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The Vana'Diel Tragedy.

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  • #16
    Personally I hate Charle... a lot. He kicked me from GA because he miss read something I said, and didn't listen to what I meant. Why? Probably because everyone who is someone minus a few, left his LS. He wants to be a crybaby about it, I'll let him be. Either way, would be pretty funny if I just added him in to be mauled to death by a bunny while taking a crap ;P. I will ONLY add people who have a slight interest into the story or a played a huge role in my in-game life ^^. I might add you Tagg btw... Blackfurry, I told why it would be hard... but maybe someday.


    • #17

      That 'being mauled by a bunny while taking a crap' part is reserved for Ibanez!
      I quit. :O


      • #18
        well you can make my name.. different, and as i said, i dun need a main job! just.. im kinda there.... and leik make my name....


        • #19
          Yeah Charle is a bit of a baby :/ i kinda stopped goin on the forums after the Cloud Soul incident.

          P.S Think you could make it a mob of squirrels instead of a rabbit?
          or maybe a scottish terrier biting him in the....well you know. It hurts, i know from experience.


          • #20
            Chapter Five: The Forbidden Mines

            “Goddamn it Shinato!" an elderly man told the younger Hume, hovering over a large wooden desk. Shinato wore a teal, padded vest over dirt stained white shirt. The old man dressed almost like an aristocrat, bore a big belly and flashy clothing.

            “He… made fun of my family!" he tried to reason, forehands abusing the armrests. His knuckles were stained blood red: a Hume’s blood.

            “First of all… they are not your fami-" he countered until interrupted.

            “Are you stupid? Did you see what I did to his face?! Do you want that done to you?!" Shinato burst from his chair, hands ready to pulverize his boss.

            “I am one of the most powerful men in Bastok! You threaten me?! Get the hell out!" the old man shouted in disgust. With his age, it looked like he would of had a stroke any moment then.

            “Perfect! I was seeing my way out… freaking bigot, worst than then those Quadavs… cause you don’t show your hate, just hide like a little girl, making sharp remarks when the time is right…" the words bled from his mouth with hatred as he exited the nicely designed room with exotic pottery and wallpaper.

            Shinato quickly snapped out of the thought. He recalled himself saying something how Quadavs were dirty scum for killing his people and Bleeding Wolf discouraging such ideas. Like always.

            A sharp blackness covered the sky and many discolored clouds under it. Bastok was once again under the spell of night. No children played on the streets like they did in the day. Only a few wandered about: some guards, hard workers, and the occasional adventurer or two. A fog was soon conjuring up.

            "Shinato, I wish you would consider the Beastmen's point-of-view... you were in their land" Bleeding Wolf sighed.

            "That they stole from us-" Shinato said cut off by his friend.

            "That we originally stole from them..." Bleeding Wolf returned the conflict.

            "Damn, well we finished our mission. We got our map from their land..." Shinato answered by changing the subject. Both of them just entered Bastok Mines.

            "I doubt there is a mission..." Bleeding Wolf spoke. Shinato showed an expression of confusion.

            "What?" Shinato asked with his eyebrow extended up.

            "It is obvious this was just a test. We have gained three ranks in only a week's time. No one, in any nation, has ever done that. In the republic's eyes we are above average… Gold or Iron Musketeer material" the Galka said, not finished. “Of course we will have to do a lot more before they even truly consider us... but this could be an one last check if we are even worth thinking about" Bleeding Wolf explained lengthily without a pause for a breath.

            "Wow. Maybe you’re right... being a Gold Musketeer or an Iron Musketeer would be nice! I mean I could get the serious gil for some needed armor… If only I wasn't poor" Shinato mumbled his complaint while feeling his empty pockets.

            "Well let’s call it a day. I am sure we aced their little test" said the Galka with almost a giggle. "I got a feeling Shinato... the next one will be something challenging" Bleeding Wolf said as the pair walked across the dirt roads that lied near the darksteel filled Zeruhn mines, which they pass.

