This is great! That’s the man I need to capture" Aument smiled, he ran towards the doorway. Mercutio’s feet trembled. He was so afraid. Finally his body reacted to what his mind was telling it, he slammed the door shut, locking it, and raced up the steps. Aument, focusing only for a second, slashed into the door then ripped it out when he pulled back powerfully. The Elvaan ran up the steps. Mercutio, alone in the office, looked for some kind of weapon. He looked at a rapier, in a gold and glass case, hanging from the wall. He pulled it off and opened it. He gripped the sword, barely knowing how to use it. He looked at the doorway. Aument was waiting.

            “Stay back!" Mercutio ordered, afraid.

            “Haha, so you are going to fight with that?" Aument laughed. The Elvaan jumped forward, totally avoided Mercutio’s swipe and grasped Mercutio’s neck with his hand from behind. He placed the great sword on Mercutio’s neck. “I wonder if I should kill you or get my bounty" he said close to Mercutio’s ear. The helpless man was overcome with fear. He couldn’t breath right and trembled. Renza raced up the steps, reaching the room.

            “Sorry to do this to you, but if you come any closer, I’ll kill Mercutio here" Aument smiled. Mercutio was placed in front of him; any attacks would hit Mercutio first. Renza eyed the long Behemoth Dethroner ready to slice Mercutio’s neck.

            ‘This is bad’ Renza was very worried. “Let him go, you want me don’t you?" Renza pleaded.

            “Yes, but this little guy could be used as a great weapon against you" Aument smiled, “I don’t plan on killing him just yet. Gives you time to be the hero… makes things interesting, no?". Renza stared into Mercutio’s fearful eyes.

            Jody was finally able to get to his feet. He ran for his loaded rifle. “My last bullet…" he said to himself and picked up the rifle. He looked to an alley parallel to the headquarters. In the lighted room, from the window, shadows were alive on the wall. He saw the situation, not clearly though. He sucked in a big breath of air and quickly ran up the steps. Before Aument could tell who had just entered the room, Jody aimed and fired. The loud thundering shot was followed by an eerie peace. Jody dropped the gun. “I… missed" Jody couldn’t express his feelings clearly.

            “Well look at that!" Aument laughed. Renza ran forward, Mercutio’s heart stopped. Aument could imagine himself ripping Mercutio’s neck open before it happened. A second past, a loud clash was heard, a sword slamming into another. Not knowing exactly what happened, Renza saw Aument’s great sword fly into the ceiling, deep inside it. Mercutio’s rapier was extended into the air, gripped tightly by his frail right hand. Aument staggered back. “Huh?!" Aument looked at his hands.
            Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 06:16 PM.


            • #81
              Renza looked at Mercutio’s face. It was different and yet the same. He seemed older and direct. His eyes changed radically to an innocent azure to a deep violet. ‘What happened to him?’ Renza noticed the character change within Mercutio. Jody just noticed what happened, confused as well. Mercutio spun around. He raised both his palms and aimed it at Aument, each hand only an inch away from contact. He cast a spell, without chanting or any aura, it just happened. A furious, sharp gust of wind, strong and raging, destroyed the office in a chaotic blast. Throwing the several of the plaques and frames across the room and cutting the desk into three pieces. The wind hit Aument hard. His body was cut and slashed by the winds as it propelled through the window. Shattering glass flew around in the room. Aument smacked the building across the alley and he fell. He could only brace for impact as he saw himself fall two stories into the rocky ground. Seconds past, the Elvaan pushed his body from the ground, knowing a few bones were broken. He didn’t know what happened, nor cared at the moment. He raced down the alley, aching with terrible pain.

              Mercutio, in this strange state of mind, didn’t look directly at Renza or Jody. His left hand started to wobble curiously and his right hand dropped the rapier. He looked at it curiously, not knowing what his body was doing. The movement continued up his entire arm. Just as quickly he fell to the ground, and began to have a seizure. “Make sure he doesn’t swallow his tongue!" Renza ordered to Jody and he ran towards the window. Renza looked out the alley. Aument was gone. Renza looked to Behemoth Dethroner stuck into the solid ceiling. He then turned his sights to Mercutio, who was still shaking wildly, with Jody adjusting the position of his body. ‘What is Altana’s name happened?’

              The night concluded after Mercutio and Siat-Diat were sent to rest. Renza was met by an official and was expected to meet with the mayor in the morning. The sun rose within a short amount of hours. Neither could Jody nor Renza sleep, so they just watched the ruins they left behind and Jody read a book.

              “So, how do you expect to pay for all the damages you’ve caused-waused?" Ekokoko was sitting in a high chair while Renza stood. She was behind a nice exquisite desk. A Mithra with short black hair was adjusting books on a shelf s a few feet away, trying to block out the discussion. The room was small, with several, dark wood bookshelves.

