K so I’m currently playing World of Warcraft. And getting rather bored of how gear oriented . How if you don’t have this item you cant do this raid, and how quick it is to level . So as I said I’m leaving WoW . Ive looked into many other MMORPG’s and none has caught my eye yet . Many of my friends have played FFXI and have told me diff things each time so im here to get some info from real players.
1. With regular game play how long does leveling take?
2. Friends have told me that the gave is quite old and have lost lots of members so is there still enough around as low levels so it doesn’t make it impossible for new players to level?
3. Are the Gold Spammers as bad in FFXI as they are in WoW ?
4. Even with how old the game is are servers still populated enough with vets and newcomers?
1. With regular game play how long does leveling take?
2. Friends have told me that the gave is quite old and have lost lots of members so is there still enough around as low levels so it doesn’t make it impossible for new players to level?
3. Are the Gold Spammers as bad in FFXI as they are in WoW ?
4. Even with how old the game is are servers still populated enough with vets and newcomers?