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Most desired classes?

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  • Most desired classes?

    So, which classes do linkshells and groups most actively seek out?

  • #2
    Re: Most desired classes?

    BRD, COR, RDM, WHM, NIN, PLD, BLM, in not much of an order.


    • #3
      Re: Most desired classes?

      Some I know even go for the DD too like THF, DRK, MNK.
      Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


      • #4
        Re: Most desired classes?

        Depends on what they need done. If they are trying to do some BCNM's they look for Bst, Smn or Blm. Partying they look for whatever they are missing in their party. Choose whatever job you enjoy playing and don't worry about what everyone else needs if they need you they will ask you.

        But just in case you are really wondering what the main job people seem to be seeking and not finding enough of is Whm or main healers and Pld or tank jobs.

        Created by Eohmer


        • #5
          Re: Most desired classes?

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          BRD, NIN, RDM, WHM, BLM, COR, PLD
          Order fixed.
          And as for melees, WARs and MNKs are kinda popular nowadays.
          If you're a DRK with a Kraken Club anyone will invite you as well.
          I know I'm an a**hole - Reminding me is redundant.
          Main: PLD75:Semi-retired
          Fave: MNK64 (at time of writing)
          Retired: {Other Jobs}
          Gear & Stuff
          The Guide to Partying in FFXI


          • #6
            Re: Most desired classes?

            Originally posted by Timian View Post
            Order fixed.
            OP wasn't asking for an order, nor was Feba stating one. Its not for you to say at any rate. I don't get pestered to PT as a COR but when the flag goes up the invites come quickly.

            But given my past experience with RDM and BRD, that's actually a perk to the job.

            When a question like this is asked, I'm inclined to believe the question really is "What job will get me to high level the fastest?"

            Its a recipie for burnout to play a game in such a fashion.

            Take some time to check out all the jobs and play the jobs because you like the jobs, not just because you'll get lots of invites.


            • #7
              Re: Most desired classes?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              OP wasn't asking for an order, nor was Feba stating one. Its not for you to say at any rate. I don't get pestered to PT as a COR but when the flag goes up the invites come quickly.

              But given my past experience with RDM and BRD, that's actually a perk to the job.

              When a question like this is asked, I'm inclined to believe the question really is "What job will get me to high level the fastest?"

              Its a recipie for burnout to play a game in such a fashion.

              Take some time to check out all the jobs and play the jobs because you like the jobs, not just because you'll get lots of invites.
              No, the OP didn't ask for an order, but he asked which were the most desired classes, and arranging them as such is a direct answer to that.
              I never claimed Feba tried to make an order - he specifically said he had none.
              That's why I went to the trouble of doing it for him.
              And it's damn well for me to say, since I've played this game long enough
              to know what the hell goes.

              Oh, and the OP didn't ask for any advice on how to enjoy the game either.
              He asked a very specific question, and your opinion on what is fun or not is
              completely irrelevant.

              Geez, some people and their constant need to argue.
              I know I'm an a**hole - Reminding me is redundant.
              Main: PLD75:Semi-retired
              Fave: MNK64 (at time of writing)
              Retired: {Other Jobs}
              Gear & Stuff
              The Guide to Partying in FFXI


              • #8
                Re: Most desired classes?

                Originally posted by Verranicus View Post
                So, which classes do linkshells and groups most actively seek out?
                Whichever jobs they need and are short on. >_>;

                Other folks have helpfully listed the most popular ones, but I've also seen LS message boards with notices like "One spot open for DRK" (and SAM, THF, and a many other jobs).

                That said, I've never seen any LS asking for the much unloved PUP... (Salvage LS's probably wouldn't mind PUP's, but I haven't gone looking for those LS's and their websites, yet.)

                p.s. There maybe also be BST and SMN LS's on your server... They want... er, BST's and SMN's. <_<
                Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                leaving no trace in the water.

                - Mugaku


                • #9
                  Re: Most desired classes?

