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Final Fantasy XI : Series 1 (Read and review)

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  • Final Fantasy XI : Series 1 (Read and review)




    Silence spread across the plain like an infectious disease, even if it left pleasant symptoms. It was eerie, and the black clad shadow who ran about it felt a bit dismal. A cape added to the silhouette, he looked like a phantom storming across the fields. It was 5 O'clock in the morning; angst filled the heart of the weary traveler. Delivering a package was not the hardest of tasks, but having left so late from his home on the Ronfaure country side paved way to make the young man trek through the night. Fingerless gloves wrapped tight, a slight creasing noise emitted from leather on palms. It made the figure even more uneasy, would he be drawing himself to being prey to any wayward beasts?
    At least he was attired well for the humid weather; a combination of silk pants and a sleeveless shirt, with aforementioned gloves and cape; all black. It was fitting, Magus Sekai was a Black Mage of the federation of Windurst. It was a quiet, peaceful civilization run by Taru Taru, small mouse-like people with an affinity for magic. The perfect place for him and his master to live. A Black Mage serving under a Blue Mage, Force living under the teachings of Nature. Magus was an apprentice to an old man, one of the Blue Monster Arts, and to Magus a father figure.
    His thoughts drifted back to his master; Magus questioned why he had been sent with this parcel across the Ronfaure borders and past the Windurst territories into Elvaan land. The Elvaan were strict, and almost a bit against the teaching of those who lived by nature and magic, which made Magus worry a bit. Not only was he a Hume in the S'an Doria world, but he was one who used magic. He hoped not to get struck down by any guards who wouldn't permit him on into the city he sought out.
    Something out in the distance? Magus would be rudely awakened by a larged cracking sound some where out on the horizon, which wasn't far being his position a hill. Was it a person, a monster, or something else? There was no way of telling, and his heart was a little uneasy again. He would try to make the first sound but...

    "Hey, who the hell is that!?"

    It was a female voice, a bit harsh for Magus's tastes as well. It wasn't so much that he considered himself a wimp, but that if he were expecting to here the voice of a girl or woman in this particular situation, he would have hoped for a better situation. He would once again attempt to open his mouth to speak, but this time he was cut off by her actions. High into the air a shadow leapt, and she was down upon him with a heel to the chest. Whilst he opened his eyes, recovering from the blow that sent him down, Magus Sekai found himself staring right up at an Elvaan girl.
    She wasn't that bad looking either, he considered. Scarlet hued pants, of similar material to his own, and cascading straps up a pale shirt with discernable color in this pale moonlight. A head band, that even appeared to be a chin guard in some ways, and long shaded blonde hair that was long enough that as she leaned over it hung in his eyes. It would all be sort of inviting if one of three points of a lance aimed at his face.
    "Hey, stop it!" Finally unable to take his abscense in the conversation that must've led him to this position, he made an outburst. "Leave me alone, I'm warning you..." The girl would tilt her head, and the lance too. A snort of contempt would proceed her leaning off of him and dusting herself off. Shaking her head, Magus was perplexed until she finally would emit an explanation of sorts.
    "Oh, it's just a Hume. " Apparently the Elvaan was just like the rest, without passion for those of a different race. Her lance would be twirled just for show, Magus assumed intimidation, before being prodded into the ground, blunt end first. A small cloud of dust would settle, and give something to fix on during the silent period. She would return her gaze to him, a scowl that seemed to hide a smirk.
    "What are you doing here?" Her question made Magus a bit upset; he was still in Ronfaure was he not? He voiced such a opinion, with an expression of aggrivation. "Hey, what's the deal? It isn't like I'm in Saruta Baruta!" He would assume that he had not reached her domain, the grass had not dissolved into desert land just yet. If fact turning behind him, he could see the forests of Ronfaure still, and possibly the shadows of the small Taru Taru people.
    "Actually, you entered S'an Doria territory a while ago." She would grimace, perhaps she was thinking those Elvaan thoughts of disdain and distrust. Magus noticed she carried a bit more zest than those of her race that would enter the local pubs of his Windurst locale, or come to his mentor's shop to buy herbs. His mentor, the parcel! How could he forget?
    "Hey, I have some stuff to attend to you know... " Magus would dust his own clothing off as she had done, and rose to his feet. Scanning the horizon, and approaching sun, he could only determine that the direction in which he had been attacked was the one in which to head. A few steps in, he would find himself once again before the Elvaan, who had seemingly jumped over him and whipped her spear around.
    "You aren't going anywhere!" She would rotate her lance in his hands, and Magus percieved she was forcing that scowl. She must've been having fun. Magus moved a bit to the left trying to evade her, and when brushing by her first came in contact with her light cape, which he had first mistakes for moon beams. He was swept aside, caught in the cape at first; and then pushed back into a stumble against the way he came from. She was again trying to stop him.
    "I said.. You aren't going anywhere!" Her voice did show a sign of intensity, and Magus took a step back taking head to her words. "You can't just march into our territory like this. We ha ve to keep our borders secure!" Again with the rotation of the lance, it could have even been a nervous twitch.
    "Who are you to enforce that, huh?" Magus dawned an incolent tone to counter her own severity. There had to be a simple way to get passed this. He paused to think, which seemed to make the Elvaan girl a little anxious. She'd tap her feet, and the lanced spun in her hands and again back to pointing to his torso, even poking a bit lightly into his chest.
    "I'm a Dragoon, of S'an Doria. It's my land, my rules." Obviously she was either a nationalist, or just using it as an excuse. Magus had to think, or this could become ugly. There was no reason to fight here, even if usually he was quick to jumping a fight. He would show her the package, which had been kept well under his arm.
    "I have to deliver this, it's from my master Torukoishi. He wants me to take it to an Elvaan mage." She took the package, and Magus grasped for it. He was only met with a light push from the blunt side of her weapon, as she inspected the box and even pulled a bit at the tiny ropes that tied it shut. After much protest from Magus, she finally sighed and handed it back. A glimmer in her eye set off an alarm in Magus's mind.

