does anyone know when WoTG EU will be available to purchased from SE? I mean is there time line or a plan SE is doing to sell registration codes?
or its just random and would be stupid to wait ?
I can only hope
another question about crafting..
I think i'm going to level every craft to 60 first for my main then focus on what I like the most to 100 ..is this a good plan or should I pick up one to 100 and then level sup craft for that?
my first love was alchemy and I always pick this in any game but man..the future is so dark, even the craft selling in AH looked....not promising ...
or maybe I'm just exaggerating ..
does anyone know when WoTG EU will be available to purchased from SE? I mean is there time line or a plan SE is doing to sell registration codes?
or its just random and would be stupid to wait ?
I can only hope
another question about crafting..
I think i'm going to level every craft to 60 first for my main then focus on what I like the most to 100 ..is this a good plan or should I pick up one to 100 and then level sup craft for that?
my first love was alchemy and I always pick this in any game but man..the future is so dark, even the craft selling in AH looked....not promising ...
or maybe I'm just exaggerating ..