Re: Making gil as a noob?
Well you can always just buy stuff from NPCs and sell them on AH. In windy, for instance, there are a few items that sell fairly cheap to what the AH in Windy sells them at. There are similiar things in Bastok, San'doria, and if you can reach Jueno there you can sell many things that are much cheaper in AH. Yagudo cherries, buburimu grapes, apples the list is very large and spans many items.
One easy way for a new player to earn a good profit is gardening. You can help yourself bigtime by studying websites with gardening information and get an understanding on dynamics of gardening. PikkoPots website is a good one for that or any other FFXI websites gardening guide. Then get yourself gardening, its really cheap and only takes a few days to complete the growing cycle of the herb-veggie-and grain seeds. Use the Pikko pots website to find what you can grow with what, use to see what whatever is worth and figure out what you want to grow.
You're not going to make any gil unless you research a little.
I hope this helps.
Well you can always just buy stuff from NPCs and sell them on AH. In windy, for instance, there are a few items that sell fairly cheap to what the AH in Windy sells them at. There are similiar things in Bastok, San'doria, and if you can reach Jueno there you can sell many things that are much cheaper in AH. Yagudo cherries, buburimu grapes, apples the list is very large and spans many items.
One easy way for a new player to earn a good profit is gardening. You can help yourself bigtime by studying websites with gardening information and get an understanding on dynamics of gardening. PikkoPots website is a good one for that or any other FFXI websites gardening guide. Then get yourself gardening, its really cheap and only takes a few days to complete the growing cycle of the herb-veggie-and grain seeds. Use the Pikko pots website to find what you can grow with what, use to see what whatever is worth and figure out what you want to grow.
You're not going to make any gil unless you research a little.
I hope this helps.