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The Vana'Diel Tragedy.

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  • #46
    Challistalle couldn’t breath. He couldn’t understand. He couldn’t even think. “But…". He felt a dire coldness fill his body. His fingers and feet became numb, then his heart and face. “We were supposed to save him! The ambush point! You crafted the plan! What in hell are you talking about!?" Challistalle blew up. Revulsion and anger overtook him violently. He screamed so loudly he felt the blood rushing to aching brain.

    “Challistalle please! Keep your silence!" the knights ordered. Challistalle body kept on shaking. His breath became heavy.

    “How could you… how could you!?" Challistalle screamed and was starting to become very incensed. They used him. Worst of all, they used Travis. His brother was dead. He could imagine the Elvaan being torn to pieces by hundreds of Orcs, expecting to be saved. His brother, both orphans, left alone in the world. They murdered him like he was nothing. Now Challistalle was truly alone. The disappointment and sadness. The hatred and rage. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he smacked away the Royal Knights’ tea placed on mahogany table dressed in a red tablecloth. The Royal Knights quickly held him down for an instant then threw him out of the tent fearing for their own safety. Challistalle body became so heavy. He could not pull himself up. He felt as if a giant boulder pinned him down while he laid a few feet away from the entrance.

    “Please understand. If Travis had not sacrificed himself, many soldiers would have fallen. It was the right thing to do…" the often quiet Royal Knight raid leader explained apologetically. He was the nicest one of the four, regretting what he did. It didn’t matter though. Challistalle lost all sense of place and time. It was just one long blur of events from then on.

    When he finally snapped out of his hazy, confused state, he was in the woods. His eyes hurt so much from crying. They were a dark red. His belly ached for food, letting out a grotesque sound. How long had it been from the day of the raid was unsure to him. A week seemed most likely. His armor was covered in dirt that he rested in. Grass brushed against his face. It was either dusk or dawn, the sun was raising or setting but what direction, the traumatized Challistalle didn’t remember.

    “Ugh…" he slowly lifted his body up. When he got to his feet, probably the first time in one week, he noticed all the knights were gone. He didn’t care much. Travis was dead, murdered. There was so much pain within him. Holding himself against a dark wood tree he released a long breath. In the moment of silence, an Orcish grunt killed the mood.

    Challistalle turned around quickly to see an Orc, with shield and axe, charging at him. Challistalle lost control of his hands. He wasn’t sure what happened, but his sword was drawn and the Orc stabbed in the chest critically. The Orc’s eyes were inches from his face. Challistalle watched it slowly as it gave its last breath, still very close to his body. It slid off his blade, hitting the ground, scaring a few birds away. The kill had no feeling. Challistalle had no remorse. Another Orc appeared from out of the bushes and trees seconds later.

    “Please. I know you want to kill me, but I have an idea that would lead to the fall of San d’Oria" Challistalle explained to the just arriving Orc.

    “You fool if you think speaking to me save life!" the Orc roared and pulled out the axe attached to his cheaply made holster.

    “Here are the keys to all the gates of San d’Oria" Challistalle tossed a ring with keys hanging on it. The keys clanged as they hit the ground in front of the Orc. Stunned for a second by the shiny object, the Orc looked back to Challistalle.

    “Okay, I take you to Vileblooded Vatgit! Death most likely, I warn you!" the Orc picked up the set of keys, eyes still cautiously gazing at the Elvaan as it crouched.

    “As if life is worth anything to me now…" Challistalle said to himself as he slowly followed the ugly green skinned Orc.

    The flashback was finished and so was Challistalle’s speech. “They fed me some disgusting food. Later that day I met with Vatgit and Hajwaj. We crafted our own little plan and I returned to my post as a Temple Knight to set it off. First I murdered the people personally responsible, to make sure there was no chance of Travis being left not avenged. And that is how it is" Challistalle tried his best to hold back any emotion.

    Auricant was quiet, leaning against a hut wall. The bowl of water was placed on the ground next to his feet.

    “You committed this crime even though you know Travis would totally be against it?" Auricant looked disgusted at Challistalle.

    “Travis isn’t here to be against it! That’s the point! They caused my brother to die!" Challistalle yelled angrily.

    “So the lost of a brother caused all this. You know, you are not the only brother in San d’Oria. Imagine the pain they will feel when an Orc comes sweeps a little boy from his family and cut him to pieces. The pain would be unending, just like yours…" Auricant words were deep as he spoke.

    “Shut up" Challistalle refused to accept the idea, looking sharply at Auricant.

    “There were two boys arguing about who had the most candy yesterday. I saw them just before I headed to the training site in Ordelle’s" Auricant recalled the memory. Another gust of autumn’s chilling wind filled the room, but it was already cold.

    “I said shut up!" Challistalle marched to Auricant, hovering his face over his. He hastily pulled out his weapon.

    “Two brothers that live in the Port district are currently having a rivalry to see who can catch the most fish" Auricant looked into his eyes, not even a little bit frightened. Challistalle’s head began to fill with regret as Auricant went on. “Three boys all plan on being Royal Knights don’t live far from my humble home in the residential district… a brother and a sister that like to run around North San d’Oria causing mischief having a blast while doing it!"

    “Gah!" Challistalle roared, pulling away. His sword dropped to the dirt floor. He clutched his head and fell to his knees. “No! No! No! Only they were supposed to be hurt! Not the children!" he cried, “What have I done?!" There was silence after the outburst of hated arguing.

    “You betrayed your nation…" Auricant looked down at the broken Elvaan. He picked up Challistalle’s sword. Challistalle’s eyes stayed shut. Auricant’s feet, unhurriedly tapping on the soil towards Challistalle, could be heard. He awaited a coup-de-grace from Auricant, but it never came.

    “You don’t want to kill me?" Challistalle eyes slowly opened and he looked up at the towering Auricant. The traitor’s knees were deep into the dirt.

    “What’s the point?" Auricant questioned, not wanting an answer. He placed the sword in Challistalle’s hands and headed out for the door. Auricant walked down three stairs and through some grass and mud.

    “I am going to fix this, somehow" Challistalle got up and called, following Auricant out. His tone was bleeding with guilt.

    “Okay, do it" Auricant said turning back and shrugged. He waited for Challistalle to say something, but after a few seconds began to walk further.

    “Wait! Take this!" Challistalle called loudly just before he tossed a sword in a nice sheath. Auricant caught it and gazed down at the nice design. Black leather and red threads down the center. He pulled it out to see a masterpiece of a sword: steel blade with golden edges and red leather-wrapped hilt. He put it back in the sheath quickly.

    “This is…?" Auricant looked up to the somewhat distant Challistalle.

    “Travis’s blade. I never used it to kill anybody. I simply couldn’t" Challistalle explained. His eyes were slightly watery.

    “Thank you. I’ll treasure it" Auricant said honestly and lowered his eyes back down to the sheath.

    “I don’t want forgiveness for what I have done. I am a sinner and I deserve to die. I just want to fix what I have done wrong" Challistalle told Auricant with his eyes weak. Auricant was quiet and then walked away till he was out of sight.

    Challistalle quickly pulled out a scroll. It was a warp scroll and he wasted no time using it. With a flash and purple swirl of magic, Challistalle was in front of the Chateau.
    Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 04:57 PM.


    • #47
      Maxamillious’ pupils looked at the East Gate nervously. “They are not going to come, right?" a student in armor asked in a feeble tune. A girl and another boy, also wearing armor, simply shrugged.

      “Oh my goddess!" a female student cried as she found the dead body of a Temple Knight. This brought the pupils to a panic.

      “Someone tell Sir Maxamillious!" the nervous student from before screamed.

      Hundredscar Hajwaj stared at the East Gate from a distance. Only a few trees and a pebble were in his way. “The other side has begun battle! We charge in single minute!" Hajwaj roared. In his mind he began a countdown.

      “Temple Knights…. I have betrayed you. Yes it was I, Challistalle that betrayed San d’Oria. I am the murderer as well. I have a lot to explain, but so little time to do so. Please understand I was a man driven by rage and revenge. There are only three hundred Orcs attacking us. One hundred of them are coming from East Gate, planning to destroy South San d’Oria with a sneak attack. I will stall them! Please send troops to protect the gate! They will be attacking Ranperre’s Gate, but not West Gate! You must not let them enter through the gates!" Challistalle spilled his words to the pearl next to his mouth. He was running to East Gate as fast as he could.

      “Challistalle…" it was an Elvaan female’s voice: Curilla.

      “I am so sorry" Challistalle tried his best to apologize as he began to sob. He quickly tossed to the pearl aside as he sprinted, before listening to any response, as he sprinted. He reached East Gate, ignoring the students as if they were never there, and ran out to East Ronfaure.

      The battle was about to begin at Ranperre’s Gate. Orcs charged in waves at the small tunnel leading into San d’Oria, swords, spears, and axes in the air. In the back of the horde was Vileblooded Vatgit. Next to him were a few Orcish spell casters. “When Hajwaj falls, we retreat quick" he said quietly to himself as he watched Red-Scar and Vile-Blood clans attack San d’Oria. The first contact was just made, as Baramore reflected the blow of an Orc’s axe. A set of archers, twelve with bows and twenty with crossbows fired into the horde from a distance, sniping out a few Orcs and wounding others.

      “Ugh!" a Temple Knight hit the ground hard after an Orc threw him down. The Beastman’s fist punched the pinned Elvaan’s face viscously. His blood spat across the stone floor. Baramore charged the Orc, his black hair becoming wild as he ran. His body pushed him away with his Temple Knight shield and punctured the Orc’s heart with swift blade thrust. A white, holy wave of warmth embraced the fallen Elvaan. His wounds became less grave, the blue and black bruises slowly turned to his original skin color. The now cured knight picked himself up, and ran to the back of the pack of Temple Knights to recover.

      Orcs spilled into the gate’s courtyard where a chaotic melee broke out. Rocks hit the San d’Orian city wall, missing all of the Archers, but one, who was knocked to the ground below, breaking his leg in the fall. Grunts and cries roared through the skirmish. Khristin raced to cast healing spells on the injured knights. She was just one person so even with her best, knights died. Baramore led it all, slashing and shielding himself. He must have downed ten Orcs before he noticed that San d’Oria was winning. The Orcs were being pushed back. More boulders hit the city wall, causing the ground to shake. Finally the Orcs were all dead.

      “Here comes another wave!" a lanky archer shouted to below. Baramore sadly heard the news. It was not over yet. ‘Who is going to protect East Gate while I am fighting this battle?’

      Khristin felt herself getting tired. She was hit with a lightheaded sensation and her arms hurt. She jogged from the courtyard, up two sets of stairs, and sat down against a wall. She felt her eyes get a little heavy and energy back to her body. “Altana please, have mercy on us foolish mortals. Let the sins of the young and the sins of the old be forgiven" she prayed as she rested.

      Baramore looked around fanatically. “Where is Khristin!?" he asked loudly.

      “She is resting-westing up near the watchtower. She burnt out all her mana, but will be fine a few minutes" the voice came from a Tarutaru.

      “Sedal-Godja! You can’t be here!" Baramore looked surprised.

      “Psh… I think I am a lotaru stronger than you. I think you shouldn’t be here" he grimaced bitterly, poking the Elvaan’s high belly.

      “I am sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. You are too important to be lost" Baramore explained himself. Yet another wave of rocks hit the wall.

