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The Vana'Diel Tragedy.

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  • #61
    /em drools.



    • #62
      Wonderful! Great work Blood and Hinatakun, the chapters just get better and better. Not gonna go into details here, I'll talk to yah in DS.

      Only one thing, I have red hair. Not white. ;P
      I quit. :O


      • #63
        Oh stop complaining Ronia, he made me a Dark Knight, I'm a freakin Samurai!... And he switched me and Cronin's char models... that is like... ugh...

        Anyway great work on the chappy, but holding back is not me, I kill, or run away. rofl
        <Bloodredpoet> My mom just called the movie "The Men In Black" "The Black Men" LMAO~

        (Damn BRP and his confusing LS name)


        • #64
          Um... Don't bite me head off if I'm wrong, but don't you and Cron have the same face model? :sweat:
          I quit. :O


          • #65
            Ronia you need to log on sometime! We need to do Sleepga II quest for you. <I want to make money.>

            And you too shin, why pay for one game when you only go on one .


            • #66
              Been away this week... ;P

              Anyways, I get smothered with homework at times due to poor school management, and I have other activities on my spare time, and friends. I usually get time for FFXI in the weekends.
              I quit. :O


              • #67
                Now, I know I'm gonna be flamed or something for saying this, but I'm just having a blast in WoW, but I'm gonna be back sometime this week... gonna have to if I don't want my account canceled

                Hopefully at the end of this 2 month break the gil seller-economy-common*things*people*complain*about*24/7 has lightened up.
                <Bloodredpoet> My mom just called the movie "The Men In Black" "The Black Men" LMAO~

                (Damn BRP and his confusing LS name)


                • #68
                  VANADIEL TRAGEDY
                  Chapter Ten: An Invitation of Unfriendly Intentions

                  It was Windsday morning and a hot day in Bastok. Before Shinato had heard the request to deliver the Lu Shang’s Fishing Rod, Jud’Oriulo walked into the Metalworks District’s Iron Musketeer’s quarters, hidden from the public eyes. Jud’Oriulo wore his sky blue robe and tinted glasses that stood out from his long, red braided hair. A long, narrow hallway he stood in with a series of jail cells to the left. The floor was of cold iron and the room’s expression dead. Every cell had a barred window, ruined mattress, and exposed toilet. Out of the four cells, only one was occupied; the last one, at the end of the hallway. Jud’Oriulo looked at the man in the cell, with a face of disgust. Two guards waited at the door to the room.

                  “I am so happy you came to see me" the Hume looking man said sarcastically and laughed. He was bald, but wore a hood. His long, black hooded coat with strange designs. It was one of a kind. His face was graced with red lines and marks, ancient runes. He wore two star shaped earrings, black in color. His coat covered down to his black boots. He dressed nothing like Jud’Oriulo, yet he seemed so similar to him.

                  “Men, please leave us in peace?" Jud’Oriulo asked of the musketeers. With a nod, they did so, closing the reinforced door behind them. Jud turned to the man. “You were a fool then, and you are a fool now" he snarled.

                  “I am not the fool, you are. Believing the society will save us from the coming doom that is the awakening of Promathia… the emptiness" the bald Hume was sat on the bed, then got up and walked towards the iron bars that held him back. A strange rune was at the bottom; it negated all spells directed at the bars. This man was a special case.

                  “Promathia… and what in the world is the emptiness?" Jud’Oriulo looked concerned.

                  “Its something before and after your time. I came across a rather interesting book, The Vana’diel Tragedy. A good read, look it up sometime" the criminal grinned.

                  ‘He has read the book…’ Jud focused on the parallel man’s smile. “Where is it now?" Jud’Oriulo did his best to not show any emotion.

                  “I don’t know, and I don’t care. Why? Have you’ve been seeking to read it before my little suggestion? Could the society’s puppet really want to learn more? How cute" the criminal laughed and began to walk to his bed, sitting on it.

                  “Your jokes at my expense bother me little. You should be displaying emotions of fear and sorrow, not cockiness and happiness. Gro’Asogo, you defied the Armathrwn Society when you destroyed that Airship and killed those people. Death is your only option" Jud focused his eyes at now laying Gro’Asogo.

                  “I am going to break out soon… I will get one of my tools and break through these walls. I suggest you skip this town, because I will burn it to the ground. I’ll kill every disgusting leech that lives in this godforsaken land" he warned with laugher in his tone. He laid his head back, against the brick wall.