            "Oh really? These last couple missions have been sleepers... killing common Quadavs here and there, nothing that could fulfill my bloodlust..." Shinato responded moving his neck around until he heard a crack.

            The Galka looked at the dark skies. "The moon must be hidden above the clouds of pollution..." he wondered out loud.

            “What’s that big guy?" Shinato quickly asked.

            "Nothing... I am going to take off; I have certain business to attend to..." Bleeding Wolf handed him the damaged map.

            "Ack! You suck" Shinato said quickly remembering he had to return it to the gate guard. Shinato didn’t like work, at all.

            “We are doing a mission tomorrow" Bleeding Wolf gave the words before disappearing in the night's mist.

            "Lazy giant..." Shinato groaned.

            The next day both of them stood at the auction house: a very large building with a large group of outdoor booths and tellers standing behind them. A semi-large group of people gathered around these tellers. Shinato had just finished speaking with a blond haired Hume teller from behind one of the stands. He walked back to his Galka companion.

            "Nope! The damn ores didn't sell... freaking fifty other iron ones in stock… just my luck" Shinato slapped his head in anger with those words.

            "Well let’s just get this next mission done" said Bleeding Wolf taking a big breath of air, “Hey, I would like to take a break one of these days".

            "Sounds nice, a little 'R and R' would do me fine!" Shinato shouted to his friend as they made their way to the gate guards not to far away.

            "Hey gate guard! Give me something to do... this time not a sleeper!" Shinato said almost as a complaint to the spiky golden-haired guard with respective armor of Iron Musketeers.

            "Shesh! I see you both everyday... well... let’s see now" the guard started to think. Bleeding Wolf stood quiet, while Shinato grew impatient.

            "Come on! You should know this stuff already..." Shinato gave an annoyed look at the guard.

            "Shut it… Anyway, I thought of one... just listen" the guard began. "In Konschtatt Highlands, to the north of the Gustaberg Mountains, the Gusgen Mines lay. It was a major source for Gold, Darksteel, and Platinum. And also, there was a large amount of gems, too. Bastok mined it for many, many years. The ore seemed to be totally mined up, so Bastok moved on. But tell you the truth..." the guard said then leaning forward.

            "Just freaking say it already! I don't care about any secrets..." Shinato yelled.

            "Fine... some say that Bastok abandon the mines because of the large amount of undead that began to haunt it. Skeletons and ghost fly about killing those who have life. Jealous of the energy and hopelessly wishing they can steal it to be rejuvenated. Scary" the guard finished.

            "Hmmm, okay... and? Our mission?" Shinato said obviously not spooked. Bleeding Wolf just listened to the guard, trying to block out the disrespectful Shinato.

            "Oh yeah... Anyway, we want you to find a rare rock that spawns by a pool of water, a special kind of salt. Watch out for a big legendary fish known as 'Blind Moby'. It could eat a Galka with one bite. Ghost, skulls, and giant sharks... you both should be careful!" warned the guard.

            "Psh, easy... let’s get away from this pansy, Bleeding Wolf..." Shinato said as he headed to the chocobo stables.

            The Iron Musketeer jumped up in anger. "Ignore my friend... he is very rude but he doesn't mean anything he says" Bleeding Wolf said in defense of Shinato.

            "I can see what you mean by rude..." the guard giggled to the Galka.

            "We will have the mission done by the next sundown. Ghost and sharks or not..." Bleeding Wolf assured the Iron Musketeer as he followed Shinato.

            “What a queer duo…" the guard returned to his post, noted.

