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Mithra Art

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  • #16
    more! i love i really do.


    • #17
      Originally posted by nuvas
      That's some pretty impressive talent you have there.
      I know I am going to regret saying this later because of the argument that is most likely to insue... but I cant bare it anymore...

      Why does everyone default the saying of a good drawing to "Talent"? I know they dont mean it in an insult, and most artists love hearing it... But please... Drawing is a skill, it is not somthing that you are born doing well or having an affinity for. It is a physical motor skill which you train over time and develop with practice. To me (imo) calling a well drawn picture "Talented" degrates the hard hours of practice spent learning his/her skill.

      Now, I know some of you will come right back and say there is such a thing as Artistic Talent... and I BET even some of you would go as far as to quote the definition of talent as some people i know have done before in this same situation... However, I never said I didnt think ART was a talent. Making a piece of artwork does require a certain level of affinity or "talent". However for future use, and to give the person on the recieving end of the compliment a little more of a boost that is more to the point... Say they are skilled artists... or somthing to that degree.

      (From a guy who takes offense to the life time he has spent practicing being called "talent") ~Seraphin.

      Now, Nuvas, I am REALLY sorry that I chose your post to use in this reply and i HOPE you do not take it as a personal attack because I did not intend that in the least. I mearly saw it and used it as my quote so people would know what i was talking about.

      If any of you want to have an intelligent conversation about this and what I have stated please do so... But do not reply with little things like "Your a looser", "What kind of name is Seraphin?!" or other little things that do not pertain to the conversation...

      Oh, and on the topic of the pictures themselves, very well drawn. I think you have a good sense of design and noticed that unlike most fan artists you seem much more into realism which I think is absolutely wonderful.
      "Sticks and stones will break your bones... Here... Let me show you!!!"
      ~Seraphin (Practicing Black Magic)
      World: Cerberus
      Nation: San d'Oria (and damn proud of it)


      • #18
        Some do have an inborn talent to art and drawing. I don't consider myself an artist but i have been drawing since i was about 10 (i'm 25 now)

        Frankly, i sucked. It took me years to get good at it, but i wanted to draw stupid little comics and other superheros so i kept practicing... while i am in no WAY to the point that most people here are, i do get by.

        But drawing takes patients and practice and practice and practice. You're statement is pretty accurate Sarephin.

        "Ruthless deeds return to harass their architect.


        • #19
          Thanks Seraphin,

          I do agree with you to an extent, I do belive people can be born with a talent or a natural ability to preform well at something, but that born ability if not cultivated and nurtured can dissolve. Then there are some people even though not born with the natural ability can through training can develop that ability. Also I think with art it is not so much an ability to draw on paper or canvas but an ability of preception and a preception of a form(s) within space. It is not about the hand but the mind. For instance some people have a natural ability toward mechanics, or cooking etc...

          For instance I have always had an ability to draw, I have also always had a greater ability with realisim, I have a great difficulty with "cartoon". Yet I have always noticed that a lot of Manga style artist would greatly benefit from some life drawing classes, You first must learn the rules of form before you can break them.

          Note on my background: I grew up with a mother who is an artist, father is an architect, I have spent my entire life around art. I barely graduated H.School becauce I would skip Math to go to the Art room. Then I Went to Art School and was top of the class, reciving a degree in Printmaking (Old School style). Now I make Costumes for a living.

          Sorry for any bad spelling, it is not one of my talents.


          • #20
            GOOD WORK !
            i dont play anymore


            • #21
              Hehe, you find a post of mine that has good spelling and i'll show you a post that has a spell check feature. ^_^

              Good stuff though, keep up the good work.

              "Ruthless deeds return to harass their architect.


              • #22
                Some people would rather lie and be kind , than blunt with the truth...if the person can't draw I'll let them know...
                Signature removed. You have been asked to, you failed to. Banned by warning points.


                • #23
                  Wow! That is amazing. You have excellent talent.
                  61 whm, 66 blm, 37 smn, 24 rng, 14 rdm, and the rest are all still pretty low. :p


                  • #24
                    What? No critcism?

                    Sure, you can say her artwork is great and stuff endlessly. Yet, it doesn't really help the artist get any better in thier own work. Compliments help with self-confidence of course, but they don't help in pointing out flaws in an artist's work they may have overlooked. A few things are bothering me about the Hume Female picture that I'd like to point out. Firstly, I think you need more contrast in this drawing. Unless you were going for kind of a hazy look overall I think you should shade in darker and clean up some of the light smudges in the backround with an eraser. At your degree of skill its more about the little details than what you already have knowledge of. It bothers me that I can't see the thumb on the right hand. A very minor issue, but it still distracts me from looking at the whole piece.
                    "Damn you! You'll poke us all straight to HELL!!!!!" -Onishin (Celestial Dreams Linkshell)


                    • #25
                      Very nice drawings. one quick question why do i hear of so many guys playing female chars? not that i have a prob wit it. but to me i never crossed my mind. just a pregunta dont bite my head off. and a request. more pics please


                      • #26
               is a forum just for critiquing and showing off.

                        Still, completements keep an artist at work, I know it does for me.


                        • #27
                          My drawing sucks to bad for me to criticize your work. It's simply amazing, the poses and stances you drew for the mithra and hume are very well done. I like your shading technique as well, and it's nice to see non-anime style drawings for a change. Keep up the good work and i really hope to see more of your drawings.


                          • #28
                            Eudora, I dont know if you wanted anyone to do this but. I colored your mithra hehe. I hope that you like it.
                            Attached Files

                            You think you're the best, but there is always someone better.


                            • #29
                              ooo~ you did printmaking? thats so awsome! Im just taking that class this quarter at my college too ^^ too bad I dont know how to sew, else itd be great to make costumes, lol.

                              Your sketches are very nice! you seem to pay a lot of attention to the details of the costumes ingame.

                              About the whole manga vs traditional style:
                              Many so-called manga/anime artist starts off by copying pictures of their favorite anime/manga. and then drawing their own characters, etc. I too started that way, but when I began taking classes in it back in middle school, my instructor have told me to study the human anatomy and draw from life, so I took a few rendering class, and drew from models in books.

                              Many people I've met here in college who never draw in 'cartoon' nor comic nor manga style have a hard time trying to draw in that style, because they're so used to the 'realizm' from traditional drawings.

                              The bad thing is though, I've seen people in my sequential classes that does TERRIBLE 'anime' style, because all they do is copy someone elses style (sometimes doing it badly), and then not willing to learn life drawing.

                              I'm starting to ramble so... WHAT IM SAYING IS:
                              It doesnt matter if it is Manga or Traditional, a good drawing is a good drawing. So good job


                              • #30
                                Any good artist knows how to draw from life, plain and simple

                                even if you're doing big bright eyes and purple hair, the skill in doing realistic work is still very important. It's much easier to make an abstraction of reality when you know how to do reality first.

