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Which Job Should I Play?

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  • Which Job Should I Play?

    Which Job Should I Play?
    (Part I: Categories of Jobs)

    If you ever asked yourself, "Which job should I play?", the short (and correct) answer is,
    "Try out a job to see if you like it or not."
    For those who need flavors of each job to help out with the decision making process, this is your guide.

    Final Fantasy XI has 20 different jobs; the "Standard Jobs" are available as soon as you log in and create a character. The "Extra Jobs" require first reaching Lv.30 on one of the Standard Jobs, then completing certain quests. Most of the Extra Jobs are inaccessible without the appropriate expansion packs installed.

    Standard Jobs
    WAR - Warrior
    MNK - Monk
    THF - Thief
    WHM - White Mage
    BLM - Black Mage
    RDM - Red Mage
    Extra Jobs (Original)Extra Jobs (Rise of Zilart)
    NIN - Ninja
    SAM - Samurai
    DRG - Dragoon
    SMN* - Summoner
    (* Does not need Rise of Zilart installed to unlock)
    Extra Jobs (Treasure of Aht Urhgan)
    PUP - Puppetmaster
    COR - Corsair
    BLU - Blue Mage
    Extra Jobs (Wings of the Goddess)
    DNC - Dancer
    SCH - Scholar

    How to Use
    1. Read the Categories and glance through the rest of this post to find interesting sounding Jobs.
    2. Use your browser to search the rest of the posts for more detail informations on the those Jobs by their full names. (e.g. Search for ((Red Mage)) if interested in RDM.)

    Several different ways of classifying Jobs in FFXI.

    By Roles
    Most jobs have a well defined role(s) in parties; if a particular role seems appealing, read on about the jobs listed.
    - Tank: PLD, NIN, WAR(↘).
    - Healer: WHM(↗), RDM, BLU, PLD, SMN, SCH, PUP(Lv.40+), DNC(↘), DRG(↘).
    - Support: BRD(↗), COR, RDM, SMN, SCH, WHM(↘), BLM(↘), BLU(↘), DNC(↘).
    - Damage Dealer: WAR, MNK, THF, BLM, DRK, RNG, BST, NIN, SAM, DRG, PUP, BLU, SCH, SMN(↘), COR(↘), PLD(↘), DNC(↘).
    By Convenience
    If long waiting time for party invites is the deciding factor, try starting parties, play in a small group, or set up static parties. Otherwise, consider the following:
    - Solo Exp'ing: BST(↗), RDM, DRG, PUP, BLU, BLM, SMN(↘).
    - Fast Invites: BRD, RDM, COR, NIN, PLD. (Level dependent!)
    By Annoyance/Expense
    Generally, melee Jobs are more expensive than mage Jobs. Flexible Jobs with multiple subsets of equipment also add to the burden. Jobs which heavily utilize consumables tend to stand head and shoulder above others; leveling is burning Gil for them. Besides the question of money, certain jobs takes substantial amount of upfront or on-going preparations. New players should especially take these and other annoyance factors into consideration when selecting Jobs.

    Consumable Expenses:
    - NIN: Shihei for Utsusemi, plus various other Ninjutsu tools, and possibly Shurikens for the range attack NIN's. Base equipment are not very cheap, either.
    - RNG: Ammo. It is possible to toss away 100+ gil for every shot taken at a monster--hit or miss.
    - COR: Ammo, and elemental cards (for Quick Draw).
    Preparation Intensive:
    - SMN: Ideally, should acquire most Avatars before exp partying. This can be time consuming, and require high level job to start with if doing the prime avatar fights. Otherwise, have to wait until Lv.20 before able to do obtain Avatars.
    - PUP: The best attachments are expensive and/or difficult to attain. Training Automatons for skill up's can also be a bother.
    - BLU: Constantly need to update spell list--all of which must be acquired in person, by fighting monsters.
    Miscellaneous Annoyances:
    - SMN: Slow to gain some of the most useful support Blood Pacts. VERY slow in obtaining decent damage Blood Pacts.
    - RDM: Lot's of gears needed to play optimally; extensive macro gear switches and inventory crunches considered necessities.
    - NIN: Need lot's of gearing sub-sets to balance between enmity, damage output, and survivability. Full set of Ninjutsu consumes much inventory space.
    - BRD: Lot's of instruments creating inventory/storage headaches.
    - DRG: Wyvern does not last long when fighting against monsters with AoE attacks.
    - BLM: Has no place in the popular "WS Spam" parties.
    - PUP/BST/DRG/SMN: Very, very misunderstood (and thus often unwanted) by most EXP parties.
    - DD's in general: Often suffer from slow invite rate.
    - Support Job expectations: The community expect players of certain jobs to have a variety of support jobs ready to use. This can lead to problems for the player if s/he simply hates certain jobs.

    Selected FAQs
    Here are the answers to some of the most commonly asked job questions.

    Ninja vs. Paladin--which is better?
    Which is better? The answer is: Yes.

    Paladin does better against monsters with multi-hit/hand-to-hand/counter attacks, since it is not dependent on Utsusemi shadows for damage mitigation. Its impressive set of tools to secure the monsters in place also provides better safety for the party. Ninja is superior on monsters with hard hitting, single target attacks, since Utusemi absorbs 50 point blows just as well as 500 point ones. Aside from taking less MP to cure overall, NIN also provides significantly better damage output than PLD while tanking.

    Although some old-time PLD's resent the relatively upstart NIN's intrusion into the tanking scene, in truth the two jobs can work very well together in exp parties, especially when a THF is also present. With NIN main tanking, PLD can go full-time berserk and use DD gear/food, and help extending Utsusemi with Flash, and handle links and emergencies with Cures, Cover, Provoke, etc. THF can SATA on to whoever is more convenient, and the party doesn't have to worry about first provoker taking too much damage. Reverse of PLD main tanking and NIN DD or shared co-tanking also can work.

    This author thinks PLD has a more appealing "flow" or "feel" than NIN, but NIN is undeniably exciting to play. It's difficult to say which job is better for each player; it's best just to try them out. Both are fine tanks, really, but please note that NIN is more expensive to equip, and constantly drains the Gil reserve with Shihei and other Ninjutsu tools.

    Red Mage vs. Bard vs. Corsair--which is the best?
    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    RDM - Enfeebles mob, supports PT via Cures, nuke damage, Haste, Refresh, Dispel, sleeps links
    Specialty: Enfeebling
    Best with: Balanced PT. Buffs aren't amazing, but you don't get your ass kicked easily like COR and BRD do.

    BRD - Enhances allies performance with static stat bonuses, Elegy and Finalie are the prime debuffs, Ballad and Lullaby for extra support.
    Specialty: Melee buffs (March, Madrigal, Minuet)
    Best with: Melee PT. Decent in manaburn, but can't match COR's mage buffs. Ballad and Threnodies are nice, but no match for COR's mage buffs and Quick Draw.

