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question about auctions

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  • question about auctions

    hey guys, just a quick question about auctions. it says at the auction house that if you win an auction, the gil will be sent to your residence. im not sure because my friend started the game, and im continuing it. do i have a house? if so does my won auction gil get sent there?

    also, i noticed earlier that when i talked to this gulldah guy (guard by west gate in bastok) he gave me a coupon for a chariot band. it gave me a choice to get this or 2 other items free. i chose the emperor band, bc its worth 10000 conquest pts while the chariot is 500 pts to buy. i equipped it, but i dont seem to be getting an exp bonus. it says on the emperor band description that it has a exp bonus, or do i have to equip the chariot band first before the emperor band will work?

    thanks guys, sorry for the second question it just popped in my head. this game is soooo complicated haha

  • #2
    Re: question about auctions

    Auction: yes your Moghouse is your house. you can access your bank, storage, locker, delivery box, garden, and change jobs in it. when your item on the auction house sells the gil is sent to your delivery box.

    Emperor band: go to items, select the emperor band, and use it to get a "Dedication" effect which is +exp

    Read if you don't value your braincells.


    • #3
      Re: question about auctions

      If you pull up your map, you'll see a Residence area (Mog House). You've got a Moogle who handles your household. Talk to the moogle, and you can open your delivery box. Any gil sent to you from the auction house will be there, and it will say what item sold next to the gil amount.

      When you equip any item with an enchantment (experience bands are the first you'll see of these in the game), there's a cool-down timer after you equip it; when it reaches zero, you can use the item, and the item will turn blue in your inventory list. To start using it, select the item from your inventory and click on it, which will pop up a Use/Drop dialog. (You can't use items inside your Mog House, but you can use them pretty much anywhere else.) There should be a little "loading" status bar that shows you that it's activating, and then a message will pop up in your chat log saying "[Your name] uses an Emperor Band" along with an animation of some kind around your character. A dark circle reading EXP with a red arrow on it will appear in the upper left-hand corner of your screen. There's another cool-down timer on your experience band, once you use it, that will tell you how soon you can use the ring again.
      Server: Unicorn | Main: Yara | LS: Peacekeepers
      RDM 49 · BLM 40 · WHM 36 · DNC 34 · DRG 24


      • #4
        Re: question about auctions

        Concerning the Emperor/Chariot/Empress Band: After you use it, you can remove the ring and replace it with another ring. There's no need to keep the EXP band on your character after you've popped it. I see way too many newbies (and some veterans for some reason) that leave their exp band on as if it were required.

        Also, to re-charge them, simply trade the band to any NPC that can give you Signet. You will be charge 100 conquest points per use that you recharge. Example: You have an Emperor Band with 1/3 uses left, if you trade the band to a guard he will charge you 200 CP to fill it up.

        Protip: If you have 1 use left on your EXP band, before you go to exp, use the charge and you can immediately refill your band (provided you haven't done so already for the current conquest period) and get 2 uses in the same day. Read more at this handy website!
        Last edited by Ameroth; 02-18-2009, 08:49 PM. Reason: moar linkz

        PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
        Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
        When ignorance reigns, life is lost