      “I will be okay. You justaru focus on the Orcs" Sedal stretched his arms.

      “The wave is closing in! Prepare for battle!" the archer yelled down. All the archers lifted their range weapons and took aim. The sounds of arrows and bolts piecing the air rang loud in Baramore’s ears.

      “Hajwaj! The Elvaan in front! He wants to speak to you! We kill him?" an Orc scout ran up to the clan leader and informed. Hajwaj thought for a moment as he heard the news.

      “Challistalle? What he wants?" Hajwaj asked to himself, as he moved to the front line, “No kill".

      Challistalle was in front of an army of untamed, armed Beastmen. They wanted to kill him, becoming impatient as they looked at the East Gate, just behind him. Challistalle had appeared seconds before Hajwaj called for the attack. ‘How am I going to do this? I can’t stop this group of Orcs. I’ll have to take out Hajwaj and as many Orcs with him’ Challistalle thought as he looked away from the Orcs’ faces.

      “Elvaan! What you here for?!" Hajwaj yelled, still behind four lines of Orcs, a lot farther than Challistalle had hoped. Behind Hajwaj were six more lines of soldiers. All in all, about two waves.

      “I have changed my mind. You and your disgusting Orc warriors will not be laying a hand on San d’Oria tonight. Never, if I could enforce it" Challistalle said bravely. Only Hajwaj kept his calm with the statement. Orcs roared and howled threats at the Elvaan. He was a dead man.

      “You betray me?" the largest Orc of the pack looked bitterly at the lone Temple Knight.

      “Yes. You horrible scum, you die tonight!" Challistalle roared. With those words, Challistalle drew his sword and readied his shield.

      “Kill him" Hajwaj sourly said with in his controlled tone. He turned to walk away as the wave of Orcs came crashing down to Challistalle. Archers aimed for him.

      An arrow pieced Challistalle’s armor and sliced his inner-arm. Challistalle almost buckled at the painful sting. Two more arrows missed, landing close to his feet. Challistalle with his left hand pulled out the arrow and cried in pain. He bit his lip and charged at the Orcs, all one hundred and thirty of them. Their forceful war cries became louder and louder at the distance shortened. Challistalle gave a mighty slash with all his brutal might. It pulled him forward as it came down on two Orcs, creating large gashes across their chests. Challistalle slashed and blocked, again and again. With every slash he moved forward. The Orcs were falling left and right, but with one direct slash from an axe across his chest, Challistalle fell to the ground with a cry. His blood sprayed into the air. He was floored as the Orcs surrounded him like wolves ready to feast.

      ‘This is how its going to end. I am going to die like Travis…’ Challistalle thought as his laying body was about to be slashed and stabbed to oblivion. As his heart pumped and the adrenaline pumped from his gland into his chest, he felt a feeling. He never felt the sensation before. It gave him strength. As if Altana herself breathed life into Challistalle. He felt his muscles tightened and his legs jumped him back up.

      The Orcs leaped forward, weapons in hand. Challistalle ran through all the Orcs in front of him, feeling their attacks scarring his back. Their armor and faces became blurs as he raced forward adamantly. A spear was shoved into his chest and a sword through his ribs, but that didn’t pause him. He only killed a few Orcs stampeding through them. For that short moment in time he was invincible and nothing could stop him. His back was full of stabs and slashes. His body was beset with piecing weapons and arrows. Blood rained down from over fifty of his wounds. From a bird’s view, a giant mass of green Orcs being divided by one small line. Not an ounce of pain could be felt as he raced to his target: a slow-paced clan leader.
      Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:01 PM.


      • #48
        “Hajwaj!" Challistalle cried to the clan leader, quickly grabbing his attention. The truly hundred scarred knight had rushed himself through at least a hundred Orcs. Hajwaj instantly turned around. He was stunned to see the Elvaan only ten feet away from him. Challistalle dropped his shield down to the ground and shot into the air. He held his long sword as if it was a dagger, ready to kill. Landing on the Orc’s body, holding himself up high with his feet kicking into the beast’s belly and left arm grasping tightly around its neck. Hajwaj eyes saw everything thing slowly: a quick second Challistalle spent shifting his hand around the hilt for a perfect strike, and with strength he thrusts the sword between its eyes. Challistalle’s blade impaled Hajwaj’s skull. The sound of iron breaking through skull and brain echoed in the ears of all the Orcs. A spray of blood came out from the back of Hajwaj’s head along with the edge of the blade. Slowly the chief’s back landed on Ronfaure’s grass, he was already dead with a sword protruding from his head. Challistalle hovered over the fallen Orc’s body while he pulled out the spear and sword stuck into his body without expression. The horde was confounded for a long moment.

        An Orcish, ugly beast like the rest, archer dressed in leather armor less than five yards behind Challistalle raised his bow and fired. The arrow pieced Challistalle’s heart as it hit its mark. With a moment of sudden pain summoned to his whole body, Challistalle tumbled back as well. His body became numb as his view shifted violently while he hit the ground. That feeling of incredible strength was now gone. His eyes looked straight up at Vana’diel’s starry night, but he only saw one thing as his eyes closed for the last time: Travis’s warm smile.

        In the nearly empty Chateau, a door opened unhurriedly by itself. Footsteps were heard, but nobody to be seen in or near the room. “Grrr…" an Orc growled. ‘Its nowhere here… it be in Ranperre’s tomb then’ Hawkeyed Dnatbat thought to himself. The magical powder on his body started to lose its arcane strength. His body, like pieces of a puzzle coming together, slowly appeared. He looked around one last time, and then reached for bag of powder. Grabbed the powder and threw it out on himself. Bit-by-bit, he disappeared.

        Sedal eyed the three catapults intensely. “We gotaru take those big things out!" he called down to Baramore. The Tarutaru was with the archers now, as they constantly aimed and fired into the horde, on top of the bridge like gate. Strong fencing lay in front of them, giving them protection.

        “I think you are the best capable to do that" one of the archers said, just before Sedal got tired of waiting for Baramore to respond. Baramore was totally distracted pushing back and hacking away at Orcs.

        “Okay-dokay!" Sedal covered his eyes as another boulder pounded at San d’Oria’s wall. The wave of pebbles pushed back his flashy cloak’s hood back an inch. One of the small, sharp debris tore his cloak’s left sleeve. “Grr, they are going to pay-way for that!" he frowned. He put his mitts together nearly in unison and started to chant. A black energy was felt and elemental light poured from the floor he stood on. His half-closed eyes suddenly opened. The spell was finished. ‘Aeroga’ he named the spell in his head. A gust of wind, at first light, gathered at the center catapult. Suddenly the wind became razor-sharp and strong. The Orcs and the machines were lifted in the air while being cut up and thrown in all directions. The pieces of the machine and the dead Orcs hit the trees and the ground hard.

        “Wow…" the archers looked in awe. The Tarutaru couldn’t help but giggle.

        From the other side of the battlefield Vatgit looked at the destruction disgustingly. He looked over to an Orcish sniper, dressed much like Dnatbat, grabbing his attention. In an angry tone he ordered something to the archer in an undefined Orcish language: “Get the Tarutaru! Now!". The sniper nodded and ran off into the woods. Running from tree to tree, he saw Sedal-Godja laughing with the archers, while left unseen. He raised his bow, arrow on the string, and directed towards the small cranium.

        “Sedal-Godja!" one of his Royal Knight bodyguards yelled to the Tarutaru, from the ground floor. “Sniper aiming for you!" he followed up when Sedal-Godja returned with a confused expression. The arrow was fired aiming for the Black Mage. He turned to see the arrow a second from killing him. His eyes flew back, as his body, but dodging was not possible. Just before the projectile was to hit, a small swirl of flame wrapped around the wooden arrow tipped with an iron arrowhead. It quickly consumed it, throwing the metal off course and only inflicting a slight cut to Sedal’s forehead. His body hit the floor from his pointless evasion.

        ‘Thank you Fire Spikes’ he thought to himself as he covered his wildly beating heart. He looked up to see an Elvaan archer killing the sniper: a headshot.

        On the bottom floor, at least fifty Orcs and ten Elvaan had died. Baramore was covered in the blood of dead foes and injured allies. He quickly gave himself another cure spell, burning out the last of his mana as chaos kept on around him. He continued his fight, taking down an Orc with a furious array of swipes. Another Orc swung down its axe, but it was caught in Baramore’s shield. The Orc shoved his elbow into Baramore cheek just as quickly, causing him to fall back. They held each other at a stalemate, as Baramore was forced down into a sitting position. With a sudden shift of the Orc’s position thanks to a rushing ally, Baramore saw the opposing Beastman’s front and drove his sword for a killing blow into the Orc’s abdomen.

        He picked himself up and watched as even more Orc poured through the tunnel, only a few yards away from him. A slight warmness rubbed against the injured side of his face. It was a cure spell. He turned to see Khristin at the very back casting once again. “Khristin" he smiled warmly, with blood and bruises on his face. A soldier not too far from him was healed quickly enough. The Elvaan turned back to the wave of Orcs. The portion that had already entered was hit with a flood of flame released from Sedal’s hands. Some foes were dead, some were barely burnt, and a lot in between.

        “This is the last wave! It is huge!" one of the archers called below. Baramore received the news, picked up both his shield and weapon higher, releasing his fatigue, and charged at them once again.

        Challistalle’s dead body was a very short distance from Hajwaj’s. One of the caster Orcs looked at both. “Tell Vileblooded Vatgit" he ordered in Orcish to an Orc in scout’s clothing. To the rest of the Orcs, all in either black leather armor or sleeveless vest of the same material, the priest roared “Charge!". With that, all of the Orcs gave a deafening howl. They ran with all their might to East Gate, weapons in hands.

        “D-did you hear that?!" one of the pupils with short white hair cried.

        “Didn’t Challistalle said they were going to attack East Gate?" the girl who discovered the dead body shivered.

        “Didn’t Challistalle just run past us?" another female said, she had long black hair.

        “We are all going to di-!" one of the pupils lost his cool and ran away, but was stopped.

        Curilla walked through the secondary gate arches with some forty Temple Knights, and even some Royal Knights, following her. The young students slowly backed away as they covered the entrance. Archers ran into the gatehouse and soon reappeared on top of the wall. The Orcs were in shooting distance within the second.
        Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:03 PM.


        • #49
          “Don’t let them enter! Crush every single one!" Curilla cheered to the crowd. All of the knights raised there weapons in the air and shouted as well. The archers stop their optimism and began shooting the Orcs. Stopping only a few of them, they still charged the gate. With one shove, at least ten Orcs smashed through the gate, and all of them followed. Curilla was quick to cast a spell of white magic. An aura of light and warmth surrounded her and she swung her hand at the target: the first Orc she saw. A blinding flash burned into its eyes, causing it to scream, stealing its sight away. Curilla rushed forward and slaughtered it with two slashes. The knights engaged the Beastmen and the fight began. The Orcs didn’t have the surprise attack but still held strong with numbers.