            They got on chocobos, but not before Shinato argued the two hundred priced bird. Bleeding Wolf paid for half of Shinato's bird just so he would be quiet. With the yellow running birds’ feet pounding upon the wasteland grounds of Gustaberg, they were on their way. Quickly passing stone hills they reached North Gustaberg. They approached a long wooden bridge that crossed a valley and the river that lived in it with a waterfall from the left. Once on the bridge Shinato hesitated to move. He looked down, at the overused wood. Bleeding Wolf, now ahead of him, stopped and turned his bird around. “Shinato? What is it?" Bleeding Wolf asked with a concerned face.

            A Galka and a young Hume boy once stood on this bridge. They sparred until the boy was easily over matched. He quickly lost his nerve and charged the mask wearing Galka, like a mad man… ready to kill. Only the training that he had gone through could drive a boy to such a sinister direction.

            “Years ago… this is the place where I decided I would be a Dark Knight till the day I die. Where my master pushed my limits until they snapped" Shinato recalled and raced past the Galka, leaving the bridge behind.

            “Zeid" Bleeding Wolf said with a rough grin.

            They made it to Konschtatt Highlands, where the old mines rested in peace, thirty minutes after they started their ride. It was grassland filled with hills and abandon windmills. The purple mountains gave the highlands its borders. A mysterious giant cement structure known as the ‘Crag of Dem’ was spotted as they passed. Both of them knew where Gusgen Mines laid, on the east mountain range. After the pair went by a couple windmills and rid over a few hills, they saw the entrance.

            A rusty wheelbarrow was retired to the ground many years ago in front of the mines. Shinato hopped off his yellow Chocobo, which instantly rid away back to its master. Bleeding Wolf did the same. “You know… a long time ago, a lot of chocobos lived here… but the San d’Orians and, later, the Bastokians pushed them out to breed sheep" Bleeding Wolf told Shinato.

            “Yeah… I heard about that once" Shinato contributed to the conversation as they entered the forbidden excavation site.
            Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 03:46 PM.


            • #21
              Gusgen Mines was a lot like the first two floors of Palborough Mines: rocky and dusty. Some of the lanterns still burned bright. As they made it deeper into Gusgen, they started to see the ground littered with pickaxes and more wheelbarrows, even a mining cart or two. All these things must have been nearly thirty years old. After some more random traveling, they made it to an aged wooden deck.

              “Hmm, this wood is cheap and weak… we need to watch our step� Bleeding Wolf warned and the cavern echoed. Each step on the platform let out a creaking sound. Shinato looked over the edge of the deck. A long fall down, but you could see three gates and three tracks for mining carts.

              “I think…� Shinato suggested getting Bleeding Wolf’s attention, “We need to get past those gates�. The Dark Knight pointed down.

              Bleeding Wolf slowly walked to see Shinato’s view. “Yeah… you are on to something� he answered, half thinking. They quickly raced down a large, wooden case of stairs. Shinato, halfway through the steps, was overcome with a chill.

              “Phew, what was that…� he said, rubbing his biceps with his hands. A small, wandering green flame appeared with a sizzling sound in front of Shinato’s face.

              “What the hell…?� he said curiously. More of the spirit flames gathered. Bleeding Wolf at bottom of the stairs looked behind him to see his partner missing. Suddenly, the flames disappeared. Shinato looked to his right to see a floating young boy with a milky aura and color. “Ahh! What in Altana’s name!?� he screamed in fear, almost falling down the stairs.

              “Shinato what is it?!� Bleeding Wolf said with alarmed at his friend’s voice. Shinato raced down the stairs until he hit the ground. He exhaled and inhaled rapidly, feeling on his heart. “Shinato, you look like you just saw a ghost…� Bleeding Wolf told him.

              “I…. I did� Shinato looked up to the taller one with his sloped body.

              “You do not kid? Maybe this place is haunted… I am getting a bad vibe� he said, quickly turning to the lever feet away.

              Shinato did his best to forget the ghostly boy. “I am getting a bad vibe" he says…� he mumbled under his breath.

              Bleeding Wolf, forced to use a good amount of his strength, pulled the switch back. With equal slowness, the middle door parallel to the gizmo, opened. The right and left switches had been broken and ripped from the post they once stood, so they had to go straight down the center.

              Not long into the travel on the rusty mining tracks, Shinato and Bleeding Wolf saw more spirit flames flying about. “Yeah, this place is haunted for sure…� Shinato trying to avoid them, as they traveled deeper into Gusgen. Both of them suddenly stopped and looked around once they heard echoing footsteps. A soul of darkness approached them in the small tunnel. “What the-� Shinato tried to finish before he was pounced on by a dark figure.

              Shinato grabbed the snout of the attacker, preventing any damage to be done to him, and was able to get a better look at the canine foe. It was zombie wolf, a dead animal corrupted by darkness. Shinato threw back the ripped up, black-hided wolf. With the given time he drew his scythe to hand. Bleeding Wolf, also, readied for combat. Shinato’s scythe curved down, scratching the earth, sliced the undead beast in an upward slash. Bleeding Wolf noticed two more wolves joining the fray.

              ‘They travel in packs? Strange for the living dead… even wolves’ Bleeding Wolf thought before he gave a quick jab to the wolf to one of the coming beast fast enough to make a wave of focused wind push it back. The second add received a rapid kick to the face, stalling it. Shinato’s prey hit the ground in two pieces, with the Hume’s scythe finishing a recent forceful slice. Bleeding Wolf gave a sudden outburst of two punches and a kick, quickly falling the undead.

              “I shall free your spirits…� Bleeding Wolf promised to the dead as he slapped the last one with the back of his hand. Shinato dashed to the wolf, cutting its side while he went behind it. Bleeding Wolf landed the final blow with a lethal roundhouse kick to its rotten jaw. All three of bodies dispelled a series of green flames. Moments later they became dust and blew away.

              “Bloody dogs… I hope we can get this finish with already� Shinato cussed and spat where one of the undead wolf once lied.

              “Don’t scorn the hounds for it was against their will� Bleeding Wolf went on, “Strange that they would attack us in that manner, and in packs…�.

              “It must be because I cut myself while nearly falling down those stairs?� Shinato asked, checking the back of his elbow. “Wow didn’t even feel it until now…�.

              “Well cover up that wound and let’s get to that pool…� the Galka finished.

              Finally they made it to the bottom floor of Gusgen; avoiding more undead wolves, souls, and skeletons.

              Staying close to the wall, Shinato caught a glimpse of another white ghost, this time an adult female Hume in old clothing. He gave a shiver, “God I will never get used to that� he said in annoyance.

              A loud siren echoed through the halls of darksteel and platinum. Shinato and Bleeding Wolf twitched in fear. “Okay now that is scary…� Shinato observed an ethereal, transparent horn hanging above them. The sound soon stopped and the alarming noise went away.

              Both of them stood on a small wooden platform like before until they reached a large pool. The valuable ore that rest on its bottom corrupted its color and clearness.

              “Hmm, this is where it is at� Shinato reached for a small salt crystal against the left wall. As he grabbed it, his carelessness caused him to drop it on the lake. It stayed a float while both of them gazed at it.

              “Shinato…� Bleeding Wolf sighed.

              “S-sorry… I got to stop staying up late drinking… uh, studying I mean� he said shaking his head. Bleeding Wolf just rolled his eyes. Quickly Shinato hand hovered above the surface, hesitant.

              “I wonder… if that fish he talked about still lives here…� Shinato said trying his best to see through the water, failing.

              “Blind Moby? I doubt it� said Bleeding Wolf quickly reaching in and grabbed the salt fragment.

              “Haha� I don’t know why I was afraid. I mean, no way it could still be aliv-“ Shinato said until he felt a sharp pain on his right hand, while he looked away from the old pool of water.

              A large brown-scaled fish had bit him and then quickly submerged. He screamed and he quickly jumped away from the water. His hand was bloody. “Son of a bitch! Wasn’t a shark… hell it couldn’t eat a Tarutaru, but he hurts� Shinato quickly wrapped his hand in soft bandage paper located in his pack of items.

              “Shinato… these undead attack the wounded…� Bleeding Wolf said almost fearful as he looked at Shinato’s wound.

              “Oh damn…� he said, pale-faced looking at a ghost slowly drift towards them. More ghosts and various other undead followed its baneful presence. Bleeding Wolf quickly tossed Shinato a warp scroll, as he activated his own. The rune scroll’s letters of magic would slowly disappear and a swirling ball of magic would then consume the user.

              Within seconds the undead were all around them, acting blind but destructive. A skeleton’s scythe ripped into Shinato back, as both of the adventurers disappeared. Seconds later, Shinato fell to the ground. This floor belonged to Bastok Market.

              “God damn it that was way too close!� he growled, feeling his wounded back. Bleeding Wolf helped him up.

              “I say… we take that vacation� Shinato said, his hand holding him up against a gray brick wall. Bleeding Wolf burst into laugher.

              “Haha, okay, I am up for that� he said with a smile.

              “You…� Shinato hastily drank a blue vial, “You laughed. This is the first time, in the five years I have been your friend, you have ever really laughed in front of me�.

              “Well… a half dead man asking for a vacation is funny� Bleeding Wolf said walking away.

              “When do you want to start doing missions again?� Shinato asked. Bleeding Wolf was too far to hear.

              Shinato now healed of his wound and spending his mission reward money, stood infront of a door. He was in the poorest area of Bastok, where the Galkas lived. Shinato may have been the only Hume to ever be accepted by the Galkas because he was a Dark Knight, almost a child of Zeid. He lived here for years, as Shinato became a miner after Zeid died in the battle against the Shadow Lord. He worked with the minority of Bastok daily.

              Shinato gracefully banged on an old oak door with rusty hinges. The door swung opened after his third knock. “Who is it?� a rough child’s voice called. Shinato recognize the juvenile’s voice.

              “Hey Gumbah. It is I, Shinato. I am here to see Weiri� he answered and walked in. Gumbah walked out of the kitchen to greet the visitor.

              “He is away� he answered.

              “Away?� questioned Shinato.

              “The day that Hume, before you, came over Weiri left into the night… giving me this house� Gumbah explained.

              “I see… who was the visitor?� Shinato continued.

              Gumbah was a young, chubby Galka with a large green hat and shiny clothes. “Well I forget his name… but he is the captain of the five Mythril Musketeers-� Gumbah was interrupted.

              “Volker� Shinato quickly corrected.

              “Yes I think that was his name…� Gumbah said and continued, “Volker asked about Zeid. He said he thinks Zeid is alive and wants to know wear. Weiri simply laughed and told him some people have spotted a Galka using a Great Sword in Palborough Mines… and the Hume left�.


              • #22
                “I see… I will be off too then. Thanks young one… See you around" Shinato said turning around and leaving the house. Gumbah saw Shinato out of the small house.

                ‘Zeid!? Alive?!’ Shinato the shocking thought came to be once he exited the house. “It has been twenty years… since Zeid died… I can’t imagine him being alive…" Shinato went on silently with his voice. His mind was totally focused on going to Palborough Mines. He didn’t even bother getting a chocobo. Quickly exiting from Port Bastok, he raced to the Quadavs’ territory.

                Shinato was deep into the mines within minutes. Something told him he had to get on a rusty boat that was in the third floor of the mountain, a feeling. If the Quadav got in his way, he quickly cut them down. That event only happened once. He jumped down to the rusty copper colored watercraft, which looked like a plate of metal floating on water, and swung the lever. His body was forced back, being push down by the high speed. Quickly, once it docked he walked away from it and the underground pier.

                His eyes spotted a tall Galka, wearing a black mask that covered his hair and a large jagged black sword on placed on his harness’ back and ending only inches above his plated tail. “Z-Zeid…" Shinato said almost collapsing, staggering, with a sudden rush of emotion.

                Zeid turned around to see his student. “You act like you have never seen a Dark Knight before" Zeid told him with a smile on his face.

                “Y-you… bastard! Where the hell have you been?" Shinato screamed at the Dark Knight Master. He wanted to kill him. Lied to all these years, secretly crying inside since the end of the Crystal War. The thought burned in Shinato mind, his rage was peaked.

                “Well… I have been busy. I am surprised I lived through all that happened at that castle twenty years ago… so now I am giving aided to who needs it… Wow you are all grown up now" Zeid exclaimed looking at the sword that Shinato carried.

                “You could have at least freaking told me that you were alive!" Shinato roared at him.

                “I see that the ‘Painbringer’ has evolved into its stronger state" Zeid noticed, barely listening to his student.

                The Hume’s nerves calmed only slightly. “Yah… I past the final test of a Dark Knight you gave me. I killed hundreds of Quadavs with that sword. It suddenly changed on me" Shinato drew it out and looked at it and then placed it back. Shinato was too happy to be speaking to his master, but his ignorant self would express that in total rage. Either way, he was too emotional to noticed Zeid’s constant changing of the subject.

                “How did you find out about me being here?" Zeid asked curious. He peeked over the end of the room, to see if anything that could cause harm would come.

                “Gumbah told me something about it. I had a feeling you were up here…" Shinato answered.

                “Ugh, that kid… he really crosses the line a lot. Well, he is just a kid after all" Zeid laughed alone. Shinato simply grinned, though surprise was still his main emotion. “I see you are also using a Scythe" the Galka’s eyes then focusing on it.

                “Yes, my years of mining have given me the strength to equip both weapons. I decided I would…" Shinato went on, “Swing a scythe is a lot like swinging a pickaxe, and so I am not too bad at it".

                “I am so proud of you, Shinato. You are truly a Dark Knight…" Zeid said then started to walk away.

                Shinato was bewildered for a second, blushing. “Wait! Where are you going?" he called to him returning to his main thoughts.

                “I have something to do in the main Quadav stronghold. Good luck with life, I am sure we will meet again…" Zeid said stopped for only and moment, then disappearing into the foggy mines.

                “Zeid… master… good luck" Shinato wished, almost dropping a tear, which his prideful self would not allow. He prayed to Altana this would not be his last encounter with the legendary shadow banisher.
                Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 03:52 PM.


                • #23
                  waah wheres the next chapter? :'(


                  • #24
                    My computer(laptop) won't turn on anymore ><. All the chapters are there and that includes FFXI(which I can't play right now). Could someone do me a favor and inform any member of DarkSEED? Mainly Renza.


                    • #25
                      I will. Unless someone has in the meantime...
                      I quit. :O


                      • #26
                        Compy still dead Blood? ; ;
                        I quit. :O


                        • #27
                          well..... your stories are borring.. but thats cuz i dont leik reading in forums, it makes me mad ill check on IGN


                          • #28
                            Blackfurry stop being an attension whore >.>;.

                            And, yes, my comp is still dead... but good news!

                            I just saved a lot of money switching to G-...

                            I mean, next week, I'll have it back... so 8 days tops.


                            • #29
                              you spelled attention wrong and for heavens sake post on IGN! anywho.. brp if you didnt know ive beenbanned from ffxi ad everything else ; ; anyways tell hinatakun, tusurusu, yourself, falcon.... they are all really mean oh and tell them not to be mean when my brother plays, he is my older brother... and he is leik.... anti me..... but he dislikes falcon due to all i said about falcon tehe^^ tw tell chainz, yeyaya. jakune, and beat hi^^ bye bye for now!


                              • #30
                                My ratio of error when I am tired is nothing to be glad about >.>;

                                I am sorry to hear that. Will do... (computer is back )

