I've been looking at FFXI for awhile now, wasn't big on paying to play, so overlooked it but got into World of Warcraft with a heap of mates. Played for about 7 months, then got incredibly bored with it.
Meanwhile, now that I decided to get into FFXI, I can't find a copy of any PC Version in the stores (Australia). I've asked at EB trying to get a date for when the 07 compilation is due, and they haven't got an answer.
My mate however, imported the US version not so long ago due to the above problem.
My question is, am I able to install the US version, and play with the Key Codes that I get with a copy of a local Xbox 360 version.
I know you can create the account with 360 codes, and play on PC later, or vica versa, but Im not sure if the region of the PC install (US) and the keycodes from a local 360 copy (Probably EU, has a UK flag on the back) will have compatability issues due to mixed regions.
I actually have a 360, and learning recently that I can get a free version of Xbox Live, it doesnt bother me too much if this is how it ends, although, I'd rather play on the PC. Additionally, I have another mate who wants to get into it with me, but has no 360. I figured he can purchase the 360 version just for the keycodes, and play on his PC.
Thanks in advance for any help.
OK, after reading through the CoP Compatability thread a couple of times, I'm pretty sure that I can infact do this, but if anyone is certain, clarification is appreciated. I'd rather know for sure that it'll work before commiting 75$AUD for the 360 version, and end up stuck playing by myself when I can wait about a month or two (hopefully not more :x) and get a PC release, and be able to play with my mate.
Meanwhile, now that I decided to get into FFXI, I can't find a copy of any PC Version in the stores (Australia). I've asked at EB trying to get a date for when the 07 compilation is due, and they haven't got an answer.
My mate however, imported the US version not so long ago due to the above problem.
My question is, am I able to install the US version, and play with the Key Codes that I get with a copy of a local Xbox 360 version.
I know you can create the account with 360 codes, and play on PC later, or vica versa, but Im not sure if the region of the PC install (US) and the keycodes from a local 360 copy (Probably EU, has a UK flag on the back) will have compatability issues due to mixed regions.
I actually have a 360, and learning recently that I can get a free version of Xbox Live, it doesnt bother me too much if this is how it ends, although, I'd rather play on the PC. Additionally, I have another mate who wants to get into it with me, but has no 360. I figured he can purchase the 360 version just for the keycodes, and play on his PC.
Thanks in advance for any help.
OK, after reading through the CoP Compatability thread a couple of times, I'm pretty sure that I can infact do this, but if anyone is certain, clarification is appreciated. I'd rather know for sure that it'll work before commiting 75$AUD for the 360 version, and end up stuck playing by myself when I can wait about a month or two (hopefully not more :x) and get a PC release, and be able to play with my mate.