                  Originally posted by Timian View Post
                  That's why I went to the trouble of doing it for him.
                  And it's damn well for me to say, since I've played this game long enough
                  to know what the hell goes.
                  Then your order is incorrect by the way things go.

                  The RDM population on just about any server is usualy four times that of the BRD population and COR is currently half or one-third of how many BRDs there are.

                  RDM is a very established class, popular for its versitility. BRD is less attractive due to lack of melee capablity but loved for its support abilities and its cheap to level. COR is a year-old job, its expensive, requires expensive subjobs and all its buffs are a gamble - hit the jackpot and you're a hero, bust and better luck next minute. Doesn't help people don't know much about it, but the fact it can do worthwhile damage in EXP is appealing even if the expense isn't.

                  So RDM > BRD > COR purely by community preference.

                  WHM, RDM or SMN are practically requisite. People are going to still want a WHM before a RDM for healing role, but they'll tank RDM first and if there's a SMN available, they'll take them, too. And SMN is very attractive for colibri PTs as physical magic is not reflected. RDM and SMN are very empowering roles, WHM is not very appealing in that regard, but still tops in curative ability.

                  So, for the healer role its WHM > RDM > SMN
                  WHM edges out RDM for curative ability, RDM and SMN can have dual roles, RDM's more vital than SMN's, though

                  Now tanks. Pretty straight-forward here. Ninja is preferred over Paladin in EXP, though PLD still has the edge in other areas outside of EXP tanking.

                  NIN > PLD. I'm not slamming PLDs, though, I prefer ya.

                  BLM has it hard right now. It would unfortunately be at the end of the list just because it has become a long, hard road to level. They are loved at endgame and fights people can't win on their own, but its not much of a consolation for lack of invites at EXP levels these days.

                  Tanks are the most difficult to find, so we put NIN and PLD down first. WHM comes next, in the event no WHM is available, RDM and SMN are turned to - preferably RDM because they could also fill the support slot. SMN if there just isn't another healer out there or a RDM refuses to be one.

                  You've probably got some DDs by now, so time to find that support class. RDM and BRD are equal priority since RDM can fill the healer/refresh role and BRD can fill puller/buff role. RDM and BRD can negate the need for a WHM healer or a melee puller conversely. Have a tank, RDM and BRD and you have three spots for melees. COR can be the same as BRD, really, but is disadvantaged by a high-delay gun and the expense is unattractive to players, plus people don't know WTF they do. So last there, but at merit level its equally as capable as BRD.

                  Though it is worth mentioning that COR and SMN make for an attractive combination, SMN gives a nice bonus to evokers roll and the SMN will alway enjoy 3 MP per tick no matter what happens


                  NIN > PLD > WHM > RDM >/= BRD >/= COR > SMN > BLM

                  This is breaking them down by fuctionality, compatability and availabilty. RDM, BRD and COR all have versitle roles, so that's why I list them in a comprable fashion and by population.

                  This is also breaking them down by endgame activity. You can actually move SMN and BLM right behind RDM in this case. Endgame BRDs are a dime a dozen these days, not hard to find, not a huge need. If you don't have one, take one for the team and level it, its not that hard. CORs are too few and people aren't sure how to integrate it.

                  PLD and NIN switch back and forth, depends on what's being fought. If it hits hard and fast, PLD wins. If its slow and kite-able, NIN is pretty good there.

                  Oh, and the OP didn't ask for any advice on how to enjoy the game either.
                  He asked a very specific question, and your opinion on what is fun or not is
                  completely irrelevant.
                  I merely sensed a loaded question, I didn't tell anyone what to do. He can pick a popular invite/endgame class for all I care, he might end up genuinely liking it and more power to him if he does.

                  Genuine enjoyment is all that matters, but don't just pick something just because it will get you to high level the fastest. I don't see what is wrong with that statement.

                  I know enough people on Titan that aren't terribly genuine about their jobs. I know a non-career RDM... well, non-career anything prancing around in RDM AFv2. Its a damn waste, they levelled RDM for a Whitegate showpiece.

