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The Vana'Diel Tragedy.

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  • The Vana'Diel Tragedy.

    Uh... yah okay... so um... yah... let me think of a good way to say this.

    This is the closest thing to it, so until and put up this story up, I will post it here(and pretty much only the first four chapters). This is here to show my friends, that there is a good reason I have been slacking off in-game ;P... hmm wait, doing homework and advancing in RL wou... ah nevermind.

    Okay so the first four chapters... have less quality than the ones following. These four chapters are here to open the first few events of this epic saga(which I will make sure it will be one). Sorry if they are a bit boring.. anyway... here.

    Introduction / Author Notes:
    Tears shed so many times ago. Twenty years since the Crystal War, Vana'Diel has faced minor troubles and been bliss... more or less. In truth the lies of joy only hid the forshadowing doom that creeped to the world. The nation gets together various adventurers, like Kurin-Juran, all with troubled past to fight random battles with beastmen or the kindred. Unknown to even the gods... they will play a role in the revival of the end and how it will be so. Only they can stop the damnation... and reveal the final truth.
    you all. (All rights copyrighted to SE/SquareEnix and other various owners. Some characters from FFXI's Midgardsormr / Hades server will appear in the story.)
    (hehe, I might keep this thread alive, posting in it after the fan fiction is released on It all counts on how constant and such the replies are)

  • #2
    (Have to split it to two parts )

    Chapter One: Common Acquaintances and Total Strangers

    Many ages after the finish of the golden era…
    In a walk to unknown lands…
    Young of the Ancients awaken the Shadows…
    The Beasts are seduced by the power of decay…
    Finally the Kingdom of the Evil falls thanks to justice…
    Years since the great rage that scarred many…
    The Shadows are reborn by the temptation of strength….
    Only those affected by the chaos can stop it…
    Behind the evil is the true darkness…
    The Light of the fallen Ancients will cast the final curse…
    The battle between the Gods will end…
    Only the mortals can end the damnation…
    And Reveal The Final Truth.

    -A ripped article found on the expedition in Xaracard ten years before the Crystal War.

    “How far is it, papa?� a child boy Tarutaru voice said in question.
    “Notaru far� a grown male Tarutaru voice responded with a hint of happiness.
    “Run! It is a Yagudo! It has a sworrrrd!� a young Mithra shouted with fear.
    “Papa! Whaty you doing?! We got to run!� the child voice screamed in related panic.
    “Run my son. Protect your mother as I will protect you two and Koshii’s family�

    The loud thunder exploded in sound.

    Kurin-Juran jumped out of his warm bed with a gasp. He was out of breath and in a cold sweat. The room was in total darkness. Heavy rain pounding on the roof and windows with roaring thunder could be heard from outside. Kurin wiped his sweat off his forehead.

    Those words and the darkness, he never stopped getting that nightmare. It was a true occurrence: the last moments of his father’s life.

    ‘That Yagudo with that long, curved sword, he… it… killed my father’ Kurin-Juran thought to himself. ‘Yet I still avoid hunting them now that I have gathered the strength to do so. Why?’ Kurin questioned his own beliefs while his face lay buried in his tiny hands.

    Kurin-Juran was a Tarutaru, very short in the standards of a Hume. His head was big, like others of his race, with untidy silver hair and bright blue eyes. Two long ears sprouted from the sides his head. A piece of his silver hair was spiked up out of randomness. In the obscurity his tan skin color seemed almost black.

    Those were memories of when he went to Mhaura to avoid the war, now titled the Crystal War, with his family and a Mithran family. A Yagudo attacked and killed the Mithran father with a single slice. Before the Yagudo could finish the whole Mithras' family, Kurin’s father tackled the Beastmen. The Yagudo’s blade impaled his father as Kurin watched in horror with his mother’s hand pulling him away. With the little of the strength the heroic Tarutaru had left, he cast a spell of thunder that electrocuted and killed them both. Once they reached Mhaura, they prayed for the lives lost.

    Kurin-Juran slid out of the red sheets of his simple bed and walked to his armory. He changed out of his green pajama-like commoner clothing into an adventurer’s attire: A brown tunic baring black designs and a small leather pack located on the back, lined purple slops, small worn out shoes, a leather belt worn by shamans, and a well-cut wooden rod. He then went over to a small round table crafted for Tarutarus’ size. On the furnishing were two amber jewel earrings, two bone-like rings, and two silver armlets. Kurin put them all on.

    The Tarutaru walked to his fountain and rinsed his face and his hands. He waited for the rain to end as he sat in a small chair, in the night’s blackness. Once the rain stopped shortly soon following the thunder, he opened the rosewood door and walked out. After shutting the door behind him he traveled through the Windurst residential area on wet ground, wooden and dirt. On his way to the Port district, Kurin saw many small wooden houses and one large Jeuno-style building for foreign adventurers.

    Windurst was a city carved out of rock and grassland. No iron or steel streets and structures. Trees and grass was everywhere in the huge city. The roads were dirt or rock tile and the buildings were wood. From almost any point in Windurst or near it, one could see Heaven’s Tower. Heaven’s Tower was a magical tower with a very large tree growing right out of it. Its size is legendary and seems one would be close to the moon if they stood to the very top. Also noticeable in Windurst was its battle scars from the Crystal War.

    Once in Port, the smell of salty seawater was summoned to Kurin’s small fuzzy nose. He noticed the sky, now clear of dark clouds, was getting lighter.

    “Day is coming-moming soon� the Tarutaru caught himself saying quietly.

    He walked over to the fishing guild’s dock. He had about one hour till it would open. He looked at the everlasting sea slowly giving birth to the sun and he smiled. Today would be his first mission with his friend Cronin, so beginning the alliance that a legend will be based around.

    Many regions away… across the Bastore sea… two Bastokian warriors stood in the streets of the Metalworks district. Day seemed even farther on the other side of Vana'diel, Bastok. They were clad in blue plated chain mail armor and guarded the President as Iron Musketeers.

    “So, heard about these two low ranked Bastokian adventurers?� the bald Hume one said to a fellow Hume with blond spiky hair.

    “Hmmm… ranked low and important? I never heard anything about them� answered the young Iron Musketeer interested as he kicked his unfitting boot in, using the stone ground below.

    “Well they are quite the impressive ones… a Hume with skills said to be similar to and as strong Zeid himself!� the tattooed bald Hume described.

    “Wow… the Galkan swordsman who gave his life in the Crystal War to finish the Shadow Lord?! What about the other one?� he asked with a shock.

    “The other one is named Bleeding Wolf or something… a Galka who claims he served the Tale-Keeper in his past life and will do so again. Both of their fighting abilities are said to be superb. In fives days they already have become ‘Rank Three’!� the Hume storyteller finally finished being as fascinated himself as if he heard it.

    “Centurion status in five days? That is amazing… truly amazing" the listener was stunned for a second and then continued, "Speaking of the Tale-keeper. Rumors among the miners say that he has returned�.

    “Yes, it seems a lot of strange happenings are in play. Also they say the Quadavs and the rest of the Beastmen seem more active than ever. I think the Mythril Musketeers will be needed soon� the bald Hume said glaring up toward the stars that graced the black sky. “Rare sight in Bastok to see the stars…�

    The republic named Bastok was a city built on the mountains and mines. Using the newest technology of carpentry and building, Bastok looked very modern. The roads and houses were built with white and gray stone. At the center of the city were a large factory house and a series of smoke-leaking pipes that rose out of the roof. Bastok’s air was muggy and dense due to the blacksmithing and engineering constantly being done, at least half the time.

    On the other side of Bastok, the Mines, two adventurers walked the shadowy streets.

    “Shinato… we will be late� a Galka said quietly who was very big even contrasted to any other Galka. He wore a doublet, black slacks, a white belt, and no weapons or footwear. His black hair, both on body and head, was spiked up on the very top of his head.

    “Bah, screw them. Stupid president officials!� a black haired Hume said with a growl.

    His brunette hair was in a bang and messy fashion. He wore the armor of a Centurion: Blue and white scaled breastplate and mail, gauntlets, leg ware, boots and helm. On his back were a large wooden-handle scythe and an even larger black-bladed great sword at the same time. Shinato's was able to hold both weapons on his back as if it was one. Very slightly engraved on the great sword close to the handle was the word ‘Deathbringer’.

    “Shinato, pesky as they may be in your eyes, we should respect our leaders and their whims� the Galka said looking forward at their inclined destination.

    “Yeah… yeah… respect that! Bow to him! Don’t kill it!� Shinato mimicked the lawful Galka while they rapidly walked down some stairs. His voice was pretty spiteful.

