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how to if banned or cancel ; ;

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  • how to if banned or cancel ; ;

    excuse me but i have one question,
    how would i know if my account was banned or cancel?
    i try to get on but it says update error or something like that canot conect to server
    is this signature small enough for you? or want me to delete this message also? let me know ok

  • #2
    Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

    Cannot connect to server is another issue. If it was banned you would have a code (LM-17, LM-11) and a message saying your service is suspended or banned, and contact POL.

    The only way your account can be disabled is either by yourself, or if your card is refused at the start of the month (not for another 36 hours). So it sounds like it is just failing to connect, which may be a problem at your end.

    Originally posted by Aksannyi
    "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


    • #3
      Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

      thank you so much for this information
      is this signature small enough for you? or want me to delete this message also? let me know ok


      • #4
        Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

        Sorry to sound a bit arsish. But what makes you imediately think you were banned or had your account cancelled? Have you done something that would cause this to happen?


        • #5
          Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

          Maybe he uses windower.

          i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
          I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


          • #6
            Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

            yes why would someone instantly think they have been banned he must be or done something bad
            1)buy gil
            2)selling gil
            3)speed hax
            i still get on here....even though it might not happen often i do!


            • #7
              Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

              i try to get on but it says update error or something like that canot conect to server
              If you run Windower, and FFXI has an update via POL, you *will* get an error, as Windower (i think) hides the current version of FFXI from the update service checker. I've watched a friend do the update to troubleshoot this before, and it always hung on the "Checking POL Version" step when doing an update, and hung his pc. We rebooted the PC, started up POL normally, did the update, and everything was fine.

              It might be that, but im not sure as i dont use windower >.>


              • #8
                Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

                Lol he asks a question and people start assuming he did somethign wrong.

                Could it be that it's a simple problem he never ran into before and it was the only thing he could think of?

                Maybe he's not computer literate? Maybe someone else suggested it could be that? Maybe it's all the freaking tards who are so quick to yell BOTTER/RMT/BLAH/FKN/BLAH these days.

                Tell me , is it lonely up there on your high pedestals?

                I guess I did something wrong now too since I posted this....

                Dumb people are so.. um... DUMB.

                They must find it difficult...
                Those who have taken authority as the truth ,
                Rather than truth as the authority.


                • #9
                  Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

                  Originally posted by Skylar View Post
                  Lol he asks a question and people start assuming he did somethign wrong.

                  Could it be that it's a simple problem he never ran into before and it was the only thing he could think of?

                  Maybe he's not computer literate? Maybe someone else suggested it could be that? Maybe it's all the freaking tards who are so quick to yell BOTTER/RMT/BLAH/FKN/BLAH these days.

                  Tell me , is it lonely up there on your high pedestals?

                  I guess I did something wrong now too since I posted this....

                  Dumb people are so.. um... DUMB.
                  Sky, stop acting like a teenaged brat and stop talking to your fellow forum members in a condescending tone, as if we were attacking the OP. Nobody, not even myself, accused him of doing anything bad. We were listing reasons of why he might have gotten that error. Notice he/she never posted back as to what he was doing, so we can only speculate and offer advice.

                  Personally, i see nothing wrong with using windower. I play mostly on the PS2 while i'm systematically rebuilding my computer to run the new games that are out/coming out. But once i get on my PC, i'll gladly admit that i will download and run FFXI Windower because of the simple fact that i can play the game in windowed mode. I have much to do daily, and while i like to play, i will not let that overbalance my duties that i need to do daily.

                  I see nothing wrong with RMT as well. If RMT farmers don't raise prices, someone else will. You see the past 10 auctions on a rare item, but there are currently none being sold, and non were up the entire week...what do you do? You obviously don't'll most likely put it up for a few k more. multiply that by the general population who does it. There's your inflation. As for "an unfair advantage" of buying gil...some people have families, sick or healthy, children, one or more jobs, school, etc, and cannot spend as much time as is required to farm, camp, fish, synth, garden, etc (yes, gardening takes time, because the moon phases apparently have a direct correlation to your harvest results. if you can't wake up at 3am to check plants, *dun dun dun*!).