    COR - Enhances allies performance via random percentage bonuses based on job traits, Uses Quick Draw as a mild damage nuke which enhances enfeebles and debuffs to the matching element. Refreshes, dispels, sleeps. Resets job ability timers with Random Deal and Wild Card.
    Specialty: Mage buffs (magic attack, accuracy, +hMP), pet buffs (pet attack/accuracy, pet magic attack/accuracy).
    Best with - Mage PT. Good with a melee PT when played dilligently.COR's unique melee buffs are powerful, but the ones comparable to BRD's are not
    Omgwtfbbqkitten summed them up pretty well for party use, though it should be noted that RDM is the only one which can also function as the main Healer. Outside of parties, RDM is also the (much) better solo'er, making it the most flexible and adaptive of them all.

    That said, really, most exp parties would be more than happy to have one or two of these three jobs.

    ___(Race) vs. ____(Job)
    Many new players ask "Is ____(so and so race) good for ____ (so and so job)?"

    Basically, the answer is "Yes, any race can play any job." A player's skill and preparation generally outweighs the race factor.

    That said, low level Galka magic users are more reliant on MP+ equipment and juices, while low level Tarutaru tanks may want to invest in HP+ equipment and Selbina Milk. For much of the exp party experience, though, it is MP recovery rather than max MP which determine the performance of magic users, and the max HP isn't the most important concern when it comes to tanking most monsters.

    Which support job do I need for my job?
    Obviously, that depends a lot of which job. For example, PLD needs /WAR for support job in exp parties, but a BLM does not--in fact, should not use /WAR. Also, the desired uses can dictate support job choices; a RDM does not need /NIN for exp partying at any level, but a RDM/NIN is very good for kiting and soloing.

    In Part II, each job will have a list of commonly needed support jobs.

    Aiming for "informed opinions"; none of that "this job is better than that job" snootiness, but (much) more than just bunch of lists of traits, abilities, and spells.
    Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 05-28-2008, 05:41 PM.
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku

  • #2
    Re: Which Job Should I Play?

    Which Job Should I Play?
    (Part II: Job Descriptions)

    Suggested Lv.: A suggestion on how far to take a Job in order to get a feel for how it would be like later on.
    Roles(s): The role(s) performed in exp parties.
    Minimal SJ(s): The Support Job(s) eeded to reach the suggested level(s).
    EXP SJ(s): The Support Job(s) a player should have for reaching Lv.75.
    Specialty SJ(s): Situational use Support Job(s); most listed are not for exp'ing use, at least not commonly so. (Not all jobs have these listed.)

    Not all usable support jobs are listed; the selection reflects the particular taste and knowledge/ignorance of this author, and by no means should be considered definitive.

    Standard Jobs
    These jobs are unlocked from the moment a player install and register FFXI. Everyone starts in Vana'diel with one (or more) of these jobs.

    WAR ((Warrior))
    Suggested Lv: 25+
    Role(s): Damage Dealer (physical), Tank (early levels), Puller (sometimes)
    Minimal SJ(s): /MNK
    EXP SJ(s): /NIN, /THF, /SAM
    Often starts off party life as a tank, and can continue to function as a tank, but that role is generally given to PLD and NIN after Lv.37 due to efficiency reasons. It makes for a very decent damage dealer from Lv.15 (Berserk) on.

    Suggest taking to Lv.25 as trial, for access to Berserk (Lv.15), Double Attack (Lv.25), and Defender (Lv.25).

    Prefers Great Axe and Axe for weapon, though performs better damage with Great Axe at lower levels. Warrior is asked to be puller often enough to warren carrying a ranged weapon and ammo, and should prepare both a tanking equipment set (Defense, VIT) as well as a damage equipment set (Accuracy, STR, Attack), at least to Lv.40.

    MNK ((Monk))
    Suggested Lv: 31
    Role(s): Damage Dealer (physical)
    Minimal SJ(s): /WAR
    EXP SJ(s): /WAR, /NIN
    Specialty SJ(s): /WHM
    MNK exists for damage--punches and kicks. Its output starts off as mediocre, but keeps growing as one levels. At higher levels, a MNK's very impressive damage frequently creates headaches for tanks. In party, the impressive HP bar isn't enough to keep tanking to higher levels, though should be possible to function as a tank to Lv.30.

    Lv.31 is suggest for access to Dodge (Lv.15), Focus (Lv.25), Berserk (Lv.30, from /WAR15), and Martial Arts III (Lv.31).

    The preferred weapon for MNK is Hand-to-Hand, and it's usually equipped for Accuracy, Strength, and Attack for exp parties.

    THF ((Thief))
    Suggested Lv: 30+/33+
    Role(s): Damage Dealer (physical), Enmity Control (Lv.30+), Puller (frequently)
    Minimal SJ(s): /WAR
    EXP SJ(s): /NIN, /WAR
    THF is the most technical of the three standard melee jobs. Its Sneak Attack (Lv.15) requires a THF to be facing a monster's back; its Trick Attack (Lv.30) requires another party member to stand between the THF and the monster. The ability to combine Sneak Attack and Trick Attack (SATA) is the source of THF player's power and distinction--as well as the majority of his frustration. Party members need to line up and play in a certain way to fully utilize a Thief's ability to generate an eye-popping, large damage attack, and transfer the enmity from that to another party member--usually, the tank.

    Lv.30+ is suggested, since to be a Thief is to experience SATA. However, the first great Dagger weaponskill is at Lv.33 (Viper Bite), so a player trying out the job may want to stay with THF until then.

    Preferred weapon for THF is generally the one-handed Sword before Lv.33, and the Dagger from Lv.33 on. No THF should ever go to an exp party without ranged weapons; the standard is the crossbow, for Acid Bolt, Sleep Bolt, and Bloody Bolt.

    WHM ((White Mage))
    Suggested Lv: 25/32/40
    Role(s): Healer, Support(↘) (in tandem with Healer role)
    Minimal SJ(s): /BLM
    EXP SJ(s): /BLM, /SMN
    Specialty SJ(s): /RDM, /BRD, /PUP
    The best Healer in FFXI, hands down, with the spells to cure efficiently and remove status effects from players. Also has MP efficient Protectra III/IV and Shellra III/IV, which other jobs cannot provide. (BTW, this guide's author highly recommends every new player try WHM, and take it to at least Lv.25.) Mages generally should be back-line jobs, and WHM is no exception--stay out of AoE (Area of Effect) attacks and lob cures and other spells from a distance. Outside of parties, WHM's are well recognized for their Teleport line of spells for moving people around, fast, and many WHM's charge fees for these Teleport services to supplement their income.

    WHM's role in party centers on curing and buffing, with Lv.25 is the first milestone--access to Raise (Lv.25), as well as Invisible (Lv.25), Regen (Lv.21), Sneak (Lv.20), Barfira (Lv.17), Curaga (Lv.16), and Silence (Lv.15). Lv.32 marks the second milestone with access to Erase, while Lv.40 brings Haste.

    With few exceptions, a good White Mage is the one with all his spells, and reasonable hMP and MND+ equipment.

    BLM ((Black Mage))
    Suggested Lv: 32 (or 17/50+)
    Role(s): Damage Dealer (magical), Support(↘) (in tandem with DD role).
    Minimal SJ(s): /WHM
    EXP SJ(s): /WHM, /NIN (solo/small group)
    Specialty SJ(s): /NIN, /RDM, /DRG
    To be BLM is to damage with magic spells. In large chunks. Starts off party life as the notable DD against those high defense crabs (esp. in not-so-bright parties without someone using Acid Bolts) and those hard to hit Pugils, and moves more and more toward larger, spike damages with fewer spells in higher levels. In parties, a good BLM is expected to stay in the back-line, toss out attack spells, and help out with curing party members when needed.

