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Farming tips.

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  • Farming tips.

    Does anyone have a guide/tips for farming? I'm a level 17 BLM and I have every spell for my level except for warp and drain. My town is Bastok and the furthest Ive been from Bastok is Valkurm Dunes, so if anyone knows any places around there then that would be great, thanks.

  • #2
    Re: Farming tips.

    consider HELM instead, farming as a mage is like dancing as a white guy. It's possible, but you're just going to end up hating yourself.

    Fishing too, moat carps are the life blood of FFXI.


    • #3
      Re: Farming tips.

      Like Feba said, HELM can provide a steady income for a while, especially at lower levels. Being from Bastok you are right near Zeruhn mines, and can sell most of your stuff at the Bastok AH fairly quick.

      Also, killing the bees and worms right out side Bastok will yield various ores and bee hive chips. I believe they mainly drop Copper Ore, but occasionally zinc ores as well. Even if they don't sell on the AH, or for much, just sell every thing ot a NPC. Copper won't sell for much, as it's readily available at the guilds in Bastok, but chips will sell quickly as the alchemy guild in close by. Zinc isn't kept in stoke as much in the guilds so they will sell, albiet a little slower than chips and such.

      As well as Mining and farming ores and such, consider some low level crafting. The copper ores can be turning into ingots, and ingots into sheets and hairpins. While these may sell for less than the raw materials, keep in mind that as you mine, your inventory will fill up very fast. Being able to take 4 non-stackable ores and turning them into a stack of ingots will help easy that stress, and you can sell the ingots as stacks on the AH for more profit over all.

      Ideally for mining in Zeruhn, you'll want to level Smithing to about 15-20 so that you can craft iron ingots, and perhaps level goldsmithing to about the same. Both are extremely cheap to level at lower levels, and even more so if you are harvesting your own materials.

      Also, crystals of course can be sold on the AH for a small profit. Some however move so, and don't make much money if any after you consider AH fees. In this case, just sell them to a NPC to free up valuable inventory space.

      For helm, purchase the Pickaxes from NPCs in Bastok, they are considerably cheaper than the AH, as they are just trying to rip you off

      Other things to watch is spells that are sold by NPCs in starter towns, but catch a higher price in Jeuno. This is a risk, as the price is very volatile on these types of thngs, but keep an eye for them. Many blm and bard scrolls cost a few hundred gil in towns, yet sell for thousands on the AH in Jeuno. People are lazy and don't want to travel as they level more and more jobs up. So they just pay what people sell them for just to save that time. Becareful not to flood the market, and abandon that spell if you notice more and more being on the AH. The more up for sell, the more likely people will undercut you.

      Good luck.


      • #4
        Re: Farming tips.

        Originally posted by dymas View Post
        Does anyone have a guide/tips for farming? I'm a level 17 BLM and I have every spell for my level except for warp and drain. My town is Bastok and the furthest Ive been from Bastok is Valkurm Dunes, so if anyone knows any places around there then that would be great, thanks.
        Quest them.

        All you'll need to do is buy some beastmans's blood and some slime oil. Both cheap items.


        • #5
          Re: Farming tips.

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          consider HELM instead, farming as a mage is like dancing as a white guy. It's possible, but you're just going to end up hating yourself.

          Fishing too, moat carps are the life blood of FFXI.

          LOL great analogy.


          • #6
            Re: Farming tips.

            I wouldn't say crystals are that bad price-wise ... remember, the AH fees are lower in the 3 starting towns than Jeuno and Whitegate. On Midgard, a stack of crystals can sell for from 500 gil to 2k (depending on type, of course), a stack of copper or bronze ingots for 4k or so, and iron ore is about 1k each. I don't have enough Smithing skill yet to care about the price for iron ingots...


            • #7
              Re: Farming tips.

              You can also kill sheep and synth sheep skin into sheep leather or synth them into sheep wool.


              • #8
                Re: Farming tips.

                Fishing is i would say your best bet in bastok. I dont know wbout your server but on fairy bastok is almost always 1st so lil worms are easy to come by and rods are easy to buy if you sell your crystals. Moats can sell anywhere between 2-4k when there's 1-4 stacks on the AH they can sell for 4k when theres 4 or more stacks they'll sell fast at 2-2.5k.

                A good starting quest for gil and also get your fishing skill up is "Buckets of Gold" speak with Foss and he'll ask for 5 rusty buckets and give you 300 gil in return. Its a good quest.

                goldsmithing is pretty nice for starters when you're lvlin off all the stone worms around the area you'll get a hefty amount of copper ore.

                Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                • #9
                  Re: Farming tips.

                  Farming with mages is bad? I thought it would be a good thing because of stonaga and all the -aga spells. What job would be the best for farming then?

                  And I guess I'll try mining then. Is there a specific place in Zeruhn mines where I should mine? And how do you level smithing/goldsmithing? I can't figure out how to do it. And that kinda sucks cause I threw out like 30 copper ores cause they were taking up too much space in my storage lol.

                  Btw I'm gonna do the quest for warp but I can't do the quest for Drain cause I haven't even been to San D'Oria yet so I have no fame there.

                  And btw where in Bastok do they sell pickaxes?

                  Thanks for all your answers guys and sorry for all my questions, I'm still a huge noob lol.


                  • #10
                    Re: Farming tips.

                    Giddeus (Spelling? I totally just blanked out on that) bees were ftw at low levels for me. I killed those for ages at level 25 thf. I had treasure hunter though, and they did drop a lot, I have a feeling even without treasure hunter you'd be fine there. Sell the stacks of beehive chips and honey. You can also try crawlers in east/west saruta if you want, but those drop less often. For crawlers, you will be farming for stacks of silk thread.

                    fk yes


                    • #11
                      Re: Farming tips.

                      Pickaxes are sold by the NPCs below, and for mining you'll go into the mines and find mining points. It might help to go to and print a map of the mines displaying the mining points so you know where to look.

                      Price: ~180 - 210 gil
                      Boytz Bastok Mines H-7 Standard Merchant
                      Numa Port Bastok E-7 Standard Merchant

                      In order to synth you need to know the recipe. All the receipes are available at or There are other sources to but those will work for now.

                      To start the synth, you go to your inventory, select a crystal and choose use, then select the materials.

                      For example, a copper ingot is a Fire Crystal and 4 Copper ores. Select a fire crystal, choose use, then select 4 ores, and click ok. Be aware that synth too high above your level may result to breaks where you lose the materials, and you may from time to time even when you are near the level of the receipe.

                      Before beginning synths, go to the smith and goldsmithing guildes and find the NPC to join the guild. They are small rooms so not hard to find the right ones. You won't be able to skill up until you've joined the appropriate guild.

                      Good luck


                      • #12
                        Re: Farming tips.

                        agas suck for farming, for two reasons. One, huge MP waste, two, you have to farm monsters way below your level to not get killed instantly, and three, because it's just plain rude.