    “I only speak the virtuous word. We are heroes and people expect us to act so� the Galka responded with almost no emotion: obliviously grown numb of his Hume partner’s whining.

    “Wrong my friend. I am an adventurer… a mercenary. On that topic, I pay taxes! I don't even have a real house… rather crap if I could say so myself. I would like to see the president slaughter hundreds of Quadavs like we have� Shinato kept on complaining as they went down another set of stone stairs.

    They reached the in-house tunnel entrance to the Market district. “Well Shinato you go protest to our president while I get our information. Then we do it� he said with his fur glowing from the lunar light like a wolf singing to the moon.

    “Bleeding Wolf… don’t be the government’s dog!� Shinato scald his friend looking away in disgust.

    “Hmmm, I have been called worst, even by you� answered Bleeding Wolf humorlessly, not without a smirk, as they entered the dark gate leading to the Market district.


    • #3
      On the same continent, but several miles and miles away; past the Konschtatt Highlands, the Valkrum Dunes, and the La Theine Plateau… in the center of Ronfarue, was a proud kingdom: San d’Oria. It was night there too. Most of the long-eared Elvaans were asleep in their beds, crude or royal. The Temple Knights stood at the Ranperre’s Gate, blocking off any Orcs who would wish to slaughter this kingdom’s peoples.

      Auricant, a young adult Elvaan in his tan lizard leather armor and helm with a large sliver shield strapped to his right arm, was having a conversation with one of them.

      San d’Oria was a kingdom with castle-based design. People often called it a fortress more than a city. The city had much plant life living within the gate walls unlike Bastok, but nowhere as much as Windurst had. Gray brick and black wood built houses and dungeon-stone like buildings graced this kingdom. North of the center, a tall castle stood erect into the sky and southeast from the heart was a beautiful cathedral where the prayers of many were made.

      The Temple Knight wore a Temple Knight’s long sword and a set of Temple Knight armor, even a Temple Knight crest embedded shield to his side. His hair was like Auricant’s, silver and long but was not so neat and less visible with his helm. The sun was due to appear soon and the skies were picking up a light blue color. In Windurst it was morning and Bastok was almost the same.

      “Interesting… a knight in blue armor at the King’s grave. And even more so, he talked of a object that was to be at rest there. That is quite the bizarre occurrence!� the Temple Knight Baramore said to the adventurer, his words were not without deep concentration.

      “Yes, well on the other note, I did found proof that his majesty’s final resting place was indeed disturbed by foul scandals.� Auricant said in his young charming voice. He quickly handed Baramore evidence of Orcish intrusions.

      “Thank you; your efforts will not be a futility. Please do me a favor though…� the Temple Knight said.

      “What is that good sir of this state?� Auricant flattered the knight.

      “Forget everything about this blue armored knight, it is better off you not know him� Baramore asked awkwardly. It seemed Baramore didn’t know a thing about this mysterious figure gazing the King’s tomb but he had a feeling. He was not a mere, unmemorable person.

      Auricant looked questionably at the Temple Knight for a moment. “Of course my better one, I will return the next day to do another task. I am tired and I seek some rest before the beginning of the day.� Auricant walked away after a short exchange of waves.

      The memories of that past quickly came back to his head. He was the one of many heroes who lost their fathers in the war.

      ‘It has been twenty years since the war. My father battled along side many great soldiers. In his little time returned, spent with his family, he told me of special knights who wore rare armor. This could be what I have been looking for: What killed my father in battle and does it still dwell on this plane’ Auricant pondered to himself. ‘Whatever be the creature sent my father to the Paradise shall die and the blue knight knows it’s name’ Auricant stated in his mind. It wasn’t a false threat.

      He sat on a bench for a short second, still a little weary from his mission, which wrapped around the town square’s fountain: the Parade Grounds. He watched at the rising sun with his unforgiving eyes. “Lightsday� he said under his breath. He pulled out an inch of his stainless sword from its sheath then quickly placed it back, admiring its craftsmanship.

      “I am so lost in this fortress city!� a girlish Hume voice Auricant heard and what caused him to immediately retreat his blade.

      He turned around to see an annoyed female Hume with short blond hair and seemly commoner clothing, which was still stylish. “Are you new to this state, traveler?� the Elvaan said and stood up.

      “Yes, but your friends won’t give me any help!� she nagged, pushing back one of her blond locks of hair.

      “Well… we San d’Orians do not like foreigners. It is just our isolated ways. I am sorry… maybe I could help you to where you seek?� Auricant said and smiled. He was always a flirt, even to Hume females.

      The girl was joyful for the response. “Can you tell me where one would get a Rent-a-Room?� she asked.

      “Why it is on my way, of course I can... please follow me� Auricant stretched his long limbs. She was overwhelmed with joy.

      They walked on their way upon the stone tiles, passing the church. “What is this rose's name?� he asked shifting his eyes at her.

      She gave a blush, “Teria� said the girl.

      “Ah, Teria, a pretty name… From what nation do you born from?� Auricant said now turning a corner as she followed close behind.

      “Bastok� she answered directly and quickly. Her tone didn’t reflect she was embarrassed about it, but only shy.

      “Bastok, no wonder my kin gave you a sour attitude" the Elvaan began to explain, calmly. "Since the ‘Second Battle of Konschtatt Highlands’ San d’Oria have a disliking toward Bastok. They crushed our glorious empire's pride and which led the civil war that would scar us with a mark to never let us return to such greatness. To this day we have never fully recovered from that scar� spoke Auricant, almost depressed by what he said himself.

      “Hehe, you are pretty smart� she smiled with those words, “Must have studied all that in class�.

      “We Elvaan follow our battles like you follow your name� Auricant said and winked.

      They reached the end of the street and an arch was ahead. Next to the gate was a guard. “Temple Knight! Please help this lady to a temporary room. I better not hear of any annoyance she receives� Auricant said with a sober face to the knight. Auricant always believed to follow your country to death, but it was okay to give it a disrespectful slap or two to test if its loyalty was as an echo of your own.

      The Temple Knight, a female with short brown curls, laughed, “Your words are wasted, if I ever acted so my job would not be a guide, nor a guard�.

      Auricant and Teria bowed to each other and Auricant left them two to enter his home. While many knights of San d’Oria were waking up to the sun, one was laying his head to slumber.

      In Jeuno, the great metropolis many roads end to and many begin from, two figures walked towards the embassy of Windurst on the Ru’Lude Gardens district’s white tiles, both of them Humes. High in the sky was Ru’lude Gardens, the very top of the tower-like Jeuno. One was in a light gray gi and matching uniform and his dirty blond hair was very messy. Behind him, a lighter skinned Hume with a red and brown robe and relating clothes made of linen threads. His black hair had thin sides and a ponytail. The sun was clear and bright about.

      “Renza, how long do you think it will take us to reach the embassy?� the one in linen clothes asked. His voice was humble, soft and one could say weak.

      “I am not sure, Mercutio. Less than two minutes� Renza said in a relaxed tone. People who knew of Renza said his voice sounded it was only a shadow to warrior within him.

      “I was wondering… well� Mercutio said hesitantly. “Go on� Renza encouraged his friend's words.

      “Well when you, Wolfgang, and Cyz found me, in Battillia Downs, so many months ago…� Mercutio went on, “What was I doing? I am starting to forget that day�.

      “Hmmm, well, you seemed to have just been done fighting a tiger, well… uh, at least something that had big claws and teeth that doctors wouldn’t treat. You were a bloody mess with most of your clothes in shreds and it looked like if we didn’t find you… you would have been dead� Renza answered, but unsatisfying his friend. Mercutio just looked at the ground, thinking, while he followed him down some stairs.

      When they arrived outside the embassy Renza told him clearly “Stay outside for a second while I talk to the ambassador�.

      Mercutio nodded and rested his back against a wall not too far away as Renza went in. Mercutio waited and he started to try to remember. He was not able to tell what happened to his life past one and half years ago. Where did he get these great fencing skills and masterful magic spells? Where was he going? Why was his memory slowly dying away again? He asked himself in vain. His head started to ache at the thoughts as he rubbed his temples. Since that fateful day in Battillia Downs, Mercutio had been dependant on Renza. He followed his busy life.

      A couple of minuets past and Renza walked out of the embassy, his expression still calm. Mercutio stopped his wondering immediately and walked towards him. “We are going to Mhaura, the sea port not far from the capital city of Windurst. It seems I am the new Initiative Director of V.E.R.M.I.N. and our first task involves Windurst, Mhaura, and the strange tunnels between Tahrongi Canyon and Buburimu Peninsula… I am to get further instructions at the location� Renza enlightened.