                  “It is dreadful to talk to someone like you… but I need information" Jud looked into Gro’s closed eyes.

                  “I am sleeping, please leave" the imprisoned man said weakly. Jud’Oriulo sighed and walked out of the room, slamming the door hard behind him. Gro’Asogo just laughed loudly, eyes still closed.

                  Many miles away... Seagulls cried in the sky, as the white birds flew wildly above the docks of Mhaura. Windsday morning was a pretty one in that part of Vana’diel as well. The town was built out of white stone and rocks, using the earth to build houses and buildings that included wood. Children, mostly tiny Tarutaru kids, played in the streets. Unemployed fishermen threw out their nets and fishing poles in the see, hoping to make a quick buck. A large steamboat had just left, leaving a few random passengers. An old lady watched to the seas, with a frown on her face. She had a red bandana over her frail, white hair and a red dress to match. ‘Will you ever come back to me?’ she thought in sadness as the sun’s gleam bounced off the rushing waves, into her eyes.

                  Renza walked out of a small building, which seemed hidden. He was wearing his white gi and black slacks. His dirty blond hair danced in the sea’s wind. He rubbed his chin with a burning sensation he got from shaving.

                  A short, male Tarutaru, wearing a harness, subligar, and slacks, approached him. The material of the armor was slightly blue but mostly a dark black, made from beetle shell. A red ribbon was wrapped around his head, below some of his fluffy yellow bangs. His ponytail touched the back of his harness. “Renza! All the paper work is done; we can finally start planning the new set of raids. Of course, the tunnels in Tahrongi are to be first. We need three adventurers though…" the Tarutaru explained quickly.

                  Renza looked into Siatdiat’s eyes for a moment. “We do not have enough?" Renza questioned, turning his head forward, gazing the bay’s grace.

                  “After the old guy croaked, well… almost everyone left" Siatdiat sighed, “we have two adventurers coming, another three would solve the problem. Do you want me to inform Windurst?" Siatdiat asked.

                  “Hmm, seems like the best course of action, go ahead. Have one of our recruit agents head to the city now" Renza nodded.

                  “Oh and another thing…" Siatdiat said unfinished.

                  “Hmm?" Renza expressed his interest, looking to the Tarutaru.

                  “You got this in the mail" Siatdiat reached into his pocket and pulled out a letter: a folded white envelope with a red handkerchief hanging out of the crease. Renza snatched the paper vessel gently and brought it close to his face to read the address. It was blank, save a “To Renza Azure" in dark bold lettering with the address in the same font.

                  “Okay, thanks. If that’s all, you are dismissed" Renza smiled softly. Siatdiat returned the beam, bowed, and walked away. Renza turned his attention to the letter. He opened it hastily and laid his back against the tan stonewall of a busy, yet currently quiet tavern. A used piece of paper was inside. He read the words slowly…

                  “Hello, old friend. I am sure you remember me. At the time that I shared your regrettable company, I was a man of such honor. The horrific Behemoth Incident should be burned into your mind, as it has mine."

                  Renza stopped reading the letter for moment. The memories came back rushing to his mind. ‘Who could have written this? They are all dead… all of them, but me’ Renza began to breath heavy. He eyes raced down to the bottom of the parchment page, no name. He decided he would finish reading the letter. ‘Could it be…’ Renza thought as he read the letter.
                  Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:43 PM.


                  • #69
                    “Renza Azure, I have a problem with you. Deep in my heart, I realize the death of so many people was your fault. I won’t stand by as they rot in their graves and the man at fault for their deaths runs free. My demand is simple. I want to fight you to the death tonight. I plan to meet you at the docks of Mhaura at midnight. Please be there. I will crush you like a bug or destroy this town. Your choice"

                    Renza could only frown. “It’s him" he sighed under his breath. He gazed up to the sun. “Will I ever escape my past?" the words spilled from his mouth in a quiet tone.

                    Mercutio sat on the docks. His reddish-brown coat and slops seemed clean as he leaned against a post on the docks. Mhaura was beautiful for him, but he could never appreciate it. ‘This is becoming hopeless…’ he sadly thought, ‘I will never find out who I am, never… ever’. His shaved sides and ponytail of black hair was embraced by the wind and blew wildly. Footsteps on the dock were heard behind him.

