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Suppose you were charged of creating FFXIII...

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  • Suppose you were charged of creating FFXIII...

    Suppose you were charged of creating FFXIII... what would you do?what features,iƱ your opinion,would be present in Final Fantasy 13?Feel free to go in as much or less detail as you like,i.e,battle system,(you can create a new type of batle system if you want),sorroundings,characters,presence or not of mini-games(describe them if you want)and their quantity,gameplay-time,replay features (for example,I really loved that New Game + feature present in Chrono Trigger and FFX-2,And I'd like to see it more),number of endings,if it should be a good or bad ending,the overal theme of the game(like for example Love,War,Water,Earth)...just have fun and describe,in youir opinion,what would compose the perfect final fantasy!

  • #2
    I would like to seem them build on the existing game in the following ways:

    More character customization--be able to pick hair style and color, skin color, eye color, maybe more body and face types...

    Item customization--when synthing certain items (like clothes) would be able to pick the color.

    More dynamic npc's...not sure how you would do this but would be neat if they moved more and could carry out conversations
    Always fear the cute girl with the big sword.


    • #3
      I seriously doubt they'd to another online game.. They've got enough on their hands just keeping this game patched, and up to date, as well as release new expansions to keep the game exciting. They're already making FFXII.. single player, don't you think FFXIII would be as well?

      Corwynn's Journal

      Red Mage for life.

      What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


      • #4
        well,I think there could be some mild PlayOnline features added to the game,that could enhance the single-player experience,without converting it into a full online player like FFXI...I'd like that in FFXIII.