    Lv.32 is suggested, since that's when a BLM gains Blizzaga to Magic Burst on the popular Distortion. (Most exp monsters are weak against Ice element magic.) Magic Attack Bonus II (Lv.30) is also available then, so it's a good point for evaluation. For those with less patience, Lv.17 isn't a bad level aim for, since that's the level for access to Blizzard and Warp. While Lv.50 may be pushing things a bit, there's really nothing like the experience of MB'ing with ancient magic such as Freeze (Lv.50), so it deserves at least a mention.

    BLM equipment focuses on hMP and INT in early levels, with the addition of Magic Attack Bonus+ and Elemental Magic Skill+ items later on. A BLM should strive for all spells available, but the utility of Stone/Stonega lines are rather questionable...

    RDM ((Red Mage))
    Suggested Lv: 41
    Role(s): Support, Healer
    Minimal SJ(s): /WHM
    EXP SJ(s): /WHM, /BLM,
    Specialty SJ(s): /DRK, /BRD, /NIN
    Highly sought after in parties (esp. Lv.41+), and quite capable of (slowly) solo on its own. It's a top notch enfeebler; add to it Cure's, Protect/Shell's, Haste, and it is a very flexible mage. Outside of parties, its Stoneskin, Phalanx, and Ice Spikes spells, plus sword, dagger, and shield skills allows it to go toe to toe against many foes, or using Gravity, Bind, Sleep to play a game of kiting/sleeping and nuking with enemies it cannot fight straight on. Within parties, a RDM's duty is centered around Refresh, Haste, enfeeble, and main/backup healing. Though it is capable of contributing substantially to damage by melee'ing during earlier levels, it is safer to play as a back-line job against monsters with AoE attacks or just to ensure enough rest time to recharge MP.

    Suggest playing to Lv.41, since that's the level for Refresh, and Convert (Lv.40) would already be accessible, along with nearly the entire enfeebling repertoire (Paralyze, Slow, Blind, Silence, Gravity, Dia II/Bio II, Sleep, etc). RDM's workload in party is considerably lighter before Lv.40/41, and becomes even busier at Lv.48 with Haste, but Lv.41 is a good level to find out if RDM is truly for a player or not.

    RDM is not unlike WHM in needing hMP and MND equipment, but also desire Enfeebling Magic skill+ items. After obtaining Convert, MP+ items are very much welcomed as well (for most races). Just about every spell a RDM is useful in some situation; highly advise not skipping any.
    Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 11-22-2007, 05:39 AM.
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #3
      Re: Which Job Should I Play?

      Which Job Should I Play?
      (Part II: Job Descriptions)

      Suggested Lv.: A suggestion on how far to take a Job in order to get a feel for how it would be like later on.
      Roles(s): The role(s) performed in exp parties.
      Minimal SJ(s): The Support Job(s) eeded to reach the suggested level(s).
      EXP SJ(s): The Support Job(s) a player should have for reaching Lv.75.
      Specialty SJ(s): Situational use Support Job(s); most listed are not for exp'ing use, at least not commonly so. (Not all jobs have these listed.)

      Not all usable support jobs are listed; the selection reflects the particular taste and knowledge/ignorance of this author, and by no means should be considered definitive.

      Extra Jobs (Original)
      These jobs can be unlocked by any player with FFXI installed, after he reaches Lv.30+ in another job.

      PLD ((Paladin))
      Suggested Lv: 37
      Role(s): Tank, Damage Dealer (physical; 2nd tier), Healer (very uncommon)
      Minimal SJ(s): /WAR
      EXP SJ(s): /WAR
      Specialty SJ(s): /NIN, /WHM
      PLD is the tank of FFXI--provokes the monster into attacking him, then mitigates damage taken with defensive armor, food, job abilities, cures, and Flash. This job has a well deserved reputation for anchoring the target solidly in place better than any other job. Due to the importance of a tank in parties, PLD players enjoys above-par invite rates (Lv.37-72, roughly). While it can be a Damage Dealer and Healer, it's uncommon to find most PLD in either role (at least, before Lv.70+), especially as Healer.

      Lv.37 is suggested for Flash (Lv.37), and access to Cover (Lv.35), Auto-Refresh (Lv.35), Sentinel (Lv.30), Shield Mastery I (Lv.25), and Shield Bash (Lv.15). These, along with Provke and the Cure line of spells, really define how a Paladin plays in parties.

      A Paladin holds Sword and Shield in his hands, and aims for Vitality, Defense, Enmity+, and Shield Skill+ for armor and accessories. PLD doesn't have many spells, so get them all. Always bring defense food to parties.

      DRK ((Dark Knight))
      Suggested Lv: 37
      Role(s): Damage Dealer (physical), Enmity Transfer (Lv.60+), Puller (sometimes)
      Minimal SJ(s): /WAR
      EXP SJ(s): /WAR, /THF, /SAM, /NIN
      DRK is often (mistakenly) casted as the polar opposite of PLD, as some "uber Damage Dealer". While it is a very strong DD, DRK is frequently out damaged by the likes of WAR, MNK, DRG, and etc. With a long growth curve, DRK starts party life producing decent (though not exceptional) DoT via melee with weak damage but skillchain useful weaponskills. Mid levels, it gains the unique enfeebling/self-enhancing spells with the Absorb- line, as well as the important, safety enhancing Stun. Later on, it would become the premiere melee spike damage dealer, allowing it transfer large amounts of enmity to tanks with WS + Trick Attack using /THF. It may be most accurate to describe DRK's as the uber party-support melee DD, instead; finesse is a key to playing the DRK well.

      Lv.37 is suggested, for Stun (Lv.37), Absorb-VIT (Lv.35), Last Resort (Lv.15), Weapon Bash (Lv.20), and the job defining Soul Eater (Lv.30). Although this is far short of Lv.60+ where DRK/THF performs enmity transfer, it should be enough of a sample. Those curious about enmity transfer can take THF to 30 or 33 first, since a career DRK would need to level THF anyway. (By the way, DRK/WHM is a very good combination up to level 20, and situationally good afterwards.)

      Preferred weapons are Scythe and Great Sword, though Great Axe can be used to good effects at lower levels. Great Sword has more utility than Scythe, though a serious DRK would level both. Otherwise, equipment focuses on Accuracy, Strength, Attack, and Dark Magic Skill+. Should also pack a crossbow and cheap bolts for pulling, in case MP is hard to come by.

      RNG ((Ranger))
      Suggested Lv: 30
      Role(s): Damage Dealer (physical), Puller (frequently)
      Minimal SJ(s): /WAR or /NIN
      EXP SJ(s): /NIN, /WAR
      Due to ammo expenditure, RNG is one of the most expensive Job to level in FFXI. The trade off is that range attacks' pDIF has a smaller level difference penalty than melee attacks--the basis for the power of Ranger against Incredibly Tough (IT) rated monsters compared to the melee Jobs. Party life for RNG's usually revolves around pulling monsters to camp, find the "sweet spot" distance to balance damage and accuracy (farther away equals more power but less accuracy), and does as much damage as possible without moving the monster around.

