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Question about certain NMs.

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  • Question about certain NMs.

    I've been digging around FFXIWIKI but it's been hit or miss. I'm looking for NMs that drop gil such as Aquarius. (He drops 18,000G)

    Does anyone know of any others?

  • #2
    Re: Question about certain NMs.

    Actually any hnm on Aquarius's level should drop about that much in gil. It's just that they're strong enough that you need more people to kill and the more people you have the less noticeable it gets. What you want to look for is not gil drops, per se, but easy to kill HNMs on the same level as Aquarius. Genbu drops quite a bit of gil, for instance... you don't need a lot for him. May need a lot to get the pop items, but he himself isn't a massively hard kill if you have hours.

    Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


    • #3
      Re: Question about certain NMs.

      Ah..I was hoping for soloable ones? Like Aquarius, I've been killing him a few times over the past few days for some gil.


      • #4
        Re: Question about certain NMs.

        Abyss and Coral Sahagin behind the ornamented door in SSG drop nearly 10k each with gilfinder. They're level 75 mobs with more hp and Soul Voice and Benediction respectively. Easily soloable as rdm, bst, thf or nin. They repop roughly every 20 minutes so you can make some quite decent gil/hour killing them. That's where I usually farm. Competition down there's been going up lately though.

        Btw, I've tried going after the equivalent mobs in other beastman strongholds (Ruby/Adaman Quadav, Yagudo High Priest/Templar, Orcish Warlord/Hexspinner) and they do not drop anywhere close to the same amount of gil as the sahagin.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Question about certain NMs.

          I see! Thanks :D