                  Selling gil....well, hey, if you have that much ,i certainly wouldnt give it away for free, so that's a personal moral choice, as is buying. But if i was limited to even an hour or two per day, i would buy gil if it was cheap enough.

                  Hacks/Exploits, i personally wouldn't use. I used the dupe exploit when it first came out to create 20 leaping boots and 20 Emp Hairpins and a few VCs on my old account (read: old account, no point in reporting me now! Muwahha). Did i get rich? Hell yes i did.

                  If you read every post above, nobody was accusing him of doing anything bad. We were listing reasons as to why he might have gotten that update error. While some speculated as to "why are you asking about the [ban Stick] if you didn't do anything wrong", but when your connection gets refused, even 100% innocent people will get worried. As i said above, i find nothing wrong with Windower or RMT, and in a case that i've personally seen with mine own eyes (love that phrase, "mine own eyes". sounds like teh funk), windower will indeed bug when there is a POL update, and say one of three things: "Connection Error: Refused", "Version Check Failed", or something else (can't remember).

                  Long post to end the thread, unless the OP posts again.

                  Please, stop the flaming. Keep your hormones in check (sky), and keep replies and ideas intellectually sound and professionally composed (leran2speeel noobs )


                  • #10
                    Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

                    Originally posted by Shinoe
                    Please, stop the flaming.
                    the same can be said of your post Shinoe as it's pretty much a personal attack.

                    Everyone, please calm down and be civil or warnings will be issued and the thread closed. Thank you for your cooperation.

                    Thanks Yyg!


                    • #11
                      Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

                      Originally posted by neighbortaru View Post
                      the same can be said of your post Shinoe as it's pretty much a personal attack.

                      Everyone, please calm down and be civil or warnings will be issued and the thread closed. Thank you for your cooperation.
                      Sky, stop acting like a teenaged brat and stop talking to your fellow forum members in a condescending tone, as if we were attacking the OP. Nobody, not even myself, accused him of doing anything bad. We were listing reasons of why he might have gotten that error. Notice he/she never posted back as to what he was doing, so we can only speculate and offer advice.
                      = not flaming. "like" as in "acting in the same manner as". There were no flames in my pocket ^^ And i just thought the little angry face was funny! Wahoo, emoticons!

                      btw taru...your avatar sucks. that bunny should have fangs, horns, wings, and a vermillion's cloak. indeed.....::evil grin::


                      • #12
                        Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

                        Originally posted by Darkages View Post
                        yes why would someone instantly think they have been banned he must be or done something bad
                        1)buy gil
                        2)selling gil
                        3)speed hax
                        5)He is an Elvaan and was wearing a subligar in public.

                        Edit > Oh nvm he seems to be a hume (not that it would be any better XD )
                        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                        • #13
                          Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;


                          cant beat tarutaru in the midget Onzozo. mwuahah


                          • #14
                            Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

                            I think NT's Avatar is awesome.


                            • #15
                              Re: how to if banned or cancel ; ;

                              Off topic post:

                              I see nothing wrong with RMT as well. If RMT farmers don't raise prices, someone else will. You see the past 10 auctions on a rare item, but there are currently none being sold, and non were up the entire week...what do you do? You obviously don't'll most likely put it up for a few k more. multiply that by the general population who does it. There's your inflation. As for "an unfair advantage" of buying gil...some people have families, sick or healthy, children, one or more jobs, school, etc, and cannot spend as much time as is required to farm, camp, fish, synth, garden, etc (yes, gardening takes time, because the moon phases apparently have a direct correlation to your harvest results. if you can't wake up at 3am to check plants, *dun dun dun*!).

                              Selling gil....well, hey, if you have that much ,i certainly wouldnt give it away for free, so that's a personal moral choice, as is buying. But if i was limited to even an hour or two per day, i would buy gil if it was cheap enough.
                              That upsets me kind of. You're irritation of one post becomes a full-on support bra for RMT activity.

                              PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                              Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                              When ignorance reigns, life is lost