      Lv.30 suggested for Barrage (Lv.30) and Accuracy Bonus II (Lv.30). This will give the player a taste of fast TP gain and high damage a RNG is capable of, without the expense of higher level range weapons/ammo. (The wonderful experience that is Sidewinder/Slugshot, unfortunately, would fall out of this scope.)

      Bow, Gun, and Crossbow. In lower levels, Bows have the best damage and can use arrows with accuracy+ on them, but Crossbows can utilize Acid Bolt (Lv.15) to increase the damage from all physical attacks by all physical DD's in party. Crossbow's damage picks up when Holy Bolt (Lv.30) becomes available, but supposedly Guns are the top choice for the end levels. Range Accuracy, STR, Range Attack, and AGI are sought after in equipment and food.

      BST ((Beastmaster))
      Suggested Lv: 23
      Role(s): Solo'er, Damage Dealer (physical), Solo'er.
      Minimal SJ(s): /WHM (solo use, mostly)
      EXP SJ(s): /WHM, /NIN, /WAR
      BST is a "Pet Job", but doesn't come with any pet. The pets are either the local monsters captivated by Charm (Lv.1), or "jug pets" lured using Call Beast (Lv.23). Damage wise, most charmed "Event Match" Lv.10+ beasts are much more capable than players at the same level. That power is tempered by the unreliability of charm, however. This combination makes BST the most capable EXP solo'er in FFXI--and the most frequently K.O.'ed one. In traditional parties, BST with an appropriate pet is an exceptional damage dealer on the front-line. Yet, party invites tend to be sparse for this frequently misunderstood Job--good thing a BST is a natural for solo'ing and duo'ing.

      By Lv.23, a BST player would have had plenty of experience charming (and failing to charm) beasts as companions in quest of experience. With Call Beast (Lv.23) providing the alternative source for pets, the foundation of BST's exp style is complete. (Leave (Lv.35) job ability enables more advance tactics, but everything is still largely build on what was learned in the first 23 levels.)

      When solo'ing, the idea is to be prepared--and do so with great freedom for individual tastes. Aside from the universal Light/Apollo Staff, Charm+/CHR gear, and Reraise items, BST's have been known to lug along various combination and degree of: MP gear/food, hMP gear/food, Refresh gear, juice (refresh), regen drinks, accuracy/attack/defense gear/food, Powder Boots (charged item, for Flee), jug pets, pet food, one-handed Axe, shield, and more! In traditional parties, BST tend to stick to accuracy/attack DD gears/food like WAR does, but bring level appropriate DD jug pets as well. BST is legendary for its ability to obtain Beastmen's Seals--with so many BCNM opportunities, mid to high level BST's really have no excuse for sub-par gears.

      BRD ((Bard))
      Suggested Lv: 25+
      Role(s): Support, Puller (mostly at higher levels)
      Minimal SJ(s): /WHM
      EXP SJ(s): /WHM, /NIN
      Specialty SJ(s): /RDM
      Bard excels at making a party stronger. In EXP parties, a BRD provides damage boosting songs (Minuet, March, Madrigal) to the front line, and refresh and mage specific songs to the back line (Ballad, Etude), and sometimes help healing with Paeon and/or Cure spells from /WHM. In addition, it enfeebles targets with the likes of Elegy (slow), Threnody (lower elemental resist), and Requiem (DoT), as well as perform crowd control with Lullaby (sleep). In special fights, Bards have many tools to boost performances of mission critical members, such as Minne for PLD tank's defense, Mambo for NIN tank's evasion, or use Carol to boost elemental resistance for the entire party. This makes BRD one of the most sought after Job by EXP parties and by end game community.

      At Lv.25, BRD receives Mage's Ballad, and becomes firmly set in the routine of separate front line and back line song support, making it the ideal level for newer players to evaluate if BRD is for them to take to 75.

      Not all BRD songs are useful, but most of them can be obtained cheaply from NPC's. Equipment wise, some MP+ gear for /WHM's spells are nice, and CHR boosts the potency of some songs. More important are the instruments which enhance songs, and the elemental staves (Lv.51) for matching offensive songs, plus Dark Staff for MP healing.
      Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 11-24-2007, 04:07 PM.
      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
      leaving no trace in the water.

      - Mugaku


      • #4
        Re: Which Job Should I Play?

        Which Job Should I Play?
        (Part II: Job Descriptions)

        Suggested Lv.: A suggestion on how far to take a Job in order to get a feel for how it would be like later on.
        Roles(s): The role(s) performed in exp parties.
        Minimal SJ(s): The Support Job(s) eeded to reach the suggested level(s).
        EXP SJ(s): The Support Job(s) a player should have for reaching Lv.75.
        Specialty SJ(s): Situational use Support Job(s); most listed are not for exp'ing use, at least not commonly so. (Not all jobs have these listed.)

        Not all usable support jobs are listed; the selection reflects the particular taste and knowledge/ignorance of this author, and by no means should be considered definitive.

        Extra Jobs (Zilart)
        Except for Summoner, these jobs can be unlocked only by players with Lv.30+ job and Rise of the Zilart expansion pack installed.

        NIN ((Ninja))
        Suggested Lv: 37/40
        Role(s): Tank, Damage Dealer (melee/ranged, and magical; level dependent), Solo'er.
        Minimal SJ(s): /WAR
        EXP SJ(s): /WAR
        Specialty SJ(s): /DRK (/RNG, /RDM, /BLM to lesser extend)
        Ninja is the trick tank of game--it deals with damage by avoiding it entirely--in theory, at least. Party life begins at Lv.12 for NIN, when it can begin to function as a co-tank, reducing overall curing needs with Utsusemi line of Ninjutsu. It is often pressed into main tanking before Utsusemi: Ni with poor results, especially given the low enmity generation ability from a NIN at those levels, and the lack of Trick Attack from THF until Lv.30. If not tanking, NIN becomes a good DD at Lv.20+, though not always by using /WAR. Outside of parties, NIN can be pretty decent at soloing, though somewhat dangerous against monsters with multi-hit attacks or the ability to silence or paralyze.

        Lv.37 for Utsusemi: Ni; its four shadows finally gives a NIN the ability to ably main tank without the excessive gap between one three-shadow Utsusemi: Ichi to the next one, 30 seconds away. Lv.40 is the real recommended level, though; with the use of Ni level -ton Ninjutsu's, a NIN can securely hold the monster without Trick Attack, if the DD's show moderate restraints during battles.

        Leveling NIN is inventory heavy. Aside from all the different Ninjutsu tools and tool bags, NIN's often have multiple sub-sets of gears: Accuracy/Attack set, evasion set, enmity set, and eventually, a haste set. Oddball NINs may even carry INT/MAB set or range accuracy sets. Spell wise, get everything--many have claimed that NIN's enfeebs are stronger than matching RDM's versions. Between gears, tools, and possibly shurikens, leveling NIN properly is pretty expensive.