          An Orc was able to pass most of the knights, and was ready to kill one of the students. The skinny, long-eared Elvaan girl was shoved down and the Orc raised its axe in the air to end her life. One of the students charged the Orc ready to bash it with his shield but was smacked away brutally with the Orc’s left hand. The girl cried, but the Orc had stopped. A bolt entered its from the right side of its neck and remained lodged in the Orc’s neck. The Beastman stood there for a moment choking, then fell on its back. All of the students looked to see who delivered the crossbow shot: Maxamillious mounted on a chocobo wearing a helmet designed for the bird. With a grin, he rode forward. He was in his Temple Knight armor and helm as always with a crossbow in his hand. In his holster was a sword and strapped to his back a wooden staff with a dark brown orb at the end of it, laced with gold. The elemental power of earth glowed around the orb.

          “You guys did pretty damn well, especially you Exuinent, trying to save Mervina‘s life. You can all go now" he smiled and saluted. The students did the same and raced out. Maxamillious turned his stead to the crowd of warring Elvaan and Orcs. The main gate had been busted open, but a back up was raised above. ‘If someone could lower that gate, it would stop the Orc’s assault for a long enough time for the knights to finish this half-assed mob of idiots’ he thought to himself. The switch was behind at least twenty Orcs. Maxamillious shifted his tall neck until he heard a crack and stretched his long arms and fingers. With that, he grabbed on to the chocobo hard and commanded it to charge at the Orcs.

          He reached for his sword and swung it out gracefully. An Orc watched helplessly as the traveling Elvaan beheaded it. He did the same for many more Orcs. For the last Orc he grabbed its neck and dragged it with him. He rushed his blade into its throat and dropped it. He jumped off the chocobo and padded on its back. “Good girl, now go back to the stables" he ordered and the bird was off, passing through the battle unhurt. Maxamillious had just past the pack of Orcs, but they noticed him and charged. Archers picked some off, but most of them persisted. Maxamillious dropped his sword and ripped out his staff from its straps. With one swing he shattered the closest Orc’s head.

          Deflecting multiple shots, he slowly focused for the right moment to attack. As they encircled him, he raised he staff in the air and slammed its long handle to the ground. As it hit the earth, the orb on the end of the weapon exploded with a tan radiance, and a large rune appeared under his feet. The ground below him and the Orcs shook. Suddenly a small earthquake happened below him, only affecting the Orcs close to him. The earth surrounding him split into sections and shifted up violently. The swift upheaval crushed their feet and ankles, causing them to lose their balance. Maxamillious attacked fast, crushing all their skulls with a furious cluster of staff swings. With almost all of them down, it bought him enough time to lower the back-up gate. He ran to the secondary wheel and began to turn it clockwise. The gate hit the ground, severing an Orc’s arm off as it did. The outside forces were cut off. The crippled Orc army fell fast. Maxamillious swinging his staff, Curilla with her sword, the archers with their bows and crossbows, the Temple Knights with their swords, and Royal Knights with their spears and great swords. The Orcs fell one by one.

          The outside force began to ram the stronger gate. It slowly started to break. The archers turned their attention to threat, and began to unleash an array of bolts and arrows at the raging mob. Projectiles ripping flesh and hitting the ground filled the air. All the Orcs inside were dead. Maxamillious opened the back-up gate and the knights charged the small horde head on. East Gate had been saved.

          “Hundredscar Hajwaj has fallen you say?" Vileblooded Vatgit asked, coolly.

          “Yes" an Orcish scout told him again. In front of the two were the Orcs fighting their way into Ranperre’s Gate.

          “I understand" the war chief nodded and pulled out a specially designed horn. It was a buffalo’s horn with red paint on it. With a deep breath Vatgit blew into it. A loud noise, almost depressing, was heard. Half the Orcs knew what it meant: Vile-Blood’s sign of retreat. All the members of his clan ran away from the gate.

          “It was nice working with the Red-Scars" Vatgit said and began to walk away. The scout raced up behind and pulled on Vatgit’s arm.

          “Retreat not the answer!" the Orc, a member of the Red-Scars, shouted at him, pulling on the fellow Orc’s arm. Vatgit stared sickly at the Orc’s hand. Within a second, Vatgit ripped out his axe and killed the scout. The Orc’s body and head fell to two different places and wave of blood raced into the sky.

          Left in chaos, the Red-Scars noticed their friends retreating but kept on fighting. The Orcs stood no chance now. The knights protecting Ranperre’s Gate rushed to the weak pack of Orcs ready to finish the battle once and for all.

          “Maxamillious, you did great" Curilla said and smiled.

          “Thank you" he bowed.

          “Could you go inform Baramore of our victory?" she asked.

          “No problem. I will be back in a moment" he nodded and ran past the secondary gates. He past a large archway and found himself in the Parade Grounds. He was about to set off to Ranperre’s Gate until he heard a footstep, then a few more. He paused for his moment and keened his eyes. “Who’s there?!"

          “I been figured out" an Orc laughed. With that Dnatbat reappeared. He raised his bow and shot a quick arrow at Maxamillious. The Elvaan barely dodged, causing it to only nick his skin.

          “Grrr, bastard!" he frowned and picked himself up from his dodge attempt. He raced to the Orc, but Dnatbat was too quick. Like no Orc he had ever seen before. Maxamillious was suddenly parried with a sharp knife that the Orc had concealed. He fell to the ground and rebounded just as fast. The Orc was gone. He moved a bit further until he noticed a tense pain in his chest.

          “P-poison?!" he cried before he fell to the ground. He released his last breath while unconscious.

          Khristin heard the cry, at the top of some stairs leading to Ranperre’s Gate’s battle. She raced to the Parade Grounds to spot a body. She kneeled down and felt his neck. “He is dead" she said to herself as she checked his inexistent pulse. She got up and closed her eyes. She felt warmth and in the darkness and a beam of light rose up. ‘This one can still be saved’ she began casting a white magic spell when she opened her eyes. After the spell was finished, an aura of light covered his body.

          Baramore laid a final blow on yet another Orc. The archers finished the last of the horde. Most of the melee knights were covered in blood, very tired. East Gate was clear and Ranperre’s Gate was clear. San d’Oria had been saved.

          Balasiel watched calmly from his balcony-like entrance to his house. His eyes blinked slowly. “Well, I guess its over" he muttered, rubbing his chin.

          “Balasiel!" a young, male, blond haired Elvaan called, out of breath from just running up a lot of steps. The old Elvaan man jumped at the shout.

          “Bah! You startled me! What is it?" he shouted, slightly angry, back to his student.

          “The Orcs have been defeated" the student said with a lower tone, a little taken back from the scold.

          “Hmm, that’s just as I thought" Balasiel said and smiled. He turned back to the streets of South San d’Oria. “You’ve done good San d’Oria".

          A soft hum rang in his ears and got louder and louder. It stopped, and his felt his body again. He slowly opened his eyes to see Khristin arched above him. “Nun Khristin…" he said weakly as he watched the stars above the Hume.

          “Fantastic! My Raise spell worked perfectly" she smiled, “This man needs bed rest and fast!".

          “So that’s how dying feels like" Maxamillious said to himself as two Knights picked him up and carried him the Chateau.

          Auricant approached Ranperre’s Gate. He saw all the dead Orc bodies around him. “They did it" he released a sign of relief. In front of him, over San d’Oria, the sun began to rise. The dawn had never looked better to the adventurer.

          An uneventful day came and past. Maxamillious and Baramore were both awarded medals for their actions. Prayers were given to the fallen knights. Baramore sent his cousin a letter as soon as he could. Auricant explained the whole story to the Temple Knights, Curilla, and Prince Trion. A project to repair the two gates was planned. Maxamillious slept most of the time right after the battle, due to his weakness from being raised.
          Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:07 PM.


          • #50
            Out of the whole night twenty-one knights died and no civilians. The Red-Scars were disbanded and the few living members either joined smaller, weaker tribes or joined forces with the even stronger Vile-Bloods.

            It was a soft morning in South San d’Oria, just like the day the Orcish threat all began. The kids were back in the streets. The adventurers and merchants were huddling around the Auction house, bidding and selling rapidly. The artisans and crafters were back to work. Everything was back to normal.

            “Auricant, you played a big role in this crisis you know. If you had not changed Challistalle’s views, I don't know what would have happened to East Gate. He would have never risked his life" Baramore told Auricant. Auricant, Baramore, and a few other Temple Knights were standing around Victory Square. The city was under extra security, but everyone knew the threat was gone.

            “I guess…" Auricant said, partly denying the praise.

            “Bah! Challistalle is a fool. He betrayed us" one of the Temple Knights criticized.

            “True. He did betray us" Baramore said, then silent.

            “The way I look at it… we betrayed him" Auricant said and walked away from the knights. At his side, in sheath, was Travis’s sword.

            The sun lighted his path to the residential area. On the gold-trimmed sword, a blessing was made. The blade would bring Auricant untold strength.

            (I hope you liked this one. It was a lot more work than the others. Hinatakun of Midgardormr did a great job helping me. My thanks is limitless)
            Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:08 PM.


            • #51
              great ive finally read all of them...keep up the good work (ch 8 is the best so far in my opinion...mainly cause of the battle i guess)


              • #52
                Sorry, for the very long wait

                VANADIEL TRAGEDY
                Chapter Nine: Lu Shang and the King of Thieves

                Nice day it was. Shinato opened his eyes slowly, staring at the ceiling of peeling white paint. On his shoddily built bed with broken springs and worn out sheets, Shinato awoke. He gave a loud yawn and pulled his body up, in a sitting position. The Hume’s black hair was wild and unshaped. His stomach rumbled. Of course the organ would not get what it wanted: Shinato was a little too poor for breakfast. “By the Goddess, why is it so damn hot in fall?" he mumbled to himself. Nice, hot day it was.

                Shinato was quick to put on some commoner clothing: black tee shirt with old blue jeans and brown boots. With a small, wooden comb, he styled his hair in a downward fashion. ‘Windsday’ Shinato reminded himself, the moon would be light green that night. He yawned loudly before he stepped out his door. The sun was bright as always, burning its light to the city in the middle of a wasteland. Ore Street was full of Galka getting ready to head to work: mining. Picks and sacks in hand they headed to Zeruhn Mines. Ore Street was a poor, aged road with two stories of apartment houses along each side. The upper floor was made of cheap word and iron.

                Shinato’s eyes couldn’t escape one of the Galka’s pickaxes. “Has been awhile since…" he muttered under his tired breath. Shinato remembered the walls of ore and rock that he spent so much time beating at with an iron pick. It was cheap pay and hard work, but at the time Shinato was living in poverty.

                On the higher floor of the Zeruhn Mines, an area made of bronze walls and floors laid for the miners to rest and work. Shinato was slapped with a flashback thinking back to those halls.

                “So Shinato, me and the boys heard you live on Ore Street?" a Hume with slight facial hair oh his chin and a short haircut, blond. His eyes were a light brown. He wore a green vest and pants with tan leather gloves and boots. A white shirt was under his olive vest. The other workers dressed akin to that as well.

                “Yah, I’m poor, but inherited the house from an old friend. It’s the only place I got to call home" Shinato nodded. He was busy arming himself with some picks, controlling his view of sight. It was five in the morning and the mines had a fog to it. The miners with early shifts were getting ready to do their job.

                “With all those…" the Hume said with a disgusted face and moved a little further, “Galka?".

                “I wouldn’t talk bad about Galkas, buddy" Shinato said as he turned to the Hume and gave him a slight nudge. Shinato’s short-fused temper just caught fire.

                “Psh, those hairy idio-“ the Hume said cockily until a fist walloped his entire right cheek. Two of his teeth, accompanied with some blood, few out of his mouth. He fell back stunned. Before he could think what had happened, he was given another jab to the belly, knocking the wind out of him. Shinato had snapped.