    "I'll come with you."
    "You'll what?"
    "I'll come with you."
    "I don't even know you."
    "I'm Aadia... "
    "Do you have a last name?"
    "No need for you to know, who are you?"
    "Magus Sekai.. "
    "Alright.. Where are you headed?"
    "Then we're headed that way."


    (Let me know what you think! :sweat: )

  • #2
    You have better writing skills than me! I like it!


    • #3
      Magus would be scary in Vana'Diel. The black wind howls... hehe ^_^


      • #4
        Chapter 2 Up!


        CHAPTER II


        A quick slice of the blade overhead, followed by another. Another one further more, and another wave of metal creasing air after that. And then once again; armor clad Osamu Hiroto practiced his technique. He was some sight, a tall man with long blonde hair, in decent metal shackles of crimson red one could call protection. His helmet had viking-like horns of metal, with an eastern flare to them. And the finest thing of all was the katana, and the zing that it made while peircing the air.
        Grunts, both necessary for exhaling and just that of agression would take the attention of none here. The forest, set in the outskirts of Ronfaure and away from any Windurst city, was a perfect setting in which to swing his weapon mercelessly in hopes of a real battle's aide. Here there was no one to accidentally cut or injure as he practiced moves known to most samurai as the Ryoujinn, and Zantetsuken.
        It was almost too serene, he relished in it however. But even as the tempered samurai enjoyed being alone in the forest, he couldn't help but to disturb the natural order of things. Osamu would swing his blade sideways through the air, not even feeling the force of feedback from cutting a tree clean in half. There was no cracking sound of severed would, a simple slump and thud. Being hopefully courteous and true to his means, the young man would scan the trees. Something had pierced his mind to be so much as a gasp, which meant someone had been disturbed by his efforts.
        To the left, he found nothing... And to the right as well. A short search that would seem unneccessary to those not of the bushido would commence, and finally his sights would befall a young Elvaan girl. It wasn't out of the ordinary for these events to happen so briskly to Osamu. First he had lopped a tree clean of it's substance, and now he stood before a girl dressed in a long blue shirt that could almost be considered a dress. She sported blue tinted glasses to match, and her hair was a light Elvaan blonde, that hung down freely. His assessment of her appearance was finished, but Osamu had to see if she was armed. She was holding one vile in one hand, and another filled with a green nectar in the other, in pouring gesture. An odd indent in her clothing near the thigh...
        "I apologize for disturbing you madame, I was simply training." Osamu made good use of the time given, ninja like precision and speed; only with words. And the target seemed taken aback, as if she hardly noticed he was there. She tilted her head a bit even to inunciate her confusion, but she did nod softly, and emitted a voice fitting of her demeanor.
        "It's nothing, I'm fine. I just didn't know there was anyone else in this forest." She would smile though, it wasn't as if his company was horribly imposing. Osamu could only ponder to why she seemed relieved of his presence. Perhaps she was a quiet girl? The samurai's thoughts were constantly on the move, trying to assess this and that like he had seen in his native texts. He was from Kuro-sei, a city in the Bastok Republic on the far eastern shores of Gustaberg. East meets west it would seem, the Elvaan girl's manner very polite and reserved, fitting the description that most would place to a S'an Dorian native.
        "Alright, well then..." The conversation seemed over, strategically... It was time to take leave of her. So he did, without so much as a word but a custom bow. His long tresses didn't so much as twitch, almost as if it held the samed discipline he aimed for; off he went back into the woods.

        Another tree down.
        Slice again.
        Good bye, tree.

