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Does Blink stack with Utsusemi?

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  • #31
    Re: Does Blink stack with Utsusemi?

    Originally posted by Icemage View Post
    Maybe. I don't recall for certain; I just remember seeing an Utsusemi shadow effect in Promyvion a couple times and remembering it wasn't one of the standard ones because the shadows lasted a good long while.
    Seethers, the tall things that walk on two legs, use a move called Occulation and it grants them roughly 20 shadows. Best way to wipe it is with Diaga.

    Also, until the merit update, the only mobs to use :San spells were Dynamis mobs.
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


    • #32
      Re: Does Blink stack with Utsusemi?

      If San was ever player-usable in the game it was long before the PC release in the US. Never have I seen/heard of Utsusemi: San being used by any player since Ive started playing.

      There was a time when you could /recast "Utsusemi: San" and it would show up as --:-- but it never went passed that as far as I know.

      Warrior TP Warrior WS


      • #33
        Re: Does Blink stack with Utsusemi?

        Originally posted by Tokitoki View Post
        If San was ever player-usable in the game it was long before the PC release in the US. Never have I seen/heard of Utsusemi: San being used by any player since Ive started playing.
        There was a time when you could /recast "Utsusemi: San" and it would show up as --:-- but it never went passed that as far as I know.
        Never was usable, ever. It's easy to .dat swap spell animations in game so they *look* different but don't actually have the same affect. People have been doing this for years, it's how they have videos of one person doing all the Relic WSs out in Batallia Downs.
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • #34
          Re: Does Blink stack with Utsusemi?

          I was referring to this guy's post.

          Originally posted by Ameroth View Post

          Warrior TP Warrior WS


          • #35
            Re: Does Blink stack with Utsusemi?

            It says it existed, but never said it was usable. The Zerstoer(sp), the four pronged Gaxe, exists in game, you can even see an NPC in sandy with one. But it was never usable. And the Train zone dats have been in the game since it started, but again wasn't able to be used. SE probably coded it in, left it for a while unused and took it out completely. Hence why it can't be /recast now, or at least I don't believe it can be.
            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


            • #36
              Re: Does Blink stack with Utsusemi?

              You're preaching to the choir... I posted the Chocobo Woods pictures across various forums after finding them in the .dats using fftool and have been saying to Malacite recently that just because the .dat exists doesn't mean it will/is in the game.

              I was simply trying to say that just because Wiki said it was in the game doesn't mean it was ever really a part of the game and gave a reason as to why that may have been psoted.

              Warrior TP Warrior WS


              • #37
                Re: Does Blink stack with Utsusemi?

                I think the real question is, why is there a three page topic about a question that can simply be answered by saying 'no' >_>
                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                • #38
                  Re: Does Blink stack with Utsusemi?

                  well, it's one way to save a single shihei unless you have been meriting lol