        SAM ((Samurai))
        Suggested Lv: 30
        Role(s): Damage Dealer, Skillchain assistant.
        Minimal SJ(s): /WAR or /RNG or /DRG
        EXP SJ(s): /WAR, /THF
        Specialty SJ(s): /RNG
        Samurai is normally thought of as the master of TP, though many other jobs can obtain TP about as fast. What truly distinguish SAM from other melees is how well it can skillchain--able to open and close almost any skillchain, and the ability to reliably gain TP on demand via Meditate (Lv.30). SAM is not reliable at soloing, though Seigan (Lv.35) is pretty useful for that. In parties, the SAM's role is DD/skillchain, though at higher level it may be possible to tank VT's, using its damage output to compensate for the lack of enmity tools.

        Recommend leveling to Lv.30, for Mediate (Lv.30), Store TP II (Lv.30), Hasso (Lv.25), Zanshin (Lv.20), Third Eye (Lv.15), the ability to open and close Distortion (Tachi: Enpi), and open Fragmentation (Tachi: Hobaku).

        Low level Great Katana's are few in number, and fairly inexpensive (even HQ ones), so it's worthwhile and easy to keep up. (Pick up a Katayama Ichimonji if possible.) The adventurous can go with Polearm (Obelisk Lv.4, Bronze Spear +1 Lv.7) for better damage during very low levels (Lv.4 to 10, then switch to Katayama Ichimonji). Long term wise, SAM's share with other melees the same love for accuracy, strength, and attack gears.

        DRG ((Dragoon))
        Suggested Lv: 25
        Role(s): Damage Dealer, Healer (rarely in parties), Solo'er.
        Minimal SJ(s): /WAR or /WHM
        EXP SJ(s): /WAR, /THF, /SAM
        Specialty SJ(s): /BLU, /WHM, /RDM (for solo and alternative partying)
        Dragoon is a versatile job. It's probably the most devastating Damage Dealer below Lv.30, and does quite well as DD to Lv.75, especially when its Wyvern damage is accounted for. DRG's role in party is usually DD, though it can function as main healer (usu. Lv.40+). It is also capable of solidly hold monster from damage and Provoke alone between Lv.10 to Lv.20. Look for THF in parties, as DRG is terrific at opening Distortion for one. Outside of parties, DRG is a capable solo'er, nearly on par with PUP, and able to take on more type of monsters than SMN.

        Recommend taking DRG to Lv.25, for Spirit Link (Lv.25), Jump (Lv.10), Call Wyvern (Lv.1), Attack Bonus (Lv.10), and Healing Breath II (Lv.20). BTW, it may be a little odd, but DRG/RNG is rather nice Lv.20 to Lv.29 if no healing is required.

        DRG's share with other melees the same love for accuracy, strength, and attack gears. (Soloing DRG may want a little more MP and defense, however.) Weapon wise, the Polearm is it, though some odd situations may make Staff attractive thanks to Spirit Taker.

        SMN ((Summoner))
        Suggested Lv: 25
        Role(s): Support, Healer, Damage Dealer, Solo'er.
        Minimal SJ(s): /WHM
        EXP SJ(s): /WHM
        Summoner is difficult to get a handle on. It (slowly) gains many useful support Blood Pacts as it levels, but it does not have any Refresh like capability. Its Avatars can open/close any skillchain, but generally not for great deal of damage. It can also Magic Burst for respectable damage, but not at all levels. It has a huge MP pool for healing, but is capped at Cure III from /WHM. It's a good addition for a balanced party with everything already, though it's usually brought in as a main healer. It can solo ably on Bomb and Worm type of monsters outside of parties for experience points.

        A long, rewarding growth curve and a diverse set of abilities makes SMN ideal for players looking for a challenge. Lv.25 is recommended; at that level, its ability includes tier II elemental magic BP's (Lv.10), Aerial Armor (Lv.25) buff, Lunar Cry (Lv.21) debuff, the ability to open and close all Lv.2 skillchain, and Cure II from /WHM (Lv.22). Those are just the tip of a SMN's eventual power, but already cover all the basics with examples of useful buff, debuff, healing, skillchain, and Magic Burst.

        Since a SMN is overwhelmingly dependent on its Avatar, getting as many Avatar as possible before partying is a good idea. Certainly all the Celestial Avatars (Ifrit, Shiva, Garuda, Titan, Ramuh, and Leviathan) should be obtained, and Fenrir is highly recommend. Equipment wise, it's hMP/MP gear, and elemental staves (Lv.51) to save on perpetuation cost. Soloing SMN should obtain the HQ Light Staff, Apollo's Staff, and enmity reduction gear as soon as possible.
        Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 11-24-2007, 02:59 PM.
        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
        leaving no trace in the water.

        - Mugaku


        • #5
          Re: Which Job Should I Play?

          Which Job Should I Play?
          (Part II: Job Descriptions)

          Suggested Lv.: A suggestion on how far to take a Job in order to get a feel for how it would be like later on.
          Roles(s): The role(s) performed in exp parties.
          Minimal SJ(s): The Support Job(s) eeded to reach the suggested level(s).
          EXP SJ(s): The Support Job(s) a player should have for reaching Lv.75.
          Specialty SJ(s): Situational use Support Job(s); most listed are not for exp'ing use, at least not commonly so. (Not all jobs have these listed.)

          Not all usable support jobs are listed; the selection reflects the particular taste and knowledge/ignorance of this author, and by no means should be considered definitive.

          Extra Jobs (Aht Urhgan)
          These jobs can be unlocked only by players with Lv.30+ job and Treasure of Aht Urhgan expansion pack installed.

          PUP ((Puppetmaster))
          Suggested Lv: 20+
          Role(s): Damage Dealer (physical or magical), Tank (very rare), Healer (Lv.40+), Solo'er.
          Minimal SJ(s): /MNK
          EXP SJ(s): /WAR (standard), /WHM (rare)
          Like Summoner, much of a Puppetmaster's capability comes from its "pet", which is the Automaton in PUP's case. Unlike SMN's avatars, however, the Automaton has no unique enfeebs nor group buffs. In return, PUP itself can remain on the front line to contribute damage or even tank (with Automaton set to "cure bot") for a party. PUP is suitable as a non-skillchain physical DD, backup or primary healer (Lv.40+ with Soulsoother Head), or manaburn magic DD (Spiritreaver Head). Also a capable solo'er, nearly on par with BST, trading slower kill rate for lack of pet swap hassles.

          Lv.20 is suggested, since that allows the player to acquire three out of four Automaton frame available. Sharpshot is a very capable DD frame, and is recommended for Lv.10 upgrade, with magic based Stormwaker for Lv.20. (The starter Harlequin frame is reasonably good for solo, though Stormwaker can do better.) Note that Automaton skills can be leveled while on /PUP, and it's a good idea to cap new frames' skills on higher level job first.

          An Automaton without Attachments is useless. It takes a bit of research to figure out which combination of attachments, frame, and head would work the best, and quite a bit of gil to get the best attachments. On top of that, many PUP's have reported very slow invite rate, making this job unsuitable for players who do not like soloing at least some of the time. However, its reconfigurability makes it a worthy match for players willing to dedicate the effort and money, and comes with the fringe benefit of being the best support job (something/PUP) for soloing new Jobs to Lv.10. (It's also worth noting that every Attachment is usable from Lv.1--no one else can Flash from Lv.1 to Lv.36.)