                    "Uh hey, new guy… you don’t mind if I practice with this pistol? Its loud" Jody asked nicely, understanding. He was in his green uniform with brown leather gloves and boots. His hat hid a lot of his black curls. Jody’s brown eyes were so forgiving and almost nice, but unemotional.

                    “It wouldn’t bother me" Mercutio talked fast and shy.

                    “Okay, thanks" Jody smiled and paced forward to place three empty glass bottles on far away posts of the docks, facing the sea. He walked back, near Mercutio. The steps of preparation caught Mercutio’s eyes. Jody loaded his pistol and placed two other bullets in his left palm. With his right hand he held the gun up, aimed to shoot one of the bottles. He smiled, and then turned to Mercutio, “You’ll like this". With that pause in the air, he closed one eye.

                    One shot of thunder proportions rang in the air. Such force caused Mercutio to jump. The glass shattered into a hundred pieces, it seemed to Mercutio. Not a second later, Jody had loaded the next shot and fired. That familiar bang and the glass shattering, and by the time Mercutio noticed these noises, Jody had loaded his third shot and fired. After the third bottle had been destroyed Mercutio looked up to Jody.

                    “Wow… you shot them all within five seconds, perfect shots too" Mercutio looked at the three wooden platforms and back to Jody.

                    “Thank you" he put the pistol back into his pocket, “I usually fight with this, though". Jody pulled at a small rifle, not bigger than his arms. It had two handles, for perfect aiming.

                    “I see, I didn’t know that" Mercutio looked on at the weapon. The amnesiac got up and began to walk out of the dock area. “Thanks for the show, I guess I’ll be seeing you around" he called to Jody. Jody waved goodbye and pulled out four more bottles out of a pack, placed them on the wooden posts. Mhaura’s sun became red as it dropped from the sky, setting on the horizon.

                    The Behemoth Incident wouldn’t leave Renza’s mind…

                    In a land eternally under the curse of winter, snow and granite-rock mountains, a group of eighteen people marched in armor under fur coats, expect two. The land was ridged and bitter cold. Many dead trees, without leaves, reaching out with black bark branches were around them. The icy wind blew very hard on the faces of the travelers. Easy to see was a soaring tower of the bone-white cerment material that the crags were built of. At its top was a crown like design, a heavenly sight. Three legs of cermet, like spines of the earth, were half dug under the white snow and frozen dirt as they connected to the tower. Two men led this pack, a Hume and an Elvaan. Half of the troops were Ducal Guards of different races and white armor. The other half was Elvaans in Royal Knight armor. They all shivered when a gust of icy wind hit them.

                    The Hume was Renza, as a young adult. His dirty blond hair was just as long and in the same fashion. He wore the armor of a Ducal Guard: white breastplate and a heavy set of armor. Over his armor and head was a white and tarnished hooded-cape. At his sides were steel-bladed katars with red handles. He shivered little compared to the rest of the soldiers.

                    The Elvaan next to Renza had on a black-leather suit of armor, along with black mask that only covered his eyes and nose. He was almost a feet taller than Renza, about six and half feet tall. His long black hair was wild and blew in the wind constantly. He wore a very small buckler on his left hand. On his back was a large Darksteel great sword, strapped on by black leather matching his armor. He wore no cloak, and stood out, looking nothing like his San d’Orian troops. A tattoo on his palm had a male adult lion impaled by a great sword with the words “West Lions", named of his special-ops Royal Knight brigade. The cold seemed to bother him little.

                    An Elvaan with black hair and gray leather vest and trousers with a headband, with a white cloak over his body stood next to the Royal Knight leader. They had the same hair, but looked very different facially. The younger Elvaan was an archer, equipped with bolts and a crossbow.

                    “Renza… how far are the caves anyway?" the Elvaan spoke, his breath was chilled and yet calm.

                    “Well, from this cheap map, seems like less than half a mile" Renza nodded, he was less of a man than he was as an adult, but still brave.

                    Their trip to the Behemoth’s Domain had been peaceful, but a struggle thanks to the chilling winds. Renza and the man next to him pressed on, until they noticed they were being watched. From the hills above, two green-skinned, bald-headed giants with muscular bodies yet, bony ribs, grunted loudly. They had no lips, with sharp, disfigured white teeth. They stood at around thirteen to fifteen feet tall. The Beastmen wore loincloths made from wolf hide decorated with cheap wooden and iron shields. Even with their shoulders over their head one could still see the cheap necklace around their necks, four stones on a rope.

