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Crap by this guy >

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  • #61
    thats good!


    • #62

      *Put Talis' pic on the back of the list...


      kidding.... man dont be pulling a Kelenae on me too

      Skyrik (Midgardsormr) - Elvaan Male - Bastok - War 24 - Thf 20
      Crystal Guardians Website


      • #63
        hehe, sorry skyrik, it was just too good to not post!
        [Insert Quote Here]

        Race/Gender: Hume/Male
        Main Job: War-10
        Sub Jobs: N/A
        Other Jobs: N/A
        Server: Sylph
        Linkshell: Decay

        RSE: 0/4
        AF: 0/?
        JSE: 0/?
        Rank 1


        • #64
          ::adds Skyrik to his evil people list::


          • #65
            Originally posted by Skyrik

            *Put Talis' pic on the back of the list...


            kidding.... man dont be pulling a Kelenae on me too
            Kelenae - Ramuh - Mithra Female - Windurst Rank 10 - Gone?
            Dirtha - Taru Taru Female - Windurst Rank 2 - Gone?
   (|Please check it|)


            • #66
              skyrik, your work is utterly amazing. I have never seen anything that captured FFXI as well as you have through your art I love your work. I would like to see how you'd draw a galka, because to me they always look so ugly, and g00fy. you think you could draw me a galka in drk AF armor?.. I know im behind all of these requests... but try to squeeeeeeeze this one in there :spin: great job, thx

              ~Race/Gender- TaruTaru/M
              ~Server- Unicorn

              WHM-12, BLM-7, WAR-7, MNK-5, RDM-5, THF-1


              • #67
                Chimpmunk777: Thank Gawd! I've been wanting to make a Galka ^^. Er I'll try to finish as much pic to do your requests.. but its a long list unfortunately :p.

                And as for the rest of you Majestic members.. haha beat you to this pic :p :spin:


                Copy and Paste to the address bar instead of clicking....

                The tail is there for.... rp purposes :p...... "nyo"

                Skyrik (Midgardsormr) - Elvaan Male - Bastok - War 24 - Thf 20
                Crystal Guardians Website


                • #68
                  i just love your work! man, i really should start drawing again and become as good as you are! dude, speechless! Anyway, i hope you don't mind me asking, but as soon as you're ready to do some more requests would you mind PM'ing or replying here? cause i'd really really REALLY like to add a request as soon as you're doin' some again. Anyway, keep up the good work!


                  Seroth Sujizero

                  Me? I'm alpha and omega, the very first and very last...the beginning and the end...


                  • #69
                    i love the ranger.
                    [Insert Quote Here]

                    Race/Gender: Hume/Male
                    Main Job: War-10
                    Sub Jobs: N/A
                    Other Jobs: N/A
                    Server: Sylph
                    Linkshell: Decay

                    RSE: 0/4
                    AF: 0/?
                    JSE: 0/?
                    Rank 1


                    • #70
                      Wow, your work is amazing! It's so incedible to see people's new Avatars pop up every now and then: Talis and Celestial look like the latest additions, and they're phenomenal! (Congrats, guys! You must be so thrilled!)

                      Thanks so much for posting your work for us all to see. We all really appreciate how you share your art and talent with us. It's a sight to behold!!



                      • #71
                        Just wait until he is done with my Fully Body Pose.
                        [Insert Quote Here]

                        Race/Gender: Hume/Male
                        Main Job: War-10
                        Sub Jobs: N/A
                        Other Jobs: N/A
                        Server: Sylph
                        Linkshell: Decay

                        RSE: 0/4
                        AF: 0/?
                        JSE: 0/?
                        Rank 1


                        • #72

                          cool art =) cant w8 for my'n
                          i dont play anymore


                          • #73

                            Skyrik, your artwork is amazing
                            And then Trogdor smote the Kerrek, and all was laid to burnination


                            • #74
                              Well if you're not going to quit... might as well do this tang


                              Tsuko's pic ^^. I know he's a few feet too tall... hard to make a pose when your head is as big as your tintsy body.

                              <edit>Hey you deleted your post Talis ..... now my reply doesnt even make sense .


                              ps. Angelbear Clean your mailbox I cant PM you.


                              Skyrik (Midgardsormr) - Elvaan Male - Bastok - War 24 - Thf 20
                              Crystal Guardians Website


                              • #75
                                Dude, I know you are busy with drawing/requests, but could you do Nitz the elvaan. He is ninja/black mage. If you could, make him have two weapons, and casting some kind of magic. Also, if you could, add any quote you like if you want, but put my name in it too. Also, could there be some way to make it like 800X600 or whatever, I'd love to make it my wallpaper.

                                I know it is alot, but dude you are talented, and I need a new wallpaper with my FFXI'd be the man if you could do it. If not, I understand, you got tons of requests and what not. Your work is incredible.
                                ~Puppy Nitz

