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Final Fantasy XI : Series 1 (Read and review)

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  • #16



    "Damn that fool!" Osamu would stalk after his prey at lightning speed. The Elvaan thief had caused quite a ruckus there in the stock room of that cafe across the road from Elarisa's shop, but he had caused even more trouble back at Osamu's home of Kuro-sei. He had tried to keep it free of his mind during his time of training, but walking there into the city and seeing that White Mage being hauled off by that black clad thief made him think too much of the incident that had befallen him while resting in his domain. A thief of San D’orian decent and Bastok faction had snuck into the compound that was his family's estate. A long line of ninjas, too engrossed in their own eastern culture, attacked by one sole Elvaan all brought to their knees in one way or another, and their precious crystal taken. It was a medallion he sought out; called the Hikeshi, taken from him and his family so long ago that most of the clan was sparse to remember it at all. Osamu had sworn to get it back, not one to stand for such blasphemy even if the victim was his own treacherous family.
    The Elvaan was moving faster than ever, hopping and jumping and dashing, and now was the third instance of which Osamu had completely lost sight of him. The street occupancy had become too thick to search through, but it was impossible to find him. That Elvaan, that Zathiel, still had yet to pay; at least he had known whereabouts of that Ranger thief that had crossed his path once before as well. It was not quite a reward enough for his efforts; so much as it was a bonus and consolation prize if he could not find his enemy.
    "Where are you!?" Osamu's voice rung out into the air, and many paused to look at him. It was perfect, there was still one figure dashing back further into the city. Only one person would be running at that speed and Osamu took to a higher position, hustling up a support post of a wooden building and making means to dash across the low set roof tops of Rydia. It was easy enough now, he could simply stay along side that which he was after, possibly even retrieve the crystal. He'd stomp is feet on each tile, his pace swift enough to recover the view of Zathiel. He pondered of striking, but it crossed his mind that the Elvaan was well prepared to handle him. A shuriken would make the best warning shot, the discus flying from his belt to his hand and out towards the thief in one fluidic motion.
    Osamu could once again utter nothing but curses in response, there was no way that even a skilled thief could have predicted the metal projectile's path. He did nothing but simply dodge it, perhaps it was luck. It was a time to get serious, off the tiles he went and down on the cobblestone street. Aside Zathiel now, he glared as if that was another attack in itself, in hopes to gain attention of the thief silently. When that did not work, shining silver zipped through the air and slapped against that of it's own. The blade was deflected again by the quick skills of the thief.
    "You're as slow as the rest of them." Zathiel's words would make Osamu more displeased with the situation than he already was. To say Osamu was slow was one thing, but Kuro-sei Ninjas were known for their shadow-like stealth and agility. While he shared different views than his dark bloodline, he still shared the same heritage. He hoped his next sword slice would return honor, and while this time the despised opponent would dodge, it would be an ill-placed move. Osamu's sought out target crashed into a small wooden cart containing fresh vegetables, and it delivered Zathiel sprawled out at the Samurai's feet. Osamu could see it at the moment; the same piece that was worn around the neck of the statue of his forefather was now around the neck of the skilled thief. Osamu almost perceived that he had earned it with all these grand techniques.
    Zathiel wasn't on the ground for long, a boot would sail upward into the air which Osamu barely caught in his own metallic gauntlets. The thief wouldn't stay still for long, but his efforts were in vain as a dagger slicing would be pitched into Osamu's side: a plate of crimson steel. For once the bushido dress code had played a role in the battle, and Osamu would use his protected arm as a blunt weapon to ward off Zathiel. His moves were countered, and the singing of swords began again. It seemed futile, they were both equally skilled in the art of fencing it seemed and come to simple luck of the draw if Osamu truly wanted to retrieve his family's treasure. There had to be a way, not when he was bestowed with the target right before him, that he could lose.
    A few swift kicks hit air, but Osamu's fourth attempt would sail into Zathiel's chest. The Elvaan would slip on some of the earthen plants he had overturned not too far earlier, and a grunt of pain noted to Osamu that he was having the upper hand for real this time. He was a weapon himself, fast paced and covered in a protective layer that was near impossible to pierce. The Elvaan mounted an attack by rising swiftly from the knees, armed with one of his small blades; Osamu would simply push him back down with a small smile.
    "You have to let me keep it, it's better off in my hands!" Zathiel spat it out as he pushed back on the slur of vegetables and rose too his feet relatively unstained. Osamu considered what he was saying, apparently the thief knew exactly why Osamu had tracked him down. Whereever words about this thief went, the Samurai had been keen to follow. And while there were instances like that of when he had met Elarisa, he still did hunt down Zathiel like a dog and cat. The Samurai shook his head; he was not going to let those actions go in vain.
    "The Hikeshi in the hands of a thief? Never!" He would growl such words out through his teeth, pointing his sword out at the fiend that had taken his family's precious jewel. There was no reasoning behind letting something like this go, some sort of history behind the capture of the fire-like ruby by his ancestor. While he had no idea the purpose of going to great measures to obtain it, he would not simply give up because his opponent told him so.
    "Then you're going to have to keep chasing me, because I won't let any of you keep it!" Zathiel pushed aside Osamu's blade with one of his dagger, and Osamu himself with an aerial kick maneuver. After that, with the free space to move given, he took off down the road as fast as he could. When Osamu would finally recover from the assault, it was too late. Looking down the street it was completely baron and devoid of people, no sign of Zathiel at all. He stomped a metallic boot into the concrete; he had lost him again. Lost the Hikeshi was again as well, and that was too much for Osamu.