      “I hope I can find something I remember there� Mercutio said as both of them made their way to the Port District where they would get on chocobos, or simply “birds� as adventurers and bounty-hunters would call them.

      “That would be nice, but it is very unlikely� Renza said and covered his eyes from the newly born sun.

      Four stories of Vana'diel begin on this day, and on another they will meet as one... the true epic will begin... the final truth shall be revealed.

      (Sorry this is all 1 chapter.. just these chapters HUGE ^^... this is the second smallest one too >.>;; Plan to make about... 50+ huge chapters like these and Vana'Diel Tragedy will have a sequal ^^ Lets hope i dont get burned out)


      • #4

        Shinato, the Dark Knight mentioned in this story, is actually a Samurai.

        How Do I know?

        For he is me.

        Thank you for your time, and please, enjoy the story


        Oh yah the story... Oops >>;

        Nice story, Blood, I look foward to the other chapters.
        <Bloodredpoet> My mom just called the movie "The Men In Black" "The Black Men" LMAO~

        (Damn BRP and his confusing LS name)


        • #5
          Chapter Two: Experimentation of the Ruins

          “I do not understand you… Renza Azure. It is so simple� a voice whispered, followed by a cocky laugh. Behind the humor was a sharp resentment.

          The words were hissed from a figure standing above the fallen Hume. The eclipsing sun only gave the peculiar man darkness to describe. Renza was on the ground, beaten badly. His golden armor, the uniform of the Ducal Guards, was stained with his own blood.

          “W-why?� he coughed a mouthful of blood with those words. He had a concussion for sure and the world around him seemed dim and blurry.

          Two other guards, almost disgusted by their actions, kicked him a few times. Renza only bit his lip and ate the pain. The pride within him forbade any plead for mercy or scream in pain.

          “Enough! He will never understand… take his position away… he no longer deserves it� the man’s voice was cruel and heartless. He turned his back with his cape swinging wildly and walked away towards a large, Jeunoan Palace. The Ducal guards, people he knew as friends once, approached him.

          Renza suddenly escaped the flashback, shaking his head. Mercutio glared, from his right, with a face of concern.

          “Are… you okay?� Mercutio pondered. The sun, almost the same as the one in that remembrance but gave wonderful radiance.

          “It is nothing…� Renza continued after pointing at Mhaura’s entrance, “We are here�. It was a wooden gate to the town off an ocean and surrounded by the teal stone hills and mountains. Both let their chocobos free and made their way to the seaport.

          The celestial sun… the endless sky… the lively Bastore Sea. Kurin-Juran happily watched all of these with his fishing rod out in the water. Not far from him were three other fishers: two other Tarutarus and a Mithra. On the other side of the pier were the fishing guild and its employees. Kurin’s hood was at rest upon his shoulders and his messy silver hair felt a nice sea breeze ever so and then.

          He felt a tug shake his pole. Kurin smiled and, with all his strength, he pulled back his rod. A Bastore Sardine was caught on the hook and flew in the air until it landed in his palm.

          “Yes!� he congratulated himself while the other fishers gave him a series of claps.

          He wrapped it in thick white paper and pulled out eleven other sardines also wrapped in the same paper. He had fished himself a dozen-sized stack of Bastore Sardines. While the fresh one squirmed wildly, the others were long dead.

          He marched to the fishing guild, each step made a thud walking upon the aged wooden boardwalk. Kurin could hear the shifting waters under the docks. After crossing a small bridging board that brought the two boardwalks together, without words, he spotted a female orange-haired Tarutaru shopkeeper.

          He traded his fish for gil when a bow and “Thank you� were exchanged. He swung forward his hood covering his head and hair.

          “Kurin-Juran! You ready?� a recognizable voice yelled from a short distance. It was a voice of a strong, young Hume.

          Kurin smiled invisibly to his caller and said, “Yes… Hey Cronin�. He turned around to see a waving Hume standing a couple feet away from the beginning of the wooden pier, on solid ground.

          Cronin had blond bangs with bright brown eyes. He wore tan leather armor, made from lizard skin, and a gold circlet on his forehead. He also wielded a small shield crafted from pugil scales strapped to his arm and a long sword strapped to his left side. The Hume must have been younger than twenty-five, younger than Kurin-Juran. Both of them met when Kurin-Juran first entered Windurst, two weeks ago. Going to taverns and restaurants, they became the best of friends fast.

          “Well, you seem ready. Let’s head to the gatehouse in Windurst Woods.� Cronin said after rubbing his thin goatee-baring chin and they were on their way.

          They walked past the boat stores that sold magic scrolls and equipment and then the air travel agency while an airship bursting into the cloudless sky parting its water bay to there right and the Windurstian warehouses to their left.

          After going through a small passageway of rock and grass, they made it into Windurst Wood’s town square. A fountain and small clay tiles were at its very center, parallel to two small bridges and two small moats. This was where a traveling group of entertainers played: a Mithra juggling knives, a Galka breathing fire, a Tarutaru playing sweet music, and a mime Elvaan girl.

          A gentle breeze brushed against the rock walls and waves of grass all around the Tarutaru and his Hume friend. It had been twenty years since the hellish war that torn this world of Vana’Diel apart. So many Windurstians died then and this city was in ruins. Now so much progress was made and it seemed like this land was a virgin to the hatred and brutally of war. Now walking up a small alleyway of rock, Kurin-Juran was quickly reminded how his father died, summoning a frown to his face.

          They finally made it to Leviathan’s Gate where a guard stood not too far from the other ones. They both waved to the War Warlock, who first told Kurin-Juran the ways and roads of Windurst the first time he came and knows Cronin personally. Both of them walked to the gatehouse, after taking a deep breath.

          Cronin spoke for both of them. “We are here for our first mission!� he said eagerly at the Mithran soldier who stood at the center of two other red cap wearing Tarutaru guards.

          The Mithra, wearing a gray leather suit of armor, quickly examined the would-be adventurers with her eyes. “Well, well. Let see herrre. Both of you are ‘Rank Ones’. I will give you something simple. The minister of the Orastery is doing an experrriment in the most eastern Horutoto magic ruins. Go talk to his assistants in the Orastery and then go help him out."

          Both of them nodded and Cronin said, “Thank you very much. We won’t let you down�.

          The duo walked a couple feet dead center for the gate. “Okay, I'll go to the Orastery and see what’s up. You go to the eastern magic tower and wait by the entrance to the ruins for me.� Cronin suggested.

          “Sounds good. Be quick-slick Cronin.� Kurin said as he ran out to Sarutabaruta. Cronin traveled back deeper into Windurst.

          Sarutabaruta was green and grassy. Birds and rabbits ran around with a sense of natures calm. Tiny plant-like humanoids, green and white, walking onion people named Mandragoras played on their coronets and walked about. It was peaceful, but the damage from the Crystal War was clear. Almost half the animal and plant life was killed or ran out in the battles that were fought on this land.

          Kurin-Juran ran through these fields. He spotted some bird-like Yagudos and short Goblins carrying their goods, but he quickly avoided them. He finally reached a giant tower, almost consider awkwardly placed in the scenery. He leaned against the side of the tower, waiting, next to the doorway into the entrance. It was made out of ancient stone with the appearance of exhausting.

          Seconds after Kurin made his quiet arrival; a giant yellow worm with black stripes came sluggishly by Kurin from the bushes not too far… a Crawler. These insects spun out silk and were very big for a bug. It outsized Kurin-Juran easily, but not by much. The Tarutaru decided he would hunt one in hopes it will drop a spool of its silk. Crawler’s silk sold for a high amount in any of the cities’ auction houses.

          He started to chant a few words, palms nearly in unison. The close environment's temperature dropped and a dark aura became visible. Small beams of multicolored light shot from the earth Kurin stood on. Within seconds he stopped vocalizing and a ball of fire exploded on the clueless Crawler. It was burned fatally and fell to the ground with a thud. After the small cloud of smoke faded into the Sarutabaruta sky a flash of a faint light gave birth to a tan crystal next to the dead bug.

          “Bah…No silk� he said while he walked up and pick up the earth crystal and place it safely into his sack.

          “Haha, unlucky one you are� Cronin mocked with a chuckle as he walked towards Kurin.

          “So whataru is the deal?� Kurin asked, voice sour for the early remark to the just arriving Hume.

          “He is in a hidden part of the ruins on the first floor. Easy to find, seeing how I was smart enough to buy a map� Cronin answered. He pointed to a small, aged paper leaking its sight out of his bag.

