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Empty chat channels

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  • Empty chat channels

    I just recently picked up the 14 day trial, as far as gameplay goes I like it. My one issue is chat, i never see any real activity in the chat menu, even when I see lots of players hanging around. This makes me feel like I'm playing alone, especially when I ask for a group or some help with buying my own armor (I'm not asking for hand outs and I have said so). The auction house I have found to be easy to make money with, I just want to find people to chat with now, or maybe group with.

    I've been using /say around players at the AH and by the residential area. Is there a chat channel I'm totally missing? Is this the norm? If so I don't think I will sub. This is the first game I've found no active chatter, I have played many MMO's so this is really odd to me.

    If it makes any difference I'm on Siren and I have a lonley level 9 monk. I really want to like this game, I have even found the AH really easy to use and I'm simply amazed at how much gil I have made with such a low level toon but this feeling of playing alone is really starting to wear on my gaming experience.

  • #2
    Re: Empty chat channels

    You're looking for a linkshell. Sometimes shouting for one will get someone around you to give you one, especially if you add that you're a new player. Other then that, many people get their first LS when they start partying around level 10 or so.

    Not much happens in /say or /shout in the starting cities.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #3
      Re: Empty chat channels

      The beginner areas are just not very active these days. A lot of the people you see are likely mules, just there to do a few quick errands for the account's main character. Or AFK bazaars.

      There is /shout, which covers a much greater distance within the zone (e.g., a good deal of Bastok Markets; not all of Bastok in general). You'll find more activity in Jeuno when you get there, and more still in Whitegate later on. The majority of the population is higher level, and it's easier to base their operations there and only travel to other cities when needed.

      But even then, FFXI isn't a game where people pump a lot of chatter into /shout or /say. Asking for help with missions, quests, gear, etc., yes, but it's a lot more rare for just random discussion to go on than it seems in other MMOs.

      Also... I'd advise against shouting to ask for a party. Turn on your flag (/inv), fill in your search comments, and wait. The people looking to make parties know how to find people looking to get into them (/sea all inv 12-14, for example). Shouting just singles you out as that guy who won't shut up about wanting a party.
      Ellipses on Fenrir
      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
      . . .


      • #4
        Re: Empty chat channels

        Like Ellipses and Mhurron mentioned, the starter cities aren't as active as they used to be, and people don't use the /say and /shout channels for informal chatting much. For chatting, most people use their Linkshells. It's not hard to get one, so you should /shout around for one or simply ask any friends you've made if you can join theirs.

        You also haven't experienced party play yet, which lends to that feeling of isolation. You can start partying at level 10 though.


        • #5
          Re: Empty chat channels

          Thanks for the replies. I have avoided /shout since I find it rude in most other games. I will try to get into a LS, all I really want is others to at least chat with so the game does not seem so empty while i solo, though grouping is what I'm looking for. I do understand it might be harder to find a group at lower levels and I do not mind soloing a while with my LFG flag up. As for my LFG flag, I've pretty much just set it to show I'm looking I didn't set it to auto join. I will look more at that option when I log on after work tonight.


          • #6
            Re: Empty chat channels

            Ya know...When I come back in 13 days, I'm going to make a pledge. I'm going to shout at all the new guys, when I pass through one of the starter cities and say: "Hey, If you need any questions /t <me> and I'll try and guide you." It can take like 15 minutes to show a person a crap ton of stuff that would normally take them 1-2hours.

            I'm sure I'll get made fun of, but hell, I plan on doing alot of soloing and not alot of end gaming, atleast for the first 3-4 months. Might be kinda fun

            also i'm going to talk about different types of plastics. because not alot of people talk about plastics.


            • #7
              Re: Empty chat channels

              Nobody uses autojoin. Even if they did, it's an awful way to form a party; the jobs aren't designed in such a way that you can randomly cram 6 people of similar levels into a group and expect the party to function well.

              /shout isn't considered rude here as long as you don't spam (it's ok to shout repeatedly if you're asking for help with a mission, for example, as long as you leave a reasonable interval between shouts.) But since Linkshells are the main form of chatting, /shout is mainly just used for starting/joining quests, missions, requesting teleports, buying/selling items (especially those that can't be traded over the Auction House) and things like that.

              Like Ellipses said though, one of the few times /shouting is considered rude is when shouting for EXP parties, since it's completely unnecessary. The game's search feature allows you to search in any zone (or all zone), and narrow down the search by job and level range, as well as LFG flags. It helps to be in Valkurm Dunes or any of the adjacent areas during the Level 10-20 range though. People will be more likely to invite you if you're already close, since your transportation options are limited and it can be a long walk.


              • #8
                Re: Empty chat channels

                I will hit level 10 pretty quick, once I do I will try my luck and head over to Valkurm Dunes. Maybe I will have better luck there with the LFG flag. Thanks for the tip


                • #9
                  Re: Empty chat channels

                  Well I've given it a few days, I've gotten to 12 on my monk and I have yet to find a group for the Dunes (i forgot the exact name). I have also not received one reply from anyone as far as linkshells go and I have looked both in the noob city and in each zone between Windhrust and the Dunes while on my way to try for a group there. The only person that talked to me so far was a very nice high level thief. He helped me get some armor (I offered to pay, he said not to worry about it) and he showed me around a bit. The thief was not able to extend an invite into his linkshell, which is fine, I do understand and becuase of his kindness I've not given up on this game yet.

                  However, I have been playing MMO's since EQ1 and I know better then to just continue to spam, basically I'm not shouting every 5-10 minutes asking for a linkshell when I do search. I couldn't believe that is the issue here. The only reason I'm not a higher level is because I've invested so much time trying to find a social aspect of this game. I'm pretty much going to roll on another server tonight because this is driving me nuts.

                  If I don't find a nich in this game by the time my trial period is up I don't see a reason to sub. I hate to love this game I guess you could say. I can see why its a group oriented game and thats the part that I love, cept I can't find any groups, or any chat to keep me entertained while soloing. I also love the gameplay, and the fact I can try playing it on my 360. I just don't understand the complete lack of chat channels. I'm not asking for global spam, just feels so empty even when I see players running around yet no chat what so ever, thsi isn't restricted in the starter city either. After playing so many MMO's over the years this is the least social interaction I have ever had in a game like this.

                  This will be my last post, maybe I will find my nich. If not, I did have some fun for the short time it lasted and thanks everyone for your help and suggestions.



                  • #10
                    Re: Empty chat channels

                    You're not listening to what people are telling you. The game seems a little empty now because, so far, you've spent all of your times in and around the starter cities. Most people don't hang around those cities anymore because Whitegate has become much more convenient. Stop wasting so much time trying to locate people that aren't there. You will naturally meet and greet folks as you group with them. And I promise you, you will get to group with them. If you started in Bastok, head to Konschtat Highlands to solo with your party flag up. If you started in Sandy, go solo out in the plateau with your party flag up. If you began life in Windy, take the boat to Valkurm dunes and then go solo the the highlands with your flag up.

                    No one is going to argue that the game starts off a little slowly, but trust us, there are plenty of people playing FFXI these days to ensure even the newest of new characters has a fighting chance in the exp grind.

                    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                    When ignorance reigns, life is lost