              “I am not exactly sure, but I know VERMIN has unused banks full of gil. I’ll use the money and lend man-power" he nodded. His body ached from the battle on the previous night, but he hid it from the mayor.

              “Also, after the docks are repaired, I expectaru VERMIN to leave Mhaura. We no longer welcome or supportaru the company of VERMIN" she frowned. Renza was saddened lightly by the news, but understood it. He nodded in response.

              “It will take a few days, we have an event planned soon for these mountains… And after that we would have to pack everything up“ Renza explained.

              “Of course, I will wait those days" Ekokoko said.

              “Understood" Renza nodded.

              Renza walked out of the building, with a tired Jody and Siat-Diat waiting.

              “So?" Siat-Diat asked bluntly.

              “We rebuild those docks, and then we pack our bags and get out" Renza informed them.

              “Damn…" Siat-Diat signed.

              “Not so good for your first few days" Jody looked into Renza’s eyes.

              “Not so good, that you missed that shot last night" Renza returned the look. With the tension suddenly unwinding, they both laughed loudly.

              “I don’t get it" Siat-Diat tried his best to sound as least dumb as possible, looking away in embarrassment.

              “Renza, so the sword of his is still in our possession?" Jody asked.

              “Yes, and I am sure he will come back for it" Renza nodded, hiding a smile.

              In a dark room, in a nice bed with white sheets and a think blanket, Mercutio laid looking out a window. His body felt very weak. He was slightly dazed. “Is there… another me?" he said to himself in the darkness, a streak of light pouring onto his face.
              Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 06:18 PM.


              • #82
                In San d’Oria, a jail cell was occupied by two figures. One was Hume and the other one was Elvaan, Shinato and Auricant. Both had some scrapes and bruises on their faces. The jail cell was under the Chateau. Baramore walked the halls, next to the shadowy warden. The warden was the very same cloak wearing man that led Auricant through the dungeon. Baramore reached the two. He laughed slightly. “Now I know how you felt a few days ago" he smiled.

                “I don’t know how you could laugh at that" Auricant shook his head.

                “This Elvaan never shuts up! Please get me out of here!" Shinato begged.

                “If I am correct, it was you I had to keep demanding to be quiet" Auricant spat.

                “Both of you please calm down… and Shinato how could you get in trouble so fast? I literally entered you into the city a few minutes before the fight" Baramore looked slightly concerned.

                “Well, he was not looking where he was going and he is stupid" Shinato looked bitterly at Auricant. Auricant simply rolled his eyes.

                “I had hoped one night would have taught you something. Can either of you explain your actions?" Baramore asked.

                “Self-defense" both of them answered at the same time.

                Baramore sighed. “Ugh, just let them go" he told the man in the tunic next to him.

                “Okay" he said, almost a whisper, and opened the lock. Both of them walked out, stretching.

                “I hope I never ever see you again" Shinato said disgustedly.

                “Excellent, we have something in common" Auricant said and smile bitterly.

                “Goodbye Shinato" Auricant said.

                “Goodbye Auricant" Shinato replied.

                “Auricant come with me, you’ve been given a new mission" Baramore said.

                Shinato noticed Bleeding Wolf standing at the end of the hall. He met up with him. “Hey Wolf" Shinato greeted.

                “How was your night?" Bleeding Wolf grinned.

                “I wouldn’t have called it fun" Shinato sighed.

                “Well, I was right. Bastok has given us an ambassador mission" Bleeding Wolf informed him.

                Both of them, made their way into the Basok Consulate, passing through beautiful halls of the Chateau, which was near by in North San d’Oria. The building was very nice and decorated with the San d’Orian flag and the Bastokian flag. They entered and met with a chubby, older Hume standing at the door. He had casual clothing, green pants and cheap shoes, outside the blue aketon with a Bastok emblem at each shoulder. “Okay, Shinato and Bleeding Wolf, yes?" he said with his deep voice.

                “That is correct" “Yah" Bleeding Wolf and Shinato answered, in that order.

                “Okay, let me get my notes… Oh by the way, my name is Helaku. Ah here we go" he pulled out a piece of paper and read it, “Okay, you will have an Elvaan escort. You need to kill one Orc. Any Orc. This is a barely a mission of course… just those damn Elvaans trying to keep us busy. Well good luck, but I’d imagine it would be easy. Okay?".

                “Uh yah, whatever" Shinato spoke for the both of them. ‘This guys says okay a lot…’ Shinato started to lose interest.

                “Where is our escort?" Bleeding Wolf asked.

                “He is on his way here, okay?" the man smiled and told him.

                “Very well. We will do the mission and report back to you as soon as possible" Bleeding Wolf nodded and gave a short bow.