          “Okay, lets go in� Kurin said, and both of them walked to do so.

          They entered a dark hallway that led down many stairs. They continued down the stairs now with glowing stones, which illuminated like green torches. The ruins walls were of old and dirty metal, which seemed foreign to anything a Windurstian would build. Upon looking closer one could see marks and cuts along the walls of the mysterious ruins, most likely made during the war. They reached the first floor: a very wide and tall hallway with both ends leading north from them.

          Not far from them, and scattered through out the entire ruins, were magical gizmos. These were round objects held on top of small set of stairs with stone base. Each gizmo was ten feet high, but the stairs made them easy access. Like everything else, the stairs was home to layers of dust. A powerful magical aura came from each of the devices, stronger than the last.

          “Wowy… this is a strange place. The lights are orbs of pure magic� Kurin noted as he walked close to the brave Cronin.


          • #6
            Cronin reached into his items, all collected in a bag. He pulled out a folded map and revealed it in its full form. Cronin’s eyes were focused on the thin, brown paper map while he mumbled loud enough to be heard: “This room is a square outline with each corner a path to a room that holds a magical device. No mention of a secret room, but I didn’t really expect one". He folded his map and placed it back.

            “Well, letsy check the walls as we wander around" the Tarutaru gave the idea.

            “Sounds fine… should we start right or left?" Cronin asked to Kurin and himself.

            “Well-" said Kurin just before a loud clang. Both of them knew it was two bladed weapons catching each other in conflict and it came from the right corridor.

            “Right!" the Tarutaru yelled pointlessly as they were both already about to turn the corner.

            There she was, fighting a goblin wearing a pug-like mask with merchant clothing and a giant bag of stuffs on his back. A tan skinned Mithra with long blond hair, held by a small red band, which possessed two catlike ears. She was wearing a brown armor set made of scales. Her sword was curved and sharp as it pressed against the goblin’s short bronze dagger.

            “You need any help?!" Cronin shouted to the girl.

            She raised her head to the pair, surprised. Before she could say anything the goblin slashed the Mithra armor, barely piecing it but still caused her pain. She hissed at the pain, grasping her wounded side with her left hand, and made a quick slice across the goblins entire body. His injured body hit the ground with a crying shriek. Cronin and Kurin ran towards the Mithra.

            “Are you okay? Is the cut serious-blurious?" Kurin asked with a worry in his tone. He could be considered adorable, tippy-toeing and trying his best to look at the wound.

            The Mithra examined her wound from the goblin’s blade after she put hers away. “I am fine. It is just a scrrrrratch, no blood" she answered in a soft voice.

            Both of them liberated their fear. “What are you doing down here?" Cronin questioned.

            “I am on a mission in the name of Windurrrrst" she answered proudly.

            “Windurst? So are we. Our task is to find a secret ro-“Cronin said before Kurin cut him off.

            “Cronin! We should’aru at least ask her name" Kurin interrupted.

            “Sakeru Ghiibi" She announced with a smile directed at the smaller one.

            “A nice name… we are trying to find the minister of the Orastery. He is doing an experiment in a secret room and we need to report to him" Cronin told her while she nodded.

            “Sounds… fun" she said almost sarcastically then went on, "Anyway, you think I know this secret room is at? Well it happens I do… but it will cost you. I need you to help me with my mission" Sakeru said.

            Both of them sighed, faces to the lifeless stone floor. “Whataru is it?" Kurin asked, looking back up to her smooth clean face.

            “I got to see Jarublulix, a moblin leaderrrr of a goblin gang that has been pestering some researcherrrrs and reason with him. If that goes badly, which it probably will, I am to use force" she said with a brush of her silky hair. ‘Moblin, eh? This should be interesting…’ Cronin thought to himself.

            "Okay sounds pretty easy we will help you. Do you know where this gang leader is at, Sakeru?" Cronin accepted and asked.

            "Hmmm, I have an idea. In the rocky tunnels that spawn off these ruins, that is where most of the attacks have happened." Sakeru said.

            "Okay-Wokay! Let’s go!" Kurin-Juran yelled to encourage with a smile. Seconds later, they were following the new ally.

            After traveling for little more than a minute, they reached a room with a magical device. Sakeru looked at strange portion wall for a short time, right from the contraption. Both Kurin and Cronin stood there with a confused face.

            Suddenly, with much quickness she smacked the strange looking wall with her palm. After a second's stall, the wall shook and dust fell from it. It slid to the left slowly. It was a hidden passage way.

            "Err, okay, that works" said Cronin, very surprised by the opening door.

            They entered through the hidden arc to walk upon rocks. It was an undiscovered tunnel with many, many bats. There was little light, with only some of it coming from the deeper ruin, once the door shut behind the three.

            "I would imagine he is not far from here" Cronin said smacking a bat away from his face.

            "This place is scary-wary" the Tarutaru noted as they wandered deeper in to their possible doom.

            After they walked a bit farther in, Sakeru heard something crawl after them. "What is tha-" Sakeru was about to say before a large green bug bit into her leg. She screamed in pain and Cronin was quick to draw his sword.

            Closer examination of the bug would reveal that it was a large Beetle with stripes of white and green. Cronin slashed it away from his Mithran friend's leg. She drew her sword herself.

            Cronin quickly noticed his sword was barely hurting it. "Oh damn, this thing is going to be tough!" he warned them as the two swung their swords at their vermin foe.

            Kurin-Juran started to chant and the aura of black magic had return to him. A chill was spread and within seconds Kurin stopped. After the short moment of silence, a large amount of water appeared far above the Beetle. It quickly dropped and smashed the insect, hurting it dearly.

            "Good! The Tarutaru is a Black Mage!" the Mithra was happy to notice that. Kurin-Juran, even engaged in the middle of combat, gave a small blush to those words.

            Cronin’s shield blocked cut off the Beetle attacks. The few time the Beetle hit him it hurt. Kurin started his chant yet again. This time a ball of fire was summoned on the Beetle and exploded. It fell on the floor, crisp from the burn.

            "Phew, that was a tough bastarrrrd. It seems I am collecting lots of wounds down here" Sakeru said wiping her head of sweat and drinking a blue vial that would heal her wound. Cronin suffered almost no injuries and Kurin was untouched.

            "We ready?" Kurin asked the two, in a childish accent.

            "Yeah, I am good... Sakeru?" Cronin answered and looked towards the Mithra.

            "Always" she responded and looked about to see anything else was going to attack.

            With the area clear, they went on. Not far they past a piece of the ruins seemly were coming out of the cavern walls with patrolling skeletons.

            "Besty we avoid them" Kurin said and they didn't need to make verbal agreement.

            Finally after passing another scene like they saw before, four goblins all like the one Sakeru fought before stood in a circle talking in a rough language hard to understand. Not far from the pack were at least seven other goblins wandering around looking the same, but one in black metal armor.

            "The one in metal armorrrr must be the gang leader" Sakeru whispered to the group, stealthily hiding behind the corner.

            "Man, if we have to use fight them we are as good as dead!" Cronin complained.

            "It is Windurst's beastmen wolicy-policy. We are aboutaru peace to all other peoples" Kurin reminded Cronin.

            "Yeah I know. Well here goes nothing" Cronin said with a deep inhale and exhale. He walked slowly to the goblins. Sakeru and Kurin followed closely behind. All deep inside all of them they thought this was going to end them.

            Cronin gulp and loudly shout "Excuse me!".

            All of the goblins turned to see the group, surprised. "What?" "Kill them!" "Let's take the dumb fools' gil" were all shouted in the room.
            Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 03:24 PM.


            • #7
              "Wait! I come in the name of Windurst. We, as an frrrriendly nation, ask you and your group to move back. Please Jarublulix, we only want peace" Sakeru yelled stepping forward.

              "Hehehe" the goblin in all metal grinned. "You dumb Windurstians. If I wanted peace I would ask for it. You think you would be making any kind of treaty with me?!" he roared and his minions cheered.

              They all pulled out their swords and daggers, but Jarublulix who carried a steel axe. The group did the same out of fear. Suddenly Cronin spoke up after remembering his diplomatic training.

              "Wait... is this gang leader going to be a coward? I challenge you to a duel. One on one!" Cronin called to smaller foe. It was the group's only chance.

              The enemies all laughed. "Hahaha! I am no moron! You think you idiocy tactics will work? Prepare to see Paradise!" the Goblin replied, as he was about to lead the charge.

              "Wuss" Sakeru insulted.

              The Goblin became furious. "What did you say?! Wuss!?" he screamed as he was giving in to a tantrum.

