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Scripting - rules?

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  • Scripting - rules?

    Does anyone know what the policy is with scripting to change gear?

    I know ppl who use windower and have scripts associated with macros, and I know that ffxi is able to now run in windowed-mode, so if you do it and its legit, where do you put your scripts?
    | 90 SMN | 90 BRD | 90 BLM | 90 THF | 90 WAR |

    5/5 BST +2
    2/5 WAR +2

  • #2
    Re: Scripting - rules?

    Windower was against the TOS, and it is still so.

    There's a build-in macro and command system which can be used to change gears, so use with that instead.
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #3
      Re: Scripting - rules?

      Do you mean the macro command to change gear?

      If so thats:

      /equip itemslot "Equipment Name In Correct Capatilization And Quotes"

      i.e. to equip a Bronze Cap with a macro

      /equip head "Bronze Cap"

      With rings/earrings the itemslot name is ring1/ring2 and earring1/earring2
      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


      • #4
        Re: Scripting - rules?

        No, he means using Windower macros. And Itazura is right - using Windower at all is against ToS, though many players still use it regardless.


        • #5
          Re: Scripting - rules?

          Originally posted by Armando View Post
          No, he means using Windower macros. And Itazura is right - using Windower at all is against ToS, though many players still use it regardless.
          No, if you'll re-read my post, I said "now that ffxi enables you to run in windowed mode", can people still use scripts (like they use in windower, a form of window-mode) legally, and if so, how?

          [edit] if its legal to use scripts to change gear, where in the install folder are they placed? to my knowledge scripts aren't third-party software, and if it IS considered third-party software, please correct me. Just trying to get some clarity on this. I don't want to violate ToS obviously, so I'm looking for a clear answer.
          | 90 SMN | 90 BRD | 90 BLM | 90 THF | 90 WAR |

          5/5 BST +2
          2/5 WAR +2


          • #6
            Re: Scripting - rules?

            Originally posted by Zoltar View Post
            [edit] if its legal to use scripts to change gear, where in the install folder are they placed? to my knowledge scripts aren't third-party software, and if it IS considered third-party software, please correct me. Just trying to get some clarity on this. I don't want to violate ToS obviously, so I'm looking for a clear answer.
            it isn't.

            any scripts like that are all run through a function of the 3rd party windower and aren't available through the SE windowed mode.

            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


            • #7
              Re: Scripting - rules?

              SE does, however, condone using the Logitech G15 keyboard macros, although it's hardly a good way to do it, and it is a PITA to setup for FFXI. Still, it's an option.


              • #8
                Re: Scripting - rules?

                Originally posted by Feba View Post
                SE does, however, condone using the Logitech G15 keyboard macros, although it's hardly a good way to do it, and it is a PITA to setup for FFXI. Still, it's an option.
                Thanks all for the replies, guess I'll have to do it the regular way.
                | 90 SMN | 90 BRD | 90 BLM | 90 THF | 90 WAR |

                5/5 BST +2
                2/5 WAR +2


                • #9
                  Re: Scripting - rules?

                  Originally posted by Feba View Post
                  SE does, however, condone using the Logitech G15 keyboard macros, although it's hardly a good way to do it, and it is a PITA to setup for FFXI. Still, it's an option.
                  Nope - I asked a GM about that when I made a call for something else. He said using the macro keys on the G15 was use of a third-party program and against the ToS.
                  Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
                  How to ask smart questions:

                  Boom! (On SCH75/RDM)


                  • #10
                    Re: Scripting - rules?

                    Originally posted by Tsrwedge View Post
                    Nope - I asked a GM about that when I made a call for something else. He said using the macro keys on the G15 was use of a third-party program and against the ToS.
                    Ask a few more and you'll probably get a variety of different answers.
                    Ellipses on Fenrir
                    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                    . . .


                    • #11
                      Re: Scripting - rules?

                      Originally posted by Tsrwedge View Post
                      Nope - I asked a GM about that when I made a call for something else. He said using the macro keys on the G15 was use of a third-party program and against the ToS.

                      It's perfectly legal.


                      • #12
                        Re: Scripting - rules?

                        I just wish in the macro screen you could do something like:

                        /run c:\scripts\chg_gear.txt

                        Ppl are saying this kind of thing is only done by Windower so I guess I can't use it for ffxi in windowed-mode (the legal windowed-mode, NOT windower)
                        | 90 SMN | 90 BRD | 90 BLM | 90 THF | 90 WAR |

                        5/5 BST +2
                        2/5 WAR +2


                        • #13
                          Re: Scripting - rules?

                          I stand happily corrected then.
                          Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
                          How to ask smart questions:

                          Boom! (On SCH75/RDM)


                          • #14
                            Re: Scripting - rules?

                            Originally posted by Zoltar View Post
                            I just wish in the macro screen you could do something like:
                            /run c:\scripts\chg_gear.txt
                            Ppl are saying this kind of thing is only done by Windower so I guess I can't use it for ffxi in windowed-mode (the legal windowed-mode, NOT windower)
                            If wishes were fishes, we'd walk on the sea.

                            We all know what you're talking about, but as has been stated many times, it's against the ToS. You've been attempting a massive logical fallacy.

                            A is against the ToS, and coincidentally has features X and Y. SE implements feature X directly. This does not magically make A legal, nor does it magically incorporate or excuse (with regards to the ToS) feature Y.

                            It's like thinking it's legal to commit robbery once you've reached the legal drinking age because you saw a drunk guy robbing a convenience store.
                            Ellipses on Fenrir
                            There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                            . . .


                            • #15
                              Re: Scripting - rules?

                              Zoltar: Windowed mode != Windower. Don't expect anything that works in Windower to work in FFXI's Windowed mode.