    "Damnit, again?"
    "Hey! What am I supposed to do about this mess?"
    "Clean it up, they're your stock."
    "But they're ruined!"
    "How much do you want? Will this be enough?"
    "Hey, you picked that off the ground, that isn't yours!"
    "It belongs to an acquaintance, he's not around to detest."
    "Rash Hume, fine."


    (Please, I'd like to hear from some more people about this.)
    (Read and review and respond! )


    • #17
      It's getting more interesting, Magus. I can see a great transition between the chapters, a job well done.

      You must be good at Writing, might be taking lots of English classes. That's what I need, ya know...hehe! Keep up the good work, Magus! Your stories are interesting!


      • #18



        Elarisa finished packing her elaborate briefcase, much better than she had for the previous outing she'd had in the early part of the day. She had decided that since she could not discuss the progress she had made among other things of the nature with Torukoishi at her own locale, she would travel with the young Black Mage on his return trip. She had managed to speak with him soon after Osamu had left, and in returning only found tales and remnants of a conflict that the same samurai had endured. Rumors spread throughout the cafe across the road and flooded into the streets beyond, all of a display of feats performed by an Elvaan thief and Hume warrior. It tugged a bit at the back of her mind, as she placed the carrying device for her work under the counter waiting for the Black Mage. He was yet unnamed to her, but he seemed to bear a likeness to a textbook apprentice. Youth and exuberance hung in the air around him as he spoke of his master and even coaxed her to join along. If she ever saw Osamu again, perhaps he could accompany them as well.
        She never again witnessed that oddly quiet Elvaan Dragoon that had come in with the apprentice mage again. It was strange, something about the presence of her signaled that perhaps there was previous knowledge that the Dragoon held of Elarisa; perhaps even a horrible rumor spread by her more enthused competitors across the city. That would have been too simple, yet there were few key things that could have set the girl off like that. All that occurred to the chemist was that her own named was announced, and her package was delivered to her on time. Nothing odd about that in the slightest, something might have been off indeed, but Elarisa was clueless.
        The clock mounted on the wall chimed three times, giving off the obvious notation that it was three o'clock. Torukoishi's brainchild would arrive soon, Elarisa having scheduled a proper meeting time with him at a quarter past the third hour of the day. What would she do when she arrived before her colleague's presence? It hung heavy on her mind, she wasn't near close enough to the respectable master of the trade to come for simple fun, a plan had to be contrived and she had to decide what matters she would discuss that would require her presence.
        There was the matter of the elixir she worked on each day, which was something that Torukoishi's skill could aide to greatly. There was much to be learned of his archive of Blue Mage skills; to have become a teacher he must have learned quite a bit in the field he was initially skilled in, even if there was no pretext to follow. Blue Mages were a dying breed, a profession chosen by those who wished to be both of the elemental and healing arts but would not settle for the mediocrity of a Red Mage. Red Mages were practical it might seem, but to Elarisa she occasionally looked down upon them. They played the field too much, and were always undecided of where their true path would lie. There was no reason to take arms as well with swords, a true random gathering of skills from various classes and styles of fighting.
        So her trip would not be in vain, and Torukoishi would not be disturbed in vain. Maybe she was going about this all the wrong way, and she wondered if her presence would be a welcome one in the abode of the master mage. She reached down to adjust the strap that carried her metal device under her dress to tighten it more than it was, but when she made means to the youth she waited for would enter. Her train of thought that seemed mere seconds had drawn on the full fifteen minutes, and now it was time to leave. He carried nothing with him but his clothes, so it seemed that he meant to make the trip quick and without need of rests and stops. She smiled and waved, reaching her hand away quickly from her leg.
        "So, are you ready to go?" He was first to make his move in the way of speech, leaning up against the frame of the portal in which he had just entered. A smile portrayed on his face, was he happy to go home? It even passed Elarisa's mind that he enjoyed her company, or maybe anyone's company. It could have even been a simple courtesy smile, just to show pleasantries. Regardless, she placed a curve of her own lips in her silent reply, coupled with a nod. Then after, she'd return the briefcase from the shelf to her hand and fetch a key from her inner pocket. She wanted to not only just say she was ready, but look it was well. The Black Mage nodded in understanding, leaving first so that she could lock the door to her shop, of which she made haste to do so. Now they both trekked down the road, and she sighed at the remembrance that Osamu could not be with them at the moment.
        "Wait, Elarisa!" The sound of the voice went in perfect unison with her thoughts. It was starting to seem that any person she thought of was conjured before her, as if her mind was a powerful beacon and summons. The sounds of metal against stone would be heard, turning her head she would spot the missing member of the travelling party. Osamu seemed no worse for the wear, not even a smudge on the rouge petals of his protective covering. If there was actually a fight between he and an Elvaan thief, it seemed that there was no need to worry about whom came out victorious. She nodded to him, acknowledging his presence so he wouldn't be disheartened or something of the same nature.
        "So you made it after all?" She smiled again; this was a bit less forced than her reply to her guide earlier. It was good to know he was safe, the rumors were rather worrying. Stories of flying metal and men who could leap 10 feet into the air. She forced images that matched the wayward descriptions from her mind, and continued her pleasant look as Osamu made the short journey from one end of the street to the other. He would stop to catch his breath, and then match his sights to Elarisa.
        "I'm sorry I'm so off time. I ran into a bit of trouble with someone trying to pick my pocket." Osamu's words would be a decent explanation; it was probably something of value taken from him. She would say nothing to this, simply begin her walk at a pace that both the Black Mage and Osamu could agree upon. She hoped her silence didn't come off as being ignorant, but she wanted to let his account stay in one piece without having to explain any further than he had.
        The walk through the city was it's own form of calm, the streets were still busy as usual. While Rydia was not a national center for government or trade, one could find any of the rarities they needed from local shopkeepers who specialized in whatever area they felt would do well. Elarisa's shop received many customers, even if there were more elaborate looking shops out in the more busy parts of the market town, and for that she was not only quietly proud, but also living comfortably. She was not to say rich, but was able to purchase anything she felt like; she still chose to live simply. Nothing out of the ordinary would occur until they had reached the city limits.
        It was certainly out of place, a large shadowy figure before them. A few more steps out into the fields would prove the figure to be none other than a Galka of some sort of mage occupation. But she almost wished she hadn't trekked any further, the Galka was accompanied by several other towering men of it's own breed. There were glimmers of light at their sides, which were obviously weapons that each of the three others carried. They seemed familiar, like the variety she had caught running through the city after some sort of skirmish. It certainly could not have been her travelling group they were after; she and Osamu had done nothing. It never occurred to her that an apprentice of Torukoishi could do any wrong.
        "You! Black Mage! Stop!" The words came from the third Galka on the right, the tallest of the four and in possession of a silver face mask of his own fur covered hide. He scowled down at the one he shouted to, and already could she see the expecting look on the guide's face. She took her eyes quite quickly off the apparent leader to hear the draw of a weapon. It wasn't of any sort of the Galka's massive blades, but a singing sound. It was Osamu's shining lengthy blade, which he extended out towards the Galka who tried to advance upon the Black Mage.
        "Another Hume?" His eyes would shift from his initial target to a newfound enemy. Elarisa could only assess, that both Osamu and the Galka were out for each other's blood, as each dawned the same expression of anger and even angst on their faces. It was hard to pierce through the defensive shield of white hair that the Galka dawned, but it was already obvious to her that he wasn't pleased. She would turn over to the counterpart of the beast man, the Black Mage extending a staff at his soon-to-be opponent. She couldn't tell where he had gotten the weapon, but it shined a blue hue that she enjoyed seeing again; the metal must have been composed of Mythril.