          COR ((Corsair))
          Suggested Lv: 23/40
          Role(s): Support, Damage Dealer (mostly physical; second tier)
          Minimal SJ(s): /WHM
          EXP SJ(s): /RNG, /NIN, /WHM
          COR is the premier support role Job for BLM manaburn parties, and for SMN, BST, DRG, and/or PUP based parties. Luck depending, it can rival or exceed BRD's buff'ing in traditional, balanced parties as well as TP spam parties, but less capable of pulling due to the inability to override existing rolls with the same ones. A COR's strength is at providing Job based enhancement, with unique buffs which stack with everything a BRD and/or RDM can offer. Where a COR loses out is in the debuffs, as it cannot do much besides dispel, sleep, and enhance debuffs (excluding songs) applied by others--all on a shared, one minute cool down timer. To balance that, COR contributes damages a support role RDM cannot match and a BRD cannot even dream of. Note that its Wild Card is arguably the powerful two-hour ability for any support role job--so much so, it's reported end-game LS's bring Lv.1 COR's to some fights just for Wild Card.

          Lv.23 is the recommended level for those interested in checking out COR. By then, a player would have had access to both melee buff Phantom Rolls like Hunter's Roll (Lv.8) and Chaos Roll (Lv.14), a mage buff as in Healer's Roll (Lv.20), as well as its first pet buff Puppet Roll (Lv.23). Note that Quick Draw, COR's ability to enhance debuffs and sleep/dispel monsters, won't come until Lv.40, along with Evoker's Roll for refresh effect.

          The dices are all available from NPC, so there really is no reason to be missing any Phantom Roll. Given its B rating in marksmanship, range accuracy gear and food should be standard for any COR. At very low levels, equip sword when able, until Archer's Knife. Elemental Cards and level appropriate bullet and gun are not optional; the consumable expenses will add up, but that's no excuse. Those players who wish to make good use out of /WHM are strongly urged consider MP gear and juices at lower levels.

          BLU ((Blue Mage))
          Suggested Lv: 30+
          Role(s): Damage Dealer (physical and magical), Healer (rare), Tank (limited), Support (limited), Solo'er.
          Minimal SJ(s): /WAR, or /WHM
          EXP SJ(s): /NIN, /THF, /WHM (rare)
          Specialty SJ(s): /WAR
          Blue Mage is easily the most flexible Job in FFXI. A player can customize traits and spells to play BLU as an impressive damage dealer, competent healer, workable tank, or even helping the support role jobs with additional debuffs. Given its popularity and the crowd of players rushing to level this Job, it has a somewhat spotty reputation, and invite suffers slightly as a result.

          Lv.30 is suggested. Wild Carrot (Lv.30), Healing Breaze (Lv.16), and Pollen (Lv.1) gives a plausible set of tools for a healer BLU, especially with /WHM as support jobs. For DD orientated players, this is when Sneak Attack from /THF becomes available. Those who wish to add a little support role already have plenty to choose from, such as Sprout Smack (Lv.4), Wild Oats (Lv.4), Head butt (Lv.12), and more. Tanking BLU should have plenty of chance to practice as well, since Cocoon (Lv.8) is available so early, though Bludgeon (Lv.18) for a quick enmity/damage spike comes a bit later.

          BLU draws from a large list of Blue Magic spells mimicking monsters' and Beastmen's special attacks, and combine them to form traits and stat boosts. The Blue Magic spells are just as vital as any equipment in shaping a BLU's performance, and acquiring them is the top priority for every BLU player. Equipment wise, physical DD BLU's will want accuracy, and healer BLU will want MND. (INT and MAB subset for magic burst.) Blue Mages are still mages, so the usual lust for MP and hMP gear still applies.

          Extra Jobs (Altana)
          These jobs can be unlocked only by players with Lv.30+ job and Wings of the Goddess (アルタナの神兵) expansion pack installed.

          DNC ((Dancer))
          Suggested Lv: ?
          Role(s): Healer, Support
          Minimal SJ(s): /NIN, /WHM (?)
          EXP SJ(s): ?
          Specialty SJ(s): ?
          Dancer is very new to the scene. It requires TP for most dances, making it a front line job. Its best weapon is dagger, so that and accuracy gear/food is suggested for helping with TP generation. Dancer is for the adventurous players who would like to help define a new job's role.

          SCH ((Scholar))
          Suggested Lv: ?
          Role(s): Healer, Support, DD (magical)
          Minimal SJ(s): ?
          EXP SJ(s): ?
          Specialty SJ(s): ?
          Scholar is very new to the scene as well. It has both black magic, white magic, as well as unique spells. Those require significant MP, making it a back line job. It remains to be seen how its potency and MP saving job ability would function. Scholar is for the adventurous players who would like to help define a new job's role.
          Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 11-24-2007, 04:08 PM.
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • #6
            Re: Which Job Should I Play?

            Which Job Should I Play?
            (Part III: Additional Job Info)

            BLM ((Black Mage)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Dreams.
            BLU ((Blue Mage)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam.
            BRD ((Bard)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam.
            BST ((Beastmaster)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam, Dreams.
            COR ((Corsair)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki.
            DNC ((Dancer)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki.
            DRG ((Dragoon)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki.
            DRK ((Dark Knight)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam.
            NIN ((Ninja)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam.
            MNK ((Monk)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam.
            PLD ((Paladin)): [FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam.
            PUP ((Puppetmaster)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam.
            RDM ((Red Mage)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Dreams.
            RNG ((Ranger)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki.
            SAM ((Samurai)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki.
            SCH ((Scholar)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki.
            SMN ((Summoner)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki.
            THF ((Thief)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam.
            WAR ((Warrior)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam.
            WHM ((White Mage)): FFXIclopedia, BG-Wiki, Allakhazam.

            To Do's
            - [Deferred] An "Off Beaten Path" section; maybe for "Pet Jobs", "Versatile Jobs", etc.
            - [Done] Revise: COR and PUP to account for updates.
            - [Done] Add: WotG jobs, SCH and DNC.
            - [Done] Finish: Extra Jobs (Aht Urhgan)
            - [Done] Finish: Extra Jobs (Zilart)
            - [Done] Finish: Extra Jobs (Original)
            - [Done] Add a "By Expense/Annoyance" section. Definitely list consumable users like RNG, COR, and NIN. Don't forget how troublesome it is to be a fully prepared SMN, either.
            - [Done] Probably should address "Race vs. Job" question somewhere.

            - (Nakti) WHM has Teleport spells!
            - (Haggai) RoZ isn't actually needed for unlocking SMN.
            - (Omgwtfbbqkitten) "Consumables" Jobs are expensive.
            - (Omgwtfbbqkitten) RDM vs. BRD vs. COR comparision.
            - (Feba) Made me save an extra post for future expansion.
            - (Amele) PLD can DD, MNK uses /NIN, WHM uses /RDM, and BLM is Support(↘).
            - (Amele) English lesson: "Melees" is the correct plural form and "soloing" is a real word.
            - (Vyuru) DRG should have /SAM.
            - (Vyuru, Omgwtfbbqkitten) DRG can use /RDM and /BLU.
            - (Omgwtfbbqkitten) COR's Quick Draw cannot strengthen debuffs from Songs.
            - (Amele) WAR/SAM, BLM/NIN
            - (Mosh) WAR/SAM, BLM/NIN, BRD can be puller earlier, SMNs don't have to do Prime fights for most Avatars.
            - (Hongman) For demanding more clarity with support jobs listed with Red Mage.