        He would progress in the same pattern for long enough that he had the definite perception that she was watching him. With thus assessed he aimed for an attack, so to speak. A canteen was latched to his side, and he relieved the strap of which it hung. Sitting on a rock near the girl, he'd wave a bit signaling a prolongued return, unscrewing the lid of the container in his grasp. He'd take a sip, and make conversation.
        "So, um.. What are you doing with those vials?" Osamu noticed she still had the same too glass tube, now one containing an amber fluid and the other a lighter shade of green. Perhaps she was a scholar, but at her age? Maybe she was brewing, but Osamu awaited her answer rather than make guesses.
        "Oh, I'm trying to make a potion... That heals and also purifies any poison at the same time. " She took a herb from a briefcase she had strewn open beside her, and placed it in the brown filled tube she held along side the green in her left hand. Osamu watched as the herb dissolved, and the brown became a light yellow.
        "So you're a chemist?" He broke his earlier fix, and dared question on his own. He was rewarded with a nod, as she was concentrating more on mixing a tad of the yellow fluid with the green. The Elvaan girl then put a cork in it, and placed it in a small setting inside the case she seemed to have carried with her. She adjusted her glasses on either side, balancing them as she returned her gaze to Osamu.
        "Yes, I am. And you're... a samurai? " One for one, she wasn't unintelligent at all, but who could be? Such a soft-spoken figure out in the woods alone by herself, with the stereo-typical glasses and such. Osamu would reply with a quiet nod of his own, but a quirk of his brow shown when the Elvaan would rise to her feet in the early morning sun.
        "What's wrong? Are you going somewhere?" Osamu didn't know why she would so suddenly get up and leave. Did his occupational class scare her at all? Perhaps she was a naturalist, and didn't take kindly to him destroying trees. But she shook her head and started walking soon after. She truly was a quiet one, and Osamu's intrapersonal behavior almost paled in comparison to her own. She finally did stop, and take a long pause. It didn't seem to him that she was short of words, so much that she was choosing them carefully.
        "I have a package to pick up, in Rydia. It's not that far from here, just across the Ronfaure border and into Saruta Baruta." She answered him well enough that he could assess it was of moderate importance, not so much that her life depended on it, but that it would be a hassle if she did not go to the place to recieve it on time. According to her, he was in Windurst territory, and she was heading into that of the Elvaan. Perhaps he could even so much as ask to accompany her to the city in search of a place to resupply?
        "If it's not too forward, I'd like to come with you. I don't know my way too well around this place." Perhaps it wasn't too forward, the Elvaan girl had seemed receptive enough to him from the moment they had met, but her almost eternally quiet matter made her harder to read than a book in a foreign text. She would quietly think it over, as she usually did, but her response was as he had hoped, even with a little more confident life to it.

        "Sure, not a problem at all. Rydia's just over the sunrise, in that direction."
        "Alright, let's go."
        "Hey, I never caught your name."
        "It's Elarisa."
        "I see. My name is Osamu."
        "Then let's go, Osamu."


        (The plot branches yet connects back...)
        (Keep reviewing and responding!)


        • #5
's getting much better...!!

          Magus, maybe you ought to be a Vana'Diel Journalist!