                    “Sir Aument! Attack?" one of the soldiers, shaking with the pain of coldness, asked quickly. The man in the black leather armor hesitated to speak for a moment.

                    “Renza… me, you, and Fredant will take them with the assistance of the Ducal Guard White Mage, if necessary. The rest of the troops will conserve their energy. You must be a good fighter, if they let someone this young raise to such a rank" the Elvaan smiled. The Elvaan that followed him, younger than Renza, looked nervous as he pulled out his crossbow and loaded it with a sharp bolt.

                    “I won’t disappoint" Renza smiled, “these Gigas hit hard, but slow. If we can take them out fast, no damage will be done".

                    “I’ve never dealt with these monsters before, but any Beastmen can fall to my blade" he looked at them run down the snow hill, getting closer and closer. “Their legs seem pretty weak, take them out and I’ll get a perfect neck shot. They don’t have much of a neck though, I’ll have to be precise. Fredant, stall the one we don’t kill first" the older Elvaan nodded to the younger of his kin. Fredant nodded back, nervous.

                    ‘My first mission… stepfather is acting so different. He is not making fun of me, he is treating me like a respectable person’ Fredant was concentrating on the Gigas running behind of the other attacker. He looked deep into his white eyes, pupil-less like an Orc, the frostbite on the Beastmen’s hands. It seemed like it was starving to death, its tiny waist not proportional to the rest of its body. ‘That Beastman is in pain… can… can I kill it? Why should it die?’ Fredant looked past the enemies’ frightening disfigured face, ‘If I don’t, stepfather will be mad’.

                    The front Gigas suddenly stopped and slammed its hand into the ground. “What the hell is it doing?" Aument questioned, hand gripping on his great sword’s hilt.

                    “Don’t move!" Renza yelled, running right from the pack, closer to the Gigas. It was like Renza was wearing commoner clothing, his armor seemed as heavy as paper to him. The Gigas roared as it pulled a giant rock, barely what could fit in its hand. He eyed Renza down, as the Hume stopped pacing. They stared into each other eyes, until the Gigas lunched back and chucked the stone at Renza. Renza ran forward and somersaulted over it, landing gracefully. The stone hit the ground, causing a wave of snow to explode into the air.
                    Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:46 PM.


                    • #70
                      “Renza! Go!" Aument roared to his ally. Fredant readied his crossbow. The soldiers watched on, still in awe of Renza’s movements. Freeing his arms and head, Renza swung his white hooded-cape back, now with bits of snow on it. He pulled out both his katars and brushed them against each other, arms fully extended, causing a loud sharpening sound. He glared the Gigas and charged. The Beastmen pulled out a spiked, metal club and readied itself. Renza slid under its legs, crouching, and using the ice. The Beastmen’s swipe missed his head. Just as he passed under, he stabbed both legs and ripped out the muscles of the green monster’s knees, spraying blood into the air. Renza jumped through the rain of blood, both katars covering his face, and continued to race to the second one.

                      The Gigas legs wobbled and the giant came crashing down to its knees. The giant gave a loud cry of pain. Aument grinned and raced forward, ripping out his great sword. He jumped onto the Gigas. He swung his giant blade very fast, cleaving the almost inexistent flesh between shoulders and head; such a perfect decapitation that the massive spray of blood didn’t race into the air until Aument was chasing behind Renza. The Gigas’ head landed gracelessly in the snow. The kneeing body dropped totally into the ground. The snow’s color slowly corrupted to blood red.

                      Fredant, finger shaking on the trigger, finally shot a bolt into the Gigas’ right arm, rendering it and the club it held useless. Renza, pulled the same attack as before and Aument followed as well. The Gigas couldn’t even finish its shriek, before its head and body were two. The finishing blow was slightly messier and some of the warm blood sprayed on to Aument armor.

                      Renza and Aument looked to each other after both of the Gigas were dead. “I am sorry you got some of the blood on you" Renza expressed, lungs cold from the chilling air.

                      “Nonsense. In wars to the north, covering yourself in the warm blood of the enemy is one of the only ways to keep you from freezing to death. I consider it a gift" he laughed. Renza looked sickly at him. Aument turned to his stepson. “Good job, Fredant, but you still need practice" he called to him. A random Royal Knight padded Fredant on the back, causing him to blush.

