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Most desired classes?

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  • #16
    Re: Most desired classes?

    Wow I don't even want to get into this arguement. (Burn)
    Hacked on 9/9/09
    FFXIAH - Omniblast


    • #17
      Re: Most desired classes?

      Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
      >_> Do you even have a job you've leveled recently between Lv.50-70?

      BLM53 - Weekly static party, with PLD tank.
      PLD60 - Weekly static party, with PLD (duh) tank.
      RDM69 - PUG's since somewhere in the Lv.50's. Partied with NIN tank to Lv.50-something, and EVERY SINGLE PICK-UP GROUP since had a tank. (Or, at least someone who is supposed to be tanking.) JP, NA, mixed groups alike. Heck, I had a JP party with PLD + NIN sharing tanking duty.

      Tone down the rhetorics, and get re-acquainted with reality, please. >_>

      It's wonderful that PLD/NIN is working out for you. However, down in the exp party levels, PLD/WAR and NIN/WAR still have their role in exp parties--yes, that role is tanking.
      If you wanna do it like that, go right ahead.
      Personally, I don't like gimp parties.
      Tanks slow down exp, when you could be
      burning. It's as easy as that.
      Pick-up tanks even more so, since most of them
      haven't even invested in a proper DD setup, something
      that makes them even more useless.

      My MNK is currently staticed with a BLU and a WAR.
      I've yet to have a single tank hold hate
      through our Howling Fist > Rampage SC.
      Which means he/she is nothing but deadweight,
      since either the WAR or I end up tanking anyways.
      I know I'm an a**hole - Reminding me is redundant.
      Main: PLD75:Semi-retired
      Fave: MNK64 (at time of writing)
      Retired: {Other Jobs}
      Gear & Stuff
      The Guide to Partying in FFXI


      • #18
        Re: Most desired classes?

        Originally posted by Timian View Post
        If you wanna do it like that, go right ahead.
        Actually, the point is that plenty of parties still use tanks in the Lv.50's and Lv.60's--if not most parties. Not to say your way is right or wrong, just that it's not most people's way in those ranges.
        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
        leaving no trace in the water.

        - Mugaku


        • #19
          Re: Most desired classes?

          Usually tank wise me and another war or a nin for tanking since the later 60's. I have a pat. helm (-5emnity Str+2 haste+2% eva-5) which helps alot, still burn has a ninja in it. I really dont truely burn unless its merits. IMHO Brd> Rdm> Nin > Whm > Cor > Pld.
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • #20
            Re: Most desired classes?

            >_> Thanks for all the replies. Didn't mean for this to turn into an arguement.


            • #21
              Re: Most desired classes?

              Originally posted by Verranicus View Post
              >_> Thanks for all the replies. Didn't mean for this to turn into an arguement.

              meh it happens hope some of the info helped you (^.^)b
              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



              • #22
                Re: Most desired classes?

                Aww, I'm curious why there is no PLD love. I was kind of tempted to play one after getting WAR to 30...

                Now I'm hearing that sub /war is a party faux pas?


                • #23
                  Re: Most desired classes?

                  Originally posted by Morrigangrrl View Post
                  Aww, I'm curious why there is no PLD love. I was kind of tempted to play one after getting WAR to 30...
                  Now I'm hearing that sub /war is a party faux pas?
                  /war is the most common sub for pld. It's useful in most situations.

                  Later on (ie:75) /nin and /rdm can be very useful for pld.

                  Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                  • #24
                    Re: Most desired classes?

                    Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
                    /war is the most common sub for pld. It's useful in most situations.
                    Later on (ie:75) /nin and /rdm can be very useful for pld.
                    Ah okay, I was confused by Timian's comments about "tanks are still subbing /WAR" and on who "[the hell] uses tanks in parties post-50 nowadays"

                    Those comments made me think that WARs and tanks in general were out of date and no longer necessary in the game at all.


                    • #25
                      Re: Most desired classes?

                      I think it would be good to narrow that down from "what is the most popular" to "which jobs tend to not get invites because they are not as preferable as other jobs in a exp party for a particular level (or group of levels)."

                      Practically every job becomes useful - especially when there might be no one else around and you happen to have a support type job already. I have been in a number of parties where we made "lemon juice out of lemons" (so to speak).

                      So, hypothetically, if there is exactly one of every job available at every possible level (all good players, sufficiently equipped, the same level & tnl, and so on), which jobs - and at what level(s) - would tend to not get exp party invites?

                      war > 30?
                      rdm ?
                      wht >50?
                      mnk ?
                      thf 25 to 34?
                      blk ?

                      nin ?
                      drk ?
                      drg >24?
                      pld ?
                      smn ?
                      bst ?
                      brd ?
                      rng ?
                      sam ?

                      blu ?
                      cor ?
                      pup ?

                      The few "guesstaments" that I put are probably outdated ( I have not played for sometime). I will be (hopefully) in the not-too-distant future.

                      - Greg W.
                      while helping a friend with a HL level mission..
                      "np - just raise me again - Bard is still effective while cursed,
                      plus, just being a Bard IS a exp buffer"