            Version History
            - 2007.11.24 Added Part II: Extra Jobs (Altana)'s.
            - 2007.11.24 Revised Part II: Extra Jobs (Zilart)'s formatting.
            - 2007.11.22 Created Part III: Additional Job Info.
            - 2007.11.22 Revised Part II: Extra Jobs (Original)'s formatting.
            - 2007.11.22 Revised Part II: Standard Jobs' formatting.
            - 2007.11.22 Revised and expanded Part I.
            - 2007.09.20 Replaced FFXIclopedia links with
            - 2007.09.19 Clarified that SMN can obtain Avatars w/out Prime fights.
            - 2007.09.19 Added /SAM for WAR, /NIN for BLM, BRD can pull earlier.
            - 2007.07.01 COR's Quick Draw cannot enhance Song debuffs.
            - 2007.05.25 Added /BLU and /RDM as DRG's alternative to /WHM.
            - 2007.05.17 Added /SAM for DRG.
            - 2007.05.17 Revised Dragoon entry; made more clear PLD can DD; MNK uses /NIN; WHM uses /RDM; and, BLM can be Support(↘).
            - 2007.05 16 Completed "Extra Jobs (Aht Urghan)" section.
            - 2007.05.16 Began work on "Extra Jobs (Aht Urghan)" section.
            - 2007.05.11 Completed "Extra Jobs (Zilart)" section; reorganized into mutiple posts in a new thread.
            - 2007.04.16 Began work on"Extra Jobs (Zilart)" section.
            - 2007.04.12 Completed "Extra Jobs (Original)".
            - 2007.04.12 Added the "Credits" section, revised WHM to include teleports.
            - 2007.04.10 Major re-org; separated detail job descriptions into separate post.
            - 2007.04.10 Added "The 'Vs.' FAQ's" section.
            - 2007.04.10 Began guide; completed "Standard Jobs".
            Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 11-24-2007, 04:04 PM.
            Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
            yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
            Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
            leaving no trace in the water.

            - Mugaku


            • #7
              Re: Which Job Should I Play?

              Content complete. (At last!)

              Proof readers and constructive criticism wanted. >_>;

              p.s. Can I have a sticky for this? ^_^;
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #8
                Re: Which Job Should I Play?

                Really nice guide. Thank you Ifritno^^

                And nigh on impossible to come up with any way of improving it, let alone fault it.

                For the sake of brainstorming though, how about a section within each Job detailing typical uses and demand (or lack of) outside of Exp-PT situtations. Mentioning for example that SMNs are generally highly sought-after at 30+ for Promies, NINs that make it to 40 have a wealth of BCNM options open to them, etc. etc.

                Not a great suggestion but, egh.. I wanted to try.
                Oh, Warp. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...


                • #9
                  Re: Which Job Should I Play?

                  Great guide, although you forgot /NIN as an RDM SJ.


                  • #10
                    Re: Which Job Should I Play?

                    1) put up arrows next to the dedicated DD (if this is meant to be about all level ranges, nin is a subpar DD until Blade: jin and later) also consider adding monk with a down arrow to tanking. (monk is an excellent tank with counterstance, and can get even better with shadows) consider adding PLD with a down arrow in the DD line as well.
                    2) with the (level dependent) tag, consider adding "whm" and "blm(down arrow)" to the fast invites list. - whm enjoys fast invites throughout all levels, only dipping from 41-56. blackmage enjoys fast invites until 55 and can continue to get decent invites well into the 70's.
                    3) misc. annoyances: add whm: abusive players with raise/teleport demands.
                    4) add /sam as a main support job for warrior (since this seems to be discussing level ranges including 70+ ) because of the built in 10% haste, which will further stack with rune chopper, this is the preferred g.axe sub at higher levels now.
                    5) if you're listing mnk/whm, you need to list mnk/nin too (most monks will spend much more time as mnk/nin than they ever will as mnk/whm at 75) it might be worth mentioning that mnk/whm is primarily only used for chi-blast rotations against certain nm's (and is also going out of style).
                    6) consider listing thf/rng, although this has been going out of style lately as well.
                    7) list redmage as a main support job for whitemage, post 64 whm may need /rdm to gain access to dispel for certain situations - particularly merits against mobs with strong stoneskin or defense up effects. consider changing 32 to 33 (reraise I ) since reraise is a major feature of the whitemage job. also consider mentioning enfeebling ability as a secondary role (since until 70+ whm enfeebles fine)
                    8) stone/stonega are the strongest spells at the level you get each one, and are better than water vs. crabs, or wind vs. puks (the next two spells in each tier) so until 70+ stone/stonega have their place, same as fire and aero, I'd recommend removing the line. also, consider adding /nin if we're talking about 75 (we seem to be, given that you listed /drk for rdm and /whm for monk). consider adding enfeebling as a secondary role for blm, since some of blm's mainline spells and several strong subspells are available to enfeeble the mob.
                    9) consider adding /sam as a 'main' subjob. while /war give more damage up traits, the seigan-shadows provide much better survivability, while sacrificing a smaller amount of damage output than /nin. consider adding /nin as well, (dual axe rampage, etc).
                    10) move /drg from minimal to main subjob for samurai unless you mean for minimal subjob to be specifically about sub-level 30. it's a good subjob but it's much more of an alternative play style once you leave the jungle.
                    11) make a note in the dragoon section that rdm works as a subjob choice as well (and consider adding sam also - again, 2 handed weapon wielder). this section also needs proofreading (I'll highlight issues at the bottom of my post, but leave the changes up to you since it's yours to reword).
                    overall, really nice guide, thumbs up.
                    dragoon proofread
                    Grant me wings so I may fly;
                    My restless soul is longing.
                    No Pain remains no Feeling~
                    Eternity Awaits.


                    • #11
                      Re: Which Job Should I Play?

                      Originally posted by hongman View Post
                      Great guide, although you forgot /NIN as an RDM SJ.
                      for soloing and special occasions yeah, but certainly not as a main SJ in exp parties

                      Thanks Yyg!


                      • #12
                        Re: Which Job Should I Play?

                        And /DRK is?


                        • #13
                          Re: Which Job Should I Play?

                          /drk is used frequently at 75 for all the events *outside* of exp. /nin is only ever used solo or screwing around with friends.

                          /drk belongs unless ifritnoitazura decides that this guide shouldn't actually include any references to how the game is handled at 75.
                          Grant me wings so I may fly;
                          My restless soul is longing.
                          No Pain remains no Feeling~
                          Eternity Awaits.


                          • #14
                            Re: Which Job Should I Play?

                            Wow. Thanks, Amele! (It'll take me a bit to go through everything you've posted, though. )

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            1) put up arrows next to the dedicated DD (if this is meant to be about all level ranges,
                            I've thought about this, but there are just too many DD's, and I didn't want to get into the argument with anyone (even myself) about which DD's are the "true tier 1" DD's.

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            nin is a subpar DD until Blade: jin and later)
                            Not exactly, depending on the NIN's setup. NIN/RNG can be a pretty impressive range attacker once Juji Shuriken is available, and NIN40-60 is a nuker second to none with /RDM and /BLM. Haven't really investigated post Lv.60 NIN's DD potential, but my feeling that it's there.