        "Why are you here?"
        "We're here to pay our respects to the Hume who did us in today."
        "I won't let you do it, you'll go through me first."
        "Elarisa, stay back."
        "What's that in the air? It's coming right at us!"

        (Come on, get more people to review and respond!)
        (I hardly feel like I'm getting notice :sweat: )


        • #19
          I think your choice to use different character narration really broadened your storyline and gave each character quite a lot of development. I feel as though I've known these characters my whole life, well done.

          Can't wait to read the next chapter.


          • #20
            I agree with Kilgraw. A job well done, I love the story.

            I'm serious though, you should be writing books! You'd make a GREAT writer!


            • #21
              Great Story! keep on writing, very good development with the characters ^_^
              Current levels:

              Sam: 60 Mnk: 31 War: 31 Thf: 22 Brd: 18 Ninja: 23 Pld: 13 Drk: 13 Whm: 11 Drg: 9 Rng: 20 Bst: 6 Smn: 8

              Recent News: AF Complete/LB3 Complete


              • #22
                FINAL FANTASY XI

                CHAPTER VIII


                It had happened all in a flash to Aadia. The Galka had run past her towards the edge of the city in a hurry past her, and then Magus and company would stroll past. Her abode was not far in; she could make it if she tried. A flash of intuition, she had to make her way there someway.

                Hurry Aadia.
                There's no time.
                You have to hurry.
                Those Galka...

                I don't get it, why am I doing this? I shouldn't go out of my way to help out him... I don't even know the other two. I just feel... Well, I can't just leave them out there. Gah, this is horrible... Well, it might even be fun to stop those guys. They're so stupid, like.. Like Tartars. I hate Tartars. They're really stupid... How can you keep yourself safe just off magic? Their source of power will drain away and a rat is going to eat them all. Weird freaks. Move out of my way, loser! This is insane... What am I supposed to do when I get there anyway? I bet that Chemist can handle herself, she has one of those guns. I hate guns; they're arrows without the work. I guess that works, almost fun. I should learn how to use one. I need to stop thinking so much; I gotta get in my battle frame of mind. Act calm and cool, it's not a problem. There is at least one Elvaan in trouble in this situation, so it isn't unpatriotic or something... I don't even care about San D’oria, it's just my way of giving justification for learning to be a Dragoon... They said it couldn't be done, a Dragoon female... Ha, I showed them.

                "Whoa!" Aadia's train of thought would simply stop; she'd trip over and on to the ground. Somehow a dislodged piece of the cobblestone street had sent her sprawling, but she was so close to the edge of Rydia there was no reason to stop now. Even if she had second thoughts, the call for battle was now. Could she possibly beat out those Galka so easily, Magus had scared them off with a simple swing of his metal wand and a casting of the common flame spell. But they seemed to now be out for blood. The pace of her thoughts quickened to blinding speed, as did her pace.

                Go. Go. Go. I'm gonna jump, I have to jump. Lance goes down, turn feet... THERE! Focus, find the target, and don’t listen to them. They're surprised I'm here. I can do this, I can save them. Take this! I swear to god these guys piss me off. They run around in Elvaan cities making light of a Hume's presence, and then they attack at whim. They are worse than that which they detest. I need to stop thinking so much, wait! What's that sound!? NO! Get out of the way you rose-colored freak; stop swinging your sword so close to my head! If that gun shows it's ugly face I'm gonna scream and just accidentally take off Elarisa's head. Where's Magus... Wait... One, two, three, four Galka? No! They brought a friend... Take this... DIE! There is no reason for me to go through with this but -- What the hell was that!? Stupid draft... That's gotta be Blizzard... Damnit, it's coming from that robed one too. Sword, and magic all in one person? It's gotta' be a red mage... That's really going to be a pain.. If I... THERE! That's going to leave a scar on that silver face of yours. And if I ever see it again I'll know it from the rest by that huge red mark of blood! I'm going to need a new blood rag... They're out for blood, I'm not; I can't get too caught up... But one scratch on the face isn't going to kill someone.