          • #6
            FINAL FANTASY XI

            CHAPTER III


            Magus proceeded as guided into the city, the youthful Elvaan companion that had befallen him a decent living shield from the weary and unpleasant glances of the San D'orian guards. Rydia was stretched out before him, and while not soaring into the sky like a marvel of modern architecture that Hume cities were, it was out as far as he could see on the horizontal. With a touch of rural, the flags of the city waved high and ominously to the mage of opposite origin; a symbol of how far he was from home even not far in the Saruta Baruta borders.
            It almost seemed as if the red carpet was rolling out for them, everything was a meager bit to formal for Magus. Even amidst such, he took note that Aadia was seemingly unscathed by the behavior of those about her. She truly was raised of the Elvaan race, born and bred somewhere in this country. At least he would get to the Myst district as he had been, Torukoishi didn't seemed concerned with more than him just doing his job; his studies had been placed on hold all for what? The simple delivery of a package of little intended urgency was all he was asked to do.
            "Hey, watch out where you're going!" Aadia remarked sharply, bringing Magus out of the fade of mentality induced by searching for his purpose this far in the rival country. Already it was apparent to the mage by his closeness to her, he had ran too far and collided with the Elvaan warrior, sending her a bit off balance. Magus could only smile weakly, shrugging in hopes of some sort of compensation for his mistake with a path of shear innocence.
            "Sorry... Hey, where is the Myst district anyway?" Magus tried to change the subject, but there was a faint trace of glaring in the eyes of his comrade while she turned and pointed to a sign as if it meant anything to him. It would have been fine, had not the books been in Elvaan text only. It was somewhat of a quirk; that each race spoke the same language without a trace of ethnicity, however each race had it's own form of writing. The arabic symbols eluded any meaning to the Hume.
            "It says Myst District, what are you illiterate?" Aadia would tap her feet; Magus wished he could be in that mind with her and discover her motives. Unfortunately such was not the case, so Magus would peer into the surrounding buildings, looking for any sign of a shop or facility that might house a Blue Mage, as he was told to look for such. There was such building, with glass windows that allowed him to see the vials and herbs lined along the shelves on sale to keep the rent paid obviously, all similar to what his master Torukoishi had possessed.
            Aadia tried the door as Magus admired the selection, however it was locked. Magus could discern pairs of numbers from the door, and from what he could tell the shop didn't open for another two hours. Already it was undecided if he could find his way back, and he turned to see Aadia still turning the doorknob even if it was inaccessible. Impatience, maybe frustration; perhaps Aadia knew she would be guiding the black mage of Gustaberg origin.
            "What do you wanna' do ‘til it opens?" Aadia made the first move in the quiet, and Magus was surprised she would even offer. It wasn't that he thought she flat out hated him, but that he was an unexpected hassle that she had simply run into by being at the wrong place at the wrong time, like the melody carved of a miss on a piano key. He pondered on where to next; perhaps there was a restaurant they could eat at. Conversation over a good meal would relax them both, and even if it was their last time together feasibly it was no problem to enjoy her company for a little longer even if she was resistant.
            "Is there a good restaurant or bar nearby?" Magus couldn't immediately see anything, although all the buildings were marked in the cursive Elvaan text so it didn't matter anyway. Aadia looked up, almost confused; a short pause went by until she pointed to a building where they could even see the shopkeeper enter when they arrived. A cafe, Magus could understand that much by the cup and saucer logo on the building. He would smile and take a few steps, already feeling the presence of Aadia following. He held the door open behind him with one extended arm; already he was learning how to deal with her, at least in his own methods. It would not be proper for him to hold it out in the gentleman fashion, since they were only acquaintances.
            She followed in, and the cafe itself was quite busy. Among the expected Elvaan patrons, there were two Mithra; the cat like people of the Ronfaure countryside that lived peacefully under the lead of the Federation of Windurst. There was also a set of Galka, their beast like pride shown true with their rough tidings. Laughing that could be heard throughout the cafe from the Galka, and the quiet conversations of Elvaan rung in Magus's ears. Even if it wasn't an enormous building, the sound carried well.
            Before Magus could even think to suggest a place to seat, Aadia pushed out a chair for him from under the table with her foot, kicking it lightly. Magus took such offering, and sat down across from her at a small circular table built just for two occupants. Aadia would hold up a hand, two fingers extended in what Magus usually used as a victory sign, however a bell would ring twice and Magus would watch the slender hand descend. Perhaps she had ordered already without him?
            As Magus waited to what he expected to be drinks to come eventually, he stared out the window, waiting like a cat for it's prey in search of the owner of that establishment he had been sent to seek out. There was a die-down of the roaring laughter, so he felt able to think clearly again, the ruckus having ceased. It didn't occur to him that it meant anything until an obelisk of a shadow towered over him and the table, of which Aadia stared into the direction from which it came.
            "What is a Hume doing here?" The voice was coarse and deep; a bell of enlightenment signaled in his mind. The Galka had risen from their chairs to pay Magus a visit, and the unwelcome Black Mage could only turn to face them. Three of them, all apparent of a warrior class; each adorning a sheathed sword a their side and knight armor without an air of chivalry. Their fur was dark and all but the face carried markings, the one who spoke was most likely the one closest to Magus, he dawned a mask of his own pale silver fur. Atop all that was a scowl.
            "Hey, I'm doing business here! What's it to you?" Magus hoped to sound the least bit intimidating, hoping for nothing but rough words and not any violence. He wasn't a pacifist, but a fight against three ogre-like men could not be that he would win. The Galka would scowl even more so at his words, leaning in at the comparatively tiny man.
            "Galka slave trade?" The breath of the man-beast smelled of spiced meat; Magus shuddered. Being at the mercy of a carnivore of such proportion was not going to allow him to finish his errand, Torukoishi wouldn't be pleased if he died so in futility, and less so if the task was not completed. To make matters worse, the Galka had mistaken him for one of the Humes who dealt with Galka mining, under paying the working behemoths and raking in much profit. When rumor of such spread about, Magus had recalled the Galka called it "Slave Trade".
            "No, nothing like that at all. " Magus could only shake his head; he wanted to turn back to Aadia for a little advice. She seemed like she could divulge some of her experience had he the leaning space, but if he took his eyes off the oppressive sight of three Galka... Magus decided he might as well write out a will on the bar table, leaving behind what little he had to whom few he could. There was always the hilt of mythril staff fashioned at his belt, able to be swung out to full size with pressure to a metal tab. If he could get to it he would have some sort of physical defense, and there was always his assortment of spells.
            "I don't believe it! A Hume doesn't travel all this way just to go sight seeing. " The Galka would growl such harsh words and lean over to meet eye to eye with Magus, narrowing his passage of sight to seem even more intimidating. "Humes don't like traveling." At least he had a point; Magus didn't quite enjoy the strenuous trip out here. From the surprising encounter with Aadia that simply startled him, to this new conflict against the suspicious man beasts.
            "Hey, please leave me alone! I'm not doing anything!" Magus knew it was futile, it was in that moment that he seized the opportunity. The Galka was so close to his face, he could kiss him, and that he did with the iron-hard side of the staff hilt, which he pulled free, and quickly from his belt's holster for it. The Galka stumbled back into his brethren, and Magus twirled the piece in his hands about holding the two metal tabs down. It would unfold like a telescope before clicking at the wielder's release, whom pointed it at his enemies with a forced look of rage on his face.
            "You're really stupid, you know that?" Aadia remarked over a sip of coffee from one glass, a second in the opposite hand, obviously Magus's. She had taken in the entirety of events from her position in the chair, glancing over now and then to see if the shop across the street had opened. Nothing yet coming to view, she could only amuse her self over her drink and her acquaintance fighting for his life against the trio. It didn't settle well on her conscience, but he had to learn somehow or other to form a foreign policy.


