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Which expansions do I -need- and when?

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  • Which expansions do I -need- and when?

    I have only two expansions, Rise of the Zilart and Chains of Promathia. As I only recently began playing FFXI again i'm reluctant to buy more expansions. It would be nice if I could experience the content i've got before purchasing more, however i'm well aware that if I don't camp the places that 'people camp' then i've not a chance in hell of ever partying.

    So my questions are, which expansions will I need and when? What levels will I need the expansions at and what for, if I do indeed need any more? Aren't there alternatives that a fair amount of people still use? Do the 30days free offers when you buy FFXI games only apply when you first create your content ID for FFXI, or any time you register a product?

    Last question is kind of off topic, but it factors into the 'is this value for money' equation running in the back of my mind.


  • #2
    Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

    Registering an expansion doesn't increase the monthly fee. So the only cost for the expansions would be the cost to buy it (or them if you don't get the collection).

    I partied at 36-40ish in one of the Wings expansion areas and you are in the ToA areas constantly from early 50's on. The Wings area was not a normal camp (we were trying it out for shits and giggles and it worked well then), but the ToA areas are just about the only place people go anymore. XP bonus and quick mob deaths.

    Also, if you are at all interested in the ToA jobs (Blue Mage, Corsair, or Puppet Master) or the Wings jobs (Dancer and Scholar) then you would have to get the expansion they came with of course.
    Last edited by pixiehawk; 06-19-2008, 09:17 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

      At level 22 or so you probably need Rise of the Zilart, for access to Kazham (but you have this already).

      You never "really" need Chains of Promathia until you get near level 75, though it's never a bad thing getting a jump on things like Promyvion missions, etc.

      Treasures of Aht Urghan features the most prominent XP camps from level 55+. I'd get this by level 50 to be safe.

      Wings of the Goddess hasn't really done anything as far as XP camps go; it's a useful bunch of zones regardless, however, because of Campaign, so anyone at, oh, level 60+ can probably get some value out of it since you can earn "free" XP while looking for XP parties in Campaign.



      • #4
        Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

        Really, there's no reason not to install all of the expansions if you have them and you'll need them all at some point. Especially so if you don't wish to be a hindrence to your party's EXP camp options.


        • #5
          Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

          you will need the extra two expansions eventually, ToAU is needed to progress from 50+ and wings of the goddess actually gives you free XP during campaign so its worth getting

          75 Summoner
          37 White Mage

          75 Red Mage
          37 White Mage

          Rank: 7
          Currently Leveling: WHM


          • #6
            Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

            If you want to get past level 50 you'll need Treasures of Aht Urghan
            BRD 75 WHM 44 RDM 20 NIN 23 WAR 20 THF 16

            Score: Maat 3 Prons 1
            Bard Maat Masher: Shiva Record Holder, 4 minutes, 47 seconds.


            • #7
              Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

              I've still got a way to go before hitting level fifty, thanks for the advice though.


              • #8
                Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

                The collection includes the reg codes for both; so basically $15 each. Not a bad deal; and you get a better DVD to recover from to boot. While you hardly NEED other expansions if you're willing to rough it, there's little good reason not to have them. If you can't afford it, you really can't afford FFXI at all, considering it's only a little over two months' subscription fees for the collection.


                • #9
                  Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

                  It isn't an issue of affordability, I just dislike the idea of purchasing more content when i've already got three discs worth that i've barely touched.


                  • #10
                    Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

                    To add onto what everyone else has said, it's better to have the full game and install all the updates right away instead of waiting til you really need them. Imagine having to wait a few hours to play just because you had to run to the store and buy the expansion... plus, how things are going these days, lvling is a lot faster than you think and you'll need those expansions installed ASAP. I'm not sure but I think that you should at least have up to ToAU these days.

                    Ultimately, it's up to you whether or not you want them or not. (The voices in your head are saying GO GET THEM!!!!)


                    • #11
                      Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

                      I'd just make a small change to that ... have all the updates on hand, but install them one at a time and overnight if you can afford to. Do you really need to watch it do the updates?


                      • #12
                        Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

                        Originally posted by Takanaki View Post
                        It isn't an issue of affordability, I just dislike the idea of purchasing more content when i've already got three discs worth that i've barely touched.

                        welcome to MMORPGs buddy ;p

                        the way FFXI is now, its best to just buy it all, and not pick and choose.
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • #13
                          Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

                          Originally posted by Takanaki View Post
                          It isn't an issue of affordability, I just dislike the idea of purchasing more content when i've already got three discs worth that i've barely touched.
                          While this makes sense when you're thinking in terms of an RPG, it doesn't apply to MMOs. You're never going to have completed an entire portion of a game, expansion packs aren't to extend and add content BEYOND what you already have so much as they are IN ADDITION. Think of it in terms of a house-- you can't build a third floor if you don't have a second; but expansion packs are more like adding on a bathroom. They're something you need, or you're eventually really going to want (useful for parties), so you should get it. Except instead of thousands of dollars, it's $30.


                          • #14
                            Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

                            Originally posted by Feba View Post
                            While this makes sense when you're thinking in terms of an RPG, it doesn't apply to MMOs. You're never going to have completed an entire portion of a game, expansion packs aren't to extend and add content BEYOND what you already have so much as they are IN ADDITION. Think of it in terms of a house-- you can't build a third floor if you don't have a second; but expansion packs are more like adding on a bathroom. They're something you need, or you're eventually really going to want (useful for parties), so you should get it. Except instead of thousands of dollars, it's $30.
                            I'm well aware of how an MMO works. In most you won't struggle along, coughing and spluttering like a premature birth if you don't have all the expansions.

                            Thanks for the advice all, i'll get at least ToAU by the time i'm fifty and consider WoTG also.


                            • #15
                              Re: Which expansions do I -need- and when?

                              Do it the hard way then.

                              All we're saying is that is not a bad thing to have your expansions now, especially considering that in the post-30 world, depending upon the path you choose job-wise, SCH, BLU and DNC subjobs could prove to be extremely helpful to you.

                              Advanced jobs become available at level 30 and by this level, you can generally start accessing content within all of the expansions at some level or another, even if its just to unlock the jobs within ToA or WotG expansions. Wings of the Goddess itself presents a lot of worthwhile low-to-high level EXP camp alternatives and you'll be the one guy that can't go because you opted to not to get the expansion.

                              For a first-timer, I believe the requirement to access WotG areas is just level 20. One nice aspect is that you can level up a low job in the starting areas and then at level 8 or 9 you can jump to the past version of the zone and keep rolling on EXPing that job solo if you wish to, as well as partying in alternative spots at varying levels.

                              Content for CoPs begins at level 30 and its often best to get some of the level 30 to 50 content there out of the way as soon as you can. Far too many players dawdle on this content and don't start it til 75.

                              RoZ content starts as soon as 25, but mission content doesn't really start til 65 and you have to have obtained rank 6 elsewhere to even access those missions.

