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Not much but heres some of my fic.

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  • Not much but heres some of my fic.

    Tell me what you think.

    Center of Darkness


    Jestie A. Worley
    *Authors note I own nothing except for the
    Character Karn whom I made up. Everything else belongs
    to the great People at Squaresoft.


    This Prologue is based six monthes before the great
    confrontation between good and evil that that nearly
    tore the world apart.

    The meeting was to be held in the
    darkest recesses of the earth, leaders of the dark
    revolution were arriving every few minutes. One
    however drew dark and wary glances from even the most
    evil of the meetings' participants. The man was known
    as Karn Duskaith he was not an ugly man nor was he
    what anyone would call handsome he had a look about
    him that told any and everyone that he was not the
    type to be fooled with. He had long dark hair and fair
    skin and eyes cold as ice, he was considered highly
    sadistic in nature though there was some dispute as to
    whether the man was merely insane or if he chose his
    specialty without insanity playing a part in his
    choice. Though his colleagues despised him, personally
    they respected his rationale and coolness under fire.
    Karn was a Black Mage of the highest and darkest
    order. He owned many slaves and thoroughly enjoyed
    dismembering them while they still lived, sometimes
    with magic sometimes without. This was a man with a
    heart of stone,who killed indiscriminately he cared
    not whether his victims where young or old, man or
    woman, ugly or beautiful.

    The meeting he was attending was one of many as
    of late, the members of the board where there to
    discuss their recent defeat by the united paladins of
    Vana'diel, a division of soldiers formed by the
    nations of San'doria, Bastok, and Windurst that was
    funded by Jeunos. Only the Highest ranking officials
    of the Dark order where allowed to participate though
    leaders of dark communities where charged to represent
    their respective peoples views. The highest ranking
    official of the Dark order was there to begin the
    meeting he was know as Elder Chance. "Well then lets
    begin this meeting with a recitation of the last
    minutes of our previous meeting." Elder Chance said in
    a raspy voice that more than anything presented his
    true age and grief to all present. "Recorder read them
    back to us!" He shouted at the recorder, who although
    it was a meeting of great gravity found it dull enough
    to nap in. The recorder woke with a start and read to
    them the final minutes of their last meeting. "Well
    Elder Chance came up with a plan for using the
    crystals of our world to draw the earths energy into
    an able bodied and capable Black Mage who would be
    able to work a spell spoken of in our legends which
    could completely Obliterate a large army." "It was
    decided that during this meeting there would be two
    votes one two decide three Mages and the other to
    decide which of those three would be our spell caster
    and the carrier of our orders fate." The recorder
    spoke in a solemn tone for even he knew that this
    meeting was one who's decision could mean life or
    death for him and all of his fellows.

    The Elder seeing the the recorder was finished
    with his report spoke with a grim tone "Now then I
    need not tell you that the decision made by this
    council will decide all our fates." "Our vote will be
    cast as secret ballets both times, each of you has two
    pieces of parchment in front you, the first vote is
    two choose three Mages whom you believe would be
    befitting for the afore mentioned job." "You may begin
    now." Parchment rustled as quill meet paper and the
    Mages fought with themselves to decide who to place
    their great burden on. When the vote where tallied the
    three men where asked to leave their seats and stand
    in front of their equals for the final vote. Karn not
    surprisingly was among the chosen three besides him
    where two other exceptional mages Flavius Smith and
    Publius Erickson. Yet again the council voted and when
    votes where tallied Karn was chosen to accept the
    crystals energy and cast the spell that would free
    them from the tyranny of good, and forever allow their
    people to practice their dark art without scrutiny and
    being considered distasteful.

    The meeting was adjourned and once everyone
    except themselves had left, Elder Chance led Karn to a
    darkened secret passage way that would take them even
    deeper into the earth to a place that had not been
    visited for centuries. "Well I suppose your pretty
    proud of yourself Karn." "Your to be trusted with our
    very future in this world." "I assure you Elder I am
    as confident in this as I am in my own ability." "A
    response worthy of you Karn." The elder replied almost
    jovially. Deep down the Elder though he would never
    admit it had a grudging respect for this man who was
    younger than he, by thirty years at least. "Ah here we
    are." The elder exclaimed. Karn looking around could
    see nothing around him except rock wall. The Elder
    stretched out his left hand made a counter clockwise
    circular motion with it and suddenly the wall in front
    of them melted away like a child's ice cream left in
    the sun. "Nice parlor trick Elder." Karn said snidely.
    "Hush now Karn in the room we are about to enter lies
    the greatest of our races secrets you will be the
    first person to read these secret texts in many
    years." "Behave yourself for this room and what lies
    therein is considered holy to our kind and evil to our
    enemies to us it promises unending power and to them a
    crippling blow that will surely mean the end." "What
    ever you say Elder I'll behave myself."

