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Installed on PS3, Anyway to store macros to account?

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  • Installed on PS3, Anyway to store macros to account?

    I am a regular PC ffxi player but I just installed it on my PS3.
    I remember hearing some time ago about a way to store your macros to your account on the POL servers.

    So theoretically I could log on to my PS3 and there would be my macros.
    Is this possible?

  • #2
    Re: Installed on PS3, Anyway to store macros to account?

    no its not possible iirc

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    Final Fantasy 7


    • #3
      Re: Installed on PS3, Anyway to store macros to account?

      Here is a walkthrough of the method you are referring to:

      Just tested, works like a charm! [Disclaimer: I dont have a PS/2(3) so I can't test trasferrability cross-platform, but a macro is a macro and I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work cross-platform]

      @Kiryn: Please don't post unless you have researched the question. It's not nice to just pull answers out of thin air.

      This method is, to say the least, rather obscure and as far as I know, completely undocumented or obscurely documented from SE. Maybe it exists somewhere in the deep recesses of the POL helpfiles...
      Last edited by Sabaron; 01-31-2007, 11:11 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Installed on PS3, Anyway to store macros to account?

        This method DOES NOT copy your macros to the POL server for later retrieval. It only backs them up on your hard drive.
        How to test: Back them up using that method, then try to retrieve them on a different PC/PS2. It won't work.
        This method backs your macros on your hard drive purely so you can retrieve them if they get messed up, or you just have so many that you've filled up all the slots and need some more.


        • #5
          Re: Installed on PS3, Anyway to store macros to account?

          I should have read down further:

          Originally posted by Gildaren
          This DOES NOT WORK between game systems. You cannot store your macros from your PS2 and then recall them from a computer. I as well as others have tried it and it doesn't work.

          Though I haven't tested it directly, I imagine it also doesn't work if you store the macros from your PC and then try to recall them on your PS2.

          I believe the macros are actually stored on your system's HD. I have, however, heard that if you're on PC, you can find your macro save files and import them to another PC, but I'm not sure how that works.
          That makes this "feature" not only completely useless but sort of a tease. Why not give four measly slots of compressed text files so you can transfer your macros between stations? Of course, while they're at it, perhaps they could make a button or something instead of CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+B and put it somewhere visible. Dreams that will never be, I suppose...

          ...and reading further...

          Originally posted by GogoTheMimic
          I use this method to backup my macros frequently. This DOES work going from PC to PC but not cross platforms. I use the PC version and had no problem downloading the macros from the server on my friend's PC but I could not do it to his PS2.
          ...and a test...

          I tried transferring to my brother's computer where I have FFXI installed as well.... Doesn't work.

          @Kiryn: My apologies as it appears you were correct, but rather uninformative nonetheless which is not terribly helpful.
          Last edited by Sabaron; 02-01-2007, 08:37 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Installed on PS3, Anyway to store macros to account?

            Haven't read all the posts but I can tell you that you CAN NOT store macros on the account. I regularly switch between playing on my PC and Xbox360 and the macros do not transfer over I had to re-write them which as you can imagine is quite annoying when trying to remember which ones go where <.<''

            Also your macros get wiped if your content ID has to be re-stored i.e. when you don't renew your contract (found out the hard way <.<'')

            Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
            Final Fantasy


            • #7
              Re: Installed on PS3, Anyway to store macros to account?

              Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
              I should have read down further:
              That makes this "feature" not only completely useless but sort of a tease. Why not give four measly slots of compressed text files so you can transfer your macros between stations? Of course, while they're at it, perhaps they could make a button or something instead of CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+B and put it somewhere visible. Dreams that will never be, I suppose...
              ...and reading further...
              ...and a test...
              I tried transferring to my brother's computer where I have FFXI installed as well.... Doesn't work.
              @Kiryn: My apologies as it appears you were correct, but rather uninformative nonetheless which is not terribly helpful.
              The only logic I could think is that you'd take this compressed compress .txt file and send it to someone. This is much like copying your UI with Everquest. Since the code is the same for the PS2, PC, XBox 360. Then theoretically you should be able to copy that .txt file to the device (Would need a modding method to get the file managment of those devices harddrives) and then have it pull up from them.

              Otherwise it's likely SE hadn't documented this for players because it's probably a planned project that got cancelled. Possibly at one point they thought about making the macro's transferrable but then questioned the markets intrest in having multiple versions of the same game to just play on 3 different platforms, which would make the idea pointless and probably never finished.

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