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ToAU expansion compatiblity

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  • ToAU expansion compatiblity

    [System Message: You are not allowed to post URLs as you have not yet contributed sufficiently. Please try again at a later time.]
    i would appreciate some help on this. (:

    Ok i bought the EU ffxi set which included both RotZ and CoP expansion sets. so everything was pretty smooth sailing. Then ToAU came out. Enter problem. I bought it and tried installing it. which was in vain as it was a NA version .until i tried changing the name of yr source file or sth. But i was still unable to register the expansion.

    I realised that the EU and NA versions are not compatible. So i was unable to use ToAU. which caused me to leave ffxi. (jueno was getting pretty boring) . My country doesnt hold the EU version of the expansion and I also couldnt find the EU version of Toau anywhere online. bah

    i was thinking about returning to ffxi. so i contemplated getting the NA versions of ffxi with cop and rotz altogether. but i suspect i would be unable to register the expansion on my original character as it was registered under the original EU pol code thingy.

    What shld i do? >< '' .
    please give me some advice on this

    [my message didnt turn up on the first post]
    Last edited by iZel; 11-01-2007, 10:59 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  • #2
    Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

    You will need to purchase a EU version of ToAU to get it to work, I believe. I don't know the specifics but it won't work if you don't have the right region.


    • #3
      Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

      Bummer. thanks anyway. ^^

      Any recommendations for getting an EU version of ToAU anywhere online?
      At a decent price =p


      • #4
        Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

        If you can't find the expansion pack by itself, you could alternatively buy one of those all-in-one packs, and just use the ToAU registration code, and dump the rest (Or give them to your friend). Registration code is a registration code no matter in what package you buy, and usable to register the expansion for already-active accounts.

        I don't know what part of EU you're in, but you could try Amazon nearest to your country. For instance, has the all-in-one pack for £14.98. It could possibly be cheaper than buying the expansion pack by itself. Not to mention you could save time to swap the disk to install if you've already uninstalled FFXI.


        • #5
          Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

          Oh thanks! i guess i'll have to get that. I'm from singapore by the way. So its gonna take a while =p


          • #6
            Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

            Yeah I would advise you stick with trying to get the EU version to add to your current EU codes.

            I'm in the UK and I run the US codes and have to go through the same thing everytime an expansion comes out, and order from the US.

            At one point I left FFXI, and chucked all my disks. Then when I wanted to come back, I borrowed all the UK disks from a friend and tried to play using those, but the UK POL version would not let me re-instate my account because the UK database doesn't hold any of the US POL user details. I had to do a restore of my hard drive backup to a virtual machine, and use the US version of POL to re-instate my account. However once I had done that, the UK versions of POL and FFXI+expansions worked fine, I just can't manipulate my account information using the UK POL installation.

            Writing all this out has reminded me to order a complete US pack again so I can do a full re-install ready for the new expansion coming this month. I'm fed up with having to deal with 2 versions.


            • #7
              Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

              My advice is to order the FFXI anniversary, or complation what ever pack with all FFXI expansions to date, then order WoTG allong with that and have it all shipped to you at once.


              • #8
                Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

                Thanks for all your advice. I appreciate it. ^^/

                will be home soon.

                -case closed-


                • #9
                  Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

                  [System Message: You are not allowed to post URLs as you have not yet contributed sufficiently. Please try again at a later time.]


                  • #10
                    Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

                    Just curious, but since you can make JP POL see a US FFXI install by editing the registry, can't you make the EU install discs see the US install by just copying all the registry keys into the PlayOnlineEU key list from the PlayOnlineUS key list?


                    In fact you can. I was able to install the EU WotG disc over my JP and NA FFXI installs by pasting this into a text file, saving it with a .reg file extension, and double-clicking the saved file (and having FFXI installed to the default install path, it's not hard to figure out what t change if you installed it elsewhere):

                    "CommonFilesFolder"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\"

                    "0001"="C:\\Program Files\\PlayOnline\\SquareEnix\\FINAL FANTASY XI\\"

                    The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlayOnlineEU part ends in PlayOnlineUS for an NA install, and just PlayOnline for a JP install. Of course, you still need a registration code from the region your account is from to actually get access to the expansion, but this will at least let you install the files.
                    Last edited by bungiefan; 11-23-2007, 05:36 PM.
           (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
                    My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.


                    • #11
                      Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

                      woah thanks. that will help much since i forgot how i did it already =p

                      Ill try it out.

                      info: i didnt get the toau version online, i found out one could buy a content id online from some pol service. that saved alot of hassle.

                      but i am ordering the wotg online.

                      thanks loads.

                      and good luck to all those who got screwed ( slightly) by the compatiblity issues.


                      • #12
                        Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

                        it's not the disks that is the problem. it's the registration codes. EU account won't work with NA codes.

                        Thanks Yyg!


                        • #13
                          Re: ToAU expansion compatiblity

                          The main problem are the codes.

                          But you still do need to install the expansion which cannot be done with mismatches in the expansion and main setup. Henceforth.

                          Anyway for those with problems with this, heres a summary:

                          1)Buy codes for respective expansions from Pol directly
                          2)Install the game (by whatever means)