    Karns first steps into, what was
    essentially a vast library, were shaky to his great
    displeasure, though he soon mastered himself. "It
    certainly is dusty in here elder." He said. "Well what
    could you have expected Karn?" I did tell you it has
    been left alone for quite some time now,didn't I?
    Chance replied. "Ah save it old man." Just tell me
    where to start." The elder directed Karn over to a
    large oaken desk where upon lied a book of
    unfathomable age. "Is this it?" Karn asked the elder
    who simply nodded his head. "Allright elder but I have
    one question for you." "What's in it for me?" The
    elder smiled and shook his head. "I expected you would
    want to know that." "If you succeed you will be
    granted access to all record here in." When chance
    noticed Karns expression Chance added. "I'm sure their
    are books in here that detail torture methods you've
    never even dreamed of Karn." Karn thought on this. "Ok
    you've got yourself a deal Chance."

    In little time Karn began to learn the spell
    that would break the shackles that binded his people,
    and which would destroy their nemises . The going for
    him however was slow and tedious at first, it was like
    no other spell he had attemted and he soon began to
    realize what elder chance and the councilors neglected
    to mention to him before the vote. The casting of this
    spell would leave karn a man drained completely soul
    and all, it was a suicide mission and they had picked
    their least favorite man to do the job. From that day
    on though he kept a proper attitude whenever elder
    chance or any of the other members came to see how he
    was doing. However whenever Karn had a minute alone he
    devoted it to devising a plan that would free him from
    the fate his "peers" had designed for him. Just the
    mear demonstrations of the spell he learned to be
    named Crystalius Destructus were very taxing not only
    on his mind, but also on his body. Two weeks before
    the arranged battle with The Palidins of Van'diel Karn
    had an escape plan he had already put into action.
    Karn had found a book inside the library that detailed
    the White mages' spell teleport in a text that was
    obviously meant to tutor a pupil of the white arts.
    Karn however being a black mage would be unable to
    perform a spell that harnessed light,
    so he meticulously worked to turn it into a spell that
    would instead respond to dark powers.

    JestieX proud member of the Honor Gaurd a division of the Silvera Knights found at

  • #2
    Three days before the battle with the Palidins Karn
    was able to teleport himself to the libraries private
    lavatory and back with only a little effort. Two days
    before the battle he was able to transport himself to
    his Vila five miles away with no effort involved at
    all and to bring things back and forth books and such.
    The day before their plight Elder chance and the rest
    of the councilors came to speak with Karn about his
    confidence in the spell he had spent months learning.
    Karn qeulled any of their misgiving by performing the
    spell at only one milionth of its full
    power,destroying a row of book cases and turning them
    to ashes. Elder Chanceand the rest of the council left
    the meeting jovially confident in their iminent
    victory over the enemy. Karn knowing that he would not
    be disturbed again for another few hours teleported
    himself back to the villa to spend the night with his
    favorite slave a female named Marcelona. Afterwards he
    told here that being his most faithful sevent he knew
    she would not speak of his plan and in return for her
    silence he would set here free to do as she pleased.
    Marcelona was the first and last of his slaves to be
    set free, after she had left the villa and was out of
    site of Karns window he locked all the doors in his
    home with the only key to the house then he proceeded
    to set his home of ten years afire along with all of
    his servents and slaves trapped inside,he stayed as
    long as he could stand the heat of the fire and left
    when he could not. He teleported back to the library
    once more where he gathered five books that fascinated
    him and telported out of the library to Merlin knows

    The morning of the battle Elder Chance sent a
    young paige to summon Karn to the Elders quarters. The
    paige returned saying that Karn was not in the library
    nor his own quarters. For all the planing and
    dependence on the spell Karn had been designated to
    cast, only the councilors knew of its existence their
    plans had not been voiced to their masses. Because of
    that Elder chance knew that the loss of the spell
    would not be a hit to their peoples moral. They would
    go into battle as planed and they would fight with all
    of their might. The Dark Order fell that day, and
    after wards the only person who knew of Karns betrayal
    was the slave Marcelona who lived the rest of her
    short life fearing for her life and the life of the
    child she bore in her womb, the child a devil.


    Center of Darkness
    Chapter 1
    Jestie A. Worley

    A boyhood memory

    *Authors note: I would like to thank ScionX without whom I would never have rewriten chapter one. Also nows a good time to let you know that thease fics will mainly focus on me and my friends, and I own me*

    Old habits truely do die hard even today as civilized as we are to day parents still have their childrens names tattooed to their backs at birth, mainly for identification purposes. My twin brother Scion and I had tattoos just the same as every kid did in our little mining villiage. We were always in and out of trouble with our folks, and constantly going off on adventures through the woods just a few miles away from our home in Bastok. However we allways made sure to stay close to the outskirts because we had been told that many dangerous and vile things lived deep in the forest. When we were five my brother Scion found an old rusted short sword in a pond near home, and though I showed no jelousy towards his good luck he went off and found me a knarled old branch to use as a staff. We kept both the sword and the staff in a hollow tree because we knew our parents would suspect something if we brought the two home and left with them everyday after chores. After chores one day Scion and I decided to as usual go to the forest though this time would be different, we had been training him and I, and we finally felt the time was right to head into the forest and quit training on the outskirts of

