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ffx1 battle systems

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  • ffx1 battle systems

    i havent got the game but was wondering if u can play PvP? (people vs people)?

  • #2
    Re: ffx1 battle systems

    Originally posted by darkcloud View Post
    i havent got the game but was wondering if u can play PvP? (people vs people)?
    Yes, but only in scheduled sport-like matches. There are two forms of PvP in FFXI: Ballista and Brenner, which are specialized mini-games which allow players to fight one another in the process of playing the "sports". The goal of the games is not actually to defeat other players, though - it's part of the rules of the game, but you can't actually score any points or win any matches strictly by defeating other players.

    If you're looking for heavy PvP, this probably isn't a game you will enjoy.



    • #3
      Re: ffx1 battle systems

      There is lesser forms of PvP as well, such as boss battles having a time record and chocobo time challenge records. Soon there will be adding Chocobo Racing.
      Read my blog.
      Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
      Entry 32: Death to Castro


      • #4
        Re: ffx1 battle systems

        well i enjoy PvP very much but at same time am massive fan of the final fantasy series, so it a tough 1 to call. at da min im playing WoW but growing bored.

        o and 1 quick Q. can i get pre paid game cards from shops etc.. only seen way to pay by debit, dont like using that.



        • #5
          Re: ffx1 battle systems

          Originally posted by darkcloud View Post
          well i enjoy PvP very much but at same time am massive fan of the final fantasy series, so it a tough 1 to call. at da min im playing WoW but growing bored.

          o and 1 quick Q. can i get pre paid game cards from shops etc.. only seen way to pay by debit, dont like using that.

          PvP is a very tiny aspect to Final Fantasy, unlike WoW, where it can become a primary pre-occupation. Liking the other Final Fantasy titles isn't going to tell you much about whether you'll like FFXI. There are very few similarities, aside from the name (and as you'd expect, since the game balance is vastly different due to it being multiplayer).

          There are no pre-paid cards that you can purchase for FFXI (though you can "load" a prepaid card at sites like I've never had issues with FFXI's billing service on my debit card though - it's regular, and it gets done correctly without errors.



          • #6
            Re: ffx1 battle systems

            Originally posted by darkcloud View Post
            well i enjoy PvP very much but at same time am massive fan of the final fantasy series, so it a tough 1 to call. at da min im playing WoW but growing bored.

            i agree with the "growing" bored part, in WoW i'm max level in a "raiding" guild to get the better gear, but i have to raid for like 5 days a week 5-6 hours at a time to get one peice of gear a week, if even that, out of like....15 or so gear slots. and im getting sick of it, i want a game that i can play when i want and not get punished in some form another, in wow if i dont get on one of those days i dont get gear for like 2-3 weeks..and then i have to play even more for nothing.... it can definetly grow tiresom, from what i've heard you can just buy like...most of ur gear, i mean sure it can take longer, but hey, at least you can play when u want and still get gear
            Last edited by the_ultimate_shadow; 09-01-2006, 09:23 PM. Reason: typo

            Which FF Character Are You?


            • #7
              Re: ffx1 battle systems

              Originally posted by the_ultimate_shadow View Post
              from what i've heard you can just buy like...most of ur gear, i mean sure it can take longer, but hey, at least you can play when u want and still get gear
              This is true, for the most part. An added benefit is that you're really only "renting" it, because when you're done with it you can just put it back up on the Auction House to sell to someone else. Also, early on in the game, much of your gear can be purchased from NPCs.

              However, later on, and especially as you move into the endgame, most of your really good gear is the kind that you can't buy, so that will require a time commitment.

              FFXI is not for the casual player. Unfortunately it does take a fairly large amount of time to get anything done. But it's a very enjoyable game if you don't mind that.


              • #8
                Re: ffx1 battle systems

                ok, it's FFX*I*

                They put it there for a reason. It means one. X means ten. X+I=XI=11

                They werent' just putting letters around, IT MEANS SOMETHING. By mixing the two up you look like you're trying to speak romglish or some shit, and you look incredibly stupid.

                FFX1, if anything, refers to the FFX game that wasn't a bunch of doll models with guns, but rather action figures with swords.

                The online game is called FFXI. Period.



                • #9
                  Re: ffx1 battle systems

                  Originally posted by Feba View Post
                  ok, it's FFX*I*

                  They put it there for a reason. It means one. X means ten. X+I=XI=11

                  They werent' just putting letters around, IT MEANS SOMETHING. By mixing the two up you look like you're trying to speak romglish or some shit, and you look incredibly stupid.

                  FFX1, if anything, refers to the FFX game that wasn't a bunch of doll models with guns, but rather action figures with swords.

                  The online game is called FFXI. Period.

                  ROFL ok....anyways! yea, im not a casual player, but bein forced into a raid 5 times a week sucks, maybe i dont wanna raid that night...well i still have to, and with FFXI i will be able to do it when i want, and i play for like anywhere between 3-10 hours a day, everyday, so i am FAR from a casual player, and i play so much that only MMORPG's can satisfy me :D

                  (P.S. and for the gear goes, yea, in WoW when ur done with the gear all you can do is sell it to a vendor, you can't re-auction it cause its "binded" to you, so that right their is really nice cause you can buy it, and then get ur money back and put that towards your new and improved gear, i LOVE that, and for the end game you can't buy it used to you can tell, in wow, if you want any good gear from 20-60 you have to go into dungeons to get it with 5 people fighting over it)

                  Which FF Character Are You?


