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help,, i have no clue what to do..

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  • #16
    Re: help,, i have no clue what to do..

    does blue mage wear heavy armor and gs? i think ill just stay as a drk if not i want to still cast but i rather melee with the heaviest of armors and a gs
    drk/black mage or drk/whm? both casters :O
    Last edited by moogle pwnt; 03-05-2008, 05:33 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


    • #17
      Re: help,, i have no clue what to do..

      No, they don't exactly wear cloth but they don't fall under the "heavy armor" category either. Their main weapons are basically one-handed swords, the majority of them being scimitar-types.


      • #18
        Re: help,, i have no clue what to do..

        DRK will usually sub warrior, and if you play at all like me, you'll carry around a good great sword AND scythe. It helps to try and skill up each weapon equally, or as close to equal as you can. Great sword may look cool and all, but scythes tend to put out more damage, some times lots more damage, then a GS. I find that scythe levels quicker than great sword does, so I usually end up using a gs quite often.

        BLU isn't really all that similar to DRK. BLU uses magic as offense, defense, and party buffs. Weapon of choice will be swords. Also, BLU can require quite a decent amount of patience due to the fact that you can only "learn" spells from monsters as opposed to being able to buy your spells from vendors or the AH. However, I'm not doggin on BLU. BLU can be a great damage dealer, but also a tank and healer depending on level and subjob combination.

        PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
        Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
        When ignorance reigns, life is lost