    Down a winding and muddy path we trudged occasionally having to push back branches that obstructed our path. We had been walking down the path for nearly half an hour before we ran across our first enemie a smalll group of Bumble Bees. "Watch out for their stingers!" Jestie shouted before charging the group. "Ha!" Scion yelled, viciously attacked the nearest Bee taking it down with one swing. Not allowing himself to fall behind his brother Jestie began attacking as well and within minutes they had completly beaten the gang of rouge insects. The only injuries they sustained from the fight were a few scratches but nothing serious. Thats was soon to change as they wandered about more they came upon a sleeping goblin, who almost before they knew what it was awoke and jumped to its feet swinging a small axe at scions head. Scion dodged and swiped his sword at the goblin barely missing the goblins neck by inches. The three of us started a dance and we knew that we very well knew that we might not walk away from this battle. Scion and I both attacked at the same time me dodging the falling axe and landing a blow in the goblins side and Scion burying his sword to the hilt. The goblin with a screech fell to the ground, Scions sword still poking from its chest. They both had to work turn the goblin to retrieve Scions short sword. They fought a few more battles but none as fierce as their run in with the goblin.

    For months they made secret forays into the woods each time feeling themselves becomming stronger, their parents never suspected what they did out there all day. After chores one day, around noon they snuck out grabbed their weapons and went into the forest. The two spent hours in the forest, and spent it hunting unsucessfully for any type of enemie to fight however the forest seemed absolutley devoide of life. Scion was starting to get annoyed at this lack of excitment, Jestie however didn't mind not having to constantly fight every step of the way but he wasn't about to give Scion a reason to tease him. When it was nearing dusk however and he had to give voice to my worries. "Scion something doesn't sit well with me I mean where are the Bumble Bees and goblins that we usually run into?" "Don't be a fool Jestie their hiding from us." "We've become so powerfull that just the scent of us sends chills down thease beasts spines." "Scion" Jestie said. "the sent of you would send chills running down any things spine." "Knaive!" Scion yelled, throwing his sword aside and tackling Jestie who also dropped his own weapon. They wrestled for a few minutes undisturbed until.

    "Scion wait a minute." Jestie said in a hushed tone. "Yeah right Jestie like I'm gonna fall for that one." Scion muttered. "No seriously." Jestie pushed his brother off of him and stood up straining to hear the noise that had caught his ear. " "Wait a second...I hear it to Jestie, it sounds like a whole bunch of Bees probably just over that ridge." And with that Scion was picking up his sword and racing over the ridge with Jestie following at a more conservative pace. What they came upon however was not a swarm of Bees, it was instead a creature they had heard the villagers speak of with much fear. A Giant insect the likes of which they had never seen, they knew it only by name a Valkrum Emperor. While Jestie was registering what this creature was and how strong it was said to be Scion was allready waving his sword at the the oversized Dragonfly who actually seemed oblivious to the fact that it was being charged. With a loud battle cry Scion swung and struck the the creature in its plated side breaking his sword rusted old short sword in half.

    By now Jestie was charging the creature as well and he too swung and busted his beloved staff against its tough exoskeleton shell not knowing what to do, neither one moving a muscle as the huge bug turned towards them. Suddenly in a flash the bug picked Scion up and started to rise into the air. It was Scions distressed cry that brought Jestie back to his senses not knowing what to do and seeing that he could not reach the Dragonfly becuase it had moved to high just a few feet to high for him to reach Jestie started throwing rocks at him. The creature turned towards Jestie and fired a cloud of noxious gas (that acctually burned Jestie) and in doing so dropped Scion who landed hard on his stomach and didn't move at all. Unable to do anything Jestie watched in horror as the bug retrieved its' fallen cargo and began to make its way over the tree tops. Over come by the poisonus gas, Jestie fell to the ground where through blurry eyes he noticed the wood chips that had once been part of his staff laying nearby. He reached out and grasped thease, and with the effort involved passed out.

    JestieX proud member of the Honor Gaurd a division of the Silvera Knights found at


    • #3
      Scion and Jesties parents got worried when their two children did not return home that evenning for dinner. They knew from experience that the two never missed a meal. When it started to get really late they got the rest of the villiagers together and mounted a search party along with the village doctor to find their lost kids. It took fours hours to locate just one of the two Jestie who miraculously was still alive though he seemed amnesiac, which the physican assured the worried parents was probably only temporary, utilizing a few of the villages stronger men they moved him back to the boys home on the way back the wood chips slipped from the unconscious boys hand. And though the villagers searched through the night the never found Scion, even when they next day they spent another fruitless day searching. Meanwhile thanks to the doctors medication Jestie began to show signs of recovery. Though the doctor had secretly not believed the child had a chance. Jestie awoke seven days after they found him, he never recovered his memories and his parents with the backing of the physician decided it would be better to not tell Jestie that he had not only lost his memory but he had lost his brother as well.

      Thats all I'm posting for now now because...thats all I have

      But I'll post more in good time but till then tell me what you think of this.:sweat:

      JestieX proud member of the Honor Gaurd a division of the Silvera Knights found at


      • #4 it really that bad? :sweat:

        JestieX proud member of the Honor Gaurd a division of the Silvera Knights found at