              "Wuss, yup, that is what she said" Cronin laughed with those words.

              "Wuss-puss!" Kurin yelled with a furious jump.

              "Fine! I will fight you one on one! Annoying idiot..." the Goblin said after being incense by the three.

              He signaled the others to stay behind. "If you win this, and I am dead, all the goblins will go in deeper and such so… whatever you morons want. BUT! Lets not get our hopes up now… Don’t see how I can lose… I am a moblin and the blood of a warrior is inside me" he taunted Cronin who sword was in his hand.

              ‘He doesn’t look like a Moblin to me… maybe… he was an outlaw? Kicked out from the city or possibly escaped from their city?’ Cronin eyes beamed at the goblin-like being. ‘I don’t know much about them, but where they live is close to Bastok. They say… they are a lot like goblins, but a lot more greedy and brutal…’ the thoughts ended rather quickly.

              "Good lucky Cronin!" Kurin shouted.

              "I barely know you… Don't mess up!" Sakeru cheered, though more so a scold than a cheer.

              Cronin took a big breath and he walked towards the middle circle surrounded by the Goblins. The room was very dark considering a couple of the green stones glowed near by. Jarublulix slashed into the air, it seemed as if he was testing out his hand axe.

              Cronin focused on his sword and shield for a short moment looking down then his head flipped up, flapping his blond hair. He was ready for combat. He was going to get combat.

              (phew! okay... time for me to sleep... school tomorrow :O )


              • #8
                Weee! It's here!

                Good work Blood, you write well although I must admit I see room for improvement. No offense.

                But why did you make Shin a Dark Knight? Ah well... It's your fic, you can do anyting you wants with it. I just keep wondering how I will turn out. ;O
                I quit. :O


                • #9
                  lol, please share ;P. I am holding back on these first four chapters(and possibly until the 6th chapter), but I wouldn't want to be posting 'gimped' stories ^^. (Will talk to you in-game)


                  • #10
                    (here goes chapter 3...)

                    VANADIEL TRAGEDY
                    Chapter Three: Minister of Magic

                    In the ruins they all stood. The battle between Cronin and Jarublulix was seconds from erupting. Sakeru and Kurin-Juran watched nervously as their lives relied on the Hume. Winner takes all in scuffle about to begin.

                    “Well, you talk a lot of crap for someone so short" Cronin taunted.

                    Jarublulix eyes became like knives at the Hume’s smirk. Jarublulix had reached his breaking point. This was easily known just by looking at him.

                    “Whaty is that suppose-nuppose to mean?" Kurin-Juran, being a petite Tarutaru himself, challenged his own friend’s words.

                    “Er, I got to stop forgetting I travel with a Tarutaru now, no more short cracks" he said under his breath lightly, followed by a “I’m joking!".

                    With the sideshow finish, both of the fighters stood face to face. Jarublulix was about three and a half feet tall and Cronin as about two and half feet taller. Jarublulix in an abrupt movement swung forward at Cronin with the beastman’s aged axe. Cronin quickly blocked it with his dirt tan pugil-scale shield and readied his sword. He tried his best to slice down the fiend, but his foe dodged it, not gracefully but almost luckily. Jarublulix was able to land two side slashing blows on Cronin causing him to let out a painful "Agh!".

                    “Hahaha!" the assaulter was pleased by the outcome of his efforts.

                    Cronin retreated a few feet; feeling around his lower sides. The cuts were small and only a little amount of blood discharged from his wounds. His protective lizard leather armor had been pieced. The Moblin rammed into his Hume opponent, using the flat side of his axe, Cronin strength was unable to resist the force and was pushed more in distance. His feet slid against the dusty grounds, bringing up clouds of aged chalky powder.

                    "Weak! Running away?" Jarublulix yelled out with a laugh.

                    "Bastard…" Cronin answered. He charged forward, prepared.

                    As the second round of the battle began, he was giving his entire arm into each hit. Cronin had become berserk, a warrior’s of combat ability to blindly accept his rage at expense of his defense. Slashing twice as hard as before, Cronin’s long sword lacerated the goblin three times very brutally. Jarublulix’s three cuts bled uncontrollably.

                    The light brown leather-mask wearing goblins, Tarutaru Kurin-Juran, and Mithra Sakeru all watched as the two fought in a bloody battle with tension swimming in the air. Both sword and axe parried each other out on the next attack, failing both their attempts to cleave. A sound hurtful to the ears would hit everyone’s hearing.

                    Cronin, with all his strength and will focused, he pulled back his blade back and made a very fast slash. The goblin’s arm skin sliced like paper and his blood sprayed into the air. Kurin’s head turned away in disgust. Jarublulix was barely standing, bathed in his own blood. He laughed. Cronin and the other two Windurstians looked confused at the nearly dead beastman.

                    “Has he gone crazy?!" Sakeru asked lifting her right eyebrow and gave a shrug. Neither the less, the adventurers were winning.

                    The goblin-like gang leader reached his left hand into his inventory and pulled out a small round black ball. Not being alchemists, even they knew what it was: a goblin-made bomb. Goblin alchemy and crafting skills were just as the people of Vana’Diel, maybe even better. Even so, the Goblin merchants rumor about Moblin crafters who are the best in the world.

                    “Once this explosive hits a surface hard enough, it could blow out a brick wall" Jarublulix warned.

                    "Oh… crap!" Cronin yelled, slowly withdrawing, his heels moving backs towards his party. The tables had been turned.

                    Kurin-Juran and Sakeru also suddenly tensed up with fear at the sight of the weapon. The beastman gave a malevolent grin and with the same left hand he launched it forward.

                    "Only a wuss would use tactics like thrrrrowing a bomb!" Sakeru provoked the goblin, which totally broke his concentration.

                    "Shut up or I wil-!" Jarublulix yelled until he noticed his mistake. The bomb had dropped to his feet.

                    Cronin ran back, shield covering his face. Jarublulix panicked, tripping over his own feet. Seconds later, a loud boom roared through the halls and made the ancient walls tremble.

                    After the legacy of loud echoes, the realization was made: Cronin's opponent blew himself to pieces. A thin coat of black smoke swallowed the room for a brief time. The fallen antagonist’s goons were silent like a tearless funeral. A fire crystal rolled to the victorious Cronin's feet.

                    A new kind of shock came to the beastmen. Their leader, the brutal Moblin outlaw Jarublulix, had been defeated in combat. For months the chief had controlled this cavity in the earth, hunting all that oppose: large insects, undead, and other goblins. They attacked a few adventures and scientist trying to explore the deeper ruins as well.

                    Cronin breath was heavy as he returned his sword to its indrawn position. He, out of instinct, checked to see how badly damaged his shield was, but didn’t care really.

                    "How could he have done that?" "He killed the big guy without touching him!" "No way would he have blown himself up!" "The Hume has magical powers!" "Magical powers?!" the Goblins yelled, panicking without movement. Fearful eyes feast upon Cronin’s not-so-mighty sight.

                    Cronin, Kurin, and Sakeru all had a puzzled face on. Cronin gave a confused and sudden “Huh?" towards the goblin bandits.

                    "We angered him! RUN!" one screamed in fear and ran. The others followed pushing and shoving to get away. A moment past…

                    "Well..." Cronin said almost laughing. His left hand covered his mouth.

                    "Whataru the hell was that?" Kurin said totally confused.

                    "Stupid beastmen. That is what it was... prrrretty funny really" Sakeru gave a laugh. Kurin and Cronin joined in. The goblins were far gone by the time the allies started to joke and laugh.

                    Kurin suddenly spotted Jarublulix very damaged body, facing the ground. His torso was blown out by the bomb, his dark armor shattered. He stopped laughing. "I wish... we would not fight..." Kurin depressingly said very quietly under his breath.

                    "What was that, Kurin?" Cronin asked looking into his eyes, sensing his possible sorrow.

                    "Oh nothin'. Come on Sakeru, show us the way" Kurin said to her, no longer paying attention to the fallen foe.

                    "Alrrrright then. Let us head back to the main rrrrom" she said turning back. They retraced their steps back to the central room. They passed the magical device and started to walk against the walls.

                    "I think..." she said slightly. The other two focused on the wall as she hit it. Nothing happened.

                    "Damn... must be on the wrrrrong side or something" she said nervously. A chill graced her fibbing body.

                    Cronin's eyes narrowed at her. "Do you really know where this door is at?" he asked close to her face. Nervous sweat poured down Sakeru’s face.

                    "Oh Altana…" Kurin sighed. She had been lying and they finally realized it.

