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Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

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  • Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

    With the Welcome Back Campaign running right now, I thought about coming back on my jp account. Since my old credit card, I played on FFXI some years ago, expired by now, I need to update my CC info within POL (basicly just the expiring date changed).
    As I try to do so, I get every time twice a UCS-60096 error (server is busy) and on the third try a UCS-5110 error (Card number or Exp date or card type wrong). I already tried numerous times, today and yesterday, its always the same 2x server busy 1x Card number wrong scheme.
    My credit card shouldnt be the problem, I use it all the time and never had problems with it. As mentioned I am on a JP account, but my credit card is a foreign one. Could it be SE stopped allowing foreign CCs on JP accounts? I read that SE stopped allowing logins with NA POL IDs on JP POL and vice versa, so maybe there is some change with CCs handling as well.

    Can somebody confirm that foreign CCs still work on JP accounts. Im also grateful for every other advice.

  • #2
    Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

    Any news on this ? I have the exact same errors :-/
    Guide to pay your JP POL (Japanese Playonline) account by michaeldue here >>>

    Kudos to michaeldue !!!


    • #3
      Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

      Im having the exact same problem.

      WTF!?!??! Ive had this account for 4 years or more!................
      Signature outdated.


      • #4
        Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

        I feel your pain, I had mine since Japan launch >.<

        I'll send an email to S-E support (japanese SE) and I'll see. I suggest you guys do the same. Let's see what they have to say.
        Guide to pay your JP POL (Japanese Playonline) account by michaeldue here >>>

        Kudos to michaeldue !!!


        • #5
          Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

          Has anyone tried contacting POL using the Chat-service (I was told you could ask for a English speaking person)?

          Edit: At leats im not alone with this problem :/ Although it sucks other people are experiencing it also :/

          Whatever this problem is.... I'd just really really hate it if I lost the account ive had for so long :/ seriously....
          Ok I tried contacting JP Chatservice and oh boy....... they dont have english personal like the EU department told me to ask for....

          Anyways here is what little I got out of them:

          SQEX Agent Hanamura: もしお支払方法を変更する際に、UCS-60096というエラーが出てしまうということであれば、お支払方法を再登録することで改善できる可能性があります。
          SQEX Agent Hanamura: お試しいただけますと幸いです。

          Rougly translated with babelfish I guess that means:

          SQEX Agent Hanamura: If it means that, the occasion where tide payment method is modified, the error, UCS-60096 comes out, there is a possibility where you can improve by the fact that payment method is reregistered.
          SQEX Agent Hanamura: When you can try, it is fortunate.

          If someone can give me a more correct translation it would be cool

          So maybe I should try deactivating the account and once it has deactivated, try reactivating it with new card?

          If anyone is having credit card issues with JP Pol account and would like a guide on how to use the webmoney payment feature instead, I can write a guide some day, but its alot of steps you have to go through in order to set it up, but once its done, its not really that hard to use it seems.

          It seems I have saved my account this way and can continue to play using the webmoney payment option!!!
          Last edited by michaeldue; 01-19-2009, 01:36 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
          Signature outdated.


          • #6
            Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

            Ok, I sent an email to S-E and waiting for an answer.

            And yes, please michaeldue I would like to know how you paid with webmoney, anything not to loose my account And I'm sure lot's of people would like it too. I'm also on another forum and there's others players there that might need to know too.
            Guide to pay your JP POL (Japanese Playonline) account by michaeldue here >>>

            Kudos to michaeldue !!!


            • #7
              Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

              Ah, I just stumbled upon this thread... Guess what dudes? If you didn't just suspend your ID's BEFORE you quit, kiss your account goodbye.

              Essentially, here's how this story went for me....

              I played an imported copy of FFXI since a month or two before the NA release after following a guide I found on this site. If you guys can remember, you had NO CHOICE but to use a false address and phone number originating in Japan in order to setup your account. There was no way you could use a North American address and phone number or info from anywhere other than Japan if you wanted to play the game. So, i did just that and setup my account. Little did I know that I needed to tread very carefully down this path...

              Soooo, I decided that I wanted to give FFXI a break after a couple years or so and just didn't log on for a very long period. After a while, I got some emails from SE that were in Japanese that I didn't understand, which I never really bothered trying to interpret because I thought it could be some sort of marketing email. Little did I know, the emails were indications that my credit card info was expired and needed to be updated on my account.

              Maybe 3 months later, I tried to log onto my account and got an error message (can't remember which one). I had someone who spoke Japanese interpret the message for me and they informed me that the message indicated that my account was past due and temporarily disabled due to non-payment or something to that effect. So, I figured, no big deal, right....? I'd just log onto a JP copy of the game, and go edit my billing info with the replacement credit card billing info to replace the expired card. Guess what? POL wouldn't accept the new billing info and I had to call in for support.

