Friend of mine brought the $2.00 starter pack today to see why I like this so much. Though since they didn't have it here and he was going to PA, he just brought it from a Gamestop over there. Won't be able to install untill tomorrow.
ANYWHO. We're both curious on some things.
For one, if he installs and sets up his account tomorrow, will he only be able to play for 3 days? I'm aware SE's billing plan is on the first month of everything, and if you pay for your account on, say-- the 29th, you basically screw yourself over. What I wanna know is, if this applies to the trial too, where he won't be able to find it here again and there would go $2.00 that could've been used for a cheeseburger. >.>
Second, will it be able to use the expansions? Think I read somewhere you have to buy the codes for them... Guess he wants to know if he can at least try SAM before it ends.
Yep, that's pretty much it.
ANYWHO. We're both curious on some things.
For one, if he installs and sets up his account tomorrow, will he only be able to play for 3 days? I'm aware SE's billing plan is on the first month of everything, and if you pay for your account on, say-- the 29th, you basically screw yourself over. What I wanna know is, if this applies to the trial too, where he won't be able to find it here again and there would go $2.00 that could've been used for a cheeseburger. >.>
Second, will it be able to use the expansions? Think I read somewhere you have to buy the codes for them... Guess he wants to know if he can at least try SAM before it ends.
Yep, that's pretty much it.