                      “I can see the cave from here" Renza covered his eyes from the now snowing sky.

                      “That’s where the last group of troops, twice our size had to retreat. I believe the alpha male, the being causing all the problems, is at" Aument rubbed the Beastmen’s blood on his black leather coat.

                      “They say… the King Behemoth can summon a star from the sky and destroy anything in its way" Renza noticed his white cloak was now ruined with blood, but the armor under it was stainless. He unhooked the cloak and cleaned his katars with them. He released his grip and let the chilling gale take it away.

                      “Sounds tough" Aument smiled, the troops now close behind them. The Gigas’ blood dyed the ancient snow red. Fredant looked at his crossbow, as he walked forward, with eyes of regret.



                      Renza jumped out of his black leather chair, behind a desk full of notes. On the very top was the letter. He rubbed his head, having a headache after his nap.

                      “Renza" a dark black sea-style shell laid on the desk whispered faintly. Renza grabbed it, putting his hand on it. Suddenly, the message became loud enough to understand perfectly. It was the VERMIN Linkshell. “Renza!" a sense of impatience in the tone. It was Siatdiat.

                      “Siat? What is it?" Renza said very quietly.

                      “Windurst says it has three adventurers, of a decent rank, that could fill our last three spots" Siatdiat said over his linkpearl.

                      “Great, have the agent pick them up" Renza replied hastily.

                      “Okay. Siatdiat, signing out" the Tarutaru finished the conversation.

                      The room was a small office. A desk, a black chair, and a few shelves as the furniture in the room. A few framed objects hanged on the plain, white painted wall. Renza walked out of the room, leading to a long staircase and a door out. He left the building, walking on a street of Mhaura. He walked through the main street leading to the docks, passing a wooden bridge above his head. Two Tarutaru little boys and a Mithra ran past him. Finally the docks came to sight. The docks were a series of wooden platforms, some being home only to the steamship. Jody walked next to him, from behind.

                      “Sup?" Jody looked to Renza.

                      “Tonight, I’ve been challenged by a very powerful man to fight to the death on these very docks" Renza admitted, voice low.

                      “Hmmm, your serious?" Jody didn’t look surprised, but was.

                      “Unfortunately, yes. I don’t know if he has gotten any stronger, but when I saw him twelve years ago, he was one hell of a fighter" Renza continued to talk, as the sun set.

                      “Twelve… years ago? The Behemoth Incident?" Jody asked, raising an eyebrow.

                      “Yup… he blames me for the deaths of that event. He was there as well" Renza said as he walked to a nearby wall and leaned his back against it. The wall was of a white stone building.

                      “I thought you only lived through that?" Jody couldn’t help but ask.

                      “It was that way until this morning, I got his letter" Renza frowned.

                      “Whoever this is, I’ll have your back. I can probably snipe him off before you get hurt" Jody nodded his head.

                      “I don’t believe that will be needed" Renza finished, walking away.
                      Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:52 PM.


                      • #71
                        The sun was laid to rest quickly. The dark, starry night showed up faster than Renza had hoped. Mhaura streets were empty. No kids or fishers. The few steamboat employees were locking up the ticket booth as the last ship left an hour ago. Renza stood at the beginning of one of the docks. He looked up, to the moon, with a green tint. It was eleven, fifty-eight.

                        Jody paced back and forth on a Mhaura rooftop. His pistol, at his side, was loaded. The small rifle in his hands was as well.

                        Renza was looking down when he heard footsteps. “Hello, Renza Azure" the voice, cold and cocky, greeted. Renza looked up. There was an Elvaan with black hair and black leader armor. On his face was a white mask. His cape was taller than his body, a large black cloth that he wrapped around himself. He unhooked it, dropping to the ground. A long blood-red great sword was revealed. “Hello Renza Azure… My name is Ravez. I am a mercenary".

                        “Aument, don’t play games with me" Renza looked at him spitefully.

                        “Hehe… Aument. Under the alias of Ravez, I have completed a dozen requests, a few being assassinations. I was sent here to retrieve a fellow named Mercutio actually" Aument went on, Renza stunned for a second by the mention of his task, “But, all this has been a way to support myself until I found you. I don’t care about this man named Mercutio. Now I just want to kill you".

