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Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

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  • Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

    I've been looking at FFXI for awhile now, wasn't big on paying to play, so overlooked it but got into World of Warcraft with a heap of mates. Played for about 7 months, then got incredibly bored with it.
    Meanwhile, now that I decided to get into FFXI, I can't find a copy of any PC Version in the stores (Australia). I've asked at EB trying to get a date for when the 07 compilation is due, and they haven't got an answer.
    My mate however, imported the US version not so long ago due to the above problem.
    My question is, am I able to install the US version, and play with the Key Codes that I get with a copy of a local Xbox 360 version.

    I know you can create the account with 360 codes, and play on PC later, or vica versa, but Im not sure if the region of the PC install (US) and the keycodes from a local 360 copy (Probably EU, has a UK flag on the back) will have compatability issues due to mixed regions.

    I actually have a 360, and learning recently that I can get a free version of Xbox Live, it doesnt bother me too much if this is how it ends, although, I'd rather play on the PC. Additionally, I have another mate who wants to get into it with me, but has no 360. I figured he can purchase the 360 version just for the keycodes, and play on his PC.

    Thanks in advance for any help.


    OK, after reading through the CoP Compatability thread a couple of times, I'm pretty sure that I can infact do this, but if anyone is certain, clarification is appreciated. I'd rather know for sure that it'll work before commiting 75$AUD for the 360 version, and end up stuck playing by myself when I can wait about a month or two (hopefully not more :x) and get a PC release, and be able to play with my mate.
    Last edited by Mynxi; 12-14-2006, 07:44 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

    I have no idea what region the 360 Aus would be D: You said you're flagged EU? I'm not sure because there's only 3 region for FFXI that I know. NA, EU and JP. If the region doesn't match, chances are it won't even let you install.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

      The flag on the back of the 360 case has a UK flag, so I am assuming that it's classed as EU.

      I'm pretty sure I've installed NA version games before, can't be 100% sure, but I am pretty sure, and haven't had any problems.

      Unless you mean the keys, which at this stage I believe are EU are required for installing, and with a mismatch of region for the install, it won't install?

      I'm kinda spewin' since my mate gets 4 weeks off from work, and we were gonna go hard for like 2 weeks straight, and then I find out it impossible to get a PC version of the game here :\


      • #4
        Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

        You don't have anything FFXI related installed on your 360 right? It will be clean installation? Cleain installation might work.... I really don't know >.> I would say, to be safe, you better import the EU version tho.
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

          You only use the registration codes when you create your account - it does not matter what platform(PC, PS2, Xbox 360) you are logged in from.

          However, registration codes for the game and expansions are specific to each of the 3 major regions (EU, JP, NA). That means if you create your account with the codes from the copy that you have, you must use codes from the EU version for any expansions you wish to register to your account. NA and JP version codes will not work once your account is flagged as EU.

          If you have the correct codes registered for your account, you may choose to use any version of any client at that point - it's only the registration codes that care on the FFXI servers; the client software is very permissive once you've registered the right codes to access the expansion data.



          • #6
            Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

            Well, the 360 version has the original, and the 3 expansions (as far as I can tell), so should I be right in assuming that I'll have all the codes to access the expansion data?
            I understand if you don't actually have a 360 version, or know (Im sure someone will), but I mainly just wanted to get into the game, using my PC, and be able to have my mate play as well, expansions are just a bonus

            Thank you both for your help, it's made me happier knowing that I am actually able to get into it :D

            Just another quick question. Would I have to log on to create my account using the 360 because its (assumably) EU codes and a EU version, or can I actually do it over the PC externally?
            Not an overly vital question, but good to know ahead of time none the less
            Last edited by Mynxi; 12-14-2006, 08:13 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

              I'm really not sure. I'll just list what I know, maybe you'll be able to figure out.

              = registration =
              - Keys are region specific. For example, NA Keys can only be used with NA POLs. NA accounts will need NA expansion keys.

              = Installation =
              - Your expansion -must- match the original game region you have. So if you already have NA POL and FFXI, all your expansions will also need to be NA or they won't install.

              = logging in =
              - Once you registered, you can use your account -everywhere-. Meaning, you can log in your NA account with EU client, no problem at all.

              Hope that helps.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

                From what Icemage said, it looks like everything will be fine.
                Either the way your wrote or the way I read what you know Jei has confused me a bit. If anyone can clear things up, again, its appreciated.

                Registration... Yup, tick. All the codes 'should' be there, and will all be of the same region since they come in the one bundle.

                Install... As far as I can tell, it leaves me one of two conclussions.
                Either A) I can install with NA CDs (They're all NA) but just need the same region keys to my region POL (EU)
                or B) I can't install expansion because the client is NA, and it will be a EU POL.

                I'm going with A since later you say if Im using a NA POL, I'll be able to log on with a EU client.
                The EU client only gets there by installing with EU CDs/DVDs, thus, it'd be a NA POL, but EU Installs. The Installs wouldn't match the POL, but the expansions would still have to install (right?)

                It wont be a couple of days before I actually go out and start looking at buying anything, so with any luck Ill be able to get all the facts by then, or someone thats been through the same circumstances, or even someone that can piece everything together and give me certainties.



                • #9
                  Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

                  no, installation has nothing to do with CD Keys.

                  CD Keys are only used when registration.
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #10
                    Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

                    Yeah I know that Jei. As I said earlier, I played WoW for awhile (nothing to brag about), and I've also dabbled in City of Villains, as well as Guild Wars, so I know how MMO(ish) games work by now

                    The thing confusing me at the moment is, do I need to have all the same region installs/cds/dvds to get the orginal +expansions installed, despite what my POL is.
                    Or do the installs/cds/dvds region need to match my POL?

                    Sorry if that came off a little smug. I appreciate all the help, and know you can't give me any real certainties because you're not sure. Just hungry and confused at the moment


                    • #11
                      Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

                      everything need to match your POL. As far as I know.
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #12
                        Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

                        That's my understanding as well - all your FFXI clients/expansions/POL must be the same version.



                        • #13
                          Re: Region Version and Key Codes Compatability

                          I'll have to convince my mate without the 360 to import a EU version then, and I'll grab a 360 copy just so I have to choice to play on the 360 if I want.

                          Cheers for all the help, and with any luck, I'll be in the game sometime during the next week :D

