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Worth of buying?

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  • Worth of buying?

    I´ve thinked about buying a Montly Payment MMORPG for a long time and now i can aford it. I thinked about these MMORPGS: FF XI, LOTRO and WH Age of reckoning, but WH comes to stores Q4/07 so its FFXI vs LOTRO and because i didnt get beta account to LOTRO and there is no Trial to FFXI, i need your help in decission (Well in FFXI forums almost all he answers are FFXI, but anyway) i´d like to see some facts about why to buy the game you think i should buy. Im sure you ppl can help me

    [Edit] Can i get my own airship or ship if i buy the game? What i can do whit my room if i buy the game?
    Last edited by Idzor; 06-27-2006, 04:26 AM.
    Idzor RDM/11
    Ladacroft WAR/9
    Tataki BLM/3

    First is mine, 2nd and 3rd are my brothers.

    Fishing is one of the best things in the game, sadly im a bastoker...

  • #2
    Re: Worth of buying?

    well... I have played LineageII, Runescape(>.<), WoW, Knights online, Aw, NWN, and a whole bunch of others I can't think of... and no matter what, the advancements, graphics, people and fun FFXI brings, never ends.. I always come back. This game is so diverse, you can do almost anything. It has ups, and downs. The only downs I know of are like most mmorpgs..

    slow leveling(at higher levels)
    Cannot solo with all jobs(but a lot)
    Need a good Graphic card
    Economy on some servers are whack

    and I can't think of anything else.... But those are all universal. Most games are like that.
    The positives are...

    Final fantasy(isn't that enough?)
    Able to change jobs
    Ride(and soon raise and race) Chocobos
    Many many armor setups and weapons
    Skill chains/Weapon skills(like a limit move/etc)
    Helpful people
    Crafting in a new way
    tons of quests
    "Fame" levels
    tons of our favorite old magics (fire, blizzard, thunder,FLARE, etc etc)
    Red and Blue mages (personaly why i got it -red mage-)
    Tons of new mobs(Monsters) and some of our old friends (behemoth, Tiamat, )
    Avatars new and old (Ifrit, Rumah(sp), Shiva, Carbuncle, Titan, Diablos, Garuda, Fenrir)
    Artifact armors ( so you look like the chars on FFT and the old FF, Warlock gear for rdm, fighter gear, blm gear like vivi, etc)
    And a ton more I can't think of xD
    Just the fun factor makes this the best.

    So.. i'm not telling you to get it, I'm just presenting my opinion with some facts
    so.. do what you want ^^ if you do join, and want in fenrir server, tell me and I'll help on that

    Have fun and Good luck


    • #3
      Re: Worth of buying?

      Originally posted by Idzor
      Can i get my own airship or ship if i buy the game? What i can do whit my room if i buy the game?
      And what kind of quests FFXI has? Are all something like Kill 50 mosters and u get some xp and nice armor piece? or are there different and fun quests?

      Can i get Squalls eguipment in this game?

      And could someone tell more about crafting?

      Cant wait for new replies, please reply

      [edit] added more questions and repaired text
      Last edited by Idzor; 06-27-2006, 04:51 AM.
      Idzor RDM/11
      Ladacroft WAR/9
      Tataki BLM/3

      First is mine, 2nd and 3rd are my brothers.

      Fishing is one of the best things in the game, sadly im a bastoker...


      • #4
        Re: Worth of buying?

        Blaez put it in a pretty good and advertising way ^^b

        Also remember that you are dealing with real people in FFXI. You'll run into nice friendly players and also some retard rude anti-social ones. Just normal
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          Re: Worth of buying?

          No, you cannot have your own airship, but in years come.. who knows! i'd pay 20$ real dollars to get my own damn airship. even if it was a 6 passanger ship.

          quests? holy manoly, anything u name it. "get me three rabit hides" "Slay these orc" "Save this girl" "get me this" there is a quest of almost anything.. its amazing.. one of my favorite is the selbina clay quest. You get pieces of clay and you have to put them on these rocks to record the hyropglyphics and take them back. Nice gil and nice walks ^^ LONG tho

          conquest missions are the best. It tells the storyline.. and if u complete most of them.. you get to fight Shadowlord (DUN DUN DUN) ^.^b haha
          whom i still need to fight.. i want to try to solo him xD

          erhm.. *cough* anyways, Reply, keep asking questions ^^


          • #6
            Re: Worth of buying?

            Originally posted by Jei
            Blaez put it in a pretty good and advertising way ^^b

            Also remember that you are dealing with real people in FFXI. You'll run into nice friendly players and also some retard rude anti-social ones. Just normal
            Yes he did, and i know that ´cause i´ve playd MMORPGS about 2 years (free and private servers) And im quite sure i buy this game and maybe change to lotro if i dont like this. I readed somewhere that heres some 30 day trial to friend, would be great if i could get some more information and that trial (<--- My favorite smiley)
            Idzor RDM/11
            Ladacroft WAR/9
            Tataki BLM/3

            First is mine, 2nd and 3rd are my brothers.

            Fishing is one of the best things in the game, sadly im a bastoker...


            • #7
              Re: Worth of buying?

              yeah when you buy it, you suposedly get the first 30 days free, ive yet to figure how to do that with any mmorpg ^^ keep asking ?'s tho! if u have any


              • #8
                Re: Worth of buying?