            • #7
              Magus wasn't completely the ambassador; the other Elvaan didn't attempt to stop the fight either. Let foreigner problems be handled by foreigners, it's only polite. Magus recalled hearing a whisper of such under the breath of one of the patrons as he brought his staff up in a horizontal fashion to protect himself from an unsheathed blade. It was heavy; the Galka pushed much weight into it before pulling it downward in hopes of scraping some flesh from Magus. Magus simply jumped in the reverse, hoping not to ruin his complexion by picking up any scars. There was that tattoo streaked down his cheek from similar incident, but he was lucky that it had struck him in such a fashionable area. A plum tear that was sometimes overlooked even by Magus himself.
              It was time to get serious, a palm extended protected by those black fingerless gloves. A scowl became his expression, one that deformed the shape of the plum tear on Magus's face. Thus was followed by a slam of his metal rod into the floor, and of course the intense concentration that tore through his harsh gaze. It was all just for show really, but they needed to be scared off just a bit. A spark would show up briefly on the lead Galka's hand, and he panicked, having note of what this was prelude to. As sudden as the spark had come, soon after came flame, and the man beast shook violently. It was perfect; the lead attacker would crash into one of his own allies, of which also caught on fire. The Galka's were covered in hair, which aided the process a bit.
              Those two toppled over on to their still fallen third companion, and all three howled and whined as they managed to put out the flame. As the leader stood up, the other two inched towards the opposite end of the cafe, attempting to make an exit. The Galka snorted in contempt; perhaps the single move Magus had executed could have thrown the skirmish completely in his own favor. The turn and run fashion of each Galka made it obvious, as Magus sat down with somewhat of a collapsing thud in the chair opposite Aadia.
              "That wasn't too bad, y'know." She actually smiled at him, perhaps there was still some merit left in his deeds. Her approval did help the confidence of Magus, already supplemented greatly by the small brawl that had randomly sought him out. It wasn't terrible fortune to find yourself in a fight you could win, so he thought to himself as he took the cup of coffee off the load of Aadia.

              "Well, what can I say?"
              "You could say you got really lucky."
              "Is that it?"
              "Yeah, that's it."
              "Hey, I think the shop is opening."
              "Then finish up."


              (Keep responding, I'd like to hear more!)


              • #8
                Great story so far, I love how you go into detail about each of the characters. Seems like Aadia is warming up to Magus, also its great to see that you kept Magus to the class that suits his name. Looking forward to the next chapter and come on guys, let him know how great of a job he is doing.
                "Blind loyalty will ultimately lead you to your untimely demise"


                • #9
                  I totally agree...With a bit more pow, you could easily be a grand tale-writer.

                  Please continue, seeing as the tale interests everyone on the forum...

                  Again, my compliments to your writing, which shows knowledge of a vast vocabulary, something quite odd these days.


