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Crap by this guy >

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  • Crap by this guy >

    Hmmm... might as well make a thread where I post all my crap instead of flooding the board or something ^^'. Anyway...

    *Puts up flag

    "I claim this thread in the name of everything longeared or furry."
    Now for the crappy stuff.

    Big ver

    This one is done by request for tre valentine ... Welll... he said make a of a DK guy mithra so here you go. Sorry I finished this one first Ultima.. It's kinda faster to finish something with only two color scheme. Anyway I'll finish yours tomorrow.

    *Note Im going ot hold off the requests for a while... realized I'm not doing enough original pics :p. Last ones on the lists: Final Ultima for tomorrow. Lady Kelenae and TakeshiEiketsu for next week.


    Skyrik (Midgardsormr) - Elvaan Male - Bastok - War 24 - Thf 20
    Crystal Guardians Website

  • #2
    nicely done, if it wouldnt be too much for ya could u make one of my avatar dk?


    • #3
      so nice as usual. only thing bothers me is his tail. seems it's coming from the side... if it's coming from the rear, i cant imagine how anyone can make such a turn like that... (well, maybe mithra speicy is different)

      hehe, looks like he's ready to scrach ~~~ *meow*


      • #4
        Namragus: Sorry I gotta get some ideas out of my system first... maybe after 3-4 original pics then Ill let you know.

        Look: Oooh a crit much appreciated. For the tail thing... now that I've given it some thought, it would seem awkward to get a quick turn when holding a bigassed sword... thanks for noting that. Hehe he's not suppose to be clawing :sweat: . Originally, he's supposed to be holding some sort of energy ball... didnt turn out so well so I had to jettison the idea as you can see.

        Skyrik (Midgardsormr) - Elvaan Male - Bastok - War 24 - Thf 20
        Crystal Guardians Website


        • #5
          tis cool, it doesnt look that awkward to me, at first I had to look at his tail twice, but I can see a slim person, like himself doing that, someone with fat couldnt get their body like that
          "Hence banished is banished from the world, and the worlds exile is death."
          Mad Sky; ?C?Ⴂ?̋


          • #6
            lol the pic is great - no doubt there and i look forward to seeing more - but what i realize now is. . . ( i know this sounds retarted) but i really like the simple boarder and backround. . . most ruin their pics with cray z backrounds and needless junk thrown in there - you, - you chose to keep it simple but classy with the fading line around the boarder and simple small text heh. props props.


            • #7
              I can turn like that :spin:

              Great pic, I love your style!
              "In just refusing to retreat from something one gains the strength of two men" -Shungaku
              Sig by Tsuko~


              • #8
                Originally posted by Skyrik
                Namragus: Sorry I gotta get some ideas out of my system first... maybe after 3-4 original pics then Ill let you know.
                no problem, i can wait


                • #9
                  too bad i don't got the resources to color that good!
                  Gaf vs Maat 1 win 0 loss v^^v


                  • #10
                    Can i take him home with me :spin: :spin:
                    Kelenae - Ramuh - Mithra Female - Windurst Rank 10 - Gone?
                    Dirtha - Taru Taru Female - Windurst Rank 2 - Gone?
           (|Please check it|)


                    • #11
                      someone with fat couldnt get their body like that
                      aw, does it mean i'm fat? *jumps on to weight scale... broke it :sweat: *

                      i just noticed why the tail looks so weird to me, its his armour. 'cuz the right half side looks like something would be at his front, (never seen armours with metal covering half of the behind ), so it makes his lower body look like it's on the side... and then the tail out from the side... now i know it's actually the full back, the tail position doesnt bother me any more, but the armour does...


                      • #12

                        no matter what any one says that pic rocks dude!!!!! i am going to kidnap you and make you draw me pics like that for the rest of your life lol
                        thanks for the pic


                        • #13
                          Very VERY VEEERRRYYY nice art! One problem - a male mithra wouldn't be able to hold a sword, based on the info we have on 'em. I was thrown off by it being mithra and not female... oh well.
                          Orko [Retired] - BLM 62, WHM 31, SMN 16, BRD 13, THF 10, SAM 10, DRK 9, PLD 8, WAR 7, MNK 5, RNG 4, BST 4, DRG 4, RDM 1, NIN 1
                          Slurpee [Retired] - WAR 18, THF 13, MNK 10, Everything Else = 1

                          Current chance of returning to Vana'Diel - 35% (Chances better if I can get in on Return Home to Vana'diel Part 2)


                          • #14
                            I gotta admit man, thats friggin awesome

                            yay for long eared furry creatures
                            Quick... think of a word that ends in "C".

                            (no names like Civic, Eric, or Pontiac)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Orko
                              Very VERY VEEERRRYYY nice art! One problem - a male mithra wouldn't be able to hold a sword, based on the info we have on 'em. I was thrown off by it being mithra and not female... oh well.

                              yea they can, they just arent allowed too...theres so few, that they stay at home so what few are left stay alive. Thats what I heard.
                              "Hence banished is banished from the world, and the worlds exile is death."
                              Mad Sky; ?C?Ⴂ?̋