                Shinato quickly opened the door. Auricant looked up. Their eyes met for a second, followed by a cry of horrible disgust.

                “You?!’ they both roared.

                In a ruin of a magnificent structure made of the chalky white cermet, a temple laid hidden. The ancient carcass was semi-circular with a long slope climbing to the top cutting through the middle and many rows and ramps around it. Chunks of the walls were missing and large wounds marked into them as well. Around it was a deep wood of humongous dark colored trees, wide as buildings. It was morning, with the sun not too old. Innocent radiance shined on the streets and small pools of water. The water here was queerly clear and fresh. On these streets, ancient creatures walked, none of them similar to a man. Pieces of cermet, fallen from the walls, laid as pebbles on the ground. Just before a large entrance to this temple was an all but empty fountain of beautiful design.

                Once in the holy place, its beauty became obvious. Walls, floors, and ceilings of cermet lined across the halls. On the ceiling were vents that let light in. Every few steps were closed doors to the right and left. Finally at the end of a lone case of stairs, chipped and tarnished, was a small hallway. It led to the inner-sanctum of the temple.

                The room was apparently endlessly tall, falling to darkness before showing its ceiling. The room’s floor was a long bridge with a platform holding a strange apparatus, with many buttons, in the middle and a door, similar to a fence of cermet with an empty slot at its middle, at its end. The bridge was over a large lake of crystal clear water, with many columns, some only little more than towers of rubbish. To the side of the cermet bridge were statues of saints. They were hooded and genderless, some of the statues had no upper bodies or heads, all of them decaying to time. Only two of them stood out through. Above the entering arch was a cold figure. It wore a pointy hood and was bound by many chains. Seemingly male, his wings drooped down. Its posture gave a sense of hopelessness and sadden mood. Parallel to the chained figure, above the door at the end of the bridge was a gorgeous figure of holiness. Anyone of Vana’diel could tell you her name: Altana. A tunic-wearing female just like the rest of them with large, lifted wings high into the air, she welcomed anyone entering the room. Her face, thought plain in the form of the statue, gave a sense of valor and safeness. She was smiling and he hands were folded together in prayer. The room, ancient as time, had an alien yet welcoming silence. It greeted anyone and everyone, but was left untouched… for maybe countless of hundreds of years.

                On this room’s narrow floor, just before the device, a body laid. It was a man and he was not conscious. He looked to be in his lower twenties and had strange markings on his face. His black hair was a youthful and full. It was long, reaching his shoulders. His attire was unique and nothing a citizen of Vana’diel would have ever seen before. He wore black robe, hoodless and reached to his feet, which fitted like a vest on the upper part of his body. The robe was missing its right sleeve. On the man’s white skinned right arm were strange markings. They seemed to be tattooed, but were in fact apart of his skin, like a birthmark. The ancient words wrapped around his arm, covering it entirely. They seemed to be countless dark black characters on his skin. Slowly he opened his eyes. They were dark, almost radiating blackness. He jumped up and looked around wildly. He had just woken up from a very bad dream… millions of people watching the sky; suddenly a rushing wave of indescribable power, without color, came rushing through them all. The force simply made their flesh and bodies vanish and blast away. He was in the middle of it all, covering his ears, as the sound was deafening. With a flash, he felt time pass him by, but very quickly. Now that was all gone and he was awake in the world of the present. Outside these images from his dream, he could not remember a single thing.

                Slowly he centered his attention and looked up. The chained statue was towering just above him. “P-Promathia…" he slowly began to remember. He turned around. “Altana" he said slowly as his eyes looked at the figure. Suddenly, breaking the peace, a voice was heard in his head.

                “You are the one who created the Vana’Diel Tragedy… the one who wrote the Memoria De La S^tona. It is now time for you watch over your story and play a role in the events of this world…" the voice was beyond description.

                “Who are you?" he jumped slightly and called. He looked around. The darkness in the room frightened him slightly.

                “Go southwest… you will make it in time to meet them" the voice said and disappeared.

                The man knew where southwest was, but that was only it. He slowly felt himself recover; relearning his powers and his strengths, but his memory was gone totally. He sucked in a big breath and walked out of the holy room. He set off for southwest. He didn’t know his name or where he was, but he felt like he could trust the voice for some reason. Unknown to him, it was where the Republic of Bastok was.
                Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 06:22 PM.


                • #83
                  Here yah go .

                  Sorry it took long to release, had some issues. Anyway, thank you Hinatakun!!

                  Chapter 12 City in the East

                  Get to see Kurin-Juran, Cronin, and Sakeru again, yay.


                  • #84
                    This is too extremely long for my time.


                    • #85
                      Print it out and read while LFG.