                        “Is this for the West Lions? For Fredant?" Renza looked into Aument’s mask. Aument’s expression suddenly became angered.

                        “You shut your mouth now! I don’t want you to ever mention either of those again. Not even the sound shall come from your lips!" Aument shouted to him. Jody looked on with concern, high above and far away. Aument right hand grabbed his mask, pulled it off and threw it to the ground. His face was slightly aged and had a giant scar: a chunk of his cheek was permanently missing, a Behemoth’s claw ripped into his face twelve years ago. Renza looked away from the sight for a second, somewhat sickened. “Its time for you to pay… to pay for your disgusting existence!" Aument roared. He took his blood-red great sword to hand.

                        Renza signed. “If I must fight you…" Renza started to say, as he readied his fists. Aument leaped into the air, slashing at the same time. Renza jumped back, barely dodging the attack. Aument continued his pursuit, stabbing and slashing away. Renza jabbed forward, blocking Aument’s forearm with his own, canceling the great sword attack. The fist knocked the Elvaan’s head back. Aument retreated a few yards.

                        “Hehe… Happy to see you retained your skill. It would be a shame if it was too easy, after waiting this long" Aument smiled.

                        “Why do you chase me?" Renza asked, annoyed.

                        “You wouldn’t save him… hell, you wouldn’t let me save him!" Aument was now angry as he exclaimed.

                        “So it is about him. Why can’t you understand?" Renza cleared his throat, “You are blinded by rage and hatred. You would not have made it in time,. You would died a few seconds later".

                        “Murderer! Your hands are dirty with the blood of my family… you will die by my blade, or bare hands if need be!" Aument declared, readying for his volley of attacks. Renza stared dead into Aument’s eyes, as the charging Elvaan pounced on him. The blade just missed Renza’s left arm, but Aument’s right shoulder thrust Renza to the ground. Before Aument could take the advantage, he received a sweeping kick to the knees, also falling to the ground. The floored opponents quickly got back up.

                        “Renza said not to get involved…" Jody noted alone, sitting on the ledge of an Mhauran roof. He watched the Hume and the much taller Elvaan fight. His small rifle was ready to take out Aument, if Renza was close to death. The town of Mhaura had no idea that the fight was going on.

                        Aument smacked Renza with the blunt side of his sword, causing the firmly planted Hume’s feet to slide back, brining up a dusty cloud from beneath them. Renza retaliated with a swift kick to the face. Aument caught the foot with his left forearm and shifted his arm to grab it, pulling Renza up. Renza hit the ground hard. Aument raised his blade above his head, ready to stab down. Just before it would have impaled Renza, Aument was knocked back a few feet in the air, by two kicks, one on his chest and the other a critical blow to his face. Aument was able to land on his feet at the same time Renza got to his. Blood dripped from Aument mouth.
                        Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:54 PM.


                        • #72
                          “Haha! We fight like equals… Makes this all the more worth it. I hope you are only holding back though" Aument laughed, not ready to give up. Renza brushed the dirt off his white gi, paying no attention to Aument. Aument frowned at Renza’s lack of reaction. “Fine! I’ll make you say something" Aument grimaced.

                          They clashed once again. Aument’s slash was kicked away by Renza, followed by a punch to the Elvaan’s face. Aument spat out blood and swung his blade, to push back Renza. Renza tried to sweep Aument’s knees from, but Aument stomped on Renza’s swinging foot, causing him to let out a cry. Aument then kicked Renza’s face. Renza’s blood spat into the air. He readied a finishing blow to the chest, but Renza flipped up and retreated before he could perform it.

                          “Die already, you deserve it!" Aument gave out an array of slashes. He fought with a great sword with incredible speed. Aument’s began to spin as he slashed. Renza raced forward, ducking under Aument’s slashed, and punched into Aument’s chest. Aument, stunned for a moment, received an elbow to the bottom of his chin. Renza wrapped his forearm around the Elvaan’s neck, choking him while cutting off any help from his right arm. Renza pulled Aument’s left hand behind Aument’s body. Renza’s right leg was placed in front of Aument’s feet. Aument was trapped in Renza’s submission hold. Aument’s slightly lower head was next to Renza’s in the hold.

                          “Jujitsu? Always full of surprises, Renza" Aument said weakly, choked up.

                          “Aument, please don’t make me snap your spine. I don’t want to do this!" Renza pleaded.