                  WTF, I say to Titan.

                  Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-15-2007, 10:53 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Most desired classes?

                    Most linkshells rate skill and reputation above job selection. While the jobs listed are typically more commonly desired, if an ls already has 8 BRDs or PLDs they probably won't be in a hurry for another. They look for jobs they need.

                    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                    • #11
                      Re: Most desired classes?

                      Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
                      Most linkshells rate skill and reputation above job selection. While the jobs listed are typically more commonly desired, if an ls already has 8 BRDs or PLDs they probably won't be in a hurry for another. They look for jobs they need.
                      What strange server do you come from where reputation matters? You on Bahamut? Titan just wants warm bodies and any jerk will do.

                      Otherwise, yeah, it all comes down to population in a linkshell. My LS has always been uncommonly top-heavy on mages and support, we're just looking for some NIN and some melee, THFs surprisingly


                      • #12
                        Re: Most desired classes?

                        He's on valefor. Check char info next time, nab.


                        • #13
                          Re: Most desired classes?

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          Then your order is incorrect by the way things go.

                          The RDM population on just about any server is usualy four times that of the BRD population and COR is currently half or one-third of how many BRDs there are.

                          RDM is a very established class, popular for its versitility. BRD is less attractive due to lack of melee capablity but loved for its support abilities and its cheap to level. COR is a year-old job, its expensive, requires expensive subjobs and all its buffs are a gamble - hit the jackpot and you're a hero, bust and better luck next minute. Doesn't help people don't know much about it, but the fact it can do worthwhile damage in EXP is appealing even if the expense isn't.

                          So RDM > BRD > COR purely by community preference.

                          WHM, RDM or SMN are practically requisite. People are going to still want a WHM before a RDM for healing role, but they'll tank RDM first and if there's a SMN available, they'll take them, too. And SMN is very attractive for colibri PTs as physical magic is not reflected. RDM and SMN are very empowering roles, WHM is not very appealing in that regard, but still tops in curative ability.

                          So, for the healer role its WHM > RDM > SMN
                          WHM edges out RDM for curative ability, RDM and SMN can have dual roles, RDM's more vital than SMN's, though

                          Now tanks. Pretty straight-forward here. Ninja is preferred over Paladin in EXP, though PLD still has the edge in other areas outside of EXP tanking.

                          NIN > PLD. I'm not slamming PLDs, though, I prefer ya.

                          BLM has it hard right now. It would unfortunately be at the end of the list just because it has become a long, hard road to level. They are loved at endgame and fights people can't win on their own, but its not much of a consolation for lack of invites at EXP levels these days.

                          Tanks are the most difficult to find, so we put NIN and PLD down first. WHM comes next, in the event no WHM is available, RDM and SMN are turned to - preferably RDM because they could also fill the support slot. SMN if there just isn't another healer out there or a RDM refuses to be one.

                          You've probably got some DDs by now, so time to find that support class. RDM and BRD are equal priority since RDM can fill the healer/refresh role and BRD can fill puller/buff role. RDM and BRD can negate the need for a WHM healer or a melee puller conversely. Have a tank, RDM and BRD and you have three spots for melees. COR can be the same as BRD, really, but is disadvantaged by a high-delay gun and the expense is unattractive to players, plus people don't know WTF they do. So last there, but at merit level its equally as capable as BRD.

                          Though it is worth mentioning that COR and SMN make for an attractive combination, SMN gives a nice bonus to evokers roll and the SMN will alway enjoy 3 MP per tick no matter what happens


                          NIN > PLD > WHM > RDM >/= BRD >/= COR > SMN > BLM

                          This is breaking them down by fuctionality, compatability and availabilty. RDM, BRD and COR all have versitle roles, so that's why I list them in a comprable fashion and by population.

                          This is also breaking them down by endgame activity. You can actually move SMN and BLM right behind RDM in this case. Endgame BRDs are a dime a dozen these days, not hard to find, not a huge need. If you don't have one, take one for the team and level it, its not that hard. CORs are too few and people aren't sure how to integrate it.