              Now, this is where the story REALLY sucks. I called the standard POL help line for NA customers. Guess what? If you have a Japanese account, you MUST call the Japanese support center since your accounts are only managed from that support center. The NA center has no relationship with the center from Japan and can't and WONT help you.

              So, I asked a friend who spoke Japanese to call the help desk in Japan with me and translate. I explained the issue and told them that I wanted to update the billing info and pay whatever was due on the account. The representative told me that they can't update the billing information because the account was past due (WTF?) and that I MUST take the physically mailed invoice (or bill) sent to my FAKE address in Japan and pay IN PERSON, IN JAPAN. At that point, I had to explain that I was from another country (America) and that I had to register an address in Japan in order to play the game, but I put in accurate billing information to pay for my account. The representative apologized and said that there was no way for them to take the payment, and that there was nothing they could do depsite the fact that my circumstances were extenuating...

              To make the long story short, I lost the account because it was impossible for me to pay it. I even asked another buddy who lived in Japan to see if he could settle it, but without the mailing, it was impossible to settle anyway.

              I hope your story doesn't end like mine did. I ended up starting over and calling it a day because I liked the game enough to tolerate starting over.

              Good luck


              • #8
                Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

                Well, let's hope we can fix it *before* my account goes boom on me. Waiting on an answer to the email I sent them, and if michaeldue can write the guide on how to do the webmoney we might have a way to fix this. I on my end will try what that S-E guy suggested and I'll remove then re-add my CC to see if it works.
                Guide to pay your JP POL (Japanese Playonline) account by michaeldue here >>>

                Kudos to michaeldue !!!


                • #9
                  Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

                  IT WORKED (with webmoney)!!!!!!!!!!!

                  My account is now active until 2009/04/30 (I payed 3 months in advance). YES!!!

                  I have to say, I got a LM-14 today when I logged in == Warning your account will soon be unavailible if you do not pay soon, so I don't know if people can use webmoney if their account has already gone into inactive state?

                  I have now written a complete (its big... but take it slowly and you can save your JP account by using webmoney from now on just like i did).
                  The guide is uploaded here:

                  If anyone discovers you can start using credit card again sometime please email me my website.

                  Kind regards
                  Last edited by michaeldue; 01-23-2009, 02:13 AM.
                  Signature outdated.


                  • #10
                    Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

                    Hey, I was in the process of setting up webmoney by myself but the fact that I can read a little japanese was helping. However, I just read your site and I must say that you done very good

                    If you are in Midgard I would like to give you something to thank you for everybody here and at the other forum who would need to have this information to keep their accounts. If you do are in Migard please send me your character name in Private Message. My main is of course called "Altalus".

                    I also suggest that we sticky this guide to help future players with this problem.
                    Guide to pay your JP POL (Japanese Playonline) account by michaeldue here >>>

                    Kudos to michaeldue !!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

                      Hm, do you guys know if this method can be used to pay up on old accounts that got the shaft? I never realized that credit cards were no longer usable for importers. Maybe that was my issue all along.


                      • #12
                        Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

                        No idea really. Best bet would be to long in JP POL and see if you can go where you need to input the payment method. If so, then you should be able to use WebMoney too, if it doesn't let you go there...

                        Hope it'll work for you.
                        Guide to pay your JP POL (Japanese Playonline) account by michaeldue here >>>

                        Kudos to michaeldue !!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

                          Still no fix besides the web money option, huh? I wouldn't have had to deal with this for another year, but my bank had a security breach and reissued all of their cards because of it. I updated my payment info only about a year ago with no problem.
                 (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
                          My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.


                          • #14
                            Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

                            To tell you the truth, I pre-paid for 3 months (you can do this with Webmoney) and I will try to switch back to credit card later. But at least the Webmoney gives us a way ton continue playing
                            Guide to pay your JP POL (Japanese Playonline) account by michaeldue here >>>

                            Kudos to michaeldue !!!


                            • #15
                              Re: Problems changing credit card info -JP POL

                              I found someone in Japan to buy a WebMoney card for me, because SuTo Corp was out of stock at the end of March, and KaneTrade couldn't take credit cards at that time. My old card got deactivated a year early by my bank on the first of April, so I needed a quick fix. It would only let me switch to WebMoney during the first week of the month, not the last few days before maintenance.

                              We're going to need some legit address in Japan to use to get the Security Token, and a guide to filling out that address in the Japanese Square Enix Members site, as you can't link an American member ID to a Japanese account. No luck getting my hands on a legit address someone will let me use, which means I'm unable to get the satchel when it releases, as are a bunch of us importers.
                     (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
                              My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.