                The Hume dropped to the ground and Shinato kneeled down after the body. Punch after punch delivered to the Hume’s face, Shinato did not even pause. The other miners, two Galkas and three Humes started to pull him back by grabbing his body and arms. Shinato yelled some random curses and spat at the fallen Hume’s much damaged body before he was pulled into the distance.

                “Yup… mining sucked a lot" Shinato nodded to himself, breaking from the flashback. A stray cat, with a black coat and white haired underbelly strolled peacefully to Shinato. Shinato crouched down and gently scratched its round head, causing it to purr and brush against his hand softly. The cat couldn’t have been older than two years. ‘I really want to do something fun’.

                In a nest of the Yagudo based in Sarutabaruta’s small range of mountains, Giddeus, a Yagudo inquisitor kneeled in front of shrine. With the claws and beaks of the Yagudo, Giddeus was carved out of the mountains of Sarutabaruta itself. Houses and tall idol-like shrines were formed, along with a few streams. The Beastmen would take treks around the seven shrines that stood erected in their small town. It was all to pay service to the ancient demigod Tzee Xicu the Manifest. On the shrine was the sign of the Yagudo, a vertical branch of feathers with four tiers, in red paint.

                “Quu Xuchi" a Yagudo’s voice called from behind, bathing in the dawn’s light.

                Quu Xuchi got up slowly. With an x-crossed scar just below his eyes, he turned to see who it was: Zhuu Buxu, current leader of Giddeus. He was slightly older than the average Yagudo; his hide of feathers was somewhat larger and wore a red-bead necklace with the emblem of the Yagudo in steel on the bottom bead.

                In the far corner watching from the distance was Zhuu’s bodyguard: an even larger Yagudo named Eyy Mon the Ironbreaker. He kept his presence in unbroken peace; soon Quu forgot he was near them.

                “Old friend, kawk" the red-kote wearing Yagudo replied with a smile.

                “We are hosting a welcoming party in your name, kyah. It is going to happen once you come" Zhuu told him quickly. The rushing water of a river near by filled their ears. Through out the mountain walls of Giddeus were large holes, where the Yagudo’s slept and lived.

                “Sounds good, I am done with my daily pilgrimage" Quu nodded.

                They walked through the courtyards of Giddeus, a maze of tunnels, hidden trap-holes, and small valleys with a few trees. Quu Xuchi spotted a large, stone podium, surrounded by black-feathered Yagudos. “Wow… didn’t know my arrival would be so important" Quu looked around to the crowd. Zhuu Buxu led him up a small set of stone stairs to reach the top of the podium. Looking into their eyes, they must have been between thirty and forty Yagudo. Only a handful of the crowds were priests, with red Yagudo emblem fabric over their long beaks and necklaces of five diverse feathers.

                “Here is Quu Xuchi! Give your respect to the greatest inquisitor to ever live in the Theomilitary! Kawk!" Zhuu Buxu cheered and the crowd clapped with their talons. Quu Xuchi approached the center of the stage and cleared his throat.
                Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:12 PM.


                • #53
                  “Hello residents of Giddeus, gawk… I am Quu Xuchi, Chief Inquisitor of the Yagudo Theomilitary. My job is to keep our people pure and always respectful, kyah" he said slowly, but loud, “I am going to test Giddeus’ piousness". The crowd simply cheered and listened. Before Quu Xuchi could speak again, a song filled the air its sound. A requiem.

                  Quu face was filled with confusion. From the crowd, a red flute playing Yagudo marched forward in a slow-paced march. On his back was a large staff with a square flag baring the flag the Beastmen wore twenty years ago in the war. The residents grasped and chaos broke out. “Who do you think you are? Kawk!" Zhuu Buxu roared to the flute player, quickly bringing peace back to the mob.

                  He was committed to playing his flute then lowered it when the song was complete. Quu Xuchi felt his body shiver and ache. An almost invisible aura of magic covered his body, sealing the curse. His face did not react to the pain though. In a moment he focused his strength and resisted the spell. He had been attacked, but parried it with his will.

                  “I think I am Hoo Mjuu the Torrent. I think you are Zhuu Buxu the Silent and I think he is Quu Xuchi the Judgment" his voice was calm and spiteful, looking at Zhuu and pointing at Quu. His voice was soft like he was singing.

                  “Why do you interrupt our ceremony?" Quu Xuchi looked at the bard, slightly offended.

                  “Why did you kill those two Yagudo soldiers?! Gawk!" Hoo Mjuu yelled back ignoring his words, angry, “My friends!"

                  The crowd went silent, as did Zhuu Buxu. “They were about to kill a defenseless Tarutaru merchant, which is against our laws. I pray that doesn’t happen every day here, kyah" Quu Xuchi gave his response swiftly, looking to Hoo Mjuu.

                  “Then why did you kill your parents, one year ago?" Hoo Mjuu continued, with a bitter grin. Quu Xuchi was flabbergasted. He couldn’t speak for moment, and then rested his eyes. The Yagudos just watched the two.

                  “You are trying to prove something?" Quu Xuchi asked bitterly, looking at the lower birdman.

                  “Why would Castle Oztroja send a murderer of his own people to help us? I am starting to question their ethics" Hoo Mjuu shrugged as he talked.

                  “You are to never challenge the word of the Avatar. Unless you are some weakling still loyal to the Shadow Lord?! Kawk!" Quu Xuchi almost ready to pounce off the stage, hand grabbing the red hilt of his great katana.

                  “Well, whatever my answer is" the bard began to walk away, out of sight, “More than half the Yagudos who live here agree one-hundred percent, kawk".

                  Quu Xuchi gazed at Zhuu Buxu, concerned. He looked to the sun-bearing sky. ‘Am I in a land of heretics? Could the rumors of people wanting the Shadow Lord to return be true? He was a false idol’ he thought to himself.

                  Shinato laid his back against a stonewall facing the streets of Bastok Markets. To his right were some stairs that directed down to Gold Street: an area with a Goldsmith’s guild, instrument store, and some rich merchants’ houses. Bastok Market was a man-made island of stone and iron holding itself up through the ocean. In front of Shinato was a large fountain with a beautiful centerpiece. Behind that was the Auction House, filled with adventurers and merchants. ‘Hmm, I wonder where Bleeding Wolf has been these days’ Shinato looked to the ground.

                  “Excuse me" a Galka in full Iron Musketeer armor, a white breastplate and heavy gear with a helmet that hid the face, said nicely as he walked by Shinato almost bumping into him. Two other Musketeers were with him, both Hume, as they escorted a senator. It was a known man, with long red hair braided down to his shoulders. He had black tinted glasses, very small so that they only covered the very center of his eyes. He wore a fancy, sky blue robe with red designs and slops. Shinato knew the name of the mysterious government official: Jud’Oriulo, the extremely quiet senator who always supported wars. It was said that he had strong ties to the Jeunoan science group called the Armathrwn Society. Shinato watched as he passed. Jud’Oriulo turned his barely covered eyes to Shinato, for a moment they watched each other. Then he was gone, along with his guards.

                  “What a weird vibe I got from that guy…" Shinato said under his breath. The silence in his head broke soon after by a shouting man a few minutes later.

                  “Do you think you are tough?! Want to make five-thousand gil!? Then step up and escort a priceless artifact to San d’Oria!" a fat Hume with a hat covering his gray hair. His hat and heavy outfit was a lime green. His face was big and round, with a wide smile.

                  ‘Hmmm, there has to be a catch. Five thousand big ones just for playing baby-sitter? Well, I am bored… I’ll do it’ Shinato debated in his head. He began to walk up to the fat man. “Sir! You got your hero right here!" Shinato shouted, grabbing his attention. His yell was louder than all the random talking by the Auction House.

                  “Hello adventu-“ the older Hume tried to say but was quickly cut off.

                  “Shinato, and yes I want to do the quest for five-thousand gil" Shinato told him with a smirk.

                  “Uh, okay! We are meeting at Mines’ Gatehouse in about an hour. Don’t be late!" the heavy man almost began to scold.

                  “Yah yah!" Shinato brushed him off and began to walk back to his small house. After crossing a small bridge and making some turns in Mines he walked through Ore Street and entered his house. Shinato donned his heavy blue and white scaled armor. He strapped on his substandard Scythe to his back along with the Deathbringer. Slowly he placed on his centurion, blue and white scaled, helmet. ‘Finally’.

                  He waited for a few minutes at the gate; he was the only one apart from the guards there. Then came a Mithra, from seemingly nowhere, in mage clothing: black robe and black slops. Her white hair and cat ears were under a tall hat. It was the legendary Fungus Hat. Its powers were unknown but it was made years ago by concentrating the magic in poison mushrooms. Her hair was short with very light brunette highlights. Her tail hung out, wagging back and forth very slowly.

                  “So uh, you herrre for the quest too, eh?" the Mithra got close, in an interrogating fashion, giving Shinato a curious eye. Shinato just watched her face for a second, surprised.

                  “Yes, I am. So I guess we in the same party for it?" Shinato smiled, slanting his head back.

                  “Yep! My name is Roni Aha. My friends are lazy though. They call me Ronia" she said, partly sighing.

                  “Okay, Ronia" Shinato laughed, getting Roni Aha annoyed, “My name is Shinato".

                  “What a plain, borrring name" she shrugged.

                  “Was that suppose to hurt my fe-“ Shinato almost said till he noticed an Elvaan in blue leather-covered chain mail. His straight long black hair shined in the sun’s light.

                  “Hello!" both Shinato and Ronia focused at the Elvaan’s fair eyes. He wore a scythe just like Shinato’s.

                  “Hi, my name is Baramunk. I am a Dark Knight, I am sure I can help. Uh… unless you guys are not here for the mission, then I just made myself look very dumb" he was ready to look embarrassed.

                  “At least he admits it" Ronia laughed. Baramunk eyes keened on the sarcastic Mithra.

                  “Wait, Dark Knight?! How is that possible? Zeid die… disappeared after training me!" Shinato yelled at his soon-to-be companion as if he was some kind of spy.

                  “You’ve met the original Dark Knight? You liar" Baramunk rolled his eyes with those words.

                  “This man who claims to have a dead style of fighting only I can use appears in front of me… and has the balls to call me a liar? This is some kind of dream world" Shinato looked to the ground, confused.

                  “I am from the school of Dark Knighthood in San d’Oria. My master trained me well in elemental black magic. I can destroy anything with magic alone" Baramunk moved forward, forming a circle with the Mithra and Hume. Ronia just kept quiet, not knowing what they were talking about.

                  “Damaging elemental magic? What the hell? Dark Magic consist of draining the enemies’ magic and body and adding it to yours!" Shinato yelled at him.

                  “Like some kind of a undead? That’s unheard of" Baramunk looked away, not believing.

                  “You want to go right now?!" Shinato lost his composure, getting ready to bring out his weapons.

                  “Guys! Guys! Break it up! Shesh" Ronia sighed.

                  “I am not even doing anything…" Baramunk said innocently.

                  “Shinato…" it was a Galkan voice: Bleeding Wolf’s.

                  “Wolf! You took request too? Ah, cool, at least now I am working with one professional" Shinato smiled to the plain-faced Bleeding Wolf. The Galka slowly walked to the other three of his party.