                The fight was hanging on her mind, Aadia would jump and dodge and parry and slash her way towards what she hoped would be victory. Her reluctance faded into almost a feeling of passion for the fight, and she wasn't faring horribly either. There was nothing that the Galka to do to try and catch up with her feather like movements; if one were to ever come close to doing so, a simple tuck and roll and a propelling into the air by way of her lance would set her to safety. To anyone else it would seem impossible, but she was a Dragoon. She had to fight like one, or at least she was accustomed to thinking such.

                Let's see you take this on for size! Yeah! That's right, how do you like the taste of cold hard steel against the side of your face. God, this feels better than I remember. Great way to relieve aggression... Why won't they just give up though, it's like they can never deplete their own source of energy. Hmm, it's gotta be magic. It's not like they're anything special, just powerhouses. I remember, if I ever see a mage I'm supposed to go for it first; Red Mages in particular... That's because they're support mages of both schools... I guess I learned something in my day, take this! Little monster with your magic and your hideous face, and stupid robe which you should have tripped on. I'm giving it all in this next... Punch! Yeah! I bet that'll slow the others down, he was probably doing some kind of regeneration spell or something. I'm so good at this; it's like a sport. Go out and use my knowledge for something decent, keeping the peace... Even if I am just adding to the problem. I still think I don't move instinctually enough. It should be one fluidic movement... I'll try n-

                Aadia's own attempt at being more so like a dragon in her finesse-like fighting style would cause her to trip in similar fashion to the cobblestone incident. Her weapon would give some support, but her hands brushed roughly against the filigree on the long handle of it. She would twirl around it, using it for support in her showgirl like movement, of which she internally cursed herself for. It was all she could do to recover from falling; she'd pull her lance free and aim it at the last two standing Galka. One still decorated itself with rage, as well as the source of such anger: The crimson crease across his cheek. The others were handling themselves pretty well, and Elarisa seemed to be keeping Osamu active with a mixture of support magic that Aadia could catch in the corner of her eye from time to time.

                I bet he's coming back for another scar to match that first cut. I know he's gonna hate me the rest of his life when he gets up from this fight. No way I'm going to murder him because of a little street fight. I hate Galkas... I hate Galkas. They just fight for no reason, they think it solves something. I hope this isn't how their government works, but I guess it might, given the fact they're so messed up in the head. I can't even tell if they're male or female either. They don't have sex; they just die and get reincarnated. So I guess I'd be giving the species a refreshing present if I killed it. No, I can't... That would really be awful... I have to just keep parrying and try to beat this guy over the head. Then he'll be out... Something behind me!? Jesus! Stupid warrior scaring me again, better watch it with that sword of yours or I'll turn you into my enemy... Too reckless even if he has lots of form, I don't like his style at all. That's it, no more. I can't stand anymore fighting; I've had enough... TAKE THIS YOU IDIOT!


                "All done." Aadia would dust off her hands against the foreside of her thighs, letting the lance dangle against her shoulder. The Galka had all been knocked unconscious, one by one and in a different order than she would have expected. She could at least rest a bit, the conflict ending as soon as it starting could. Magus would utter words of praise, but the pounding in her head from the rush of the fight made him a faint whisper compared to it. She sweated a bit, nothing severe, and the temperature of her body was a little more than she cared for.
                "That was very elegant." It was a soft voice that pierced her thoughts, which had begun as suddenly as they had died down. Elarisa had complemented her style of fighting, surprisingly to Aadia. Blue Mage, Chemist, and scholar were all genres of people who didn't care to bring about angst and fighting; however Elarisa could appreciate the exact timing and abilities of Aadia. It was puzzling, and Aadia found herself unable to reply. She was not worried; no one would care for her less if she didn't speak. Aadia was their savior of the moment.
                "Yeah, beautiful... Specially that high jump." The next voice that she could strain out was full of admirable confidence; it had to have been Magus. He seemed as if he was in the state of mind to clap, but her inability to respond must have stopped him. The Black Mage simply sat down on a fallen tree that had ceased to exist against the blunt force of Saruta Baruta's hot climate. The samurai should have been the next in line to compliment her, but he said nothing as he simply stared down at the scarred face of the lead Galka. The silver had faded to pink in a mix of the body hair and blood.
                Everything seemed back in order, the party could continue travelling and Aadia could return to Rydia to try and rest. Something hung on her mind, as if it was too easy to just go back to her usual routine of "Business as usual". She had to come with them; she felt a strong urge to do so. They were going to be in trouble again, she was sure of it. She even went so far as to assume that it would be Magus's fault as well, and what about meeting this Hume that the Elvaan girl before her was so proud of.

                "I'm going to come with you."
                "What, you don't have a problem with me coming?"
                "Not at all."
                "That's it?"
                "Yes, that's it."
                "Alright... Let's just get going then.


                (Get more people to respond, those review things after Chapter VII and before Chapter VIII were really nice.)


                • #23
                  Oh my goodness! Please continue! I want to see what happens to Aadia! Very very very very good! Oh PLEASE continue the story! I must know what happened!!


