So you've decided to change your payment information. Perhaps you ran out of funds last month, or your card expired. So you go into Service and Support, input all of your information, double check it, and hit submit, only for an error message to pop up saying:
(When I get home tonight I will take a screenshot of the EXACT error message, though this one is close.)
Now you know your information is correct. And you know there's plenty of funds on the card. What could it be?
Please take a minute to check with PlayOnline. They do regular server maintenance during which time you can not update your payment information. You will have to wait until the server maintenance is complete. You may have noticed that white page that pops up after you hit "Play," most likely it is informing you of registration server maintenance.

(When I get home tonight I will take a screenshot of the EXACT error message, though this one is close.)
Now you know your information is correct. And you know there's plenty of funds on the card. What could it be?
Please take a minute to check with PlayOnline. They do regular server maintenance during which time you can not update your payment information. You will have to wait until the server maintenance is complete. You may have noticed that white page that pops up after you hit "Play," most likely it is informing you of registration server maintenance.