                      Also Blood... WEWEWEWEWEEE~~!!

                      By the way. When am I gonna make an appearance again? Kicked me for being inactive in the game? ;P
                      I quit. :O


                      • #86
                        no but...
                        play more ; ;.

                        We are bout to kill Kirin, and it wouldnt be at is coolest without you ; ;.


                        • #87
                          Great as always Blood


                          • #88
                            Re: The Vana'Diel Tragedy.

                            Sorry about the lack of updates, I should have made it more public I was taking a break after chapter 11 ;3. Anyway Chapter 12 is almsot done and I just started on Chapter 13


                            • #89
                              Re: The Vana'Diel Tragedy.

                              Wellllll finally. I pretty much slakced all summer, but here is Chapter 12, Humanity. One step closer to the final truth.

                              VANADIEL TRAGEDY
                              Chapter Twelve: Humanity

                              There was a land of tropical temperatures and ecology. An island of warm seas, endless jungles, and an explosive volcano, it was called Elshimo Island. It was located less than two hundred miles away from Windurst. The morning of the day gifted Elshimo with its sun. Only one town existed on this island: Kazham. The port town hanging off the northern west coast of Elshimo Island was the home of the Mithra. The houses in this Mithran town were built out of natural materials such as bark and grass. Palm trees sat in the sun and waved to the people below them thanks to the soft wind. The ground was grassy and mossy dirt, exotic flowers everywhere, and even some of the town were accessible by short caves lighted by touches.

                              All across this town, running and sleeping, the monkey-like Opo-opos loved the bright sun. Mithras, with adventurers or merchants of other races, played roles in work and commerce. With some just relaxing. Airships, with a blue-coated wooden hull with a one large propeller in back and two minor propellers in front, flew into and out the docks that lay out in front of Kazham, all day long.

                              A Mithra, with silky light lilac colored hair that just cut short just before her eyes and wrapped around behind her neck, walked down one of the wooden docks. Her clothing was a dark, thick violet velvet gi with steel pads on her chest and shoulders. A strong belt wrapped around her sides. At the cuffs of the gi were black folds. A steel brace protected her neck. Her slacks were just as thick and dark. Her sune-ates were black, with darksteel plated into them. Equipped to her hands were black tekkos.

                              She walked gracefully and slow. On her sights, at the very end of the docks was a large boat. It was twenty feet high and fifty feet wide. On board was handful of Mithras. She had a smile on her face and sack of food held strongly by her right hand. Her stay at Kazham was a short one, just to get food supplies for her crew. Only a few yards from her craft, she was stopped by a shout. “You! Stop therrre!” it came from a Mithra in a scanty dressed in a red loincloth and top. Next to her was another one dressed just alike. The shouter had bright yellow locks and the other had long red hair. Both of them were armed with bows.

                              “Hmmm? Can I help you?” she smiled and turned around.

                              “Are you not Hintah Akunih?” the shouter asked. There was a silence, as the Mithra in the black garments hesitated to speak, still with a smile. “Well?” she asked again, slightly annoyed.

                              The captain dropped her bag suddenly. In her right hand was a small piece of paper in a strange shape. It looked like a cutout person, but will no detail. She began to chant, releasing an insensible aura and strange characters began to burn red into the air. She made a series of foreign gestures with her hands, and the paper disintegrated.

                              “Ninjutsu!” they both shouted and loaded their bows. They fired with a short time to aim. It was too late now though. Hintah Akunih threw her right hand back, dropping the ash into the air. A distorted aura flashed onto her body and disappeared. The arrows coming right at her flew by her, but none of them connected due to them being blocked by her animated shadow.

                              “Sorry! I got to go!” she said quickly and began to run. The Mithras chased after her sending arrows as they ran. None hit her, only stabbing into the docks. One arrow ripped the bag and a roll of black bread fell out. Before she could notice, Hintah passed the bread and now was behind the guards. She noted it had dropped quickly. She dropped the bag and ran back. She dropkicked the opposite Mithra into the other, sending both of them to the ground. She got up and ran for the bread. A third Mithra, wearing the same thing and with short blond hair, charged in gripped her curved sword and stabbed forward. Hintah ripped out a sharp, black leather handled kunai and parried the attack. She then began casting another spell of ninjutsu with an object in between her fingers. It was an egg bomb of some type, with a transparent bag over a spice-covered egg. As before object disintegrated and characters burned into the air as she chanted. A cloud of darkness hit the opposing Mithra’s eyes.

                              “Arg! I can’t see!” she clutched her face. Hintah did a sweeping kick, maximizing the damage from the fall by slamming the Mithra down with her right elbow while she was suspended in the air. The Mithra almost broke through the wooden planks she fell so hard.

