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Question from a noob.

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  • Question from a noob.

    I am new to playing FFXI. I am using an xbox 360 to play. I have a couple of questions if someone doesn't mind answering them. I know pretty basic for you guys but if I am in a party situation and I should be using macros's for my spells and I am not then I don't want to hinder a party either.

    I have a lvl 19 rdm and right now a lvl 10 blm
    (the blm is currently set as my main job)

    1) What are macros?
    2) How do I set the macros up?
    3) Once set up how do I use them in a pt situation?

    It's ok if you spell it out in plain language. Don't just assume that I know cuz chances are I don't. Exp since I am asking these kinda questions. I really want to do things right in a pt and for the most part people have been great in helping me out. I guess I look pretty pathetic to them. But if I can learn and get better then they have done their job.

    Thanks for helping a noob out!


  • #2
    Re: Question from a noob.

    1.) Macros are series of commands that you can set up to go off with one key press (or rather two, as they all require ALT+# or CTRL+#).

    2.) On your main menu there is a Macros button. Once you click on that, you'll open up your macro palettes. Each Palette has two rows of ten slots, and you can cycle up or down through nine more palettes just like it (for a total of ten palettes). Click on a macro slot to open up the editing window. From there you can write a macro using the six lines provided to you. FFXI's macro language is incredibly simple to learn, so it will hopefully be pretty easy to figure it out. There are a lot of options, however, so it can be confusing at first.

    For instance, for a simple cure spell, you can type:

    /ma Cure <t> - This allows you to cast the spell on whatever you are currently targeting. Not a particularly good idea, however, as you may very well want to cure someone else other than your target.

    /ma Cure <st> - This allows you to select which target you want to cast the spell on. You can move the cursor around until you find the target you want, or using a keyboard, select one of your party members with the F1-F6 keys. (You can also target the nearest NPC with F8)

    /ma Cure <stpc> - This allows you to select which target you want to cast the spell on, but limits your choices to player characters only. Having less targets to cycle through is a huge help. You can alternatively use <stnpc> for spells that you're casting on enemies so as to reduce the number of possible targets the other way.

    Here is a writeup of macros from the FFXI Wiki. Read it over, and ask any questions you may have.

    3.) Once you have a macro setup, you use it by either hitting the corresponding key combo on your keyboard (CTRL+1 for instance) or by using the trigger buttons on your controller to pull up the macro palettes and selecting the macro you want to use with one of your movement controls and one of the buttons on your controller (I'm not sure which ones off hand).

    I'd like to note that this is far from a perfect explanation, and you can count on someone else coming along at some point today to provide you with a far more comprehensive answer. But this is as much as I can be bothered to type at this hour in the morning, so my apologies.


    • #3
      Re: Question from a noob.

      Here's a good link that covers your first two questions:

      And once you set them up, using them couldn't be easier. As long as that macro palette is set, hit ctr/alt + # to use a macro whenever.

      So if you have a macro to cast stone on a target set to Ctrl+1, then simply hitting Ctrl+1 will cast stone.

      PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
      Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
      When ignorance reigns, life is lost


      • #4
        Re: Question from a noob.

        Thank you so much. I will play around with it and see how far I get. I will go to the link you provided and print it out so that I can ref it. I appreciate it.



        • #5
          Re: Question from a noob.

          The only thing I would add is when you have a space in spells, like Cure II for example. The proper syntax is:

          /ma "Cure II" <t>

          Be sure to have quotations around multiple word spells or else it will only use the tier one spells. And can really bite you in the butt if you tank needs that extra hp to live >.>

          Took me to nearly the end of the dunes to figure that out, but I did get good at going through the menu quickly to get to my spells. ^^


          • #6
            Re: Question from a noob.

            Took me to nearly the end of the dunes to figure that out, but I did get good at going through the menu quickly to get to my spells. ^^

            Thank you guys. I am still reading and learning. Seems everyday someone else comes to help me and show me something new. I learned about empress band today. My friends helped me to get the different holla/mea crystals so that they could move me from one spot to another. That is cool! Everyone has been really nice about teaching different things and letting me party with them.

            keep up the good work.