                          PLD and NIN switch back and forth, depends on what's being fought. If it hits hard and fast, PLD wins. If its slow and kite-able, NIN is pretty good there.

                          I merely sensed a loaded question, I didn't tell anyone what to do. He can pick a popular invite/endgame class for all I care, he might end up genuinely liking it and more power to him if he does.

                          Genuine enjoyment is all that matters, but don't just pick something just because it will get you to high level the fastest. I don't see what is wrong with that statement.

                          I know enough people on Titan that aren't terribly genuine about their jobs. I know a non-career RDM... well, non-career anything prancing around in RDM AFv2. Its a damn waste, they levelled RDM for a Whitegate showpiece.

                          WTF, I say to Titan.

                          I'd have to agree with you. "WTF Titan?"

                          Every HNMLS on Fairy are packed with tanks. We don't need any more PLDs and/or NINs.
                          That's why I rank them as low as I do.
                          As for exp - who the hell uses tanks in parties post-50 nowadays anyways?
                          It's either TP Burn or Manaburn. This isn't 2004.

                          Oh, and btw... How can you be a 75 COR and not know your endgame role?
                          That's pretty sad.

                          Endgame BRDs might be a dime a dozen, but like someone else already said;
                          reputation matters - and the *good* endgame BRDs are few and far between.
                          Any good HNMLS should check the history of whoever applies.
                          If he's gimp/stupid/doesn't take orders well/missing vital subjobs - reject.
                          Staying on subject, BRD *is* still the most important addition to any HNMLS.
                          Unless you're still kiting Kirin for an hour, like we used to back in the day...

                          If your argument for BRD being less important nowadays is that
                          there are so many of them, RDM should be at the bottom of your list.
                          Everyone and their dog has an RDM these days.
                          There's *never* a shortage of them, and quite frankly, they're about as popular
                          as a hangover.

                          "PLD and NIN switch back and forth, depends on what's being fought. If it hits hard and fast, PLD wins. If its slow and kite-able, NIN is pretty good there."

                          That was especially lol...
                          Lemme guess, your tanks are still subbing /WAR?
                          I know I'm an a**hole - Reminding me is redundant.
                          Main: PLD75:Semi-retired
                          Fave: MNK64 (at time of writing)
                          Retired: {Other Jobs}
                          Gear & Stuff
                          The Guide to Partying in FFXI


                          • #14
                            Re: Most desired classes?

                            Originally posted by Timian View Post
                            As for exp - who the hell uses tanks in parties post-50 nowadays anyways?
                            It's either TP Burn or Manaburn. This isn't 2004.
                            >_> Do you even have a job you've leveled recently between Lv.50-70?

                            BLM53 - Weekly static party, with PLD tank.
                            PLD60 - Weekly static party, with PLD (duh) tank.
                            RDM69 - PUG's since somewhere in the Lv.50's. Partied with NIN tank to Lv.50-something, and EVERY SINGLE PICK-UP GROUP since had a tank. (Or, at least someone who is supposed to be tanking.) JP, NA, mixed groups alike. Heck, I had a JP party with PLD + NIN sharing tanking duty.

                            Tone down the rhetorics, and get re-acquainted with reality, please. >_>

                            It's wonderful that PLD/NIN is working out for you. However, down in the exp party levels, PLD/WAR and NIN/WAR still have their role in exp parties--yes, that role is tanking.
                            Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                            yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                            Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                            leaving no trace in the water.

                            - Mugaku


                            • #15
                              Re: Most desired classes?

                              Brds are always awesome and you'll get to 75 in a month, as well as all the merit parties you want. Wars are also very popular for melees (Too popular, most wars actually blow. A LOT) Smn seems like a good job for a lot of mission fights, for their 2h mainly I guess. Blms are very nice endgame (or at any level but no one SCs anymore) but they seem to have a very hard time leveling nowadays unless its a manaburn pt.

                              fk yes