                              “Grrrr! Give it up!” one of the other two shouted, as they both got up. Hintah simply smiled as she moved very fast, faster than the Mithras’ eyes, and with the blunt side of her weapon, knocked them both on their heads while she ran by them and turned around quickly once they had be hit. Both slumped to the ground with a moan.

                              With three Mithras aching in pain on the ground, Hintah Akunih ran for the boat after she picked up the bread. More arrows flew at her, but none hit her because of her evasive speed. She ignored the door at its side and did a high jump. After flipping in the air, she landed nicely on the ship’s deck. “Lets move it!” she ordered quickly. Three other Mithras was standing on the deck as well. They wore either a basic, tan and black gi or a light-weighed iron chain mail with blue leather. “Underrrrstood!” one of them, with a simple spear strapped to her back, nodded and ran to the wheel. The boat, within a minute was leaving the docks.

                              A Mithra watching from the land, under a breezing tree, sighed. She had red blouse and a red loincloth. On her head was a red feathery crown over short silver hair. Another Mithra placed her hand on her shoulder. The other Mithra was wearing a shiny vermilion tunic with a few golden strands. “Even if she rrrran away from her duties… a sin hunter never likes to be hunted themselves, Chieftainness” she said with her older, but nice voice.

                              “Manaa Mihgo?” the chieftainness flinched for a second and turned around, “She is a pirate though. Everrrry time she attacks a ship, she puts Kazham’s diplomacy with the other nations into turmoil”.

                              “She will come around, one day” Manaa nodded her head.

                              Windurst was in its natural beauty as usual. The trees, with their fat, white trunk and reaching green leaves swung with the grass in the gentle wind. The sea gave its salty aroma and the sun waved to the citizens. In the residential area, a tall house stood, like the wooden houses of Windurst only the wealthy lived in: two floors with a balcony and plant life growing on and above it. In one of the rooms of the wealthy house was a Hume dressed in long black slacks and white socks. It was Cronin, with his muscular chest bare and his dirty-blond hair lying against his bed. He lay over his white sheets, looking up to the ceiling.

                              “Master. Is anything planned today, kupo?” a high-pitched, but soft voice called from the corner. Cronin continued to look up, at the star filled wallpaper that covered everything above him.

                              “Well… nothing planned, but something is bound to happen” Cronin said calmly. He was a bit tired.

                              “I must inform you, Kurin-Juran sent you something… would you like to check your delivery box, kupo?” the voice called again. Cronin sat up, at the edge of his nice, rosewood-framed bed. He looked to his Moogle. The small, white winged creature with a strange antenna with a red ball sticking out the top of his head was small. Even smaller than a Tarutaru, but the body shape was similar.

                              “Sure, what did he give me?” Cronin gave a curious look.

                              “Hmmm” the Moogle raced outside the room and then back in, almost in an instant he was so fast. He held up a kabob, filled with meat, peppers, and onions. “A Meat Mithkabob” the Moogle spun around excitingly.

                              “Haha, we just read an article about the effects of adventurers eating food” Cronin smiled and the Moogle placed the warm stick with meat on it in his palm. ‘I wonder what he is up to’ Cronin thought as he dug his teeth into the top piece and ripped it off.

                              “Master Cronin… I don’t think that was intended for breakfast, kupo”

                              “Kurin-Juran, how are you doing?” Minister Karaha said peacefully. Kurin, only a child, and him were sitting across from each other over a short oak table. Kurin-Juran wore a simple green vest and shorts. Karaha was wearing his decorated tunic, green with many stripes, brown and yellow. On his neck was a blue gem pendant. The hood of his tunic was like a yellow crown.

                              “I am doing… okay” Kurin smiled.

                              “Okay it has been six weeks since I started to tutor-wutor you and we’ve gone over many things… amazingly you learned so fast, but I had more in mind for you” the minister voice was strong. He grabbed large, brown book and slammed it on the table. He flipped it open to the first page. “I am going to teach you how to cast magic” he smiled. All over on the first page was a bunch of illegible symbols, the most obvious one was an image of a rock. Karaha ripped off the page.

                              “M-magic. Like my daddy-waddy cast?” Kurin asked, almost seemed confused.

                              “That is correct! Now here is the firstaru Black Magic spell you will ever learn… it is called Stone” Karaha said and hopped up. Kurin did the same. “Okay, now focus…” he moved his hands slowly, in a chanting position. Kurin mimicked him exactly. “You cast similar to this stance. Now read those runes from the page, memorize them” he sat down and spun the book. Kurin sat down and looked hard at the page. He saw the letters light up and slowly disappear, character by character. The spell was imprinted into his head forever and ever.

                              A few moments past… A large rock burst out of Karaha’s house, sending glass shards everywhere. “That… was nice, Kurin” his voiced sighed from the inside.