                  • #10
                    FINAL FANTASY XI

                    CHAPTER IV

                    Errands done and errands begun

                    The trip had come to no surprise to Elarisa as uneventful; she simply met a somewhat charming samurai and found herself heading back to town already. The companion she'd made, so formal that he might even have fit in with the Elvaan culture, was not quite on her agenda of things to do and people to meet for the day; however she had no objections to having such company. He was obviously strong, but he also seemed of strong will, and very sincere. Those words of his, "Just need to be shown to town", they stuck with her as not something of a pickup line, but honesty. It was nice quality in a world that sometimes seemed to go downhill.
                    Downhill... She could almost consider it an understatement. The three factions that made of the primary diversity of the world, save for the artisans and engineers of the great Jueno cities, were at a silent war with each other. Forces lay waste to a slew of monsters and occupy the lands, until chased out and replaced by another supreme army of an opposing faction. While the three governments known as the Republic of Bastok, the Kingdom of San D'oria, and the Federation of Windurst, had not dared attack each other they all waged a silent war of simple occupation. It was a cold war, similar to that of previous history before the Great War 20 years ago.
                    The Great War, another account she put much thought. She hadn't been introduced to the world and already dark militaristic evils bound for conquest swarmed the planet. She herself almost never saw the light, Elarisa's parents gravely considering not having any children with such dark times. However there she was, on her way to pick up something she had ordered from a correspondent out in the land of Ronfaure. It was a key ingredient to another compound she had in the works: A panacea of sorts that would cure all, heal all. Thus would not be of her own sole efforts, so she ordered possible ingredients from across the globe from others like herself. They were Chemists, but more importantly the ranks of elusive Blue Mages, such as the unsung hero of modern medicine Torukoishi.
                    The city seemed to bustle as normal, the only thing out of the ordinary she had perceived was a set of wounded Galka shouting curses to each other about some fierce opponent. She assumed they had taken on some kind of beast out in the Saruta Baruta deserts, something quite friendly about the feel of heat in the city. It was humid, and a bit warm, much unlike the cool wet feeling she experienced in the Taru Taru forests in Ronfaure. That is where she had met Osamu.
                    Her mind wandered everywhere, she was gathering as many facts and deliberating on as much as she possibly could, even if there was no decision to be made. There was knowledge to be obtained and deciphered from the world around her, and that was a good enough reason to think things through. Finally she'd made it, her shop at last. The glass seemed untouched, not a stain of finger print or any such marking from spilled water or such. The window was just a passage in which to check the interior of the market place, still in perfect condition just as she had left it. She smiled; it wasn't as if this wasn't the usual state of her palace of medicine, but it was still nice to see it the way it was meant to have been seen.
                    She'd fish a key from the inner pockets of her long blue gown like outfit, and reach back through the sleeve to place such golden object in the interior workings of the door. Scarcely had she turned the lock mechanism and heard the clicking sound that signified it was open to the public, was she targeted by the words of a youthful male.
                    "Hey, are you Elarisa Borethiel?" The voice did in fact seem to be searching her out, but why? Perhaps Torukoishi had sent a delivery person of sorts. While reputable, the man did take in many years and probably was not able to come in person. An apprentice perhaps? Time went by so much, she found herself struck by lightning twice; she was slow to giving a reply so the man repeated himself.
                    "Hey, are you Elarisa Borethiel?" She would turn around to see of which it came... A man suited in all black, nothing fancy to Elarisa's knowledge so the one attempting to gain such little information such as her designation couldn't be of any rank. She scanned him once over again behind the dark blue panes of glass she sported. A dark cape only so low to the ground, and a violet tear on his cheek that must've been dawn by ink. Besides that she could she nothing to be cautious of, so she would only simply nod to him whilst opening the door to her boutique of chemicals.
                    The Samurai would follow, and then the youth dressed all in black, a third set of footsteps keyed Elarisa in to pay more attention; she had not noticed a third amidst her company. After shutting a wooden barrier that separated herself and the far area of the shop along with any valuables from customers and thieves, she leaned over the counter tilting her head a bit in a silent question that was intended to be read as "Well?” The black clad youth extended an arm from beneath his black cloth surrounding, with it a neat cube held out and covered in light canvas tied down with small rope. The package she had ordered had come at last.
                    She took it from him, offering no consolation other than a nod while she placed it in a shelf under the counter. There too followed the briefcase of chemicals she had mixed in the presence of, as he called himself, Osamu. The fourth person in the shop was an Elvaan girl she could recall seeing occasionally watching her at the cafe across the cobblestone road, a Dragoon and to add to the rarity of the person's occupation, a female Dragoon. She wasn't sure how to ward off the delivery boy other than emitting words of thanks, but a thought had occurred to her.
                    "Thank you... but, where is Torukoishi?" It was apt; once again she had captured her words well. The youth seemed to understand, as his reply was to raise a hand in an explanative gesture up to his lips to think a bit for the best answer. Perhaps something had happened to Torukoishi, but she decided for once to hear someone out instead of diving into the depths of her mind, even if she did know best.
                    "Torukoishi couldn't make the trip, so he sent his apprentice instead." He would smile, the dark youth seemingly proud to be under the teachings of the Blue Mage he had just mentioned. Then, as if it was drastically needed to accent the statement he would tighten his grip on each end of the pair of gloves he sported. "My name is Magus Sekai. " A formal introduction must've been what he aimed for, even if it seemed to give off that feel of youthful exuberance. The Elvaan girl opposite the counter did not say a word, so Elarisa didn't pry. Perhaps she was as introverted as the Chemist herself, or perhaps there was something amiss. Dragoons had reputation for being a bit lost in thought anyway, although the way she walked didn't scream of silence.
                    The apprentice mage Magus would bow a bit and take leave of her, followed not too far off behind by the Elvaan Dragoon. Thus left only her and Osamu, which wasn't such a bad off position. Now that the delivery "staff" had left, customers were now invited in by the promise of her undivided attention. An empty chair used for customers who waited stationed in the corner of the room just became occupied. The sound of metal against wood that was vaguely familiar to Elarisa reminded her that they had been walking quite a distance, and Osamu may have wanted to take a break from keeping his legs well used.
                    "What's that box for?" Osamu broke the silence with his words; at least the train of Elarisa's thought had already stopped for the moment. She didn't have any choice but to answer him, even if she was quite willing to begin with. She pondered showing it to him, but it was simply a flash of a chemical that might not even be of use to him, keeping his profession in mind.
                    "It's a rare chemical called Ether. It's not exceptionally rare, just hard to generate outside of nature." She would unwrap the package at last just for visual, taking it from under the counter and undoing the gentle workings that Torukoishi had made to keep it safe. She relieved the box of it's top, and held before Osamu a container of a rather thin, teal fluid. She shook it back and forth twice just to make sure of it's consistency, then replaced the glass envelope back under the counter where the box had been, of which she threw away in a designated bin.
                    "It revitalizes the spirit, I'm using it for another potion I wish to create." Osamu seemed to smile at her words, and Elarisa decided that he admired her quiet ambition. Perhaps it was somewhat odd, there she was before him speaking of all her desires, and they were all far from being material whims. At least for the most part, she had wanted a better location in which to work, however she was doing quite well just in her shop in the Myst district of Rydia. And business was always well, especially with the need to supply one's self during this time of war against fiends and beasts. To brew a healing tonic would mean she had potentially saved a life. She'd had done her part to keep another life from being tossed away into the wind that was the cry of war and heroic deeds that were simply misinterpreted actions carried out by soldiers for the good of the mother country's current leader.


