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n00b Farmer

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  • n00b Farmer

    I am new to farming. Actually I never did it ever.

    I have Goldsmithing up to level 2 . Thanks to the worms in the pond in Qufim .

    I don't know where to start or anything. I wanted to do Clothcraft. But right now i'm only have WAR22/MNK22. And I know the Yagudo's in Windy are tough and I doubt, i'll ever kill them soloing.

    But i'm out of money and I need a lot so I can take WAR to 37 so I don't have to level it later for Samurai job.

    Please any advice.

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    Final Fantasy 7

  • #2
    Re: n00b Farmer

    At your level, try crawlers in Sarutabaruta. Silk thread usually fetches a nice price, especially if you farm many stacks of it.

    Also, though crafting is fun, it's a big challenge to begin leveling, especially if you're new and/or don't have a solid source of income.

    Also, a war22 (or mnk22 for that matter) shouldn't have any problem killing yagudos in Sarutabaruta.

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #3
      Re: n00b Farmer

      Try fishing; it's cheap and easy. Or, try gardening; you should be able to farm saplings in Tahrongi Canyon or Konschtat Highland for seeds. Better, yet--do both.

      Once your WAR or MNK get to Lv.30, level THF to 15. Then, farming will be more profitable as WAR/THF or MNK/THF.
      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
      leaving no trace in the water.

      - Mugaku


      • #4
        Re: n00b Farmer

        Hey there

        Ffxilopedia and the atlas site are great for area information. The check link is so you can work out what sort of level mobs you can farm. I just found that great monster search on the atlas too that lets you search by level among other things. If you work out what level monsters you can farm with the check information, find mobs of that level range and what they drop, then check your AH to see what's profitable you should be able to make yourself a list of what's good to farm at your level

        Specifically on soloing Yagudo, speaking as a level 20 whm: everything in East and West Saru (including the Yagudo) is too weak to me right now. The lower level of Giddeus is still dangerous solo but the north half of the top floor is too weak and the south half is fine so long as I am careful about multiple links. I think the second level of Giddeus might still be too dangerous for you to solo but the top floor should be nice and easy.
        Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


        • #5
          Re: n00b Farmer

          Also forgot to mention, but what you're going to need most is some patience. Don't expect to get an item your looking for to drop every time you kill the specific mob. Depending on what you're farming, it can take quite some time to make a stack of the item.

          Stick with it though; It's very satisfying to watch a stack of items you worked hard for sell. It's even more satisfying to collect the gil in your delivery box. :D

          PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
          Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
          When ignorance reigns, life is lost


          • #6
            Re: n00b Farmer

            Don't forget the Beehive Chips and Honey.

            He can kill the Bees around Windy, and Tahrongi Canyon for Beehive chips as well.

            Though they don't fetch as much as they used to in older days, they still net a good sum and have a considerably better drop rate than Silk Threads.

            Honey, doesn't drop as often as beehive chips but they also sell for an okay chunk of change.

            And if he kills Mandragoras around windy, the Cornette's can help you raise your Windurst Fame with the quest Mandragora Mad, or you can probably sell them on the Auction House for other People who use it to raise their windy fame.


            • #7
              Re: n00b Farmer

              Fishing in bastok makes a killing. Exspecially on Moat Carps. Sell for 4-5k on Fairy and sell really fast. I can usually sell 8-12 stacks daily...if i can fish for the whole day.

              Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


              • #8
                Re: n00b Farmer

                If you want to start clothcraft, I suggest killing tier 1 & 2 Yagudos in Giddeus. You should have no problem killing them at 22. They drop Yagudo necklaces like crazy in there.

                Wind Crystal + Yagudo Necklace = 3 Grass Threads (caps at cloth 2)
                Earth Crystal + 3 Grass Threads = Grass Cloth (caps @ 4)
                From there, move up to Cape(8), Hachimaki(11), and Kenpogi(18).

                Gets you to Clothcraft 18 without spending a dime (assuming you farm the crystals). You'll also get Silver Beastcoins that you can sell, along with Bee Chips and Honey if you kill the Bees too.

                Just stay away from tier 3 Yagudo (Theologist, Priest, Votary) while farming in Giddeus. They'll be difficult, and they don't drop necklaces.

                You could use a lightning crystal on the necklaces, too. It yields a copper ingot. They net 10k-12k /stack on Remora.

                i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                • #9
                  Re: n00b Farmer

                  Wow thank you for the help guys :D.


                  Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
                  Final Fantasy 7