                  “You calling me unprrrofessional?" Ronia shook her head at the Hume.

                  “I don’t like this guy one bit…" Baramunk said with a grimace, “far too cocky for his own good".

                  “Bleeding Wolf, we haven’t even left Bastok yet and they are exiling me" Shinato turned his face away in shame.

                  “You three grow up. I need that money" Bleeding Wolf said simply.

                  “Why?" Ronia asked, for no reason. Shinato was stunned that some stranger would ask Bleeding Wolf about his reasoning. Shinato couldn’t even get an answer out of him.

                  “Let’s just say…" Bleeding Wolf began to say then walked away, as if it was a joke to begin with. Ronia missed out on the humor. Shinato and Baramunk couldn’t help but laugh a little bit.
                  Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:19 PM.


                  • #54
                    The fat, older Hume man from Markets approached the four, distant from each other. “Hello! Hello! We got some party here. Bleeding Wolf, check. Shinato, check, Baramunk, check. And Ronia-“ the was looking through a piece of paper.

                    “Roni Aha!" the Mithra snarled.

                    “Roni Aha, check" the Hume said with a corrective tone.

                    “Please explain why you couldn’t just do this via Airship?" Bleeding Wolf asked directly.

                    “Well due to a terrorist incident which caused the Bastok to Jeuno Airship to fall a few months ago, all passengers can not access any luggage while on the Airship. This would leave our little relic very unguarded and easy to steal. The company behind the request, Bastokian International Storage of Historic Relics, doesn’t get any special privileges until our license is passed. That’s it in a Quadav’s shell" the Hume explained lengthily.

                    “I see…" was Bleeding Wolf’s only response. He covered his eyes from the sun.

                    “The leader of the organization, the man I work for, is waiting in San d’Oria, by our personal storage house. You will be driven by a wagon and chocobo. The driver, Marcus, is waiting outside. Good luck!" the man finished, and started to walk away, but stopped. “Oh and one more thing… the self-proclaimed King of Thieves is after the relic"

                    “What is this relic?" Baramunk questioned just before Shinato was about to ask.

                    “The legendary Lu Shang’s Fishing Rod! Its priceless" the fat man explained, wearing his green clothes.

                    “Sounds easy" Shinato nodded back.

                    “I am not afrrraid of any King of Thieves" Ronia smiled.

                    “I like to fish" Baramunk said, no one listening.

                    They walked out the gate to see a wooden wagon with a large cloth roof. In front was a tall Hume with blond hair, spiky, with red-orange trousers and vest on. In front of him were two yellow-feathered Chocobos with rope tying their harnesses to the wagon. “Hello! My name is Marcus. I will be your driver, please get in the back and make yourself comfortable. It’s going to be a twelve-hour ride to San d’Oria if we get no intrusions" he explained in his older than appearance sounding voice. The party of four got in and sat on the inner wagon’s oak floor. Two crates lay near them, a third that looked very special lying against the back wall. With a loud “Kweh!" from both birds they were off.

                    Walking through the dusty wasteland full with hills, the wagon went on. A few lizards and birds watch them as they go. No Quadavs were out, even though they passed a burned out camp. Gustaberg was a depressing land without rain and little life. Abandoned windmills filled the area right outside the gate. A land filled with ore and rock with desert like conditions. They reached North Gustaberg, passing some hot pools of water and crabs.

                    “Shinato, I was speaking to Dalzakk the other day" Bleeding Wolf whispered to the Hume. Before Bleeding Wolf’s faint voice, the entire trip had been silent. Shinato nodded. Dalzakk was an adventurer like them, of high ranking as well. Shinato was best friends with him growing up. Now Dalzakk had two homes for his adopted Elvaan daughter and a Galka boy who loves to follow him around, side by side in Markets. “He brought up the topic of someone named Aritomo: A legendary thief who calls himself the King of Thieves. I think this is the guy" Bleeding Wolf finished.

                    “Bah, Thieves are nothing once you get them face to face" Shinato unconcerned himself.

                    “This Thief is different. His skills are like a Red Mage and can fight with a whole range of weapons" the Galka with spiky black hair went on, “They say he was a great thief since he escaped from Tavnazia at age fifteen".

                    “T-Tavnazia? He is from Tavnazia?" Shinato said with directness in his tone, surprising Bleeding Wolf of his sudden attention to the matter.

                    “Uh, yes or at least that’s the rumour has it" Bleeding Wolf said quietly.

                    “What are yah rrrreading there?" Ronia tilted her head towards Baramunk to get a glimpse of what was on the white sheet of paper, a letter Baramunk was reading.

                    “My cousin sent it to me. San d’Oria was attacked. I can’t believe I missed it. I read it often, cause my disbelief is strong" Baramunk said as he folded the letter and gently placed in his bag of goods.

                    “So what you arrre you going to do once yah reach San d’Oria?" the Mithra placed he head back.

                    “I don’t know really, I’ll figure that out after this little escort" he smiled back to her.

                    They reached a long bridge that let out of Gustaberg and to Konschtat Highlands. It crossed over a valley and a river. Drachenfall, a giant waterfall left from the wagon, raged beautifully. It was one of the great wonders of the world, giving life to the valley-bound Zeikt Creek. Shinato could only remember his training with Zeid that took place here. The waterfall didn’t impress him, as it did Baramunk and Ronia. Bleeding Wolf was just quite the whole time.

                    Soon enough they were in Konschtat. The grassy hills and bone-white, giant crag became visible after passing through a series of valleys, the Aulgung Pass. The ancients knew the crag as Dem. Just like last time Shinato and Bleeding Wolf were here; they saw the herd of wool-covered white sheep and a few windmills. It was peaceful with a gentle wind, a dust storm had gone and past hours earlier. The dirt roads the wagon and chocobos’ feet were guided by were slightly spoiled due to the storm. The rider was quiet the whole time directing the two yellow birds forward to Valkrum Dunes.

                    “Hmm… its quiet" Baramunk whispered. The passengers weren’t talking. They looked to the ground or out of the back to see the scenery.

                    “Too quiet" Shinato giggled, “how cliché…". Baramunk and Ronia smiled and gave laughs as well. Bleeding Wolf just watched them with one eye open. He turned his open eye to the sturdy, six foot long, skinny black case with golden locks. It was a custom-made box for the fishing rod.

                    A little white calf started to follow the carriage. It had a small snout and beady eyes. Its fluffy coat was just growing in. It was adorable.

                    “Cute…" the Mithra smiled at the sheep, while adjusting her tall hat.

                    “Hehe, I’d say so…" Baramunk agreed, now looking to the following baby, “I am guessing Shinato doesn’t find animals… cute and adorable".

                    “You got that rig-“ Shinato was about to say before the wagon took a sudden stop. The baby calf had fallen out of sight.

                    “Marcus what’s the deal?!" Baramunk called over, not happy about the backlash.

                    “There is something right on the road… a small basket" the Hume’s raspy voice called back. He got out of his rider’s seat. Baramunk and Shinato slid out the back, to join the rider to find out what was in the basket. They marched on the dirt road, right up to the wooden weaved square case. Shinato and Baramunk were a few feet away from it as Marcus crouched down and opened it. “Um… nothing" he said and shrugged. Baramunk and Shinato looked blankly for a moment. Then he showed up.

                    With a single elbow thrust to the face, Marcus flew off the road, hitting the muddy grass. Like a blur, he appeared with the attack. He had been invisible the whole time. Marcus was out cold, but not dead. When they got a good view of the Hume, they noticed his short black bangs leaking out of his red hat. He was skinny, but muscular and attractive. His entire uniform was red, with buckles and a belt. His red chapeau had a feather sticking out. On his holster were an unused, blue steel blade and a metal, long spiked-club with a bright red handle. With breath he introduced himself: “Hello, I am Aritomo, the King of Thieves. The Lu Shang Fishing Rod, place it in my hand". He held his black glove-wearing palm out.

                    “Is this guy serious?" Shinato barely questioned, offended.

                    “I guess its time I show you how I fight" Baramunk smiled. Bleeding Wolf and Ronia hopped out now too. All four of their eyes examined the man who had just injured Marcus.

                    “And I’ll show you what a Dark Knight really is" Shinato took out his scythe. Bleeding Wolf didn’t plan on touching Aritomo yet, so he barely moved. Baramunk pulled out his scythe, slightly better condition than the Hume’s. Ronia was ready to cast a few spells.

                    “You… are going to fight me?" Aritomo’s voice was calm and blank. He withdrew his palm and brushed his dirty blond hair. He almost reached for his sword, but hesitated. ‘These guys will not be hard’ he thought to himself calmly.

                    Shinato raced forward and swung as hard as he could. The blade cutting wind filled their ears in a sharp and short-lived sound. Aritomo simply shifted his body back a few inches, avoiding certain death. Shinato’s body was pulled forward by his own effort, leaving him open. Aritomo thrust forward with the tip of his right fingers. Each finger stabbed into Shinato’s neck. Shinato gasped for air in a moment, then dropped to the ground, like he was shoved. He couldn’t stop wheezing, grasping his neck.

                    “I’ve never seen Shinato taken down this fast…" Bleeding Wolf looked with almost worry on his face, “One… attack?". Ronia got a chill, but Baramunk didn’t hear him as he centered his scythe. The Elvaan started to chant black magic with his hands almost in together, with scythe between them. When he finished a small ball of fire exploded on Aritomo. Just as the flames attacked Aritomo, a dark shadowy version wrapped around it, burning away. Aritomo was never touched.

                    “Blink?!" Ronia shouted to him, confused.
                    Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:23 PM.


                    • #55
                      “Actually… Utsusemi, but that doesn’t matter" Aritomo smiled. Baramunk became infuriated. Grabbing his weapon, he did the same as Shinato, but used the butt of the wooden handle to block off Aritomo from countering. He slashed away at Aritomo. None hitting him; the one that got close only destroyed another shadowy version. Baramunk began casting another spell in the same position, as Aritomo was ten feet away. Suddenly a strange sensation filled his body and he stopped casting. He became numb for a moment and couldn’t move. His brain went blank and he was perfectly still. Two magical, orange shaded rings of light tied around Baramunk’s body before disappearing. They emitted the strange, stunning feeling. He couldn’t even breathe for a moment. As of time had stopped. With the given chance Aritomo yanked down Baramunk’s arm to pull down his body.. The stunning feeling went away as Aritomo held him down.

                      “Stay down" he said delivering a kick to the back of his neck, knocking him out. Baramunk had been defeated. Aritomo, literally standing on Baramunk’s body, was shoved to the ground: a revived Shinato wanted revenge.

                      “I don’t know what you did… but it hurt… like hell. Before I smash your face in, I have a question…" Shinato rubbed his neck as he said. The moment was still. Aritomo was sitting on the ground a few feet away from Shinato.

                      “What?" Aritomo got to his feet, quickly.

                      “What happened to…" Shinato tried to say, but couldn’t get the words out of his mouth, “Forget it. Let’s go". Aritomo smiled, as he was ready to knock out the second Dark Knight. Shinato cast a spell, in the same way Baramunk did. The air around Aritomo became tight, almost like a vacuum. Without thinking, Aritomo felt his soul being drained. In a large clump, a ball of purple light busted out of his chest without causing a small wound and flew into Shinato’s. The Hume embraced his stolen energy as curing spell. An old scar on Aritomo’s left hand began to bleed.

