haven't played for 9 months but was wondering does campaign still ride your 360 like a bull. lol does it still freeze in campaign and get loud like its being overworked. I love campaign but when I last played on 360 it would freeze all the time has this been looked into or fixed in the last 9 months?
No announcement yet.
360 campaign freeze
Re: 360 campaign freeze
Wow, and I thought the PS2 was bad.
This might also have to do with your server population. Fairy usually has 150-300 for Besieged, though during JP prime I've seen 400 and 450 at times recently. The more people playing, the more stuff is going on, and the better a chance of a crash.
You can try using effects filters, but I haven't noticed that doing anything useful, and it doesn't seem to turn off spell casting effects.
The PS2 basically has two problems with both Besieged and Campaign, but mostly in Besieged, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the 360 has similar problems, even with a much better CPU. And naturally the PS3 should have the exact same problems as the PS2 because it's being used in emulation mode.
1) Lag o' Doom: game slows down to 2FPS or even as low as 0.1FPS when there's a lot of spellspam. One time in Eldieme_S both sides of NPCs were fighting right on top of me in the hallway in front of the C.A., and the game went into slide show mode for five minutes. Even my Reraise prompt didn't come up until it was all over.
2) Black screen of Death: turn a corner and WHAM the screen goes black and it's locked up. I've only had it happen in Campaign twice, both times in E. Ronfaure_S. It happens in Besieged for me from time to time, once with only 60 seconds left to go. (I should have gone to cower in a safe corner.)
Since these are basic problems caused by extreme amounts of shit happening, I'd expect that the 360 isn't any better than it used to be. It also sounds like when this starts happening the 360's fan goes into high gear, so that might be helped by getting one of the most recent hardware revisions.Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6
>not having all jobs at 99
Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.
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