And... well, I am so confused with the whole thing. I've actually read now the manual (which I usually never do..) I have also surfer several web pages to find info, and I have to say, I have never had so much trouble to understand something

So yes, I would be extremely thankful if someone could help me a bit with my questions.
1) How do I mine?? I bought me a pickaxe and .... then what?
2) I've been running around for 2 days (real world days) fighting monsters and trying get some experience and MONEY and I've made all 500GIL so far, woohoo! Is there anywhere I can get armor and weapons etc. that doesn't cost as much it seems to cost in the shops and the auction houses... ?
3) Is there anywhere where I can learn the basic synthesis recepies?
4) Where do I get flowerpots and furniture to my house, or am I supposed to know at this point of the game?
5) What is the whole point of the game and how can it be called Final Fantasy??

All in all, I find the game highly addictive but it is quite difficult to comprehend... I won't even go to some other things in the game yet because they seem to be complete double dutch to me at the moment, I would just like to get started with some basics, since all I seem to do at the moment is keep beating up the tunnel worms and huge hornets