                      “That was annoying…" Aritomo frowned. He ran forward rushing his knee at the Dark Knight. Moving his head, Shinato was able to dodge the high knee kick. Shinato slashed forward again and again. Aritomo was too quick and read his moves easily. Aritomo grasped the scythe’s handle just before the blade and swung him into the ground. Shinato landed on his back into the dirt and grass. Before he could finish anything, Aritomo was forced to dodge yet another attack from Shinato, who pulled out the Deathbringer. Shinato had more skill with the black blade, his thrusts and slashes were quick. Giving all he had, he landed a dead on cut into Aritomo’s shoulder. Before even be happy about his attack, he noticed something wrong. The area around the wound turned to stone, as if Aritomo was a rock golem.

                      “Stone Skin spell!" Ronia growled. Both her and Bleeding Wolf watch Shinato give his best. Shinato heard Ronia’s warning and gave a frown. He knew what the spell was: turns one skin to stone just as they are attacked.

                      Aritomo grabbed Shinato by his neck and threw him back. The stone appearance disappeared, but the King of Thieves’ coat was ripped “This coat is worth more than your life… but you serve as a good opponent. I’d like to fight you again, when you get better" Aritomo smiled. With that he cast a spell. A slow, depressing sound filled Shinato’s ears. He felt his eyes get heavy and head become less active. He blacked out, falling back. “Have a good rest" Aritomo said to the sleeping Shinato. He turned to the Galka and Mithra.

                      “Your shadows won’t protect you if I blow up everything around you!" Ronia roared and cast spell as soon as she could. ‘Firaga’ she planned for the spell.

                      “You talk too much…" Aritomo complained, he cast his own spell, twice as fast. With a shining light flashing in her face, Ronia felt her mouth shut. Her spell was canceled, as she couldn’t complete the chant. She tried to yell out in confusion, but it only came out as a smothered cry. Ronia was useless now. She could not cast without speaking.

                      “You are quite good" Bleeding Wolf complimented.

                      “Thank you" Aritomo nodded, “Could you give me what I seek?".

                      “Sure, wouldn’t be a problem" Bleeding Wolf nodded his head. Ronia was shocked. The Galka jumped on to the wagon, grabbed the black box, and jumped off. He slowly walked to Aritomo. Ronia held him back, screaming with her mouth closed, but Bleeding Wolf gently shoved her back, causing her to hit the ground. Aritomo grabbed the black box.

                      “At least you are smart" the thief smiled.

                      “You know we going to fight later today, right?" the Galka looked deep into the Hume’s eyes.

                      “Really no need, now that I have this" the Hume smiled, holding it up. “Well I’ll be off" he said and waved goodbye. Just as he was leaving, Ronia voice became free.

                      “What the hell!" she screamed at the Galka.

                      “What?" Bleeding Wolf looked at her angry face.

                      “The box! You gave him the box!" she yelled angry.

                      “Well, the old man in Bastok never said to deliver a box" he smiled at her.

                      “But, the Lu Shang rod!" she was getting frustrated.

                      “Is inside the wagon… it was never in the box" with those words, Ronia was puzzled, but no longer angry.

                      “Weren’t you curious why they would bring two other crates on this trip? The Lu Shang fishing rod is in one of them. Its real box, in the other" Bleeding Wolf explained.

                      Baramunk and Shinato got up after a moment. “What the hell… why do I have a headache?" Baramunk rubbed his head.

                      “You got the crap kicked out of you, that’s why" Ronia laughed.

                      “I lost the fight?" Shinato was sad for a moment.

                      “He put you to sleep with a spell, if that makes you happy" Ronia informed him. Shinato’s expression didn’t change.

                      “Did he get the fishing rod?" Baramunk asked.

                      “No, but he got the box" Bleeding Wolf said, as he jumped on to the wagon. He tore open the crates. He put the Lu Shang in its fishing box.

                      “So we thought a dummy was the real thing, eh?" Shinato asked, unanswered, as he too hopped on to the wagon.

                      ‘I can’t believe I was defeated so easily. Next time I will kick that cocky Hume’s ass… both of them’ Baramunk thought to himself, in silence.

                      Ronia and Baramunk revived the fallen Marcus and he was unhurt. After a short discussion, they decided to head through the dunes, and complete the quest.

                      “You know… he is going to be back for the fishing rod right? And he is probably going to beat us up if we don’t have a plan" Bleeding Wolf told the other three.

                      “Hmm, so a battle plan" Shinato approved.

                      “I got a good one to protect the fishing rod" Ronia smiled brightly.

                      “I like to fish" Baramunk said, no one listening.
                      Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:26 PM.


                      • #56
                        The wagon pulled into the Valkurm Dunes. To the east of the sandy strip of land, was a small town named Selbina. They couldn’t stop there, but Shinato vowed to once. Valkurm Dunes was hot and bright. Its sand and tropical trees seemed out of place with most of Quon. Giant flies and even gangs of Goblins roamed these deserts. Shinato had been here once before, a long, long time ago. They rid in the hot sands, without error.

                        They drove into a short cave. The heat didn’t bother the Chocobos, but the cold shade seemed to please them just a bit. Ronia, Shinato, Bleeding Wolf, and Baramunk had finished the plan. It was flawless in their minds, but all of them saw and felt how powerful Aritomo was. In little more than an hour, they left the dunes.

                        Now in La Theine Plateau, the valleys and trees became numerous. Sand was replaced with grass and dirt. They saw another crag; this one was named ‘Holla’ by ancient text. “So what are you going to spend your money on?" Ronia asked, curiously.

                        “I think… I will buy a new scythe with it. Do some more adventuring, and make some more money, more efficient" Baramunk smiled.

                        “Hmm… I’ll spend it on… I’ll probably just waste it actually, on alcohol" Shinato laughed. Bleeding Wolf ignored the question.

                        “We are just about at Ronfaure! Close to San d’Oria!" the driver shouted back. It had been at least four hours since the fight with Aritomo, their wounds healed.

                        As they left the dale filled land, the trees got more common. Before they could really notice the change, they were in the woods. The mighty trees towered the party and their cart. Everything was darker, as the sun was barely getting by the leaves. Some of the more open areas of the woods shed light. As they traveled the path they noticed tiny birds and rabbits inhabiting the woodland.

                        “Its quiet…" Bleeding Wolf smirked.

                        "Too quiet…" Baramunk laughed. Ronia looked dead into Shinato’s eyes.

                        “Don’t mess up, alrrright?" she warned him.

                        “Psh, no need to worry" Shinato smiled.

                        They were getting closer and closer to San d’Oria. They passed a large lake and even an outpost. A second passed before they noticed something wrong.

                        “Marcus! I think you are making a wrong turn!" Baramunk yelled loudly to the driver, there was no response.

                        “Do you think…?" Shinato didn’t need to finish his sentence as he stood up.

                        “I’ll check with you…" Ronia said and got up as well. They hoped off, side by side, to check the driver’s seat. There was a tied up Marcus, and a grinning Aritomo waiting for them to appear.

                        “Hello, my guests. Let’s do this one more time" he said with a smile, once the running Mithra and Hume came into sight. His coat was repaired. The spiky club and fancy sword still were at his side. With a sudden gesture, the Chocobo’s were let free and ran off. Aritomo slid off the side of the seat and walked back a few yards. Shinato quickly grabbed Marcus and untied him.

                        “I’ll go to San d’Oria to get help!" Marcus said, as he was ready to run.

                        “No need, but get somewhere safe" Shinato ordered, and Marcus went off running. “Ronia go get the others. Don’t worry, its working" he turned to her, then to Aritomo. “Tavnazia, huh?" the Hume spoke to the other in a calm tone.

                        “Yes… how did you know that?" Aritomo looked questionably at the Dark Knight.

                        “Rumor on the streets… were you there when it was blown to bits?" Shinato asked like they were not enemies at all, but two common people chatting about a recent event.

                        “Yes… it was horrible… Orcs flooded the walls of the Marquisate, killing everybody. Child, elder, royalty, or women, it didn’t matter to them" he began explaining. “The horror lasted for hours. Behemoths entered the walls and crushed any army we had. Then it happened" Aritomo looked to the ground. A white flash, and then everything was gone. Land, water, people, Beastmen, buildings, and streets whipped away in an instant, total oblivion. Aritomo shivered, but was quick to regain his cool.

                        “What happened?" Shinato moved forward, slightly.

                        “Why do you ask?" Aritomo looked back to him. Shinato’s features seemed a little clearer to him. ‘Just who is this Dark Knight?’

                        “I… had family there" Shinato turned to his right. Baramunk and Ronia approached slowly, by the side of the wagon, hidden from Aritomo.

                        “Did you-“ Aritomo said as he noticed them. He ended his thoughts. “Okay, no more chit-chat. Hand over the fishing rod again, this time for real" he said, his face was deadpan. Shinato brought his scythe to hand. Bleeding Wolf appeared behind the Dark Knight.

                        “Hmm, going to attack all at once? Not if I can do something about that…" Aritomo said as he started to cast. Ronia couldn’t recognize the spell. Suddenly a magical seal appeared on three of their feet, leaving only Shinato. “And for you… good night" Aritomo cast a spell of sleep once again on the Dark Knight. Shinato felt the sensation of tiredness, his eyes closing. Within a second later, his eyes blinked open. “What the hell?" Aritomo said, surprised.

                        “Hard to sleep when you’ve been poisoned" Shinato smiled and coughed.

                        “You mean… you let Ronia poison you?! That’s maddening… don’t you feel the terrible pain?" Aritomo questioned at the Dark Knight.

                        “I’ve had better days…" Shinato gave that as his war cry and was off. His first attack was a whirlwind of a slash, destroying three of Aritomo’s shadows at once, while the thief barely got away; sliding his feet in the dirt, bringing up a small cloud of it into the air. Shinato didn’t give him a second to recover as he scythed up, cutting into Aritomo’s left arm, breaking through his Stone Skin spell.

                        “Argh!" Aritomo grabbed his arm, in shock. Shinato let another array of swipes, but Aritomo ended it by grabbing the handle and taking it away. He held it up, ready to use it. Shinato retreated, reaching for his Deathbringer. Aritomo let out a cure spell, healing his wound. The stolen scythe and great sword clashed in a tied match. Both of them retracted their weapons and slashed again, and again. Their weapons kept on getting caught into each other. Aritomo tossed the scythe and pulled his azure blade and gold-hilted sword out. They met with force, but Aritomo was able to land a stab into Shinato chest, not deep at all. Given the advantage, Aritomo threw the Hume away. While on the ground, Aritomo quickly chanted a spell of Bind. Shinato was trapped to the ground.

                        “Don’t forget about me!" Baramunk roared as he slashed his scythe at Aritomo. Aritomo blocked the blade with his. Baramunk shifted the end of the handle to smack Aritomo in the face. The Red Mage fell to the ground but quickly returned to his feet. His swordsmanship was fast and furious. Throughout the course of the melee, Baramunk received many wounds as he tried to parry, and counter with his own attacks. Baramunk was quick to let out a spell of thunder at Aritomo. With a short chant, a large thunderbolt hit Aritomo’s back. The Red Mage gave a cry, and shoved his body into the Elvaan’s. Baramunk was knocked the ground as Aritomo stabbed into him. The Elvaan pummeled the Hume’s right cheek with his fist as he fell. Aritomo, knocked away, swiftly began to cast a spell. A shrieking sound grew loud and a light green aura burned Baramunk’s skin. Suddenly the air of Baramunk’s lunges emptied and he couldn’t breath. Baramunk grabbed his chest as he began to choke. A large wave of fire engulfed Aritomo and the spell on Baramunk ended. With a hurried slash from Aritomo, the flames departed and burned out. His Red Mag uniform was faintly burnt.