                              Kurin-Juran, now in the present day, rubbed his temples. He stood on a dirt road, up a hill in Windurst. To his right and left were walls of rock and on the ground below him were tall grass and dirt. His hood was down, with his silver curls exposed. Whenever he would get a flashback like that, his head would ache annoyingly. Soon it passed over and he continued to walk. He hated to see the past come alive again. It was so vivid in his mind that it hurt. He loved seeing his father and mother together in his clear thoughts, but it grew so painful. Finally he was broken out of thought when he noticed Koshii walking down the same road he was.

                              “Koshii!” Kurin-Juran smiled and waved. Koshii was wearing her white hooded-doublet like all Sybil Guards. On her back were a strong bow and a quiver. Her hair was silver and she looked around to see who it was. She quickly noticed it was Kurin.

                              “Well, hello therrrre! How are you doing, Kurin?” she asked and smiled.

                              “I am doing just fine, you?” Kurin returned the grin.

                              “Oh, you know, the usual. You, Sakeru, and Cronin have been staying out of trouble” she eyed him down with those words.

                              “Hey! It wasn’t me” he looked away, eyes hiding, “And yes, Cronin and Sakeru have not done anything messy-wessy to get in trouble”.

                              “Well that’s good” she leaned back, “Hey we never did get a chance to get in contact… how does tonight sound?”.

                              “Hmmm, it sounds fine. You know a good place to eat?” Kurin asked.

                              “No actually. Sybil Guards don’t get to go out usually” she flushed and scratched the back of her head.

                              “Right, well, me and Cronin have been going to this place for awhile. The food is good and a bard plays some nice dinner music” Kurin-Juran suggested.

                              “Sounds great, see you at… seven?” she also suggested.

                              “Sure! I’ll be sure to be on time, I hate being the lastaru one to show up” he smiled now too.

                              “Bye” she bowed and continued to walk down the road.

                              “Bye-bye!” he returned and then turned forward. Before he could begin walking again, a soft hand was placed on his shoulder. It was Sakeru’s. “What the!” he jumped forward and turned around. “Where did you come from?!” he grabbed his chest, still in shock.

                              “I am very sneaky... Kurin-Juran has a date, eh?” she giggled.

                              “D-…D-date?! What are you talking about?” he flung his hands in the air.

                              “Welllllll… sounds like you arrrre on a date” she continued to giggle.

                              “Shesh! Just two childhood friends meeting together! Its not a crush or anything!” Kurin got flustered.

                              “Okay” she responded smiling.

                              “You mean to tell me two people who have not seen each other in fifteen or twenty years can’t meet?!” he went on.

                              “Okay” she did the same.

                              “I mean, thataru is crazy!” he sighed.

                              “Okay” she repeated. Kurin-Juran lifted his head, only watching from one eye.

                              “You still don’t believe, do you?” he asked with forgivable irritation in his voice.

                              “Okay” was her answer, “Err, I mean…”.


                              • #90
                                Re: The Vana'Diel Tragedy.

                                In Giddeus, within the rock walls built from Yagudo’s claws and beaks, two male Yagudos walked down the halls, underground. A series of dark tunnels lit by torches. Large worms crawled all about, under the surface. The one of the right was red kote-wearing Chief Inquisitor of the Yagudo Theomilitary, Quu Xuchi the Judgement. The other was the Yagudo who govern the Beastman city, Zhuu Buxu the Silent. Zhuu, with his large hide of feathers, spoke slowly. “Did you interrogate him?” he asked.

                                “Yes, kawk, and he didn’t even say a thing” Quu Xuchi looked to the ground, “I want to use some of my truth-telling potions… but I would need your permission”. Zhuu kept his mouth shut for a long awhile.

                                “I think it is best you do not use anything of that such on the Torrent, kyah” he nodded his head and turned to Quu.

                                “Very well” Quu gave no protest but followed with a question, “I believe you want me to do a task of some sort?”.

                                “Yes, kawk, that is correct. I need you to contact a soldier in Tahrongi Canyon. His name is Moo Ouzi. He will be waiting for you” Quu nodded.

                                “Do you believe that the Shadow Lord will return?” Quu Xuchi quickly changed the subject. Zhuu Buxu was left silenced for a few moments.

                                “I suppose its possible, if all the Beastmen were to work together” the Silent responded, shrugging.

                                “Do you want him to return, kyah?” Quu gave him a serious look.

                                “I do not know… I really don’t at this point, kawk, I just want what is best for my people” Zhuu, with almost sadness in his voice.

                                “Would you betray the Theomilitary?” Quu kept his serious tone.