                  • #10
                    Re: ffx1 battle systems

                    End-game in FFXI isn't quite so punishing as in WoW. There's "some" gear that's a nightmare to get, it's true, but there's a LOT of really good gear that you can either just buy (and resell if you end up not liking it), or acquire with just a small group on a schedule you set yourself.



                    • #11
                      Re: ffx1 battle systems

                      Hello all, i am new to FFX1 and i know the basics to the game but have not got into the game much and would someone help me out i need more info on the game to keep paying for it like on how to cook, fish, woodwork, and all the lands and stuff and what is better for money WoW or FFX1 i need info on both i just dont know what to play FFX1 or WOW... OH AND WHATS RAID YOU KEEP TAKING ABOUT????????


                      • #12
                        Re: ffx1 battle systems

                        First, it's FFXI. Final Fantasy 11 in Roman numerals. FFX1 makes it sound like you're talking about FFX (Final Fantasy 10, as opposed to FFX-2).

                        Now, with that out of the way, you can start learning about FFXI here:
                        New Player Guide

                        Once you have the basics under your belt, the best place on the net to look for specific information about FFXI is FFXIclopedia. You can find information on virtually everything in the game there, from missions, quests, XP camps, gear, crafting, fishing, etc.

                        What you won't find there is discussions on how to use this information - that's where sites like this come in handy. Take a peek around at the various forums here, each of which is dedicated to a specific topic.



                        • #13
                          Re: ffx1 battle systems

                          Originally posted by un7ouchab1e View Post
                          OH AND WHATS RAID YOU KEEP TAKING ABOUT????????
                          Anything FFXI that is called a "raid" is actually a misuse of the term. There are no raids. You can't walk into any city with a group of friends and just start mass-killing everything you see. That's WoW or other MMORPGs. In FFXI, everyone is a goodie-goodie hero, we aren't allowed to go the elf city and slaughter every man, woman and child.

                          What's referred to as "raid" content here is mostly instancing in both its most primitive and modern forms.

                          First off, there's Dyanmis. A bizzaro dreamworld based on starting cities and certain zones. Here, the bad guys have won and you can bring up to 36 players in to slaughter them all within certain time limits, which can be extended under certain criteria. Lots of cool armor here.

                          Then there's Limbus. Pretty much the same thing, only with 18 people max this time. The zones aren't based on prior ones and the fights are varied. In some cases, parts of it can be farmed with a player duo and they don't have to technically complete the run there. Cool stuff drops here. too.

                          For either, you can only do these every three RL days and there are level/mission requirements to meet before doing them. Only one group can enter a particular Dynamis or Limbus zone at a time.

                          Assault is more like a mission based raid, its truely instanced and doable with 3-6 players. Mission objectives vary from "kill 'em all" to rescue missions, escort quests and all sorts of various things. You earn assault points for sucessfully completing missions and can use these points to buy some nice gear.

                          Besieged is really the only true raid that takes place in the game, but the players don't do the raiding, the beastmen do. In the city of Al'Zahbi lies a great treasure known as the Astral Candescense. Its supposed to inspire and empower people its in the possession of the Empire of Aht'Urghan. The Empire enlists adventurers to protect the city. Hundred of players can participate here, but there are really no special drops to gain unless you somehow manage to slay the megaboss (who usually runs away way before you could). What drops we have seen so far, we have no idea what to do with. Total mystery there.

                          If the AC is protected, the players will be rewarded experience points and Imperial Standing (another point set you can buy stuff with). Addtionally, players are rewarded with an EXP bonus for EXPing in Aht'Urghan zones. If they fail to protect the Astral Candescence, the EXP bonus is lost and players must retrieve the AC from the hands of the beastmen. After fufilling special requirements, players will enter a special instanced area we call a BCNM and wear down the beatmen there until they get the AC back.

                          BCNMs are instanced content as well. Over time you will collect coins known as beastmen seals and be able to use them toward special fights for varied rewards. Kindred Seals are also used for this purpose. The BCNMs are for 3 or 6 players, KSNMs you can have an alliance sometimes. Aht'Urghan also as a version of this called ISNM, which you spend your Imperial standing to do the fights here are again for 3 to 6 players.

                          Finally there are zones we call Sky and Sea. You're basically just farming for items to summon gods with here, then you kill those gods for cool stuff. Not really a raid, more like a scheduled beating.


                          • #14
                            Re: ffx1 battle systems

                            Thank you, for all your help now all i need to know is what i could get more fun out of FFXI or WOW i just cant mack up my mind


                            • #15
                              Re: ffx1 battle systems

                              as a correction to kitten. dynamis isn't 36 people to enter. only 3 of the dynamis zones ar 36. 6 of them are 64 people and 1 of the zones is 18 people.