                        “Damn the Black Mage!" Aritomo cried and charged at Ronia. Ronia panicked for a second as Aritomo slammed her against the wooden wagon, shaking the wagon, holding her up by her coat with his left hand then throwing her to the ground. She cried as she landed on her tail. He cast a spell of silence on the Mithra, as before. Shinato grabbed Aritomo by the hair, from behind, and pulled him to the ground. In another direction, Aritomo’s red hat flew to the dirt floor wildly. Shinato raised his sword up and stabbed down to Aritomo, but the Hume caught it with both hands. He rolled away, picking up the sword he dropped. Shinato and Aritomo dueled again.

                        Shinato’s scythe slashed to the right, blocked. Aritomo punched forward, pounding Shinato the ground. He delivered a kick to the side of the fellow Hume’s head. Shinato, with the dirt on his face, slashed his scythe up, cutting Aritomo and his outfit up the center. Aritomo retreated back slowly as he felt he bleeding abdomen. Shinato got back to his feet and they continued the fight. They hacked at each other, leaving no seriously damaging blows. Shinato knocked Aritomo’s sword away with a quick parry. Aritomo, panicked, shoved his palm into Shinato’s stomach, knocking the wind of him. He grabbed Shinato’s helmet and pulled it off. With all his force, Aritomo shoved knee into Shinato’s head. The Dark Knight was bleeding as he fell back to the ground.

                        Ronia started to chant again, with the enfeebling silence magic off her. She finished, summoning a giant stone. It came down on Aritomo knocking him back. Baramunk, right behind the just-attacked Aritomo, slashed at his back. Aritomo felt the blade pierce and slash his skin. He gave a kick to the back of Baramunk’s knees, sweeping him off his feet. Aritomo chanted another black magic spell. A dark purple aura absorbed him with a shrieking sound. He was gone. Ronia and Baramunk looked around franticly.
                        Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:31 PM.


                        • #57
                          He appeared standing upon a strong branch of an aged oak tree several yards away. He looked at the three with an expression of frustration. His hair was now free. The front and back of his coat was ripped, and he was bleeding from the wounds inflicted. “Who are you people?" Aritomo couldn’t help but ask.

                          Shinato slowly got to his feet and rubbed his head. “None of yah damn business!" the Dark Knight taunted. Baramunk and Ronia agreed, smiling.

                          “Apparently you have taken my mercy for granted. Not once has my prey gotten away from me. I’ve never lost…" Aritomo looked down, from the thick, sturdy branch he stood on, “I’ve stolen from Orc warlords, Yagudo High priests, Quadav generals, San d’Orian royalty, Windurstian scribes, and Bastokian musketeers! Not a single one posed a challenge! It was easy! I’ve stolen from the greatest dragons and demons of the land! Not once have I failed! And… and I won’t let some half-assed baby sitting squad outdo me!". Aritomo ripped out his spiked club. “They say this club is worth more than a thousand bricks of gold… and you are about to face its power. Good day" he calmed his tone. A second past, and they watched him focus. He cast a short spell and warped like before.

                          Seven thumps were heard and Ronia fell to the ground. It had been the sound of a bludgeon beating flesh. Shinato and Baramunk spun around quickly. Ronia was too stunned to feel the pain instantly. More attacks were heard and it was Shinato who had fallen victim. Baramunk stood, not shaking. “Try it…" he smiled.

                          Ronia and Shinato lay on the ground, aching with pain. The attacks had been so fast, almost as if Aritomo had eight-hands. Baramunk blinked for a second, but he heard him warping in behind him. Aritomo raised the club to hit Baramunk. Baramunk smiled as he spun around as fast as he could, swinging his scythe. Cutting everything around him, Aritomo was slashed away, spilling his blood into the air. With Aritomo’s blood, chopped grass flew wildly in a tiny tornado around the Elvaan. The collected cuts now made a cross on Aritomo’s chest.

                          “Argh!" Aritomo grasped his wound. Baramunk charged forward to inish the match. Aritomo couldn’t express his frustration in words. He screamed loud into the air and swung his club furiously. For each swing he made, seven or eight actually attacks landed, like he recalled the club back and hit him again that many times in an instant. Baramunk felt the blows to his face, back, ribs, and knees. He coughed out blood and fell to his knees, then to his side.

                          Aritomo was out of breath and grabbed his multiple wounds. The three adventurers had fallen, once again. “So that’s that…" the Hume smiled, but then a thought hit his head. ‘Wasn’t there a Galka?’ he thought and began to swiftly peek all around the woods. Before he could say anything, a large fist punched into the side of his head. Aritomo flew into the dirt road, sliding.

                          Aritomo was fast to get back up, his ripped coat now tarnished with dirt. Bleeding Wolf had appeared. He brushed his black, spiky hair back. His wool doublet of tan and white colors and his black slacks stole Aritomo’s entire attention. “Sorry for using your trick" he said with no emotion.

                          “You really think you can do something that your friends couldn’t?" Aritomo asked pointlessly, casting a cure spell on himself.

                          “Who said they were my friends?" the Galka stretched his limbs. He was getting ready to fight. Shinato heard the comment. He gazed at his ‘friend’s face. He was speechless. Bleeding Wolf didn’t notice him and just looked at the King of Thieves.

                          Aritomo let out a sigh. “Just because you are nearly double my size, you think you stand a chance? Get ready for a deep lesion to your silly Galka pride" he spat blood to the ground. Bleeding Wolf looked down to his right palm. He focused for a long moment, leaving Aritomo confused. A wind blew past Aritomo and whirled around Bleeding Wolf. With that the tension erupted causing a loud sound of energy. Bleeding Wolf’s muscles grew and debris as pebbles and stones shattered into the air. An aura of power, like a distorting wave of heat, consumed the Galka. The ground he stood on trembled slightly. He swung his hand back. A faint light glowed on his palm. It grew, bigger and bigger. Soon it consumed his entire hand.

                          “You can have this" he said lightly. He punched forward, into the air and the ball of light was released. Flying through the air, Aritomo delayed his dodge, studying it. Within a second from impact, he ducted to the ground. The ball continued, hitting a study tree. A loud boom echoed the forest as the truck was blown to chunks and the upper portion of the tree swung to the ground.

                          “Impressive" Aritomo looked at the ruined plant, “Never seen a Chi blast that strong before, and so quick". He turned to where Bleeding Wolf was, but the Galka was missing. A flying kick came at his face, giving Aritomo little time to block. Aritomo pressed forearms against the kick, but was overpowered. His boots slid back into the dirt. He pulled out his sword, swinging as he did. Bleeding Wolf was in front of him ready to punch and kick. Aritomo stabbed forward and made a direct hit into Bleeding Wolf’s abdomen, breaking through the flesh and entering deep. Bleeding Wolf didn’t show any pain, but strode forward and landed a forceful punch into Aritomo’s upper chest. Then he let out another one, to the side of Aritomo’s ribs. Aritomo retreated quickly, exhaling loudly and bleeding from the mouth.

                          Bleeding Wolf continued his pursuit, swinging down his heel above Aritomo’s head, but the Red Mage barely dodged. Aritomo couldn’t help but feel powerless. He delivered a slash across the Galka’s doublet, scratching his chest. Bleeding Wolf let out a howl of pain, his first sign of injury. The pain did not stall him however; he forced his elbow into the lowly in size Hume’s chest. The force knocked him back. Aritomo quickly released a black magic spell at the Monk. A chilling feeling covered Bleeding Wolf’s body. His fingers became numb and frost emitted from his skin. He shivered painfully. Bleeding Wolf had never been so cold. Aritomo smiled as he controlled the temperature of his body. Bleeding Wolf focused all he could, and stepped closer to his adversary. Then another step, as he felt the spell lifted. His body began to burn with the sense of his own strength and sweat, dispelling the frosting effect. The ball of light appeared around his right palm again, faster than Aritomo could realize. He threw it forward, hitting Aritomo with the massive amount of will energy. The Hume flew into the air, being stopped by the trunk of a tree. He cried in pain.

                          “What the hell was that" he collapsed to his knees. ‘This one… is a lot stronger than the others’ he looked up to the Galka. Aritomo’s sword was out of reach. He pulled out his club quickly.

                          “The mythical Kraken Rod" Bleeding Wolf said as he gazed at Aritomo’s weapon.

                          “So you know… that his weapon can and will crush you" Aritomo picked himself up with help of the tree next to him. Bleeding Wolf didn’t answer. They charged at each other, with swings and punches. Bleeding Wolf couldn’t believe what he was feeling, like an infinite amount of hits. Even his rock hard body was going to fail. He thrust his shoulder forward, crashing into Aritomo. It was too late, Bleeding Wolf collapsed to the ground, incredibly wounded. Aritomo backed off slowly. Bleeding Wolf was able to get up to one knee.

                          “Oh Altana! Give up!" Aritomo commanded and looked in disbelief. Bleeding Wolf was bleeding from his forehead and bruised all over. His doublet was tore apart.

                          “That… was nothing" he said, a bit woozy. Bleeding Wolf hurried to pick himself up, but his exhausted body wouldn’t let him.

                          ‘I got to… I got to…’ Baramunk couldn’t stop shaking, as he lay defeated on the ground. He looked up to the close by Aritomo. ‘Bleeding Wolf can’t lose’.

                          “I will just finish you off…" Aritomo slowly moved forward to do so. He was ready to bash in his Galka opponent’s skull. Within an instant, Baramunk got to his feet and rammed into him. Aritomo, while falling back, grabbed the Elvaan’s left arm and held him down. He pushed him deeper into the dirt. Baramunk was pinned to the ground, facing down, and his left arm held up backwards, twisted.
                          Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:35 PM.


                          • #58
                            “Get off of me!" Baramunk cried up. Bleeding Wolf helplessly watch his Elvaan companion being man-handled.

                            “I hope you enjoyed your left arm" Aritomo said lightly, hiding his intense anger. With that he pulled it back. A snap echoed through the woods. Baramunk let out a horrific bellow. Aritomo had snapped Baramunk’s elbow out of place. Bleeding Wolf was stunned and the burning sensation of anger burned throughout his body. His stolid facial expression was gone. Aritomo dropped Baramunk’s dead arm to the ground, hitting the grassy floor with no resistance. Baramunk bit his lip as hard as he could. He released a moan as the pain was intense. Bleeding Wolf was out of his mind with fury. Aritomo gave a slight kick to Baramunk’s broken arm. Shinato and Ronia watched in horror, as did Bleeding Wolf. The Elvaan let out another cry.

                            “You… you scum-eating piece of crap! I am going to break you into countless pieces" Bleeding Wolf roared and stepped up. Aritomo looked at the Galka with little concern. “Prepare for the beating of your life!" he shouted and ran forward to kill.

                            You shall be burned by the rage that controls you.

                            “Dogs never learn" Aritomo signed and readied his metallic mace.