                                ‘The Theomilitary starves the fledglings of this city! They give little support or protection from brutal adventurers! All they care about is the glory of its soldiers and its growing empire!’ Zhuu all thought in his mind, filled with rage. He gave a sigh and answered, “I could never imagine myself doing so. If that’s your concern, you should think if the Theomilitary would be against the Shadow Lord at all”. Quu ignored that last sentence.

                                “Well, I suppose that’s good, kawk” Quu Xuchi turned away. He was not completely satisfied with the answer. When he first came here, at request of the Yagudo Avatar to prevent any possible rebellion, he thought the task would be easy. With the rumor of Shadow Lord’s return strong, he could only afraid the worst. It was now or never Quu Xuchi stopped a Yagudo rebellion, to prevent the start of a worldwide war. It was quiet until they reached a large wooden door with brass bars. Beside it was a very tall Yagudo: Zhuu Buxu’s bodyguard, Eyy Mon.

                                “Goodnight Quu Xuchi” Zhuu Buxu bowed.

                                “Have a nice rest, kyah” Quu Xuchi waved goodbye. Zhuu entered and shut the door behind him. Quu and Eyy exchanged glances for a second, but turned away. Quu made his way back down the gloomy hall and outside into the breeze morning with the sun up high. He would leave for Tahrongi Canyon now.

                                Just outside the town of Windurst were the vast fields of Sarutabaruta. Tall, fat trees with long green leaves with tiny teeth on the edges and patches of grass over dried mud was the clearly through out the fertile land. Large cliffs were laid out over East Sarutabaruta. Cutting through the area into three pieces, next to Windurst, were two mighty rivers, Nompipi River and Zanbibi River.

                                Just outside Windurst was Cronin, sitting in front of her stone block gates. He sat on a severed stump of an old tree. His sword out dug slightly underground as he fiddle with it.

                                “Damn it Cronin! You’ll never be anything if you don’t study!” a voice from the past roared followed by a book slamming on a table. The voice came from the throat of an older man. He stabbed deeper in the earth. More memories flowed into his thoughts.

                                “Mommy, why is dad never home?” a young boy questioned.

                                “He is a very busy man. He can’t be everywhere at once” a warm, soothing voice called, from a woman.

                                “He’s not here for my birthdays or any holidays… I wish he would just die…” the boy’s tone turned dark with resentment.

                                “Don’t you say that!” she responded.

                                ‘So a couple years later, the old man croaks. Not sure if I should be happy or sad about it’ Cronin sighed and picked himself up. He strapped his sword to his leather belt. He slowly walked back towards Windurst.

                                Kurin-Juran walked the bridges in Windurst Walls. Windurst Walls was the northeastern district of Windurst. It was a group of tiny islands and bridges in a circle on a large lake. At the middle was Windurst’s most recognized feature: the Great Star Tree, also known as Heaven’s Tower. A gigantic tree wrapped around an ancient tower on top of a large island. Aside from the Auction House, Windurst Walls was very quiet. The homes of the retired ministers of the past surrounded the tower before a great moat, and even a house left empty by the hero of Windurst, Karaha-Baruha, was one.

                                Kurin-Juran was walking up a small hill, had just passing by the Auction House. On a large rock an older Tarutaru shouted. Kurin-Juran looked at the small blond haired Tarutaru in a cheap, tan gi strangely. The speaker stood on stone “Oh! Hear now!” he announced. Two young Tarutaru boys sat and a young Mithra girl leaned against the stone. A Tarutaru woman wearing a black threaded tunic sighed and walked away.

                                “That we can now live in peace… under the blessed shadow of the Great Star Tree… is all thanks to the great hero, Karaha-Baruha!” he spoke loudly.

                                Kurin-Juran almost staggered. He knew that name. It had been his old tutor back when he suffered from his mental disorders. He sat down against a parallel stonewall, in a middle of a sunflower patch. The older Tarutaru raised his hands in the air. “I have such a tale to tell you! Now listen up, because I’ll only say it once!” he shouted to the crowd. He saw Kurin-Juran and smiled.

                                “Thataru’s a lie! You say it everyday!” the woman in a black tunic cried.

                                “Ahem” the speaker cleared his voice. Kurin-Juran knew Karaha had become a legend of some kind, but never knew how. He listened carefully.

                                “Twenty years ago was right in the middle of that awful war” he said, then rubbed his inching chin. He relaxed his neck. “At that time, I had just graduated from the beginners class at the School of Magic. I could barely cast a fishing line, let alone a combat spell. Nevertheless, I volunteered to join the guards at Odin’s Gate in Windurst Waters to help protect this fine city” he smiled. “Even now, after so much time, I still see it in my dreams. It was the night of the Siege of Sarutabaruta. My Caster Company was in the gate’s lookout tower, preparing for battle. The magical barrier on the gate was Windurst’s last line of defense from the teeming hordes below. We looked out over our doom; countless Beastmen, and only Goddess what else, covered the land as far as the eye could see!” he did his best to spook the kids, but they had heard the story a hundred times.