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            also consider adding monk with a down arrow to tanking. (monk is an excellent tank with counterstance, and can get even better with shadows)
                            I haven't been very impressed with MNK tanking, preferring even PUP over them--at least PUP's bring their own cure bot. MNK's tanking performance seems to be strongly dependent on its extremely hard to cap Guard skill. I'm not sure if Counterstance is suitable for tanking anything above Even Match, and Utsusemi tanking isn't viable until Lv.74, isn't it?

                            I guess I can add MNK to tanking; it is doably on VT and lower, but I had a really bad experience with MNK tanking in Gustav Tunnel. (MNK x2 sharing tanking.) Seems like MNK tanking is easy to mess up.

                            BTW, I tried MNK/WAR tanking myself, but even with all the defense and VIT gear gathered up just for the purpose, I was an MP sink fighting Yhoator Mandragora on defense food. Definitely had no chance against Goblins.

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            consider adding PLD with a down arrow in the DD line as well.
                            Hmm. I didn't do that? That was an oversight. >_>;

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            2) with the (level dependent) tag, consider adding "whm" and "blm(down arrow)" to the fast invites list. - whm enjoys fast invites throughout all levels, only dipping from 41-56. blackmage enjoys fast invites until 55 and can continue to get decent invites well into the 70's.
                            WHM, maybe, but not BLM. That said, the difference between the number of unsolicited invites I've received between on popular jobs (PLD, NIN, and RDM) vs. WHM, is pretty large. I don't think my BLM gotten more than one unsolicited invite in 56 levels.

                            For now, I think it suffices to call WHM's invite rate "average", and DD's "often lower".

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            3) misc. annoyances: add whm: abusive players with raise/teleport demands.
                            Heh. I know some WHM are annoyed with that, but it's not an annoyance which significantly hinders progress. No on this.

                            Disclaimer: I am (was) a tele-taxi, so it's income to me rather than annoyance.

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            4) add /sam as a main support job for warrior (since this seems to be discussing level ranges including 70+ ) because of the built in 10% haste, which will further stack with rune chopper, this is the preferred g.axe sub at higher levels now.
                            Er, I don't know. I don't see many WAR/SAM's running around. Are they popular now in end game? Do HNM LS leaders ask WAR's to come as /SAM frequently?

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            5) if you're listing mnk/whm, you need to list mnk/nin too (most monks will spend much more time as mnk/nin than they ever will as mnk/whm at 75) it might be worth mentioning that mnk/whm is primarily only used for chi-blast rotations against certain nm's (and is also going out of style).
                            You're right; /NIN is popular enough for both DRK and MNK. Will fix that.

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            6) consider listing thf/rng, although this has been going out of style lately as well.
                            It was never in style.

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            7) list redmage as a main support job for whitemage, post 64 whm may need /rdm to gain access to dispel for certain situations - particularly merits against mobs with strong stoneskin or defense up effects. consider changing 32 to 33 (reraise I ) since reraise is a major feature of the whitemage job. also consider mentioning enfeebling ability as a secondary role (since until 70+ whm enfeebles fine)
                            Agree /RDM should be listed, but it's really for Fast Cast for speedy cures during special fights. (Most parties have a support role job with dispel of some sort.)

                            RR is nice, but doesn't alter the experience of WHM nearly as much as Erase or Haste. I'll stay on 32/40.

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            8) stone/stonega are the strongest spells at the level you get each one, and are better than water vs. crabs, or wind vs. puks (the next two spells in each tier) so until 70+ stone/stonega have their place, same as fire and aero, I'd recommend removing the line.
                            There aren't many monsters weak against Earth element, and neither Gravitation nor Scission is all that popular. That line of spell seems MP inefficient and of limited use. (The BLM75 in my LS made fun of my Quake purchase, and even I elected to skip Stonega II myself.)

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            also, consider adding /nin if we're talking about 75 (we seem to be, given that you listed /drk for rdm and /whm for monk). consider adding enfeebling as a secondary role for blm, since some of blm's mainline spells and several strong subspells are available to enfeeble the mob.
                            I'm a bit away from Lv.75, but do BLM's really use /NIN that much? Seems like /RDM and /WHM are much more popular.

                            As for enfeebling magic of BLM(C+) and WHM(C), I don't think much of them, especially after RDM gets Warlock's Tabard. Dia II and Sleepga II aside, they are mostly good for second chance enfeeb to catch something the RDM missed.

                            BLM's elemental enfeebs aren't too bad, but most BLM's I came across in exp parties don't bother with them. I'll have to say the non-JP community is limiting BLM to be DD, with JP community using it as DD/healer hybrid. Other than Sleep, BLM usually do not get involved much in a support role.

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            9) consider adding /sam as a 'main' subjob. while /war give more damage up traits, the seigan-shadows provide much better survivability, while sacrificing a smaller amount of damage output than /nin. consider adding /nin as well, (dual axe rampage, etc).
                            Which (main) job are you talking about?

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            10) move /drg from minimal to main subjob for samurai unless you mean for minimal subjob to be specifically about sub-level 30. it's a good subjob but it's much more of an alternative play style once you leave the jungle.
                            The "minimal" is what works up to the suggested level for trying out a job. /DRG is fine (it's great, actually) up to Lv.30, but not suitable for getting to Lv.75.

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post
                            11) make a note in the dragoon section that rdm works as a subjob choice as well (and consider adding sam also - again, 2 handed weapon wielder). this section also needs proofreading (I'll highlight issues at the bottom of my post, but leave the changes up to you since it's yours to reword).
                            overall, really nice guide, thumbs up.
                            This is difficult. I know DRG/RDM is the better cure tank, but it lacks the -na spells which healers are expected to have. For soloing, -na spells can make a huge difference as well.

                            As much as I like DRG/RDM (which I've used myself), something tells me DRG/WHM and even DRG/NIN are much more popular. For the moment, this will be "no"...

                            Originally posted by hongman View Post
                            Great guide, although you forgot /NIN as an RDM SJ.
                            I made the choice to leave it out, actually:
                            1. RDM/NIN isn't suitable for group activity.
                            2. RDM can solo on many, many different support jobs-- /NIN isn't strictly a necessity except for Avesta imitators.
                            3. RDM soloing is slow--as nice as it is to have the option, we're party creatures.

                            If I get enough protests, I'll change it. After all, I do have /NIN ready for my own RDM.

                            Originally posted by Amele View Post

                            • solo'er : soloer is the correct Americanism of 'someone who solos' (it is not in fact a word, but English doesn't use apostrophes to separate lexical modifiers from the base word in any case.) likewise with solo'ing although soloing is in fact a word in this case.
                            • Melees is simply plural, it's not possessive in this context
                            Heh. I didn't know melee is a real word. Also didn't know that solo is a verb--thought it was adverb or adjective.

                            Dragoon section has been revised; hopefully it's more readable now.

                            Note: I deviate from standard English to clue myself in that "soloer" is not a real word by writing "solo'er" instead.
                            Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 05-17-2007, 11:24 AM.
                            Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                            yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                            Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                            leaving no trace in the water.

                            - Mugaku


                            • #15
                              Re: Which Job Should I Play?

                              Common subjob in parties or not, /NIN is still a heavily used subjob for RDM, more common than any other subjob geared toward soloing.

