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How to get a fellow

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  • How to get a fellow

    hey ive not long started and i was wondering if any one could tell me how you get a fellow te thing that follows you around i saw it was upgraded in the new update but how do you get one

  • #2
    Re: How to get a fellow

    Go here to get all the info you need
    Direct Link to FFXI Wiki's Fellowship section ;p

    Fellowship NPC
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #3
      Re: How to get a fellow

      it says i need rank 4 so i looked it up and it says i can get it by doing mission where can i start mission as i only just started im a lvl 7 whm so what missions would be ok for me and also im in san d'oria


      • #4
        Re: How to get a fellow

        Honestly, at level 7 you have other things to worry about than an Adventuring Companion. It'll be a while before you're ready for one.


        • #5
          Re: How to get a fellow

          I really think that WHM should never be ANYONE's first job in this game. its so slow and detors you from the fun this game has to offer. War on the other hand would be nice for ya. However since your lvl 7 might as well tough it out till you get to lvl 10 and it should pick up for ya.


          • #6
            Re: How to get a fellow

            almost lvl 10 now so its not going to slow


            • #7
              Re: How to get a fellow

              Originally posted by Himora View Post
              How to get a fellow
              Personally, I'd recommend PMing Murphie.


              • #8
                Re: How to get a fellow

                Fellows, or "men" as they are more commonly known, can be acquired a number of ways.

                1. First is by direct experimentation in the field. Typically this involves setting some sort of snare in a location you know men to gather. This location could be typically anywhere, good ones include bars, sporting events, restraunts and college campuses. Once a likely location is found, you then need an appropriate attractant. Body parts are great for this, and cheap, merely choose clothing that reveals some if not all of the part of your choice. Breasts, legs and buttocks tend to produce the best results. As for snaring the man, remember that "the promise of sex" has been an effective snare for well on several millennia now, and probably still has some legs to it. Avoid going with more physically blatant forms of snares, such as actual snares or bear traps. These can produce unwanted results.

                2. Second, you could announce to friends and family that you are actively seeking a fellow. Thanks to increased social networking among your social groups, it is increasingly likely that one or more of them already knows a perfectly good fellow for you. This person or persons can then set you up with this fellow with no personal effort on your part. The downside to this form is that your friends and family typically have radically different ideas of what kind of fellow you want, than you yourself may hold.

                3. The third and most common form of finding a fellow involves locating a likely fellow from among those already held by your friends, relatives or acquaintances. Once you've located your target, various means can be employed to sever that fellow's current bond. From here, the snaring technique used in option 1 can come into play. Be advised that this technique does come with the downside of severing your own bond with that fellow's former companion, though this seems to rarely be a deterrent.

                Finally, remember that certain fellows are only attracted to other fellows. Do not waste your time pursuing these, remind yourself that there are plenty more where they came from.

                Hope that helps.

                Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


                • #9
                  Re: How to get a fellow

                  Originally posted by Kitalrez View Post
                  Avoid going with more physically blatant forms of snares, such as actual snares or bear traps. These can produce unwanted results.
                  Quoted for hilarity. =P


                  • #10
                    Re: How to get a fellow

                    No seriously tho - you've got like 50 things to worry about before then - subjob quests, the first rank missions (youve GOTTA be in your 20's to take on the Dragon at the end of 2-3) Getting to Jeuno, Getting your choco license, it's really something to worry about later.

                    (\ /)
                    ( . . )
                    ...Somebunny loves you....

                    ...That's "Little Washu", Bub....


                    • #11
                      Re: How to get a fellow

                      ...and it's on the board somewhere that Murphie truly doesn't mind harassment, as Feba previously mentioned.


                      • #12
                        Re: How to get a fellow

                        And hey, if you can get Murphie, he's a great fellow!