                  • #24
                    FINAL FANTASY XI

                    CHAPTER IX


                    To Magus, the battle had just been another test that would prove his strength. Even if the blunt force of Aadia's techniques of trade would be the cause of victory, he still felt as if he was getting somewhere with his lessons. The instructions for combat his master Torukoishi had provided were proving effective, but it was hard to think back to them in battle. Perhaps the mind of Aadia was better equipped to think for combat, and Magus might befall the trade of Blue Mage if there was still time for change. It was unlikely, having already reached a decent fourth of his life, that he could instantly change his method of attack and channel a different element other than the dark arts of a demon taoist.
                    There wasn't much time spent staring over the bodies of the defeated Galka, Magus and company had begun again on their return trip cross the border to the Windurst town of Lenna just across the border. It was a quiet village-like township, with a great presence of water about. The Tartar people enjoyed living amidst nature and what better a choice than to live on the surface of a lake by means of docks? It made sense to the inhabitants of Lenna, and Torukoishi stationed his shop there. It was a place in which one could attain a plethora of medicines and herbs, and it was now apparent to Magus that his master might have opened the door to opportunities of shipping products and materials across countries, both Windurst and others.
                    The federation of Windurst would pose no objection to Magus leaving with any sort of goods, and as they walked across the borders they would each be waved to by quite social Tartar guards. The tiny animal-like creatures each carried glaives, almost denoting that their fighting style was similar to Aadia's. Magus smirked; the thought of the little men leaping 20 feet in the air was quite comical to him. He tried to hide the smile in an attempt to avoid any questions, no need to answer what had caught his attention enough to make him laugh quietly to himself.
                    The group was no worse than they were when departing as they were when arriving. The trek was comparatively quiet when shown aside the events that had ensued for them just making means to leave Rydia. Elarisa spoke little, and the same went for Osamu, Aadia as well. With all the silence amidst Magus, he hardly had the nerve to speak in front of any of them. It occurred to him that they probably were not quiet, but had little to talk about having each just been thrown together. One might have assumed they'd start asking social questions, like where they took origin from and the like, but no sort of speech derived from any of their lips.
                    The entrance to the town wasn't as crowded as Magus had remembered it, and all but Aadia stepped on the wooden path constructed atop the clear water's mildly ebbing surface with ease. The face of the Dragoon seemed a bit unsettled almost annoyed with a touch of fear. Magus could assess all this from simply staring at her wondering why she had stopped, soon the sound of walking by the other two had stopped as well. Aadia almost grimaced, and shook her head, but sure enough she decided to follow them into the collections of structures.
                    There was a variance of Tartars and Mithra walking about, the cat like people towering over the counterparts of occupancy of the Windurst land. The only humane creatures there was an old woman taking seat on a bench facing the water, and of course Magus, Aadia, Osamu, and Elarisa. It wasn't hard to locate Torukoishi's shop, Magus had been there a dozen times, and the crew assembled behind him followed intently, even Aadia. Her reluctance was completely candid; Magus would have to talk to her about it later if he ever got the chance.
                    The door to Torukoishi's shop was unlocked; after the incidents he'd experienced while trying to deliver the package to Elarisa almost left him expecting the portal to be sealed. He was also growing tired to top it off, and his perception was becoming stretched and sometimes weak. A missed footstep here, or having to snap himself from the fog told him he could use nothing else but a nap. The site of the shop, his home was a relief. The shelves were lined with a wider selection than Elarisa's, and there were more of them. This was the largest building of the village-like area, and it showed from the amount of stock within. Behind the counter was a door, which led to another stock room, and from Magus's knowledge of tending to the shop, a laboratory of sorts. Further back was his quarters, and behind the counter that led to it all was the warm familiar face of his master.
                    The robe Torukoishi wore was still the same, a blue cloak with red cloth from the waist up. Golden filigree would accent shoulders and cuffs and buttons and such. This was the traditional garb of a Blue Mage; Magus would expect Elarisa to take a little pride in seeing it. His master was certainly a testament to the class of azure, and the apprentice mage was already happy to see his father figure. A wave, a smile, and a simple nod; thus was the greeting he usually gave to Magus, so that was what Magus would bestow in advance.
                    Torukoishi smiled, and even through his long silver beard and mustache that was seemingly ungroomed, but kept well, the pleasant feeling could be perceived. The long ponytail would dance along his back as he met Magus in the middle of the shop, walking calmly with his hands behind his back. It was everything Magus remembered about home, and even in the short time he'd been away, he felt too much disattachment. It was good to return, and Magus spoke the first words that had been said in a while.
                    "Good afternoon, master." With those words he would smile, but soon after take a seat in a chair stationed in the corner of the shop. It had just dawned on Magus that the location of the piece of furniture was in the exact location and position as the one in Elarisa's shop. It would make sense to place it there, giving patrons the opportunity to take a bit of rest while waiting for an item's preparation. Magus just needed to sit. He wouldn't use his restlessness as an excuse not to be formal in front of his master.
                    "This is Elarisa, sir. She's the last customer we served today. Osamu, and Aadia." Magus would laugh a bit; trying to phrase it in a way that even his master would take a humorous stance towards. "They made sure you still had an apprentice." The light smile on Torukoishi's face would denote that Magus had achieved his goal, yet the Black Mage still expected a mild lecture on combat later on away from the eyes and ears of company. Elarisa would bow politely to her superior; smiling, she took the hand Torukoishi offered in a friendly shaking manner. The customs of both Elvaan and Hume seemed to intertwine perfectly, the bow not too vacantly formal or the shake too discourteously informal. It was nice to Magus, who didn't even care about politics, to see the two races getting along.
                    "It's a pleasure to meet, sir." Torukoishi laughed mildly under his breath, and of course his beard. Then the Blue Mage would simply shake his head. Being around the teacher so much, Magus could tell what the joke was to his master. Everyone was trying to strictly avoid saying his lengthy birthname. But it was apparently no problem for everyone to speak in his presence, which probably made the old man feel rather young with all this youth about. Osamu took a step forward, for no apparent reason to Magus, and it seemed there was a shard of concern. He didn't speak, so there was no reason to worry about whether the samurai was about to turn sides against the group, or if he was going to say something rude. He might have even lost his footing and been ashamed of it.
                    "You all must be tired." Torukoishi would nod with a sense of importance, as if his words pierced the fabric of that was existence; yet it was followed by a grin. It was a possibility that the master felt he was a bit ominous, Magus smiled that he at least possessed a sense of self-importance. It had been a popular state of mind for people of the Blue Mage's age to have given up on life and settled in their ways, but Torukoishi seemed to still have a broad horizon, which he still sought out to improve. He still admired the old man, even when Magus had been in his services for the past 11 years.