                            They met each other in a tied strike of weapon and fist; Aritomo and Bleeding Wolf continued the battle. Something was different as Aritomo could notice. Bleeding Wolf fists were almost invisible, moving so fast. He was actually punching away each strike of Kraken Club, an even match. “Faster?!" Aritomo was stunned as he felt Bleeding Wolf make an impact into his chest, pushing him back. The Kraken Club’s speed had been outmatched and parried.

                            ‘The last time I saw Bleeding Wolf act like this…’ Shinato recalled in his mind, deep in thought and pain.

                            Aritomo tried his best, but Bleeding Wolf was attacking with unrivaled speed and stamina. ‘How could… this Galka be so fast and strong?" Aritomo’s mind echoed as he flew back a few feet to the ground. Shinato and Ronia watched astonished. The King of Thieves was quick to get up, but very disoriented.

                            “Now! Do it, Shinato!" Bleeding Wolf shouted, while Aritomo was still unbalanced. Shinato’s pain disappeared and was ready to fight without hesitation. He ran up, grabbing Baramunk’s scythe as he did. Aritomo only just turned around to see Shinato raising his friend’s weapon in the air. A draining feeling made Aritomo shiver as Shinato and Bleeding Wolf flanked him. A ball of darkness formed at Aritomo’s half turned back

                            ‘To harvest one’s sins and use them against you’ Shinato focused his mind. He slashed the orb of evil and dread exploding on Aritomo. Shinato’s blade cut into him as the darkness burned his body. Bleeding Wolf counted to three in his mind. With that he gave two punches and a kick to Aritomo almost instantly, all on his back or sides. Each attack caused him to wail and ache. Energy flowed through the woods, with its axis emitting from Aritomo. A giant spark of electricity burned through out Aritomo’s body. He gave another loud cry, almost collapsing. The large ball of electricity stayed alive all around the beaten King of Thieves.

                            “Ronia! Give the final blow!" Bleeding Wolf ordered. Ronia focused. She watched the Hume. The aura around him, it was clear to her. A thread-thin yellow line divided down the middle, like a door about to open. It was apart of some larger flow of electricity. She chanted a few words and released a spell of lightning, aimed for the very center: the vertical yellow line. As it impacted on Aritomo, an explosion of voltage erupted as the yellow line expanded, opening into a gate from the plane of thunder elemental magic: a black void pumping thunder into the material realm. Aritomo’s scream was silent compared to the violently earsplitting shriek of the thunder. Shinato and Bleeding Wolf were blown back at the might, but unhurt. The radiant elemental aura of destruction disappeared. The fight was over. With the burst of magic, Aritomo fell to the ground. His dead-like face and eyes watched the fatigued Bleeding Wolf. His coat had all but been blown to pieces, with the remaining parts burnt. Everything was quiet for a moment, as the fallen Aritomo’s body rested on the ground, between Shinato and Bleeding Wolf.

                            Bleeding Wolf sat back and so did Shinato. Ronia gave a large sigh of relief. Aritomo’s mouth spilled a painful moan. Lifting the elbows up, palms on the ground, he started to push himself up. He focused all his will, and jumped up. He could barely stand, but he was. “No way" Ronia jumped back.

                            “Damn it!" Bleeding Wolf cried, getting to his feet. Aritomo kicked him down, preventing him. With each movement Aritomo felt pain throughout his body. He cast a spell of sleep on Shinato, now without the poisonous magic, and Ronia. His spells were done nearly instantly. Both of them fell to the ground, sleeping. He paid no attention to the lifeless Baramunk. Bleeding Wolf retreated a few feet and got ready to fight again.

                            “No… I am tired of this" Aritomo said slowly, in pain. He grabbed his ribs with his left hand, ready to only fight with his right arm. He began to chant another black magic spell. A light purple aura covered Bleeding Wolf’s body and disappeared. Electricity filled Bleeding Wolf’s veins, as soon as the aura vanished. He was in shock as he felt his body tremble without control. He couldn’t think straight. The pain was dreadful.

                            “Hard to resist a spell, when your mind is totally focused on the pain" Aritomo said and grinned with his bloody mouth. He cast one last white magic spell. Bleeding Wolf felt his muscles tighten. He couldn’t move his forearms or knees. “Enjoy being paralyzed" Aritomo taunted as he paced to the wagon. He grasped a black box, like the one before, with gold locks. He opened it hastily, and checked what was inside: an ancient fishing rod of divine wood and shiny string.

                            “Yup this is it…" Aritomo wiped the sweat from his head and closed the box.

                            “We are going to meet again…" Bleeding Wolf warned angrily, pain in his voice, causing Aritomo to focus his sight on him.

                            “I hope we do. Next time we fight one on one, to the end. Then I’ll prove to you I am the strongest" he smiled, “Start training". He cast the spell Warp and was gone. The woods were quiet, after the large storm of battle. They had lost.
                            Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:36 PM.


                            • #59
                              A few minutes passed. Ronia and Shinato awoke. Bleeding Wolf was lifted of the two curses bestowed to his body. Baramunk’s arm was wrapped in a soft cloth. The morale was inexistent.

                              “Winning isn’t everything… don’t worrrry about it" Ronia said to the quiet crowd.

                              “I know. It’s just that… we let that thief get a priceless relic" Baramunk sighed. Shinato didn’t speak.

                              Bleeding Wolf’s words echoed in his mind: “Who said they were my friends?". ‘Did he really mean that?’ he looked annoyed at the Galka, but Bleeding Wolf was busy looking east, towards San d’Oria.

                              “Let’s head to San d’Oria" Bleeding Wolf ditched the wagon. The three began to follow as the Monk began to walk. Their wounds still hurt, especially Baramunk’s. But outside the Elvaan’s, none of the damage was serious.

                              “Home is home, defeated or not. I wonder what Baramore will say when he sees this arm of mine" Baramunk laughed.

                              “Hehe, I am happy you aren’t letting yourrrself get down" the Mithra smiled to Baramunk.

                              The walk to the city was silent. The big trees watched in peace, dropping their leaves. One could tell that the Orc’s offensive strength had dropped since the attack on the city. As they approached San d’Oria’s Ranperre’s Gate, Baramunk was confounded. It was partly demolished and being rebuilt. “Holy crap! What did I miss?" he gazed at the wall.

                              “Nothing important" Shinato kid. He left his disappointed mood at the wagon. They entered the gates. Two knights met them, to Baramunk’s dismay that neither of them was Baramore. After the party described their troubles and their reasons, Marcus showed up. He was sadden to hear the thief stole the rod, but not surprised.

                              “Come on guys, my boss wants to speak with you he said with his raspy voice.

                              “I hope we are not in trouble Ronia sighed, “I’ve had enough crap go bad today.

                              “I think we can all agree with that, Roni Aha Baramunk laughed. Ronia was a bit surprised the Elvaan remembered her real name.

                              Marcus led them through Laborman’s Way. It was the northern most part of North San d’Oria. It was also the liveliest street of the district. The road had two floors, and was built on top of water. Its top floor was made of strong, tan wood and gray brick stone; as the bottom floor and left side of the upper area was just like the rest of San d’Oria. The Blacksmith and Carpenter’s guilds were based in that part of town as well. Passing a few kids and busy Elvaans, they ran down a few stairs at the end of the street.

                              They stood in Port San d’Oria. It was a port off the lake that the city lived on. It was totally in housed, like a large cave of stone bricks and wood. The sound of an airship flying out of the docks could be heard in any part of the district. An auction house, just as busy as some others, was also heard from the stairway entrance. They didn’t need to get far into the dungeon like district to see a chubby, yet tall Elvaan. He has dead, white hair and a large nose like a bird’s beak. He wore a light blue aketon*, half cut off, and a set of black slacks. He waved at the arrival of the adventurers. Marcus walked away, once they reached him.

                              “Hello, my name is Avagratis" the old Elvaan bowed.

                              “I wouldn’t be so happy…" Bleeding Wolf frowned.

                              “It was stolen right?" I know Avagratis said with a smile.

                              “How?" Ronia questioned.

                              “You see… I paid Aritomo to steal the fishing rod" he said and looked a little embarrassed, “I paid him less than all of you together. I save money and keep my fishing rod safe, it was a good deal". The old Elvaan revealed the black box.

                              “That’s freaking ridiculous!" Shinato was annoyed. Bleeding Wolf looked spitefully at Avagratis.

                              “That’s business" Avagratis laughed.

                              “Oh really?" a voice familiar to Baramunk called from behind. It was Baramore in his white Temple Knight armor, shield and sword included. The old man flinched. “You know its illegal to pay someone to commit a crime, even if it is against yourself" the Temple Knight went on.

                              “Cousin!" Baramunk cheered at the sight.

                              “I see that you broke your arm" Baramore said and eyed the old man.

                              “He wasn’t… I… Oh dear no" Avagratis began to sweat and couldn’t breath well.

                              “Don’t worry I am a reasonable man. I know you are extremely wealthy. It would be a shame if you got sent to prison. So you should pay a fine: to the adventurers, their gil and an extra amount to a healer to examine Baramunk’s arm, no harm done to anyone" Baramunk smiled. Ronia, Shinato, Baramunk, and Bleeding Wolf looked on happy.

                              “I suppose that is the best thing to do" the older Elvaan bowed. The ordeal was over. Baramunk and Baramore headed off after being payed, leaving Bleeding Wolf, Shinato and Ronia sitting on a set of stairs a few minutes later.

                              “So where you heading to next Ronia?" Shinato asked.

                              “I got this job in Mhaura. I am going to join this raid to get rid of ecological threats" she answered beaming, “Sounds like a lot of fun".

                              “Hehe sure does… I guess I will see you around?" Shinato started to wave goodbye. Bleeding Wolf joined in late.

                              “Of courrrrse" she said with one last look and ran up the steps, back into North San d’Oria. It was just about night with the sun setting.
                              Bleeding Wolf got up.

                              “I could tell you were holding back against Aritomo. Want to tell me why?" Bleeding Wolf asked, not looking at Shinato’s face.

                              “I don’t know…" Shinato answered slowly as he looked to the ground, “I guess I don’t kill people?".

                              “Shinato, hang out here for a day. I got a feeling Bastok will want us to do something" the Galka advised.

                              “Uh sure…" Shinato nodded as he talked. Bleeding Wolf was gone, just the way Ronia disappeared. Shinato picked himself up and walked through the halls, deeper into Port San d’Oria. He reached an open area, sky being blocked by a large ceiling. Shinato was bewildered by the constructed sky. It stole his sight as he walked slowly. The moment of observation ended violently as he bumped into a taller Elvaan.

                              Both of them almost tripped to the ground, but were able to keep their stance. The Elvaan had armor similar to Baramunk’s but with an iron face guard on. His hair was a straight haircut of silver curls, just as long as Baramunk’s cousin’s. At his side was a red-hilted sword in a black leather sheath. He looked at Shinato angry.

                              “Watch where you are going!" the Elvaan adventurer shouted at Shinato.

                              “What?! Who do you think you are?" Shinato fumed and moved closer, ready to begin a brawl.

                              “My name is Auricant. Get the hell out of my sight, Hume" Auricant just as furious replied, ready to pick up his fist as well. Two very different people had just met, as destiny had intended.
                              Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 05:40 PM.


                              • #60
                                Well, there yah go, hope you like ^^. The writing and editting process took long due to its size and complex fights. Thank you so much Hinatakun of Midgardsormr. ^^