                Originally posted by Blaez
                No, you cannot have your own airship, but in years come.. who knows! i'd pay 20$ real dollars to get my own damn airship. even if it was a 6 passanger ship.

                quests? holy manoly, anything u name it. "get me three rabit hides" "Slay these orc" "Save this girl" "get me this" there is a quest of almost anything.. its amazing.. one of my favorite is the selbina clay quest. You get pieces of clay and you have to put them on these rocks to record the hyropglyphics and take them back. Nice gil and nice walks ^^ LONG tho

                conquest missions are the best. It tells the storyline.. and if u complete most of them.. you get to fight Shadowlord (DUN DUN DUN) ^.^b haha
                whom i still need to fight.. i want to try to solo him xD

                erhm.. *cough* anyways, Reply, keep asking questions ^^
                Thank you for answering so quick, sad that cant get airships i could pay 50$ for 1. And its great that this game has Storyline! I loved that in Guild Wars and FF Storys are so great!
                Some more questions:
                Can i get Squalls eguipment in FFXI?
                Easy to get Chocobo?
                How much World Pass costs?
                Should i get newest expansion with that Game+2 expansions pack?
                Idzor RDM/11
                Ladacroft WAR/9
                Tataki BLM/3

                First is mine, 2nd and 3rd are my brothers.

                Fishing is one of the best things in the game, sadly im a bastoker...


                • #9
                  Re: Worth of buying?

                  Originally posted by Idzor
                  Can i get my own airship or ship if i buy the game?
                  Nope. You eventually get an Airship Pass (there are actually 2 different ones for different areas), which lets you ride the airship from Jeuno to other cities for 200 gil per ride. It's kind of like a bus.
                  Originally posted by Idzor
                  What i can do whit my room if i buy the game?
                  Clean it! There's lots of different furniture you can put in your Mog House, which all give different effects. Some people furnish for looks, some people furnish for the effects. My Mog House looks stupid because it's full of one kind of stool, but I get a really helpful crafting bonus from it.
                  Originally posted by Idzor
                  And what kind of quests FFXI has? Are all something like Kill 50 mosters and u get some xp and nice armor piece? or are there different and fun quests?
                  You don't get XP from quests (with something like two exceptions). Some of them involve running back and forth between NPCs, some of them involve killing mobs for a certain item, or going to a specific place, or finding an item any way you can, etc. There are only a handful of missions/quests that I know of where you have to kill a certain number of monsters, and most players won't do most of those because they're very specific.
                  Originally posted by Idzor
                  Can i get Squalls eguipment in this game?
                  Originally posted by Idzor
                  And could someone tell more about crafting?
                  Crafting involves using crystals with ingredients to make new items. For example, a fire cyrstal plus four copper ores makes a copper ingot, which is an ingredient in other recipes. You have a chance to succeed, fail, or (on most recipes) make a High Quality (HQ) result. If your skill level is far below the recipe's cap, chances are you're going to fail. If it's near the cap, or far over it, chances are you'll succeed.
                  Originally posted by Idzor
                  Cant wait for new replies, please reply
                  It's a forum, not a chat room. People will reply when they reply.
                  Ellipses on Fenrir
                  There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                  . . .


                  • #10
                    Re: Worth of buying?

                    Damn! i´d love using Squalls eguipment ;(
                    Idzor RDM/11
                    Ladacroft WAR/9
                    Tataki BLM/3

                    First is mine, 2nd and 3rd are my brothers.

                    Fishing is one of the best things in the game, sadly im a bastoker...


                    • #11
                      Re: Worth of buying?

                      ha yes and I would love to have the bustersword and ultima weapon(ff9) but unfortunantly, those arn't in game. Those weapons and such are specifac to those games (just like you dont see a gunblade in 9 nor a two bladed dagger/sword in 10 etc)

                      but yes, if you have any questions just ask, I'll try to reply asap


                      • #12
                        Re: Worth of buying?

                        To get a Chocobo License, you need to be level 20. The quest for it involves turning in four Gausebit Grasses in Jeuno (the central city; you can't start there, but most people "move" there after level 20ish) over the course of several hours. It's not difficult at all, it just takes time and money. Note that this just lets you rent Chocobos from Chocobo Stables, not get your own personal bird. No one knows how to raise your own Chocobo yet, because that's coming in the next update.

                        World Passes cost anywhere from 1000 to 3000 gil, depending on the server. The price fluctuates depending on (I think) server population and how many World Passes are being bought. Note that, unless you pay back someone for buying you a WP, you don't buy your own WP. You have to be on a server to buy a WP to it, so if you want on a specific server, you need to convince someone on there to get one for you (which is easy to do).

                        I would say get the Vana'diel Collection (game +2 expansions), just because it's easier and probably cheaper than buying the PC version plus the one other expansion separately (PC version included the first expansion to begin with). If you like it, get the lastest expansion. There's basically nothing in the new expansion for low-level players, so it doesn't make a lot of sense to buy it if you're not going to keep playing.
                        Ellipses on Fenrir
                        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                        . . .


                        • #13
                          Re: Worth of buying?

                          We have Ultima Weapon as enemy tho
                          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                          - Pablo Picasso


                          • #14
                            Re: Worth of buying?

                            Yes, My answer is Final Fantasy XI but mainly because of the community. When i got on i had no idea what i was doing... I went into south bastok started fighting monsters and joined a party. When I was in there party they didnt offer me gil or Items, but they told me so much i needed to know to be a RDM. Thats why I think you shpould play Final Fantasy XI

                            FFXI Info:

                            Race: TaruTaru
                            Job: RDM/32,BLM/15
                            Server: Kujata
                            Skills: 86/87


                            • #15
                              Re: Worth of buying?

                              I heard that when u buy FFXI u get 30day trial to give to your friend, is that true and if its, could some1 give me 1? Thanks for your help, im quite sure im going to buy this, but trial would be nice.
                              Idzor RDM/11
                              Ladacroft WAR/9
                              Tataki BLM/3

                              First is mine, 2nd and 3rd are my brothers.

                              Fishing is one of the best things in the game, sadly im a bastoker...