                    Sakeru looked to the ground, guilty. "I'm sorrrry. I was so afrrriad of the goblins... I didn't want to go alone. I knew they would have killed me..." she said and began to sob.

                    "Oh... oh, uh... it is okay" Cronin was shocked she would take it so hard.

                    "No! I did something horrible!" she cried out.

                    "No, no! You did the right thing! You would have died if we didn't help you!" Cronin tried to comfort her.

                    She sniffed and wiped her red eyes. "Really? You guys forgive me?" she looked cheery at both their faces.

                    "Of course!" they both said smiling back. Kurin and Cronin turned forward with a new challenge on their minds.

                    'Suckers... It is just too easy to trick these idiots. Did I even need to lie to begin with?' she thought in her head and grinned after she finished wiping away her faked tears.

                    "Kurin and Sakeru, you get the left wall. I will get the right" Cronin said as he started to feel against the right wall.

                    Kurin and Sakeru nodded then did the same on the parallel wall. Within three minutes from the start of their search, Cronin felt the wall move when he pushed against it, hearing a click.

                    "Found it!" he yelled. Kurin and Sakeru ran towards him.

                    "Good job buddy!" Kurin praised him.

                    "Stand back..." he warned and he hit the wall like Sakeru did before. It opened no more than four seconds later. It revealed a lighted hallway, more of the ruins. They walked down the green-lighted halls. A few bats flew about, they were bigger than the flying vermin before as they explored deeper.

                    "Hmmm, right or left?" Sakeru asked as she spotted that the hall broke into the two directions at its end.

                    They reached its end and looked both ways. "Well it smells like goblin towards the right. I say left" said Cronin.

                    "Yeah, at least we won’taru die if we choose wrong" Kurin agreed with a giggle.

                    After going left for only seconds, they spotted an iron door. "This could be wherrrre the minister is at, like you guys were talking about!" Sakeru cheered happily.

                    "Wait out here, okay?" Cronin ordered her. Sakeru hid her sigh. Kurin-Juran tapped the door and it opened.

                    Both of the boys walked into the bright room and door closed behind them. With a quick glace you could see two Tarutarus, one boy and one girl, standing around a rather large magical device; a large glowing orb like the other ones, but bigger. The girl had light pink robe and cap on and the boy had a marine blue robe with yellow patterns, fuzzy tan cap, and small glasses. "Agh! I am tired of this!" the male yelled.

                    "Ajido-Marujido! Justaru let it go..." she said to him. The two did not notice Kurin and Cronin. Both of the adventurers eavesdropped quietly.

                    ‘Ajido-Marujido? Yup, that’s the minister…’ Cronin quickly remembered.
                    Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 03:34 PM.


                    • #11
                      "Apururu, you will just live in Windurst so blindly? I thought I knew my sister well... Windurst is in such trouble-wouble... We are losing control of the cardians who attack us every other day. Also, the Yagudo, slowly, everyday disrespect the treaty. And the Star Sybil simply ignores this!" the little Tarutaru ranted.

                      "Ajdio-" she was cut off quickly. "Windurst really-weally doesn’t have the ‘peace and security’ they all claim. The great War Warlocks that defended our country years ago have died or are dying! Who will train the new generation…? Nobody will. Making us defenseless… relaying on this ‘peace and security’. Now I will find out the great magic to defend our country� he revealed, now with his tone now favored sadness than anger.

                      “Ajido-Marujido… if the great 'Mastermind of the Millennium' met such a tragic fate, what a faker-waker fool like you stand a chance� she insulted, frustrated by his words.

                      “Say as you like. Sure the spell-weaver died, but left behind him great magic-hagic. Not as tragic as you say� Ajido argued back.

                      “How did I knew you were going to say that� she moaned with those words, slapping her own forehead.

                      “Foolish Star Sybil, if she would just let me use this magic, which I know I could do, correctly… we wouldn’t have to be buddy-buddy with the beastmen!� he shouted away from his sister.

                      “I know I can’t convince your sorry self to stop preaching like that, but don’taru come crying to me when you are imprisoned or killed!� she complained.

                      “Killed? I like to see those dumb Mithra go against the power of ancient magic� the minister replied cockily.

                      Ajido-Marujido looked to his left in a random movement. "Who the helly are you?" he asked at Cronin and Kurin-Juran, once he was surprised to spot them.

                      "Um... we were asked by the Federation of Windurst to help you..." Cronin answered with a bit of fear.

                      "Yup..." Kurin added almost hiding behind Cronin.

                      "Hmm, speak of the devil. Well good-wood job on being late, it is over, this stupid gizmo broke down… again� Ajdio said in his usual angered tone, centering his glassed back to his face.

                      "Sister…. I think it is best if we head back now" he said turning to her.

                      "Yes brother..." she answered. She chanted a few words and a purple aura absorbed her, leaving behind a shrieking sound and dots of light. Kurin knew the spell as Warp. He was far too weak as a Black Mage to use it though.

                      "Both of you... I think I got another task for you. A mana orb, those things in the magical gizmos, was burned out during the experimentaru... please go collect it. That is your mission and goodbye" he ordered to them and warped away too.

                      "What a strange little guy... he sure didn't like how Windurst is being run..." Cronin said, turning back for the door.

                      "Yeah. Also, I felty-welty his magical aura... it was extremely strong, like nothing I have ever seen before… stronger than Koro-Roko" the Tarutaru followed.

                      “Hmm?� Cronin looked down.

                      “I’ll tell you later� Kurin smiled and with those words a pleasant memory of his Black Mage training with his mentor returned to his mind… until he remembered ‘him’.

                      They exited the room to see an inpatient Mithra. "Well that was long... I am guessing he was in there. Where is he?" she said looking around them.

                      "He teleported away... We got to bring back a broken-woken magical orb from the magical gizmos" he said.

                      "Ah okay, lets get back to the middle room then" the Mithra said and they began their return to the entrance once again.

                      Kurin and Cronin checked the two closest magical devices while Sakeru checked one in the right corner. None of them looked to be in bad shape. Finally after they checked three other ones, Kurin climbed up the stairs at the base of every device and found a burned-out orb giving out no light when he checked for one.

                      "Got it! Let’s go home guys!" Kurin yelled to them. The others gave loud cheers. Their mission was completed. They traveled back to the Windurst, then to the Orastery.

                      Kurin-Juran had a feeling… Ajido-Marujido would play a big role in his life as a Windurstian adventurer.

                      The steamboat that traveled back and forth between Mhaura and Selbina was making its daily trip to Mhaura, just undocking from Selbina.

                      A figure sat behind a group of boxes, hidden from everyone else. This man was Elvaan with dark eyes and hair. All his clothes were black leather based around the jerkin he donned outside a white mask, which covered his entire face, save his eyes. The black leather armor he wore took shelter within his very large black cape. Also masked by his cape was a blood red colored great sword. His eyes were tired, seeking sleep.

                      The vast blue ocean gave little opposition to the steel frame and wooden built ship. The sun was very bright out, which often happened on Lightsday. The ship was noisy from its riders and itself. This well-known ship was running on steam power and a large wheel. A Bastokian boat-maker made the greatest ship to ever ride the waters, and this was it. After many years of travel, the ship has grown old and weak, straying from its former glory.

                      ‘Why must I do this?’ the Elvaan began asking in his head. He sounded dark and heavy even in his mind.

                      ‘I don’t get why the Archduke would care about such an unknown person…’ the thoughts continued in his head why he played with his mask, moving it back and forth, right and left.

                      ‘Mer? Mercutio? Yes, that was the name… he wants me to capture him. Unharmed. Interesting to see the Archduke ask for a mercenary such as myself… this must be something ‘shady’ he finished.

                      "Whoa, I caugh'aru a big sucker!" a Tarutaru said proudly.

                      "Nice one, Jakune!" another fishing Tarutaru praised, a girl.

                      "Thanks Kataruru" his aged voice said smiling. He set out his rod again.

                      The mercenary looked at both of them with his face peeking from the side of crates. One with silver hair that was covered by a white hat with red markings was wearing a shiny breastplate. The other, a girl, was wearing a white tunic concealing her silver locks of hair.

                      A large group of people was on the ship outside himself, but only two other stuck out besides him. A Hume and a Tarutaru, both looked elite in their profession: hunters. The Hume had short black hair, covered by a green hat decorated with a leaf. The rest of his equipment was made out of similar green thread or brown leather. The Ranger had an axe and a gun well equipped to his side. The Tarutaru to his right was wearing a red ribbon and a set of beetle made armor: tight black armor with tints of blue, large shoulder guards, and a subligar over black pants. His hair was long for a Tarutaru contained by a ponytail. The Beastmaster had an axe and a tan buckler to his left arm.