                    • #11
                      "I hate to run out on you, but there is some business I need to attend to while I'm here." Osamu would rise up from the chair, after such a short rest it was almost remarkable he was ready to be up and on the road again. Business however eluded Elarisa, what could he possibly have to do in a portion of the country he had never been to before. She dare not ask, afraid that he might become irrational in behavior, so she just nodded in understanding.

                      "I'll see you again then, Osamu?"
                      "Yes, I think so. It might take the fraction of today, though."
                      "That's fine, I have work to do myself."
                      "I hope to see you again sometime, I'll come back to the shop at the end of the day if I can."
                      "Hope? Is there a chance you won't?"
                      "I'm not sure."


                      (Two chapters right in a row, no delay this time!)


                      • #12
                        FINAL FANTASY XI

                        CHAPTER V


                        The garb of the White Mage before him tarnished moderately in blood. Of one name, of one nature, the Ranger polished a silver arrow that he mounted into his crossbow soon after. The scene was somewhat of a torture session, and his hands to the ceiling did obviously not shackle the one in control. Hollis had caught the prey trying to steal from him; potentially he wasn't of the most provided lot, stealing from one who also perused through the pockets did not denote high intellect either. How could the fool even think to dare take of his purse? Hollis through curses under his breath as he aimed the weapon at the restrained male.
                        There was a moderate gasp emitted by the mage, and Hollis smiled lasciviously. He felt a little more at power, completely in domination of that which he had strung up like a finished bird, having met it's fate long ago in a preordained fashion. Business had been slow lately; The Elvaan watched their pockets more often and the guards could easily decipher that a Hume didn't exactly fit in with the likes of the San D’orian. Without any more hesitation, he fired the arrow at the lower side of the torso of the target. There was a glimmer in his eye; his shot could not miss. A second went by that to Hollis seemed lifeless. There was no howl of pain emitted, and he could look up to see only the mage leaning over in an arc, a piece of metal displayed like a splinter in wood an inch at his side.
                        "Damnit, that was pretty good." Hollis tried to take it as if he was impressed, but instead the Ranger felt quite agitated. How could he have let his shot fly so carelessly? It was not a problem of major variety, all he would have to do is set his crosshairs again on the poor sap who had decided to pick a fight with him; not to mention Hollis's satchel.
                        He would steadily load another shining arrow into the release system of the mechanical bow that some of his class would carry, being not keen to carry a piece of wood and string about with him. The crossbow was precise and even more painful than its predecessor was a composite of woodworking and catgut. Hollis was halfway through his preparations before a knock would come to the door; he didn't feel threatened to take a break at all yet did come to answer it. What could he have to fear in the stock room of his own uncle's cafe? With those thoughts in mind, he took paces to the door in which he heard the summons and opened it just a hair.
                        It wasn't the sight he expected; a glimmer of red and gold, piercing brown eyes. Hollis couldn't imagine he would see such a sight again. He recalled that some didn't take kindly to thievery, like he himself did. But amidst those memories, the most dominant was that of a Hume Dragoon and Samurai traveling together on the Bastok capital's market city promenade. The swooping in for the kill, a gold-ridden purse on the side of the Dragoon's belt; all this made Hollis's mind catch up to the thoughts of the one who stood outside the door. Obviously, the samurai had come back for revenge but how had he tracked him this far, and all for just a small purse of gold to top the unusual pretext off.
                        The thoughts were shattered, in similar fashion to the door he leaned against. With some kind of eastern maneuver, the one who had come for Hollis had broken the door. The Ranger didn't have time to catch what had happened, ducking down and covering his head as not to take any shards of wood to his face. He didn't have much to cover him, a black sweater would offer nothing and nor would oversized jeans. His ebony glasses were left on the table, as well as his head ornament: a hair clip with too feathers. They were far from fancy; just something he could afford in his early days of theft and archery.
                        Hollis glanced upwards towards the white mage, who was gone. The cuffs that bound him to the sturdy masonry of the storage hall were left open, and the ceremonial robe lined on end with red triangles a heap on the floor. So sudden Hollis could hear the sound of metal on metal and then again. Soon it had become much like a song like that of a marimba; the archer would turn to watch as the Samurai fought someone unfamiliar to him.