                                “I never knew the chances of Windurst survival in the war was so small. What exactly did Karaha do?” Kurin looked curious.

                                He cleared his throat again, and continued. “I remember it as the worst night the Federation ever faced… It was a face-off at Odin’s Gate. Orders came from the division commander to our Caster Captains. ‘Hold them off’, that’s it! The monstrous horde was bathed in the pale glow of the moon. Only a miracle would bring us through to see another dawn. Terror gripped my body and I lost my footing, tumbling down before the Beastmen set against us… all alone!” he pretend to panic. “I doubled over in pain from my high fall. All I could hear were the metallic scrapes of swords being pulled form their scabbards and the blood-curdling cries of the advancing Beastmen. They had seen me fall and were approaching mighty fast! The monsters rushed towards me like a wave in a storm, unconcerned with the spells raining down upon them” he explained. He took a big breath.

                                “I was doomed. But at the very moment I gave up all hope, there was a flash of light and soul-shaking howl that resounded over the plains of Sarutabaruta! I looked up to se a shaft of divine light stretching from the top of the magic tower toward the full moon that hung in the sky” he coughed, “That’s right! It was the great hero, Karaha-Baruha! He was summoning! It was an enormous beast! Right there! Above the tower! It was a purple hided wo-“.

                                Cronin was sitting at the tavern Timbre Timbers. His table was empty, outside the fork and knife. A Tarutaru girl sat across from him. She wore a shiny coat and cap over messy brunette hair. She had red kotes and haidate. Cronin nodded. “Okay, I understand. Three adventurers? Perfect” he smiled.

                                “Okay… could you make it to Mhaura in the next day?” she asked, in an innocent voice.

                                “Wouldn’t be a problem” Cronin stood up.

                                “Okay I’ll contact headquarters a-sap” she smiled and walked out of the tavern. Windurst Waters’s air was filled with a strong sweet aroma. Lumomo raised a black linkshell pearl to her face.

                                “Renza, I have found the last three” she spoke softly into the orb.

                                “Excellent” a voice returned.

                                To the south of the Huntsman’s Court, was the Rhinostery. It was an old Windurstian building flowing with a light layer of moss. Much some of the other ministries, the Rhinostery was two buildings connected by a bridge. On the sides of the buildings were red and gold banners baring the emblem of the ministry. Pass the bridge was a boardwalk that entered in a pond with plant life. Standing out the most was a series of red plants that radiated a blue light. Butterflies flap their wings, hovering above these plants. A Tarutaru was at the end of the boardwalk, an octagon platform. He wore less flashy clothing than other scientist. A simple tan tunic and black slops.

                                Leepe-Hoppe looked curiously at the object laid in front him: a large diamond shaped piece of cermet, just like a crag. It was eight feet tall and half as wide. He focused at the strange, ancient writing. His tan mitts rested on the cermet object and he gazed. The font was a fading black; it was sharp, yet messy. “So unusual…” he whispered to himself. ‘Words from the ancients?’ he pondered to himself.

                                Three shadowy figures in fancy black tunics walked under the bridge that separated the two buildings. Their tunics hid their faces and they marched on quietly. As they stepped on the boardwalk, Leepe-Hoppe turned around, and noticed them. He looked a little afraid as he approached them.

                                “Do you have business here, who are you? If anyone was coming, I would have knew” he shrugged.

                                The three figures met him and stared down. One was in the front, and two behind him. With his right hand he gently shoved off his hood. Leepe-Hoppe got a short gaze at the man’s bizarre hand. It was metallic and mechanical. Quickly it withdrew into his sleeve. The man was young looking, but had a wicked look in his face. His hair was a deep blue, unheard of. Leepe stared into the man’s face for a short while. “We are here from Jeuno,” he explained, “We heard the Rhinostery had found something in the north, something that interested us”. He looked past the Tarutaru, at the object.

                                “Yes, we found this in the north. I didn’t know anyone found it to be it to be any worth” Leepe turned and pointed to the diamond-shaped object. “Could you be apart of the Armathrwn Society?”

                                “Yes, that is true. Minister Rukusu knows everything already” he nodded and said with his solid voice, “We will be taking this now”. Leepe was almost ready to oppose them, but he rejected the idea.

                                One of the cloaked figures whispered something to the other. Her voice was cheery and light. “Do you think what I think that is?” she asked.

                                The other voice was sharp, and rebellious. “No, because you have no idea what it is” he returned.

                                ‘Oh, you are so cruel” she sighed. All of Tarutarus stared at these cloaked figures.

