So I've hit a bit of a wall in my equipment setup and there are so many holes in my spell list that it's starting to resemble swiss cheese again.
At this point I feel the best course of action is to take some time off from leveling my Red Mage(So close to Refresh, yet so far). I've taken to farming a few places for stacks of components to put up on the auction house so I can at least buy the spells people keep asking me about (such as Phalanx) and maybe pick up some additional gear upgrades.
So is this normal? Do players periodically stop leveling for spend days, or even weeks if the AH is slow, farming to improve gear and get spells? I'm just wondering if maybe I missed something rudimentary along the way that would allow me to be leveling at a steady pace while keeping my gear up without taking too much time off to go farming.
I don't like being the weakest link in the party and this is the second time I've felt compelled to stop partying for a while as I catch up on gear and spells.
I also don't really enjoy playing alone, which is usually what farming amounts to
At this point I feel the best course of action is to take some time off from leveling my Red Mage(So close to Refresh, yet so far). I've taken to farming a few places for stacks of components to put up on the auction house so I can at least buy the spells people keep asking me about (such as Phalanx) and maybe pick up some additional gear upgrades.
So is this normal? Do players periodically stop leveling for spend days, or even weeks if the AH is slow, farming to improve gear and get spells? I'm just wondering if maybe I missed something rudimentary along the way that would allow me to be leveling at a steady pace while keeping my gear up without taking too much time off to go farming.
I don't like being the weakest link in the party and this is the second time I've felt compelled to stop partying for a while as I catch up on gear and spells.
I also don't really enjoy playing alone, which is usually what farming amounts to