                          “Let me tell you now, I have so much more experience than you in fighting, against any style or weapon. Even if it is something new, I will always adapt and win the battle" Aument chuckled.

                          “Says the man who is shutdown by my grip" Renza stared at the Elvaan’s eyes and then to the deep scar on his face. Aument gazed down at one to nearly invisible, golden buckles on the top of his black leather jerkin. He bit into one, still nearly paralyzed by Renza’s hold, tore it out of place. His sleeved-gloves slid off, along with Renza’s grasp. The Elvaan swung his hand back and punched deep into Renza’s chest. He swung his opponent’s body in front of him. Renza submission hold was broken as he staggered, almost dropping to the ground. Aument didn’t waste a second as he picked up his sword and slashed down at Renza.

                          Renza felt the blade slash across his chest, cutting his white gi diagonally in half. He countered by kicking Aument’s side and punching him the chest with his left hand. Aument gave Renza a swift head-butt, Renza dropped to his right knee. Before Aument could take advantage of the awkward position, Renza gave him a great uppercut to the face. Aument was knocked off his feet.

                          “Give up!" Renza yelled, grabbing his abdomen in pain.

                          “Grrr!" Aument grew furious as he got back to his feet. He swung and cleaved into Renza’s left shoulder. Renza gave a loud, painful cry. Blood spat from the wound, but wasn’t too deep. Aument followed by hitting Renza with the hilt of his sword. Renza staggered, but grabbed Aument’s neck. Aument felt the air being choked off. He grabbed Renza’s neck with both his hands, dropping his sword. They stood there in a stalemate for a long minute. Renza then thrust his body forward, slamming his elbow into Aument’s chest. Aument got the wind knocked out of him and almost floored.

                          “Stop this Aument!" Renza ordered, backing away as he grabbed his wounded left shoulder. He wouldn’t be able to use that arm for the rest of the fight.

                          “Why won’t you kill me?" Aument coughed out blood, bowing slightly, “After all these years, have you’ve grown soft?". He lifted his sword up, from the ground.

                          “No one really deserves to die…" Renza looked deep into Aument’s eyes. The Hume dazed Aument for a moment.

                          ‘Those words…’ Aument was lost in thought.

                          “Why do you kill people?! The Beastmen?!" it was fragment of memory of Fredant.

                          “You can’t be weak like that! People die, people are born. It is the circle of life. Peace is nothing without war!"

                          “What is war without peace?!"

                          “Son, I am-“

                          “I am not your damn son! You are not my father! No one really deserves to die! You’re wrong!"

                          Aument shivered. His eyes came back to Renza’s. “Why doesn’t he understand… people just have to die? It is how life works!" Aument looked away from Renza’s eyes.

                          “You talking to… me?" Renza looked confused.
                          Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:56 PM.


                          • #73
                            “Why? It is so simple. Life and death… go hand in hand. He never saw death, he has only seen peace!" Aument went on madly.

                            “What are yo-" Renza looked worried at Aument’s face.

                            “What an ignorant brat! Why can’t he see it from my view! People and Beastmen who are wrong should die. Altana wills it, so why not? There is right and wrong for a reason, just as there is life and death… but… why did he have to die?" Aument began to shake violently. “He was right… was I wrong? No! We were both wrong? It doesn’t make sense! He should be living his life. I would have gladly died in his place. The stench of blood and the battlefield has never left my nose. He shouldn’t have ever smelt it. There are those who are destined to die! But, he was right! Why did he die?" Aument had gone mad, no longer making sense. His expression was of fear and anger.

                            “He’s lost it…" Renza couldn’t help but stare. Renza was totally being ignored.

                            “Who is the one who stopped me from saving him… who is the one who stopped me from saving him… You… you are!" Aument eyes suddenly became focused and stared into Renza’s. He had returned to his sense.

                            “You are crazy, Aument. You can’t help yourself, let me help you" Renza tried to explain. Renza’s wound had stopped bleeding, but his gi was ruined, chopped up and stained.