                    "Magus could you turn out the beds?"
                    "You mean for us all to stay?"
                    "Of course, it's almost evening."
                    "I don't mind, do you Elarisa?"
                    "Not at all, I have some things to take care of with Master Torukoishi."
                    "Least I won't have to sleep in a Tartar house."
                    "What was that Aadia?"

                    (Continue reviewing, and responding!)


                    • #25
                      It's getting more better and better...

                      I like the visuals and the way you write it...makes it


                      • #26
                        *looks at all the chapters* wow thats a lot of reading ... I'll read it later when I got nothin to do :p Im sure it's great btw


                        • #27
                          There hasn't been a new chapter in a while. Your adoring fans await Magus.


                          • #28
                            FINAL FANTASY XI

                            CHAPTER X

                            Question's answered

                            Moonlight glimmered off the ebbs and flows of the lake that the township of Lenna hung to, and Elarisa strolled quietly through the decently lit docks. She was not alone, earlier that evening she'd called for the attentions of the Blue Mage of which she sought. It was a pleasant surprise that Torukoishi would take her company so easily, as she was an unexpected guest. But there was a hanging thought on her mind that had popped into view once or twice that maybe she was summoned by his non-existent invitation. The two blue silhouettes matched each other's pace perfectly, and traversed the giant raft-like pathways together.
                            "So what business do you have in Lenna?" Torukoishi would speak without need of justification or explanation; he just simply had the rank above her where he could ask her what he thought was necessary. Concern was absent from his face, he seemed to either be making warm conversation or possibly just wearing a mask of calm very well. It still comforted Elarisa; it was not as if he was a celebrity; a colleague of such prestige asking how you were going about was still something to make note of in her esteem.
                            "There were some questions I had to ask you, and the others were enthused to come." She would speak softly, but her usual quiet manner was hardly noticeable in the silence of the night. She was quite audible, even if her voice was reserved so much. Perhaps it was the mist from the changes in temperature that carried her sound better. Elarisa didn't think of it much, Torukoishi seemed to nod and ready a response.
                            "Then ask them." It was sharp and precise, yet it didn't seem to shout out the national anthem of pride of San D'orians when they said such. Elarisa was quite pleased that she could relax a bit in the presence of this master, even if she was quite used to being in the fray of pleasantries and politeness. The Elvaan culture was strict, and aside from that it was also a monarchy. Perhaps the representational counsel that the Tartars indulged in had worn off well on the man. Was he always amidst the Taru Taru culture, or had he only recently arrived in such?
                            "Well... Do you think the ingredient I ordered could be a key part of a cure-all?" The elixir, that was one of her current projects; now was as good a time as ever to introduce the thoughts of the panacea she wished to generate to Torukoishi. If she could succeed, it could heal the sick and replenish the wounded. Both military ends and that of the public, she would be aiding her faction country greatly. It was another step in the quiet war, and she didn't mind pursuing a future for her people.
                            "It's just Matoyan sage, but I could understand how its value to restore eyesight quickly would add to what you were aiming at." Torukoishi would smile; perhaps her quiet yet ambiguous nature was presented well. There she was, a youthful girl, not out playing in the fields or attending to matters of fashion and frivolousness; she was attempting to find a cure to all. Elarisa was gravely modest in most cases, but she couldn't help returning the pleasant smile that the old man had given her. He seemed like an old friend she had left behind long ago, even if this was their first meeting.
                            "On another note, I discovered an elemental ability I had no idea of before and was wondering if you knew of its effect." She was comparing notes with one of the great; she had to show off her skill somehow. It wasn't that she meant to show off, she just wanted to convey her thoughts thoroughly. What better way than to show him the spell itself? She would raise her arms into the air, a few glimmers of light lighting up in her skin itself. Then, after a slight pause, her hand would be channeled by their pillars outward towards the lake of which they walked around. The water would swirl around, a small whirlpool forming and the singing sound of whispering wind would call out.
                            Torukoishi smiled, and clapped his hands a bit. The appendages that formed such motion then both pointed forward, and in a slight gleam of blue light that contrasted the lavender hue that Elarisa produced, the whirlpool would grow to double it's size. A few leaves were swallowed up in the path, until both the tools of the two mages would lower. It was apparent that he already knew the spell, now she expected to receive explanation of its useful qualities.
                            "It's called Aera, but some pronounce it Aero. You learned it from a Zu, didn't you? At the time I first uncovered it myself, we used to think that the flapping of the black bird's mighty wings produced the gusts that bombarded us. However after studying it more carefully, it was moderately obvious that it was an elemental ability that the beast possessed. All I had to do was stand amidst its blowing, and use the source of power I knew I had to aptly redirect it. The Zu had been defeated, and I had acquired a new spell."
                            No wonder Magus had fought so well, Elarisa had found the master Blue Mage to be a catalogue of information already, even from such a small reference as the casting of Aera and it's origin. She herself had learned it from a small hatchling Zu, which she had disturbed on accident on one of her travels. She traveled often, in search of new ingredients and herbs, but she was starting to consider the pilgrimage that Torukoishi must have taken in his day.
                            "Is there anything else you can show me?" Elarisa was becoming too engrossed in his skill, he was so talented. It might not have been his talent, but more over his experience. The man wasn't quite ancient, but he was certainly not youthfully exuberant. His hair probably hadn't seen a trim since he was the age of his new apprentice. How long had Magus been in the company of Torukoishi, and by what means? Most of her questions were voiced within her mind, she should have asked. The chance to see the spells was overwhelming.
                            "Have you ever performed the Fifth Level Holy?" He would ask her as if he was some fairy of good will about to bestow a gift. Elarisa shook her head; the fifth level holy was almost a legendary blue mage spell. It was not the most powerful, but certainly rare. What was the mention of the number five mean for the use of the spell? Another explanation would be given she hoped, but first a light up of his hands and her face signaled that the spell would begin. That faint blue hue in his arms would be given a strong competition, the safe area where the whirlpool had once been became a dazzling assortment of white light with a violet aura. The flares danced and swirled to her satisfaction, and Torukoishi cleared his throat.
                            "The Fifth Level Holy pertains to the Fifth Zodiac symbol; Taurus. If the target is a Taurus, they are greatly affected by the power of the spell. If not, it's a harmless fireworks display. This usually is only used against humans, because they are the only people with a full knowledge of the Zodiac. I learned this spell's ability from being in a party of twin Taurus, brother and sister. They were the only people affected, and their birthdate seemed to be the only similarity between them. So therefore I simply made note of the casting method of the spell."
                            Elarisa noted all of it in her head; it was all very useful knowledge. Perhaps one day when she would draw the powers of the monsters that honed such skills; she could make quick use of such without having to study the effects herself. The meeting with her and Torukoishi was almost destined, she needed this vital information to improve her technique of spell usage, and he needed to pass on the Blue Mage trade to someone who could use it well.

