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How can I make this game work for me?

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  • How can I make this game work for me?

    So I've been playing for about a week now, off and on, but the game just doesn't seem to be working for me.
    Not in a, "I don't like how the game is" kinda of way, more of a "I can't seem to get anywhere" kind of way.

    I'm currently on Phoenix, got level 10warr/5thf, but that seems to be as far as it goes. I could level all the starter classes to 10, but that wouldn't leave me very fulfilled, and Id only be playing for like a month.

    I knew from the beginning that it required teams at a early point, and if I couldn't find one, I'd be doing something I was capable of doing solo, but I didn't realise they didn't seem to exist anymore. Maybe Im just not looking in the right places. (Started at Windurst if that helps.)
    When "seeking" members I only see 50+'s looking for groups for the most part.
    With the whole set amount of servers, being evenly populated (which isnt a bad thing), there isn't really a 'new' server where there would be more lower level players.

    I think the games got potential, and I'd really like to get into it, but atm I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking I just wasted my money.
    Anyone got any tips? Is Phoenix just dead as far as these things go? or did I decide to join too late?


  • #2
    Re: How can I make this game work for me?

    a) - Go to La Theine Plateau or Konschtat Highlands and kill stuff near the Zone lines. You can solo your way to at least 15 on almost all jobs.
    b) Put your party invite flag up

    Search works like /sea [region] [level range] [special]. So if you wanted to find everyone looking for a party between levels 10-12 you would go /sea all 10-12 inv
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #3
      Re: How can I make this game work for me?

      Didn't even think about flying elsewhere

      I'll probably cancel the ID for now to avoid getting billed until I have more time to get into it. (I'm guessing this will kill my other 2ish weeks of free play? /cry)

      Thanks for the help though, hopefully when I get back to it things will move a little more swimmingly.


      • #4
        Re: How can I make this game work for me?

        Originally posted by Mynxi View Post
        Didn't even think about flying elsewhere
        I'll probably cancel the ID for now to avoid getting billed until I have more time to get into it. (I'm guessing this will kill my other 2ish weeks of free play? /cry)
        Thanks for the help though, hopefully when I get back to it things will move a little more swimmingly.
        No, canceling the ID should let you play for the length of time you have paid for, in your case it should still allow you to play your full free month.

        Also remember to only cancel Content ID's not your POL account.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #5
          Re: How can I make this game work for me?

          Yeah, I've read up on cancelling prior to buying the game (Was a big hullabaloo about it).
          And thats good to hear. I'll see what I can beat out between the remainder of the free trial and the amount of time I have, and see where I go from there.

          Thanks again Mhurron.