                            “You’ve destroyed my life. The last thing I need is your help, murderer" Aument answered back, revulsion in his voice. He began showing his red sword to Renza. “As the name Ravez, I’ve killed many people. This sword has been my only weapon. It has a secret you know... This blade comes from the single King Behemoth’s horn that you left behind. Its tip is from the King Behemoth’s fang. After the battle, abandoned and sure to die, an old man found me. I didn’t know his name, nor cared. He had these weird black X’s burned into each palm, that’s all I really remember. A crazy witchdoctor living alone in the frozen lands by himself I’d imagine" Aument cleared his throat, ready to continue. Renza just listened. “After I rested to health, he told me my bounty from the great beast had potential. He made a sword out of the fang and horn. He placed a seal on it and told me to slay a hundred demons. A powerful enchantment was laid on it, but could only be activated when the sword turns blood-red… I named it the ‘Behemoth Dethroner’" Aument finished.

                            “What is the power?" Renza looked at him carefully.

                            “Hehe, you’ve seen it before. To summon a star to the ground and crush anything below it" Aument gave a bloodthirsty grin.

                            ‘He couldn’t mean the King Behemoth’s spell’ Renza looked very worried.

                            “What are they talking about down there?" Jody looked confused, down at the two warriors.

                            “You can’t do that. It would be impossible!" Renza cried. Aument didn’t answer, just continued to smile. He raised his sword up into the air. A heat wave rose from the ground, creating an aura around his body. Fire erupted along his blade. For a second it seemed a white, holy flame embraced Aument.

                            Renza saw mirage in the heat wave. It was as if the King Behemoth, itself stood over Aument. It was a giant, extremely muscular beast with dark purple skin. It had a thick black hide on its belly and spiky mane. Its snout was black and two dark curved-down horns. It had small ears and white claws on all four of its paws. The beast’s white eyes were without pupils. The King Behemoth was easily over thirty feet tall and forty-five feet long.

                            ‘The town! He will destroy Mhaura!’ Renza panicked and raced to the docks.

                            “Hahaha! You think running into the water will protect you?! It will destroy you and everything back by one-hundred yards!" Aument laughed. He shifted his body to follow the running Renza. Renza reached the end of the longest dock. He backed up against the very ledge, his heels hanging out. “Finally, I will have gotten my revenge. For the West Lions! For Fredant!" he screamed and slashed down. The mirage of the giant disappeared slowly. A flashing light appeared over the Elvaan’s head and a meteorite raced down to Renza.
                            Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:57 PM.


                            • #74
                              “I’ve survived this before…" he looked dead on at the white fiery stone. It was going to land a few yards ahead on him, exploding on the dock. He closed his eyes for a second and focused. The sound of the meteor crashing down was very loud and sharp.

                              “What the hell?!" Jody, showing actual emotion, hopped up. He jumped down to a set of stairs and raced down them.

                              The moon’s green light bathed the injured, bloody Renza. His right hand started to glow with a light aura of purple. Sparks of blue, yellow, and red flickered. He clutched his fist and punched forward. The meteor hit the dock and exploded to an earth-shattering boom. A colossal wall of fire consumed Renza and all of the docks along with the few large boats. All of Mhaura heard it, like a constant thunder until it was all over. A large tidal wave followed, smacking against the rocky wall parallel to the fishing town. A wild gust of wind hit the entire town, like a short-lived tornado. The end of Aument’s sword was deep into Mhaura’s dirt. Jody looked completely horrified. Renza, the docks, and the boats had been turned to total oblivion. Nothing but a handful of burning pieces of stray wood and small fiery debris remained. The part of the docks that were a few yards behind the part the meteor hit was melted on the edges and on fire. Aument gave loud laugh. “Finally, maybe I can rest in peace" he smiled. The water was restless until it finally calmed.

                              “Prepare to die" Jody, only a few yards away, said lightly and aimed his rifle at Aument. Aument jerked and turned around. Jody closed one eye and prepared his sharp shot. Aument readied his sword.

                              “Just who are you?" Aument asked, but Jody ignored and fired. Aument’s hands and sword became a blur. A loud clanging sound was heard through Mhaura. Jody’s bullet, in two pieces, flew wildly in the air.

                              “You cut the bullet in… in half?" Jody looked slightly puzzled, hiding his shock.

                              “Yes, and you are next" Aument raised his sword up. The black night, with a thousand stars, stared down at the mortals. Jody loaded his gun.

                              “I will not disappoint you, Renza" Jody aimed for a headshot, once again. Aument grinned.
                              Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:58 PM.


                              • #75
                                I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you a lot hinatakun(of midgardsormr) for helping me release it .

                                Chapter 11: Tears Cried Twelve Years Ago.