                            "Is there anything else I can show you?"
                            "I've heard of the Aqua Breath technique before..."
                            "Oh? I know of that, but it's a little difficult to perform at my age."
                            "Well, there is a matter of something else I'd like to ask you."
                            "Oh there is?"
                            "Tell me about the Wasser-Kristall."

                            ('Adoring fans await', now that's what I like to hear... Let's start moving the plot. Haha.)
                            (Keep reviewin', thanks!)


                            • #29
                              FINAL FANTASY XI

                              CHAPTER XI


                              Roaming sheep in search of the people full of love,
                              Bathe yourself in water until your mind is soothed.

                              Aadia made the motions with her mouth that would accompany the sounds, but was silent. It was written on the cover of a book in Hume text, with picture of ingredients to potions like herbs and crystals. The thing that made her mind ponder was that there were four sets of texts on the book, of the each of the races save for that of man. She would check the next book in the shelf, and once again find the same inscription; the only part she could make out was that in the Elvaan cursive.
                              There was little relevancy for her to be flipping through Torukoishi's bookshelves in the living part of the structure that was both home and headquarters to the Blue Mage master. Aadia would replace the volumes in their proper spot and leave, heading towards a guestroom where she and Elarisa would sleep, in separate beds of course. When she first heard she would sleep in the same room, Aadia skipped a beat. But now she was safely assured no need to worry. The room was rather plain, and undisturbed; much like her own home. It was far from Rydia, and a larger San D’orian city of Batz.
                              She was scarcely ever home; Aadia spent much time on the road in search of what one might call adventure. Rather than portray herself as a hero in search of a villain, she reminded herself she was more like what she imagined Osamu to be; a warrior who spent time defeating fiends of elements to improve their own technique. Her house was just a place to keep an extra set of the same outfit that she liked so much, and polish and ornaments for her spears. There was a time where there was an assortment of rings on the three tips of her lance, however a change of opinion had her remove the decorations.
                              Opinion changed many facets of her destiny, from the way she cut her hair to the way she brought down her lance on the enemy. She never thought low of herself for being quick to change; if she did, it had to be for the right reason. She would be bringing a new horde of attacks into every battle not because she was being frivolous, but because she was adapting to her opponent's new style.
                              She sat down upon one of the beds, which seemed hard from little use. She paid no attention to it, save for her realization of such; her own sleeping quarters matched such and she assumed she would be quite comfortable in the guestroom of Torukoishi. Magus was nowhere to be found; after having made preparations for everyone to sleep he had left and ventured into the Taru Taru city. Even in her boredom, Aadia's distaste for Tartars kept her in the stay of Torukoishi's presence. She wondered if Osamu was around, and her unsure feeling of being alone made her almost consider looking around for the samurai. He was still just a simple acquaintance, but his company was better than no one at all.
                              She had to do it, and with a nod to herself, Aadia rose to her feet and left the room. It was a quick wait to see the main living room; she'd traverse the structure and take a seat in a wooden chair. Osamu seemed to be present somewhere, she had heard footsteps off in the shop which was just a doorway away from the living room. Sure enough, the shining figure would come into view and take a seat adjacent to her in another one of the wooden chairs in the general area where Aadia sat. He seemed a more concerned than when she had first met him, but then again she barely knew him. No pretext for making judgements on his manner.
                              "Hmm?" Osamu replied to a question never asked, and it almost made Aadia feel a little mindful of her thoughts. It was almost as if he could read her mind as she progressed with her train of consciousness. Aadia adjusted in her chair, hoping that it would make a decent five-second stall ‘til she had to answer such an odd calling. He hadn't even said anything, but she felt bombarded by his words.
                              "I didn't say anything." Aadia's tone was low, and the samurai shrugged and turned away from her. Osamu would stare out at the half moon with intent as if he were pleading with it. Aadia knew little of the eastern Hume culture, and only a bit of the more common ways of the Bastok peoples; perhaps he was really asking the moon for guidance, she could see it in his eyes that such was a possibility. She was staring at him, and that made her feel uneasy as he turned and caught her gaze head on.
                              "Tell me about San D'oria's national treasure." Osamu had simply blurted it out; she wasn't sure why he would ask such a thing. She cleared her throat; it could be a lengthy explanation; however she was not a professor on the crystal. Torukoishi would have known more, but it could be that Aadia's age had made it more appealing for Osamu to seek help from her. She reviewed a few basic thoughts she was taught in school about it, and began to speak.
                              "The Wasser-Kristall, spelled with a W but you pronounce it with a V, is sort of the crown jewel of the Elvaan royalty. They use it as a symbol of our intellect, our power, and our discipline. Some say it has mystical powers for the element of water, and even ice. But then there are those who are skeptic. We'd know more but the monarchy made it a point not to let any scientist work on it because there's only one Wasser-Kristall. We've seen similar rocks out in the world, but none are as big and clean cut as the Wasser-Kristall. The crystals we don't use, we use in potions, weapons, and jewelry."