                        An Elvaan, possibly a thief, moved in feral like patterns against the samurai, striking two gem-set metallic daggers against the sleek metal of the opponent’s sharp blade. A sand-shaded scarf covered much of the action to Hollis, as it flailed about with the movements of the fierce confrontation. The rest seemed to denote he truly was of Thief nature; his clothes a collaboration of an off-white sleeveless shirt and brown loose fitting cotton covering his legs. There were many objects strapped to his body in pairs; armbands, other small blades, and even pouches lay along his arms and legs. Hollis pondered if he was truly the target if already these two were so hard at it.
                        The thief would duck low and the samurai would swing high, the fighting styles went hand in hand producing numerous dodges and near misses. Elvaan ears nearly saw their end, and soon after blonde hair would whip away from a short blade's strike. Parries began and the song of the fight began again. Hollis had to do something, but who was his enemy and who was his ally? He'd inch his way towards the door, only to be halted in his path by a body. The Samurai had been thrown across the room by what could only have been a swift kick in the way he had gone, running backwards and into the wall. Hollis would leap back attempting to go in the other way, but the Elvaan would crash into him without care; he felt the fighting thief push off of him and back towards the fight that had suddenly swarmed Hollis's usual hangout.
                        The startled Ranger almost thought he could make it out, but then pointed metal discs would fly through the air, all missing their target. Aimed at the Elvaan thief, several came too abrupt in front of Hollis's face for his own taste and we would turn tail, and try to find a different route. It was too chaotic here, the brisk path of metal and flesh was not under his control and for that did Hollis want to flee like a coward. Whatever to be would become, and there was no need to stay and watch the fight. An opening made itself clear, as the bout continued without any change in scales. There was no clear victor at the moment, as Hollis watched the two continue like a pair of felines out for each other's blood.
                        There, now was the time Hollis decided, lunging out between the two in a duck and roll method. He would free himself and dart out into the cafe. He just had to leave, managing to take everything with him along the lines of his glasses, hair decoration, and crossbow. It was clear sailing from here on having left the scene of the fight. That is what he thought, at least until he heard the sounds of the fight coming after him. Indeed, the Elvaan was making a run for it, with the Samurai closing behind him at high acceleration. At one point, Hollis was at the door, soon after he was on his back pushed down by what he now could recognize as the White Mage he had detained. That is why he was targeting someone such as another thief in which to pilfer from, the thieves carried the biggest purses.
                        The Samurai followed out the door, stepping down on Hollis's hand. He cringed, straining to see through the fade of his glasses and the overlapping of his silver and midnight locks, which tousled themselves into the fallen Ranger's eyes. The crowd that circled around him laughed quietly, remarked quietly, and went back to their positions in their chairs and at their drinks quietly. Apparently they didn't care greatly for the action they'd seen, the black mage Hollis had witnessed take down three Galka must have been enough excitement for the usual tenants for one day.
                        Barely wounded, he slumped into on of the chairs still as if he had seen most of the blunt force of the skirmish between the two warriors. Perhaps another day he would find either and exact revenge from a safe distance, for the moment he held up one finger to signal to the cafe attendants that he wished for one drink. His uncle owned the shop, so he wouldn't have to worry about the damages to the stock room if he cleaned it up himself. While they knew of his horrible tendencies, they did not persecute him, possibly of fear. Maybe of love for him, but Hollis never bothered to decipher which.

                        "Here you go, one coffee."
                        "Thanks, how much is it again?"
                        "Oh, 10 gil."
                        "Alright... Oh, no! That damn thief... "
                        "10 gil."
                        "But, I don't... "
                        "10 gil."
                        "But we're family!"
                        "10 gil."


                        (Keep up the compliments, keeps me motivated )
                        (Let me know what you think!)


                        • #13
                          Sweet dude! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one on this board that writes fanfiction! Not to diss on the fanartists...its all good. Anyways, I like it a lot, keep it up
                          "Win, live. Lose, die. Rule of life. No change rule." -Ayla, Chrono Trigger


                          • #14
                            Man Magus... you've outdone yourself. You really have a talent for writing and I like your style. Keep it up.


                            • #15
                              Very interesting...maybe this'll keep us busy while we wait for FFXI. This story is GREAT! Continue continue continue!!!!!---Please?