                      Both of them sat on the stairs, steps below a fisherman. “I am pretty excited and I am not one to be so. Been such a long time we went hunting since old boss croaked� the Tarutaru said. His childish accent was absent.

                      “Siat, I feel excited too, but don’t let that disrespect the old boss…� the Hume scolded the Tarutaru.

                      “Yeah I guess. Well you hear about the new guy, Jody? It is the legendary Renza Azure, a former officer of the Jeunoan Guard… the guy who survived the Behemoth incident twelve years ago. I bet he knows how to hunt!� Siat rumored about his new leader.

                      “Yep… this guy is like royalty compared to us members of V.E.R.M.I.N.� Jody answered back.

                      A shock was brought to the Elvaan’s heart. “The Behemoth Incident… twelve years ago…� was all he said to himself.

                      ‘Renza will be… in Mhaura?’ the thought summoned both hate and pleasure.

                      ‘Only two people survived that battle… out of all thirty-two of us… Renza of the Ducal Guard and me… Ravez, the leader of the West Lions, a Royal Knight company, that’s it’.

                      It would be about five hours until the trip to Mhaura would be completed. Ravez rest his head back on the rough surface of the boxes, chipped and fuzzy with possible splinters.

                      Staring into the bright sun, he closed his eyes and he rested. “They will be a battle in Mhaura soon…� he said just before he fell into a deep relaxing sleep.

                      (lol... the Ajido-Marujido part was my favorite part to write[at least not including fight scenes] out of the first three chapters...)


                      • #12
                        (Chapter 4... hey guys, I love the compliments in-game, but would love if you could post on this thread )

                        VANA’DIEL TRAGEDY
                        Chapter Four: The Home of the Beastmen

                        "Hello Auricant!" Baramore the Temple Knight greeted his friend.

                        "Hi Baramore, today is a nice day no?" Auricant said.

                        "Yes, I love when the sun is out. I am guessing you are here to do another mission for San d'Oria?" Baramore asked.

                        Both of them stood at Ranperre's Gate. It was soon to be afternoon and the sun started to pick up an orange shade. A group of Royal Knights was entering the city just back from a battle in the Norvallen region. No casualties so the hunt was perfect. The Orcs fell like flies and they retreated back to Davoi, the headquarters of the Orcish Overlord.

                        "Yes, of course" Auricant answered, slightly distracted by the returning squad of Royal Knights, passing by them both. Mostly serious, but the rookies cracked a smile at their success.

                        "Well I wish more were as eager as you are to help this state. I am going to give you something big and somewhat dangerous. If you can get this done I will increase your rank" Baramore told the proud Auricant.

                        "Thank you. What is the task, Baramore?" Auricant asked, listening with interest. This was his chance.

                        "Well you see... recently a young boy who was under the church has gone missing. His name is Tedimout..." Baramore said to Auricant very seriously. Auricant was saddened at the news. "It gets worse... all the evidence points to Orcs" Baramunk told Auricant.

                        "Damn them…" Auricant said very angrily, looking down to his crunched fist. It was no lie that Auricant hated the Orcs.

                        "Usually we have you talk to the task giver but, no time to look more into it. We want you go to a hut that a spy thinks he saw Fodderchief Vokdek has been active around. Vokdek is the most active chief at the moment, even more than the Vilebloods leader Vatgit. He is known to attack people in the shadows from behind. Please, my friend, be very careful" Baramore finished.

                        "I promise you with my life and families' name, I will bring back the child safe from injury or death. Now, I am off. Goodbye Baramore!" Auricant said and ran out the gate into the woodland of Ronfarue.

                        "Wait Auricant! You can't go by yourself! Ghelsba is far too dangerous!" Baramore warned the foolish Elvaan loudly, but he was gone. "Damn it... he is going to get himself killed!" Baramore worriedly said to himself. The Temple Knight quickly left his post and ran towards the Chateau d’Oraguille, the great castle at the focus of San d’Oria.

                        The determined Elvaan paladin rushed through west Ronfarue, passing trees in waves. He headed towards the most dangerous place for miles and miles: Ghelsba, home to the Orcish camps that fought with San d'Orian daily. Many clans and chiefs reside there. Their will was the law, even fighting each other. The Vilebloods was the strongest clan in all of Ghelsba, but more than half the recent attacks were by them or a certain Fodderchief. Auricant thought of all of this, heading to the camp itself.

                        After he ran far from unwavering San d'Oria's gates, he noticed he was entering Orcish territory. Orc flags and barricades became common sight. He spat at the dread emblem of the beastmen: a blood-drawn ring. Not long into the enemy’s territory, he started to hear grunts and growls. He was sure they came from an Orc, possibly two.

                        "Elvaan!" a monster shouted at Auricant. Auricant smiled and drew his sword. Within a quick turn, he faced two Orcs not to far away. One was giant, large, and green, truly a disgusting beast. The other one was the same but wore white cloth with Orc magic ruins on it covering its face.

                        "Ready to die... you two grotesque beasts?" Auricant said racing to the duo. He slashed at the grunt while it tried to pull out a spear. Before Auricant could damage it again, he was hit by a small wave of rocks.

                        "Agh!" he screamed in pain. The combating Orc was able to pull out its spear and it dashed at his Elvaan foe. Auricant simply blocked it with his metallic shield. He gave it another cut and the Orc seemed hurt, but it was not bleeding badly. The mage Orc started casting.

                        Just before the Orc was about to finish its spell, a large curved blade ripped into it diagonally. It was sliced like butter with blood spilling out. Who, or what, that had just finished off the spell-casting beastman was unknown to Auricant.

                        "What the hell?" Auricant flabbergasted as he saw the caster's body hit the ground while blocking the spear-using Orc's attack.

                        The caster's killer was gone. In a flash of seconds, the grunt was within inches from being sliced in half with a fatal blow. The attacker was so fast: able to kill the beastmen and disappear before Auricant's eyes could catch more than a black blur. Two large feathers quietly, slowly hit the ground. Both Orcs have been exterminated.

                        'What have I just seen?' Auricant thought to himself. 'I am forgetting about the kid! There is no time!' Auricant quickly remembered. He picked up the feathers and ran towards a small rock tunnel, hastily stuffing them in his pocket. He sprinted through the darkness to find its other end. Ghelsba was split into four parts: Ghelsba Outpost, outer front of the fort; Fort Ghelsba; the main camping area filled with Orcish soldiers and such; Yughott Grotto, the caves of the mountain that the camps were based on; and Horlaris Peak, the very top of the mountain.

                        All of Ghelsba was rocky, with a few bunches of trees and grass. Rope bridges and even stone bridges were used to crossed large valleys and rivers. Many Orcish tents and huts were easily spotted deeper into the Outpost and Fort. Lizards and bats, along with some minor vermin, lived with the Orcs… as food sometimes.

                        'Deeper in the outpost was where Vatgit rules his clan. If I want to leave alive I got avoid detection' Auricant said as he ran against the mountain wall. Above his head were rope bridges. They were trees all around the entrance, which the Elvaan planned to use to his advantage. He was careful and spotted many Orcs. Doing his best to avoid them, he got high enough to gain access to some rope bridges by hugging his back against the hill walls.

                        Now Auricant would have to be careful from being spotted from the several of the watch-out towers. Looking towards another hill he saw a group of Orcs, thirty strong. "The Vilebloods" he said to himself in a near silent voice of hatred. 'Best I find the hut and get out of this hellhole' the thought echoed in his mind.

                        After traveling for a little longer he came upon a scene where a battle once was. He noticed five dead Orcs killed the same way as the ones before. Their blood stained the hut walls and dirt floor, but a certain spot that had a different shade of blood. 'A battle was fought here, but I cannot stop now! But could it be...' Auricant noted as he ran by the bloodstains and bodies.

                        After some more sneaking around, he spotted a large special hut. It was a chief's home for sure. He looked about. No visible foes were near. He slowly walked to the door of the brick and hay hut with red Orcish imperial symbols baring the walls. He pressed against it. Before he could burst through it, a zooming sound was heard and an arrow was placed next to his head only hitting two of his silver hairs. Auricant's pupils expanded in shock. He spun around to see three Orcs standing on open hut-like shrines.

                        "What are you doing here? I will make you dead!" the lead one said jumping down. Two other ones, both wielding bows jumped down as well. All three of them looked like normal, ugly Orcs, none of them casters, expect for Vokdek who was wearing a leather mask and armor.

                        "Vokdek! I will slay you for your crimes against the San d'Orian people!" Auricant swung his sword up into the air then slowly lowering it in the position of it being pointed at the Fodderchief.