                              Osamu seemed to have absorbed everything she had said, and she was glad. That was about all she knew, and it had satisfied the warrior before her. What quests for knowledge did Osamu have that would make him ask so suddenly of the crystal which was deemed a national treasure by her heritage. She had no idea why they would keep such a piece for a purpose other than greed, but perhaps folklore about the Wasser-Kristall was true. It wasn't really that the crystal was large either, it was only about the size of a man's fist. That was exceptional for a gem, but relatively small. The clean cut was something, for there was no way yet known to cleave it, nor its smaller pebble-sized counter parts. There were all sorts of crystals in the world, but none seemed as great as her country's own.
                              "Do you think there are any other crystals in the world like that? Maybe not a water, but another element?" Osamu's questions seemed more like statements, as if he were announcing to her that there were in fact more crystals like the Wasser-Kristall. Maybe one of each element, or maybe only the waters could ebb so far and compact so much they formed a gem such as that which the royalty clung to so tight. She had to collect herself, and honestly consider whether Osamu might be right. But what of it? Why should she concern herself with another country's symbol?
                              "I guess, but I don't see what you're getting at. Trying to say the Wasser-Kristall is worthless because it isn't the only one?" Aadia figured he might be playing fun at her moderate sense of national pride. The Elvaan certainly were a diamond in the rough, the only species brave enough to colonize the deserts of Saruta Baruta. There was much to worry about, but no Elvaan displayed expressions of dismay. It was the San D'orian way to overcome any obstacle, so she had been taught. It had been about 2 years since her initial training. She wasn't a veteran Dragoon, but her energetic enthusiasm made up for her inexperience. Even then, she was a strong fighter with a decent mind.
                              "If that would be what I was saying, then some of the things I'm attending to would be useless." Osamu was almost talking in riddles, and Aadia hoped he would make some kind of explanation soon. Did Elarisa know any of this? Perhaps the Elvaan chemist was aware, she had been in the company of the samurai before Magus and she had happened upon them. It had only been a day since she had first met Magus, but the chain of events made it seem at least like a week. This was in fact the first night she would spend with any of these people.
                              "What are you after Osamu? Why are you here?" She had to ask, it was hanging on her mind. Would he tell her or not? She was unable to predict his next move in this civil skirmish of questions and answers, but she did notice he was adjusting himself a bit too much in the chair than he should. It would almost seem as if Osamu was anxious. It was pressing though that she found out what interest he had in the Wasser-Kristall and potential other crystals of such value.
                              "I'm just a travelling samurai, trying to find something I lost." Osamu seemed to smile, he probably knew that his answer gave her nothing to work with. Maybe he had possessed one of those shining gems of the elements, and then again maybe he was just teasing her. She would be unable to ask another question, for Magus entered the room through the shop. She didn't want to involve him; he might ask the wrong question and make Aadia lose her quest for information.
                              "Hey guys." His words were simple, Magus just emitting a greeting before taking rest on a stool that rose him above the other two occupants of the room. His cape encompassed the back of the seat, and it made him seem like a mysterious figure hidden in a black shadow. Aadia wasn't intimidated by it at all; the cape seemed more like protection that some sort of forewarning. Perhaps the climate of the Windurst countryside made the cape necessary. She found herself pondering what material it was made of, and how it felt.

                              (Continued on next post)


                              • #30
                                (Continued from last post)

                                "Hello, Magus... " Aadia just smiled at him, hoping to seem as if she wasn't troubled. Here had come this samurai with no previous conversational experience with her, denouncing some of the things she believed in with her own little way. It wasn't demeaning that he was so skeptic of trusting her with news of his travels, but the fact he would announce he didn't quite trust her yet. It held in her mind for a moment longer than needed, as some things did. She found it odd that she was thinking so much, it had to have been the environment. Torukoishi was a scholar who fathomed the depths of the universe; rethinking about the words spoken to her wasn't out of the question.
                                Aadia decided it was time to take leave of them both, and head to sleep. Perhaps she could lie in bed and think about Osamu's theory of there being more than one Wasser-Kristall. It was feasible, however she felt that even if she thought it was unlikely, it felt true. She would rise to her feet and catch the attentions of both Magus and Osamu, who would each give a questioning look fitting of their personality.

                                "I'm going to go to sleep now."
                                "So soon? It's late, but not that late."
                                "Yes, I was up early. So were you."
                                "Yeah, alright. Well... Good night, Aadia."
                                "'Night, Magus."
                                "... Good night, Aadia."
                                " Yeah... Good night... Osamu. "
                                (Even after a silence, I update. Haha, keep postin' comments!)