                        "Sureshot Snagat and Strongarm Zodvad! Get ready to kill this Elvaan..." Vokdek grinned at his foe while he commanded his troops and pulled out his great sword with both hands.

                        Auricant and Vokdak charged at each other. Auricant was able to block off the first blade attack with his shield, but doing so made his following thrust off target. He gave it another try. His hacking blow hurt Vokdak critically. Two arrows flew pass Auricant, barely missing him. ‘Damn it, I have to deal with this front liner fast!’ he panicked in his mind.

                        Vokdak swung at Auricant creating a large gash on his chest which blood spilled from rapidly. The Elvaan cried out in horrific pain and fell to his right knee, holding his wound. Without a moment stall from his scream, Auricant chanted some words and the feeling of warmth and light came to his body. Auricant wounds closed together and the blood faded.

                        With his bloody sword from the attack before, Auricant stabbed Vokdak, nearly impelling him. Vokdak gasped and fell back, sitting on the ground. Knowing Vokdak have been defeated, Auricant then headed for the nearest archer. He quickly did his best to finish him, vertically cutting him. The archer jumped back retreating.

                        “This battle is over!" Auricant cheered after falling the Orcs. ‘Two down and one more to go’ Auricant deemed the battle victorious.

                        The second archer, last of the Orcs to be standing, aimed for Auricant's head. Before it could make the sharp shot, a large steel shield graced with the San d'Orian Temple Knights’ emblem was bashed against his back. The archer was knocked unconscious hitting the ground without any reflex movements face first. Baramore was holding the shield.

                        Baramore, a Royal Knight, and Price Trion entered Auricant’s sight. "Thank you Baramore" Auricant sighed with relief. Auricant imagined the scum’s arrow would have pierced his skull.
                        Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 03:41 PM.


                        • #13
                          Once he spotted Trion, spiky silver haired and royal silver armor, Auricant's upper body quickly arched down. "Haha, no need for you to stoop" Trion said and Auricant got up.

                          "I am overjoyed to be in your presence Prince Trion" Auricant said, still somewhat bowing.

                          Vokdak and the other archer picked up their knocked-out friend. "This is not the last you heard of us!" Vokdak roared as they ran away. The Royal Knight was about to run after them hand on sword, but Trion stopped him placing his right arm in front of him.

                          "Don't bother, he is only a Fodderchief. I am sure his barbaric 'allies' will kill him for his failure. Now let us check this hut" the prince said. Auricant lead them toward the door.

                          With his mighty shoulder, Auricant broke down the wooden door. Inside the dark room a pointy-eared child in commoner clothes rested against the wall. He looked starved and tired.

                          "Yes! This is he, the boy!" Baramore yelled with happiness.

                          Trion went to the boy and checked him. "Are you okay, Tedimout?" Trion said.

                          The boy awoken and answered weakly "Yes... where am I?".

                          "Don't worry about it now; we will bring you home in an instant..." Trion said and picked him up.

                          They walked out of the hut. "Baramore... give this hero his reward. I will be heading back with Hujento and Tedimout. Join us soon..." Trion took his leave while Temple Knight nodded. Baramore turned to Auricant.

                          "Young knight of San d’Oria... I can’t express gratitude for your heroism. You are now considered rank two" said Baramore, handing Auricant a bag of gil and a scroll of instant warp.

                          "Thank you very much..." Auricant said as he placed the bag with his other belongings.

                          "See me soon for another task. The next one will be extremely hard... I suggest you train a bit. Use that scroll to get out of here alive" Baramore said walking and waving with his back turned away while he disappeared under the setting sun.

                          Auricant glazed the magic scroll, full of runes, only for a moment. "Damn my forgetful self" Auricant said under his breath. 'I forgot to mention the very powerful person that helped me...' Auricant remembered as he reached into his sack and pulled out the two long, black feathers of the Orc slayer. A sudden realization hit Auricant like a chilling gust of wind.

                          'Wait a second. These feathers... are ones of a... Yagudo!' the thought blew his mind away.

                          Shinato fiercely glared down the three charging Quadavs. The mines’ rusty steel ground Shinato, Bleeding Wolf and the Quadavs all stood upon. It was foggy like it always was at night in the Quadav territory. Shinato firmly gripped his scythe. All three of the beastmen slashed down their great swords at him at once. Shinato without an instant of hesitation parried the three assaults.

                          Bleeding Wolf, only yards away, was faced with two Quadavs armed with staves and magic. “If you stop now and settle in peace, we will be on our way. We have the map we seek, now let us go. To attack me, is to die" he warned calmly.

                          The Quadavs heard the words and understood them. The group of Quadavs didn’t truly desire to kill them, they didn’t even want the scroll, but the pride and vanity within them wouldn’t let themselves give up. They hurtled towards the Galka.

                          Shinato, toying with them, simply parried all their attacks. With a sudden slash actually targeted at the weapon, Shinato’s scythe was knocked away… far from reach. The Quadavs approached in for the kill. Shinato simply grinned, shrugging his hands. “You dumb turtles… you may not know I will kill you… but you should have learned that I am the greatest swordsman ever to hold a blade!" Shinato gave the war cry when he pulled out the ‘Deathbringer’. He raised the black blade high in the air.

                          “I’ve killed hundreds of your kind with the 'Painbringer' many years ago. Let this blade consume more of your spirits of sorrow and hatred. Let it evolve farther!" Shinato roared as he stopped toying with the beastmen.

                          He slashed right, killing the foe in one well-aimed attack. The two others tried to flank him, but he circled his body, sword out, and both of the dead bodies hit the ground at the same time.

                          Bleeding Wolf towered a pair of dead bodies. “You choose your deaths. Let both of you be reincarnated as greater spirits for showing such bravery and strength in battle" he prayed over the deceased.

                          “Wow, these suckers were weak as hell. They most have treated this map like it was trash… hmm…" Shinato said as he pulled out the article out of his pack and looked over it, “Bah! This is crap… someone burned out a piece on the upper area" Shinato said, poking his finger through the hole.

                          “Well that is the only map of Palborough Mines known to Bastok. Mission complete" Bleeding Wolf said, politely taking possession over it from Shinato.

                          It was tranquil in the breezy Battillia Downs. The green land was filled with hills, somewhat barren with most the trees cut down years ago to support Altana Alliance’s need of wood in the war. A white cement spine came out of the ground and into the mountain wall, looking like the earth’s bones: the Crystal Line. Within some of the hollow hills were passageways to the holy underground graveyard that was once used by the San d’Orian church of Altana. Near the white cement line was a Yagudo. It was late into the night, and darkness ruled over clear sight.

                          “Jii Hoko…" the birdman, with a slightly wounded left claw, said above an unmarked grave, which was simply a stack of rocks with a flower still sprouting from its roots. The Yagudo was about six-feet tall and a red handle katana strapped to his side. On his arms was a pair of red kotes. His eyes were wise and had seen years of battle. His body bared many scars from claws, swords, axes, and many other objects of war.

                          “I finally avenged your death today… the barbarian fools of the west, I have ended the lives of the murderers among them… at least the ones who attacked the Yagudo, two years ago".

                          The wind brushed his feathers gently. “I am not sure what my people want right now. Some rumor war and some rumor peace. I seek peace with all people, but the Avatar seems to want to control everything in an empire… but that makes us no difference from the goals of the Orcs. Not only are they and we blind. The Quadav are fearful of everyone and thing. The Gigas are mindless only caring about valuables and animal hides. The Yagudo have no friends in this world, but the Windurstians. I hope we will not betray them" the Yagudo ranted and then placed another stone on top of the grave, carefully avoiding the flower. He gave a “Kawk" with a bow and was on his way.

                          A soul somewhere in Vana’Diel stated these words in the darkness, alone:

                          “I hope… my destiny and the fate of Vana’Diel shall be one..."

                          “I know… my fate and the destiny of Vana’Diel will be one"

                          (My favorite character, the Yagudo, finally appears ;P)
                          Last edited by Blood Red Poet; 10-13-2005, 03:43 PM.


                          • #14
                            why are i not here! why!!!!! -.-;; cmon make me somewhere ^^ i dont need an important part just a, im there and die in the end.


                            • #15
                              Just wantin to know if im gonna be in this at all.....or you can just say maybe like i think you will and maybe surprise me

                              BTW: This is great! And id like to know if Morrigan DF or Charlemagne will be in this....DF would make a good evil mastermind or something lol

                              PS have you noticed that shantatto(Sp) seems to have siezures alot....:spin:

